Title: Lady Be Good
Author: James C. Bradford
Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928
Format: Cue Sheet
Document type: Cue Sheet
All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford
OCLC Number:
- At Screening: “Oh Lady Be Good” by Gershwin (Harms)
- Small Town Vaudeville: “Indiana” by Boldi (E.B. Marks)
- Duck Thrown into Room: “Spring Cleaning” by Bradford (Carl Fischer)
- Stage Manager Leaves Room: THEME “Life and Love” by Herbert (Witmark & Sons)
- Fred Murray: “Fascinating Rhythm” by Gershwin (Harms)
- Mae Madison: “The Same Old Way” by Tierney (Leo Feist)
- Insert—“Lady Be Good”: Repeat No. 5 “Fascinating Rhythm”
- Solo Dancers Appear from Rear Stage: “Magic Love” by Bradford (Sam Fox)
- You’ll Be a Headliner Some Day: “Flapper Dance” by Krueger (Belwin)
- Insert—“Mysterio”: La Peche Valse by Auvray (E.B. Marks)
- Wiz Fires Pop-Gun: “Hello Cutie” by Friend (J.H. Remick)
- Now I’d Like to Borrow Some Stiff Gentleman’s Hat: “Fairy Feet” by Finck (Hawkes & Son)
- Summer: “Chatterbox” by Sanders (G. Schirmer)
- Wiz Walking Down Street: “I’m Walking Around in Circles” by Phillips (Leo Feist)
- Let’s Eat that Fat One: “Frivolities” by Carbonara (Robbins)
- Is That Our Ring?: Repeat Theme No. 4
- Gabby Enters Room: Repeat No. 13 “Chatterbox”
- If I Was As Hungry: “So Am I” by Gershwin (Harms)
- Vision of Banquet: “I’m Sitting on Top of the World” by Henderson (Leo Feist)
- The Café de Paris: “Is She My Girl Friend” by Ager (Ager, Yellen, & Bernstein)
- Wiz Appears in Café: “Big Boy” by Ager (Ager, Yellen, & Bernstein)
- Wiz Recognizes Murray: “So That’s the Kind of a Girl You Are” by Rose (Irving Berlin)
- Wiz Leaves Café: “Ain’t We Got Fun” by Whiting (J.H. Remick)
- Is That Your Wife: “Animal Cartoonix No. 2” by Aborn (Belwin)
- Wiz at Scales: “Are You Happy?” by Ager (Ager, Yellen, & Bernstein)
- After Two Hours: Repeat No. 3 “Spring Cleaning”
- Thirteen Missed Meals: “Mrs. Casey from Bright Eyes” by Hoschna (Witmark)
- Telephone Rings: “Gossip” by Borch (Belwin)
- Wiz Leaving Booking Office with Contract: “Ain’t That a Grand and Glorious Feeling” by Ager (Ager, Yellen, & Bernstein)
- Where’s Mary: “Adventure d’Amour” by Bradford (Robbins)
- Flash to Stage: Repeat No. 5 “Fascinating Rhythm”
- Solo Dancers Appear from Rear Stage: Repeat No. 8 “Magic Love”
- Don’t You Think I Was Great: Repeat Theme No. 4
- No Real Trooper Would: Repeat No. 30 “Adventure d’Amour”
- All Right, If You Don’t Want Me: Repeat Theme No. 4
- Separated and Playing the “Sticks”: “After My Laughter Came Tears” by Tobias (Shapiro Bernstein)
- I’ve Got Something Pretty for You: “I Love Me” by Mahoney (Broadway)
- You’re a Lucky Girl, Mary: “Gigue” by Bradford (Robbins)
- Oh Papa!: “It Had to Be You” by Jones (J.H. Remick)
- Daisy Enters Mary’s Dressing Room: “Fascinatin’ Vamp” by Nussbaum (Sam Fox)
- Wadda You Mean Stealing My Husband: “Gigue” by Gretry-Mottli (Carl Fischer)
- Stranded in a Strange City: “Rain” by Ford (Robbins)
- Wiz in Dressing Room with New Girl Assistant: “Comedy Capers” by Steele (Emil Archer)
- Knock on Door—Mary Enters: “Lonesome and Sorry” by Davis (Henry Waterson)
- Page Knocks on Door: “Smile” by Heywood (Robbins)
- It’s an Offer to Play Palace: “Give My Regards to Broadway” by Cohan (Robbins)
- Do You Have to Leave Now: “Amorous Adventure” by Bradford (Sonnemann)
- Wiz on Stage: Repeat No. 10 “La Peche Valse”
- Wiz Fires Pop-Gun: Repeat Theme No. 4
Source: Carl Braun Collection
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