Title: Anybody Here Seen Kelly?
Author: James C. Bradford
Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheets, 1928
Format: Cue sheet
Document type: Cue sheet
All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford
OCLC Number:
- At screening: “Has Anybody Here Seen Kelly” by Harms
- France: “Yankee Doodle Boy” by Cohan
- Jeanette, I want to give you a picture: “The Rose of No. Man’s Land” by Caddigan
- Kelly and girls enter: “Burlesque on ‘Home Sweet Home’” by Kempinski
- You must come to America and be my wife: “K-K-K-Katy” by O’Hara
- Jeanette appears on stairs: “When Yankee Doodle Learns of Parlez Vous Francais” by Nelson
- Kelly enters room—sees Jeanette weeping: THEME, “Douce Fievre” by Y’Ener
- I’m such a famous man: “The Blarney Stone” by Engleman
- Mother enters: “Animal Cartoonix No. 2” by Aborn
- Tomorrow we entrain for home: “Home Sweet Home”
- Close-up of Jeanette: “I’m On My Way Home” by Berlin
- With the passing months: “Repeat Theme No. 7
- Officer on ship blows whistle: “Sarabande Perpetuelle” by Bradford
- Hand placed on her shoulder: “Hunkatin” by Levy
- Jeanette standing in park: “My New York” by Berlin
- Can’t you see this is: Repeat Theme No. 7
- Jeanette speaks to man: Repeat No. 1 “Has Anybody Here Seen Kelly”
- Jeanette sees Kelly: “Mon Homme” by Yvain
- Dublin flats: “Mrs. Casey” by Hoschna
- Jeanette scrubbing window: Repeat Theme No. 7
- Jeanette kisses Kelly: Repeat No. 18 “Mon Homme”
- Kelly at wash stand: “Nellie Kelly I Love You” by Cohan
- Kelly sees prayer book: “Eilm Theme No. 7” by Roberts
- Jeanette hurries into kitchen: “Lucky in Love” by Hendersson
- Family row across court: “Spring Cleaning” by Bardford
- Marriage is like that: Repeat Theme No. 7
- Jeanette writing: Repeat No. 1 “Has Anybody Here Seen Kelly”
- Inspector appears: “Repeat No. 14 “Hunkatin”
- Jeanette ducks under his arm: “Gigue” by Bradford
- Insert—writing paper: “Mon Homme” by Yvain
- Kelly enters: “Repeat No. 1 “Has Anybody Here Seen Kelly”
- Insert—Do your feet hurt?: Repeat No. 30 “Mon Homme”
- Jeanette in room alone, very sad: Repeat Theme No. 7
- Knock at door: “Who’s Who?” by Morris
- How long do you think: “The Seething Mod” by Varnier
- Kelly sets for final knock-out: “Big Boy” by Ager
- Kelly picks up ring: “Dawn” by Savino
- Jeanette enters office: Repeat No. 14 “Hunkatin”
- They’re deporting your girl: “Hurry No. 33” by Minot
- Are you Jeanette: Repeat No. 1 “Has Anybody Here Seen Kelly”
Notes: Cues transcribed by James Doering
Source: Carl Braun Collection
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