Title: Man Crazy
Author: James C. Bradford
Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheets, 1927
Format: Cue sheet
Document type: Cue sheet
All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford
OCLC Number:
- At screening: Spirit of Youth by Dahlquist
- The Boston post road: Horses by Gay
- Then somebody invented: Cheer Up by Kaufman
- And I’ll wager: Oh Boy, What a Girl by Green
- Here’s to the men: Ain’t We Got Fun by Whiting
- Men leave – Clarissa walks toward Ralph: Air de Ballet by Herbert
- You’ll refuse him: The Chatterbox by Sanders
- Clarissa enters boudoir: Polly by Zamecnik
- Late again: Gavotte Jaqueline by Spitalny
- Clarissa hurries from dining room: Intermezzo by Arensky
- Hello sweetheart: Repeat No. 8 “Polly”
- A penny for your thoughts: THEME: Trail of Dreams by Swan
- Exterior – car leaves: Coasting by Ring-Hager
- Father alights from auto: Fanchonette by Klemm
- Clarissa enters house: Repeat Theme No. 12
- Now mother: Repeat No. 8 “Polly”
- Is Janeway land scared: Scherzando Hurry by Frey
- In a little house near Boston: By the Side of the Road by Pilzer
- Can you keep a secret?: Baby Your Mother by Burke
- Flash-back to Clarissa at mirror: Repeat No. 8 “Polly”
- Clarissa hears “White Streak” approaching: Pins and Needles by Kaufman
- Clarissa receives gift: Repeat Theme No. 12
- What’s the matter: Reflection by Friml
- It’s a funny world: Broken Hearted by Henderson
- So Madam Clarissa: Love’s Acclaim by Andino
- Clarissa standing in window: Repeat No. 24 “Broken Hearted”
- Clarissa and father join guests: Sunrise On the Mountain by Borch
- Guests enter dining room: Norma March by Bellini
- Father rises from seat: Burlesque On Mendelssohn’s and Wagner’s Wedding March by Kempinski
- Ralph rises and walks toward Clarissa: Adventure d’Amour by Bradford
- Auto headlight flash on Clarissa: Treacherous Knave by Zamecnik
- Flash-back to interior of house: Wild Chase by Becce
- Do you mean: Disturbance by Zamecnik
- Clarissa embraces Jeff: Calling by Greer
- Where did you get the rocks: Repeat No. 8 “Polly”
- It had been a long evening: Gossip by Borch
- Car drives up: Rambler Roses by Wheeler
- I know that name: Le Chevalier Printemps by Jacquet
- Are you really going to marry: Repeat Theme No. 12
SFSMA ID: FcH2l0Htdn
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