The Heart of a Follies Girl

Title: The Heart of a Follies Girl

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Princess Pat Selection” by Herbert
  2. New York Is A City: ROGER THEME “Forget Me Not” by Macbeth
  3. Chauffeur Slams Door On Roger’s Foot: “Sarabande Perpetuelle” by Bradford
  4. Roger Picks Up Box of Flowers: Repeat Roger Theme No.2
  5. The Ballyhoo of Broadway: “Strawberries” by Kaufman
  6. The Main Attraction: “My New York” by Berlin
  7. Girls Enter Dressing Room: TEDDY THEME “Love Song” by Wright
  8. Derek Enters Theatre: “Chianti” by Friml
  9. Derek Enters Dressing Room: “When A Maid Comes Knocking At Your Heart” by Friml
  10. Café Dancing Scene: “Dawning” by Silver
  11. One O’Clock: “I’m Falling In Love With Someone” by Herbert
  12. Dial of Clock At Two: LOVE THEME “Dawn” by Savino
  13. Youth and Love: “Your Love Is All” by Zamecnik
  14. So Derek Went Away: “Polly” by Zamecnik
  15. Derek Appears Again: “Life and Love” by Herbert
  16. Derek Picks Up Photograph: Repeat Love Theme No.12
  17. Derek Changes Expression: “Prolouge” by Sommer
  18. Teddy and Florine Always Wake Up: “Nola” by Arndt
  19. Derek Telephoning: Repeat Love Theme No.12
  20. The Old, Old Story: “I’m Away From The World When I’m Away From You” by Pollack
  21. Roger Twirling Bracelet: Repeat Roger Theme No.2
  22. Car Drives Up To Curb: “Appassionata” by Clutsam
  23. Teddy Leaves—Roger Pushes Button: Repeat Roger Theme No.2
  24. If I’d Only Known: “Adventure d’Amour” by Bradford
  25. Derek Enters Room: “Dramatic Appassionato” by Ciganeri
  26. I’m A Thief: “Grand Appassionato” by Becce
  27. Roger At Desk—Opens Letter: “Dante’s Inferno” by Borch
  28. Stage of Follies: Repeat No.6 “My New York”
  29. Roger and Detective Enter Dressing Room: “Appassionato in A Minor” by Savino
  30. So The Law Took Its Course: “I Love You Truly” by Bond
  31. New Year’s Eve: “Just A Wearyin’ For You” by Bond
  32. Roger Enters Dressing Room: “Remorse” by Zamecnik
  33. Teddy Enters Apartment: “All Alone” by Berlin
  34. Derek At Door: “Rhythmic Misterioso” by Damesek
  35. No, I Escaped: “Agitated Appassionato” by Kilenyi
  36. Change For Lapse Of Time: “Bimbo Morente” by Culotta
  37. Police Headquarters: Repeat Love Theme No.12

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: 0a6sy1cnn9

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