Title: Stop That Man
Author: James C. Bradford
Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928
Format: Cue Sheet
Document type: Cue Sheet
All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford
OCLC Number:
- At Screening: “Happy Go Lucky” by Kaufman
- Dedicated To: “A Rustic Race” by Finck
- Headquarters: POLICE THEME “A Frivilous Patrol” by Goublier
- Tommy Making Beds: “Dew-Dew-Dewy Day” by Johnson
- Vision of Himself As Policeman: “Film Theme No.37” by Kilenyi
- Vision Fade-Out: “Flocons de Neige” by Bradford
- Two Brothers Enter: “Funny Faces” by Ring-Hager
- Morning, The Only Thing: “Chicago” by Fisher
- Muriel On Street: “La Coquette” by Onivas
- The Blue Lagoon: “Blue Baby” by Klages
- Café Scene: “Humoreskimo” by Wendling
- Muriel In Cab With man: “Comedy Excitement” by Zamecnik
- Oh! Officer, You Saved Me: “He’s A Ladies’ Man” by Henderson
- Sylvaine At Door Of Mansion: “Comedy Capers” by Steele
- Sylavaine Closes Door: LOVE THEME “Baby and Me” by Don Bestor
- Who Takes Care of The House: “Elopement” by Carrozzini
- I Think Your Brother Bill Is Wonderful: “Nymphs Frolic” by Bradford
- Bill Chases Tommy: “Jocoso” by Finck
- We’ll Find a Clue: Repeat Police Theme No.3
- Flash-Back To Muriel And Tommy: Repeat Love Theme No.15
- I Have No Desire To See Him: “Burlesque on Lange’s Flower Song” by Kempinski
- I Want To See Bill At Once: Repeat Police Theme No.3
- That Kid Playing Cop: “Rustic Caprice” by St. Clair
- All My Life I Wanted: “Honey Bunch” by Friend
- Tommy Is Determined: “Gigue” by Bradford
- Wotcha Trying To Do: “Who’s Who?” by Morris
- Tommy Starts To Sing: “The Prisoner’s Song” by Massey
- Go On Home: “Hunkatin” by Levy
- Police Headquarters: Repeat Police Theme No.3
- Muriel and Tommy: “Here I Am” by Henderson
- They Rush From House: “Zip” by Frey
- Is It Safe Here?: “Comic Misterioso” by Berge
- Hammer Falls: “Joyful Hurry No.1” by Baron
- Don’t Be Foolish, Kid: “The Aeroplane” by Ring-Hager
- Police Headquarters: Repeat Police Theme No.3
- Flash-Back To Tommy: “Aeroplane Galop” by Lamothe
- You Sure Are Wonderful: Repeat Love Theme No.15
Source: Carl Braun Collection
SFSMA ID: 6MJcSe5y5q
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