
Title: Rose-Marie

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: Play 3rd and 4th Movements of “Rose Marie” Selection by Harms
  2. On the Edge Of: Play first 25 bars of “Rose Marie” Selection by Harms
  3. Sergeant Terrance Malone: Play “Hard Boiled Herman” from “Rose Marie” by Harms (YELLOW)
  4. The Village Owed: Repeat No.2 “Rose Marie” Selection
  5. Exterior Scene After Duray Throws Fur On Floor: Play “Rose Marie, I Love You” from “Rose Marie” by Harms (WHITE)
  6. Malone Grabs Rose Marie: Repeat No.3 (YELLOW)
  7. Rose Marie Hops Down From Wagon—Goes Into Garden: Repeat No.5 (WHITE)
  8. Rose Marie Breaks Out of Embrace After Subtitle “IWANT AN ANSWER”: “Sarasa” by Valverda
  9. Rose Marie Pushes Her Way Through Crowd: Play “Door of My Dreams” from “Rose Marie” by Harms (LT. GREEN)
  10. Interior After Close-Up of Malone Nodding Head Bitterly: Repeat No.8 “Sarasa”
  11. Second Time Polly Moran Is Hit With Baskey: “A.B.C. Dram. Set No.7-B2” by Luz
  12. Malone Shows At Fence After Crowd Exits From Door: Repeat No.9 (LT. GREEN)
  13. Fade-Out After Rose Marie Makes Faces At Malone: Angelus Bell by Drummer or Organist
  14. One Scene of Bell Ringing: “Douce Rencontre” by Gabriel Marie
  15. Rose Marie Exits From Room To Bedroom: “Regrets” by Kempinski
  16. Rose Marie Exits To Left Through Door: “Dragon-Flies” by Stafford
  17. Don’ Fear This So Big Barbarian: Repeat No.3 (YELLOW)
  18. Malone Takes Letter—Starts To Read It: “A.B.C. Dram. Set No.7-A1” by Luz
  19. Malone Talks To Constable: Repeat No.3 (YELLOW)
  20. Constable Exits From Room: Repeat No.18 “A.B.C. Dram. Set No.7-A1”
  21. Winter Still Lingered: “Cocheco” by Reeves (Introd.)
  22. Group on Porch—Man Runs Up Road To Them: “Venetian Barcarolle” by Golden
  23. Always The Spring Voyage: “Merry Chase” by Fassunge
  24. Canoes Beaching—Trappers Getting Out: “Ninette” by Christine
  25. Rose Marie At Canoe—Trapper Walks On To Her: “Constance” by Golden
  26. In A Twinkling: “Bacchanale de Montmartre” by Ketelbey
  27. Exterior Of Church—Pastor Greeting Parrishioners: Repeat No.25 “Constance”
  28. Church Bell When Rose Marie Is Seen Lying On Ground Fighting Kenyon: Church Bell by Drummer
  29. One Scene: “Sans Sommeil” by Whitol
  30. Rose Marie Gets Up and Walks Up Path: Repeat No.21 “Cocheco”
  31. Evening Brought: Play “Totem Tom Tom” from “Rose Marie” by Harms
  32. Black Bastien Bites Girl’s Toe: “Dame e Cavalieri” by Frontini
  33. Cornet Player Stops—Exterior Scene: “Incid. Symphony No.7” by Kempinski
  34. It’s All Very Tiring: “Death of a Great Red Warrior” by Riesenfeld
  35. From What They Say: “Cocheco” by Reeves
  36. Tom Tom as Rose Marie Hears Something: Repeat No.31 (BROWN)
  37. Long Shot of Riotous Dancing To Kenyon Approaching Porch Through Trees: “Recompense d’Amour” by Kempinski
  38. Rose Marie Starts To Walk Away From Post: “Recompense d’Amour” by Kempinski
  39. And There You Have It: Repeat No.5 (WHITE)
  40. Reason? Maybe Because: Repeat No.33 “Incid. Symphony No.7”
  41. So It’s You: Repeat No.31 (BROWN)
  42. Long Shot of Street After Subtitle “MALONE”: Repeat No.33 “Incid. Symphony No.7”
  43. Not So Fast, Kenyon: “Mysterioso No.1” by Luz
  44. Silhouette Of Dagger Striking Constable In Back: Repeat No.33 “Incid. Symphony No.7”
  45. Fade-Out To Inquest Insert: “Love’s Ecstasy” by McElwain
  46. Etienne Enters Room—Speaks To Coroner: Repeat No.9 (LT. GREEN)
  47. Street Scene: “A.B.C. Dram. Set No.7-A1” by Luz (Slow)
  48. They Got One: “Anguish of Soul” by Eggert
  49. Fade-Out After Dead Man’s Face Shows: “Anguish of Soul” by Eggert (From No.3)
  50. Kenyon Lying On Ground Awakes and Begins To Rise: Repeat No.5 (WHITE)
  51. Tell Me, Is It True: “Imprecations” by Baron
  52. Indian Brave Shows On Hillside: Play “Indian Love Call” (DK. GREEN) (Song Orch. By Russell Bennett)
  53. Indian On Rock Singing After Title “THIS INDIAN BRAVE”: Continue Chorus of No.52
  54. Rose Marie’s Lips Moving After Subtitle “IN ENGLISH IT MEAN”: Church Bells by Drummer
  55. The Angelus: Repeat No.5 (WHITE) (Chorus Only)
  56. Many A Weary Mile: Repeat No.48: “Anguish of Soul” (from beginning)
  57. Fade-Out After Title “TAKE HIM BACK TO POST, DURAY”: Repeat No.49 “Anguish of Soul” (From No.3)
  58. Rose Marie Talks to Indian: Repeat No.5 (WHITE)
  59. Rose Marie and Kenyon in Embrace Before Title “OH, JEAM, JEAM”: “Canzone d’Amour” by Lowitz
  60. Maybe Life Owes Me Something: Repeat No.5 (WHITE)
  61. Fade-Out After Rose Marie Exits From Kenyon: “Ombres d’Automne” by Mayne
  62. Night, The Looming Mountain: Repeat No.5 (WHITE)
  63. Exterior of Rose Marie’s Home—Etienne Comes Down Sidewalk Towards Gate: “Coeur Meurtri” by Gabriel Marie
  64. Rose Marie Puts Right Hand To Her Ear and Sings After Title “I MARRY YOU ETIENNE”: Play “Indian Love Call” from “Rose Marie” by Harms (DR. GREEN)
  65. End Of Rose Marie Singing—Etienne Puts Hand In Air: “Recompense d’Amour” by Kempinski
  66. Fade-Out of Rose Marie Looking Over Etienne’s Shoulder To Wedding Scene: “Recompense d’Amour” by Kempinski
  67. Long Shot of Large Group of People At River Bank: Repeat No.9 (LT. GREEN)
  68. In The Upper Lakes: “Cocheco” by Reeves
  69. At The Lower End of The Island: “Appassionato Dramatico” by Berge
  70. Kenyon Stands Up and Calls—Drops His Hand To Side—Ice Churns Through Channel: “Incid. Symphony No.19” by Schertzinger
  71. Etienne Rescued From Ice Flood: “Dreams” by Crist
  72. Horse Gazing In Brush: Repeat No.43 “Mysterioso No.1”
  73. Black Bastien Exits From Scene After He Feels His Sore Shoulder: “A.B.C. Dram. Set No.4-B2” by Luz
  74. And It Was To Save You: Repeat No.5 (WHITE)
  75. Door Bolt Moves: “Incid. Symphony No.15” by Thomas
  76. I—Forgot—You Didn’t Know: Repeat No.5 (WHITE)
  77. Malone Smiles and Exits to Left From Rose Marie: “Prelude in G Minor” by Rachmaninoff
  78. Rose Marie Putting Up Blanket Closing Door: “Mysterioso No.1” by Luz

SEGUE: “Superstition” by Varnier

  1. Rose Marie Enters Through Blanketed Door: “Cocheco” by Reeves
  2. Frying Pan of Food On Fire: “Grand Appassionato” by Becce
  3. Malone Standing With Drawn Knife At Window—Door Latch Moves: “Mysterioso No.1” by Luz

SEGUE: “Symphonic Incidentals No.3” by Marquardt

  1. Malone Lifting Rock To Window: “Agitated Appassionato” by Kilenyi
  2. Rose Marie Starting To Rise To Her Feet: “Incid. Symphony No.19” by Schertzinger
  3. Knife Hits Black Bastien In Back: “Cocheco” by Reeves
  4. Several Nights Later: Repeat No.5 (WHITE) (Chorus Only)

NOTE: “Rose Marie, I Love You” should not be played slow or Ballad style until use, for Rose Marie and Kenyon. All the color themes are taken out of “Rose Marie” Selection published by T.B. Harms Co. “Incid. Symphony No.7” should always be played in Moderato tempo—1st strain only.

The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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