Dangerous Age

Title: Dangerous Age

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Cameo Music Publishing Co., 1923


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: Serenade by Drigo
  2. Colored Boy on Street: Cottonfield Capers by O’Hare
  3. Mary Closes Door: Monastery Bells by Roberts
  4. John, You’ll Catch Cold: Bluette by Sanford
  5. A Spring Morning: Dearest One by Blaufuss
  6. Boys Meet at Entrance: A Baby in Love by Goodman
  7. If You’d Put That: Oh That We Two Were Maying by Nevin
  8. Their Next-Door Neighbors: Amerinda by Smith
  9. John Ascends Stairs: THEME: When You’re Away by Herbert
  10. Then Came the Day: Evening Song by Lind
  11. John Picks Up Handkerchief: La Siesta by Norton
  12. After Three Months: Lovely Summertime by Smith
  13. When a Man is Forty: Frivolette by Ring
  14. Review Starts: Fluffy Ruffles by Green
  15. Guests Leave Table to Dance: On the ‘Gin ‘Gin ‘Ginny Shore by Donaldson
  16. Mary At Home – Writing: The Coquette by Johnstone
  17. Street-Auto Drives: Reconciliation by Drigo
  18. John Sees Mary’s Photograph: Repeat Theme No. 9
  19. To John For the First Time: The Race Course by Paull
  20. Race Starts: Whip and Spur by Allen
  21. John and Girl Leave Grandstand: Pixie Pranks by Loud
  22. Girl Walks Toward Tree: Stolen Kisses by Snyder
  23. Fade-In Mary: Dream Shadows by Langey
  24. Flash-Back John Writing: Repeat Theme No. 9
  25. Girl Alone – Boy Friend Enters: I’ll Be Your Valentine by Sloane
  26. John Enters, Sees Lovers: Romance by Frommel
  27. Then Came The: Serenade by Harris
  28. What Is the First Stop?: Hurry No. 22 by Lake
  29. And the Man: Elegie by Barmotine
  30. Under the Quiet: Bridal Chorus by Wagner (Organ)
  31. Bride & Groom at Altar: The Swan by St. Saens
  32. Bride Turns from Altar: Wedding March by Mendelssohn (Organ)
  33. Maid Hands Letter to Mary: Andante Melodioso by Rachmaninoff
  34. My Two Big Boys: Oh, What a Girl Was Mary by Wendling
  35. With the Last Guest Gone: Evensong by Martin
  36. I Wonder If You’re Ashamed: Repeat Theme No. 9

Notes: Handwritten notes. Cues transcribed by Mariana Whitmer.

Source: Silent Film Collection, Claire Hamack materials, American Music Research Center, University of Colorado at Boulder

SFSMA ID: XlHdtzscY2

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