Title: Oh Kay
Author: Eugene Conte
Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928
Format: Cue Sheet
Document type: Cue Sheet
All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte
OCLC Number:
- At Screening: Play “Oh Kay” by Gershwin (Harms)
- It Was Tag Day: “Down The Stretch” by Balfmoor
- Rutfield Hall: “Cute and Cunnin’” by Kempinski
- Bragott Who Is My: “Ripples” by Lowitz
- Lady Kay Leaves House: “En Mer” by Holmes
- The Sea Had Begun: “Storm Music” by Ketelbey
- Lucky For Kay: “Fourteen Fathoms Deep” by Lake
- Destination: “Heave Ho” by Copping
- Mate Leaves Lady Kay: “Characteristic No.1” by Roberts
- You Look Dumb: “Two In A Bar” by Copping
- Off Long Island: “Third Misterioso a la Valse” by Savino
- Lady Kay in Bathing Suit: “Grotesque Comedy” by Zamecnik
- The First House on the Right: “Hidden Perils” by Varnier
- You May Return to Town: Repeat No.12 “Grotesque Comedy”
- Kay Found America: “Distress” by Breil
- Fade To Interior of House: “Prelude to ‘Parlor Comedy’” by Baron
- Exterior of House: “Omens” by Schad
- Revenue Officer Leaves Jimmie and Lady Kay: “Cherro” by Finck
- Revenue Officer Enters: Play “Fidgety Feet from ‘Oh Kay’” by Harms
- Revenue Officer Leaves Again: “Gigue” by Bradford
- After A Hard Night: “The Mischief Makers” by Carbonara
- Jimmie Starts To Call Across Room: Play “Do-Do-Do from ‘Oh Kay’” by Harms
- Revenue Officer Enters: Repeat No.17 “Omens”
- Lady Kay Enters: Repeat No.19 “Fidgety Feet”
- Where Did You Get That Dress?: “Frivolities” by Carbonara
- Auto Scene: “Potato Bug Parade” by Cobb
- What Are You Maniacs: “The Jesters” by Carbonara
- Constance Enters: “Caprice” by Somerville
- Close-Up of Door Knob: “Humoresque” by Mikuliez
- Jimmie and Constance Leave: Repeat No.1 “Oh Kay”
- Exterior Scene: “Tell Me Pretty Maiden” by Stuart
- Lady Kay and Jimmie: Repeat No.1 “Oh Kay”
- Constance and Father Appear: Repeat No.29 “Humoresque”
- Butler Comes Up: “Pattering Feet” by Dreier
- Revenue Officer Appears: Repeat No.27 “The Jesters”
- Exterior Scene: “Paragraphs” by Fall
- Jimmie and Lady Kay Alone: “A Game of Tag” by Trinkaus
- She’s Impossible: Repeat No.27 “The Jesters”
- Constance Eating Soup: “Essence Grotesque” by Lake
SEGUE: “A Ticklish Tale” by Finck
- We’ve Had Enough Of This: Repeat No.27 “The Jesters”
- Exterior Scene: “Wedding Blues” by Friml
- Bridal Procession: “Bridal Chorus from ‘Lohengrin’” by Wagner
- Interior—Butler and Kay: “Carnival Grotesque” by Savino
- Jimmie, You’ve Deceived Us: Repeat No.17 “Omens”
- Relax Folks—The Patrol: “A Gay Lothario” by Bierman
- I’m Not A Revenue Officer: “Marche Mignone” by Poldini
- May I Use Your Telephone?: Repeat No.1 “Oh Kay”
Source: Carl Braun Collection
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