Title: PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1: Dramatic and Pathetics
Author: Belwin, Inc.
Publisher: New York: Belwin, 1925
Series: PianOrgaN film books of incidental music
Format: Sheet music
Document type: Musical score
All authors/contributors: Paul Vely, James C. Bradford, Gaston Borch, N. Ciganeri, Chas. K. Herbert, Pauline Pement
OCLC Number: 761197680
Contents: 1. Pathetic Andante by Vely
2. Appassionato Patetico by Bradford
3. Andante Pathetique by Borch
4. Lamentoso by Borch
5. Dramatic Appassionato by Cigneri
6. The Melody of the Bell by Herbert
7. Dramatic Narrative by Pement
Notes: for piano and organ
Source: Greg Breed
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