Hot Stuff

Title: Hot Stuff

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Cameo Music Co., 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


THEME: “I Still Believe In You” by Akst.

  1. At Screening: “Happy” by Cohan
  2. Our Story Opens: “Stephanie Gavotte” by Czibulka
  3. Street Scene: “Get Out & Get Under” by Abrahms
  4. Aunt Enters Room: “Pastime” by Clutsam
  5. Joy Riders Apear: “Razz Berries” by Banta
  6. Friends Ride Away: “Happy Go Lucky” by Kaufman
  7. Madison Junior: “Campus Memories” by Seredy
  8. Babs and Relatives Appear: “Marionette” by Ardnt
  9. Gunning For A Ball of Fire: “Somebody” by Little
  10. Mack Starts Playing Uke: “Nobody’s Fault But Your Own” by Murray
  11. He Stops Playing: “Happy Go Lucky” by Kaufman
  12. I Want You To Meet Babs: “Dolly Dimples” by Alter
  13. At The End of the First Term: “Frat” by Barth
  14. Flash To Babs and Aunt: “Nymphs Frolic” by Bradford
  15. Well Here I Am: “Somebody” by Little
  16. Boys On Steps: “Mother Goose Parade” by Bibo
  17. You Left The Receiver Down: “Spring Cleaning” by Bradford
  18. Bas Starts Victrola: “Black Bottom” by Desylva
  19. Boy Appears At Door: “The Rocking Horse” by Borch
  20. Sandy Leaves Room: “Somebody” by Little
  21. Why Aren’t You Going: THEME
  22. To Mack The Rink Seemed: “Coasting” by Ring Hager
  23. Aunt Appears and Starts To Skate: “I Faw Down” by Brockman
  24. Don’t I Get To Skate With You: THEME
  25. Babs Starts Skating Act: “Black Bottom” by Desylva
  26. Crowd Starts Throwing White Balls At Babs: “Horse Radish” by Ring Hager
  27. Babs Leaves Skating Rink: THEME
  28. Arrives At House: “Three O’Clock In The Morning” by Robledo
  29. Aunt Enters Room: Stephane Gavotte” by Czibulka
  30. The Locker Room: “Somebody” by Little
  31. What Are You Doing In Tuffy’s Car: “Zip” by Frey
  32. Flash To Sky, Storm: “Storm” by Ketelbey
  33. Take Off Your Clothes: “L’Encore” by Herbert
  34. Babs Get Into Your Clothes: “Moto Perpetual” by Lowitz
  35. Sandy’s Tailoring Shop: “Impression Frivole” by Bradford
  36. Sandy If You See Babs Tell Her I’m Sorry: THEME
  37. Girls Enter Babs’ Room: “Mary Theme” by Zamecnik
  38. The Annual Dance: “Glorianna” by Pollack
  39. Enter House: “Aubade Printanier” by Lacome
  40. Stop Acting You’re Not Fooling Me: “Impression Dramatique” by Bradford
  41. It’s All Cold Tea: THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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