Title: The Dawn of Tomorrow
Author: James C. Bradford
Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheets, 1915
Format: Cue sheet
Document type: Cue sheet
All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford
OCLC Number:
- At Screening: Chant Erotique by Berge
- Apple Blossom Court: Told in Yodels by Van Dyke
- The Home of Sir Oliver Holt: Sounds from England by Langey
- Twenty Steps From: Melancolie by Granier
- Are You Going To Do It?: Marionettes by Byford
- “The Dandy”: Prelude by Jarnfelt
- Tell the Head Waiter: Spring Blossoms by Hersom
- Polly: Memories by Kussner
- Arthur Holt: Moonlight Shadows by Baron
- Just Look At Us: THEME: Love Song by Wright
- The Dandy Makes a Preliminary: Aubade Printaniere by Lacombe
- Door to Saloon: Dramatic Allegro by Savino
- Woman Placed on Bed: Praeludium by Chopin
- Suddenly the Dreary Yesterday: Little Flower Girl by Breil
- In Apple Blossom Court: Poupee Valsante by Poldini
- Dandy in Doorway: Repeat No. 11, “Aubade Printaniere”
- Sir Oliver and Clergyman: Elegie by Lubomirsky
- Glad Enters Hallway: Vanity by Jackson
- Glad Stops Dancing: Tragic Andante by Savino
- Madge My Dear: L’Encore by Herbert
- Dandy In Room Playing With Child: Air de Ballet by Massenet
- Dandy Grabs Glad by Wrist: Poeme Symphonique by Borch
- He’s Coming Back: Chant D’Amour by Frommel
- Dark Scene – Crooks at Window of Shop: Mysterioso Furioso by Langey
- Dandy and Sir Oliver On Street: Repeat No 11, “Aubade Printaniere”
- Flash-Back to Antique Shop: Inspiration by Edwards
- Scotland Yard: Allegro Misterioso Notturno by Borch
- Glad at Table: Agitato No. 84 by Berge
- Dandy Enters Room Through Window: Repeat Theme No. 10
- Officer On Roof: Misterioso No. 16 by Langey
- Officers Walk Down Stairs: Allegro Agitato by Savino
- Glad Enters Holt’s Apartment: Dramatic Andante by Rapee-Axt
- Holt Attacks Glad: Repeat No. 12, “Dramatic Allegro”
- Sir Oliver Enters Room: Adoration by Borowsky
- Fer a Swell: Repeat Theme No. 10
Notes: Cues transcribed by Mariana Whitmer.
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