I Wonder What’s Become Of Sally?

Title: I Wonder What’s Become Of Sally?

Author: Jack Yellen, Milton Ager

Publisher: New York – Ager, Yellen, Bornstein Inc., 1924

Series: N/A

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Jack Yellen (lyrics), Milton Ager (music)

OCLC Number:


Notes: Handwritten text noted in center of front cover page; for voice, piano/ukelele (in D)

Source: Heather Nadeau Collection


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She Don’t Wanna

Title: She Don’t Wanna

Author: Jack Yellen, Milton Ager

Publisher: New York – Ager, Yellen & Bornstein, Inc., 1927

Series: N/A

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Jack Yellen (lyrics), Milton Ager (music), May Singhi Breen (arranger, ukulele)

OCLC Number:


Notes: Handwritten text noted center right of front cover page; for solo voice, piano/ukulele (in D, 3rd fret capo)

Source: Heather Nadeau Collection


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Big Boy!

Title: Big Boy!

Author: Jack Yellen, Milton Ager

Publisher: New York – Ager, Yellen, & Bornstein, Inc., 1924

Series: N/A

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Jack Yellen (lyrics), Milton Ager (music), May Singhi Breen (arranger, ukulele)

OCLC Number:


Notes: for solo voice, piano/ukulele (in D)

Source: Heather Nadeau Collection


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Is She My Girl-Friend? (How-de-ow-dow!)

Title: Is She My Girl-Friend? (How-de-ow-dow!)

Author: Jack Yellen, Milton Ager

Publisher: New York – Ager, Yellen & Bornstein, Inc., 1927

Series: N/A

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Jack Yellen (lyrics), Milton Ager (composer), May Singhi Breen (arranger, ukulele)

OCLC Number: N/A

Contents: N/A

Notes: For solo voice and piano/ukulele (in D w/ capo on 1st fret)/Banjo (in D w/ capo on 1st fret)

Source: Heather Nadeau Collection

SFSMA ID: iYfrd8qwkS

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