George Washington, Jr.

Title: George Washington, Jr.

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheets, 1924


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: Historical Medley by Cohan
  2. Eaton Ham: Whistling Rufus by Mills
  3. The Water Carnival: Captain Cupid by Bratton
  4. The Next Race Will Be: Aces High by Boulton
  5. Hopkins Won: THEME: Yankee Doodle Boy by Cohan
  6. Flash-Back Pool: My Little Billiken by Lotter
  7. “Count” Gorfa: Midsummer by Maquarre
  8. During the Next Few Weeks: The Voice In My Heart by Cohan
  9. Robert Leaves Dolly: Poem Symphonique by Borch
  10. While In a District: Conspiracy by Savino
  11. Eaton Ham: A Warmin’ Up in Dixie by Paull
  12. Dolly and George Enter Room: Scherzetto-Symphonette by Berge
  13. The Representatives of the Press: Valse a la Mode by MacClure
  14. George Speaks to Reporters: Bohemiana by Smith
  15. Fade-In Vision of Cherry Tree Incident: Repeat Theme No. 5 “Yankee Doodle Boy”
  16. Dad and I Have: Midinette by Marling
  17. Disowning One’s Dad: Aurora by von der Mehden
  18. The Night of the Wedding: Why Not by Gandria
  19. “Count” Gorfa Enters Taxi: Intermezzo by Arensky
  20. Guests Arrive: Kiss-A-Miss by Baron
  21. 1674 Madison Street: Busy Bee by Bendix
  22. “Count” Gorfa Enters Gathering: Repeat No. 10 “Conspiracy”
  23. George With Fake Whiskers: Humpty Dumpty’s Funeral March by Brandies
  24. Whiskers Catch Fire: Hurry No. 26 by Minot
  25. George Tied to Chair: Fuga by Gabriel Marie
  26. Falls Through Trap Door: Carnival Grotesque by Savino
  27. They Discover George: Furioso No. 11 by Kiefert
  28. General Fight Starts: Hurry No. 4 by Langey
  29. Bridal Procession: Bridal Chorus by Wagner
  30. Procession Stops Before Minister: Woodland Whispers by Czibulka
  31. Dad That Was A Great: Repeat Theme No. 5 “Yankee Doodle Boy”

Notes: Cues transcribed by Mariana Whitmer.

Source: Silent Film Collection, Claire Hamack materials, American Music Research Center, University of Colorado at Boulder

SFSMA ID: 0WcZlzzObw

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