Come To My House

Title: Come To My House

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: THEME – “Did You Mean It?” by Baker
  2. The Surf and Saddie Club: “Whimsical Charms” by Fresco
  3. Two men appear: “Together We Two” by Berlin
  4. Just one more: “Debutante” by Rapee-Axt
  5. Group in motor boat: “Step ON It” by Kaufman
  6. Floyd Bennings: Repeat Theme No. 1
  7. The Barton home: “Mystery Waltz” by Baynes
  8. Olive Borden comes down stairs: Repeat Theme No. 1
  9. Floyd Bennings and Joan are interrupted: “Some Day You’ll Say O.K.” by Donaldson
  10. Where have you children: “Intermezzo Giocoso” by Egener
  11. Joan throws book down: Repeat Theme No. 1
  12. Unfamiliar roads: Repeat Theme No. 1
  13. Second automobile seen: “Who’s Who?” by Morris
  14. Couple enters house: Repeat Theme No. 1
  15. I heard tonight that you: “Appassionato No. 2” by Tyson
  16. Bennings kisses Joan: Repeat Theme No. 1
  17. Change of scene to man waiting in automobile: Repeat No. 13 “Who’s Who?”
  18. Change of scene to Joan sleeping: “Worryin’” by Fairman
  19. Joan answers phone: Repeat No. 13 “Who’s Who?”
  20. Joan hangs up phone: “Love’s Impulse” by Jacquet
  21. Insert – Floyd Bennings: “Good News” by Henderson
  22. Joan enters Bennings apartment: Repeat No. 18 “Worryin’”
  23. Say, somebody, what time: Repeat No. 21 “Good News”
  24. After crowd leaves: “Dramatic Tension No. 6” by Zamecnik
  25. Telephone bell rings: Repeat No. 13 “Who’s Who?”
  26. Don’t worry, Joan dear: “Appassionato Patetico” by Bradford
  27. Joan’s apartment: “Andante Appassionato” by Soro
  28. But it’s true, Douglas: “Love Tragedy” by Savino
  29. Maid opens door for man: “Tragic Andante” by Savino
  30. Days without end: ”The Accuser” by Kav
  31. You may tell your story: “Darkness” by Brunelli
  32. Street seen – newspapers: “A Busy Thoroughfare” by Baron
  33. Change of scene to home: “Devotion” by Deppen
  34. Maid opens door for Bennings: “The Song is Ended” by Berlin
  35. Douglas and Joan enter dining toom: “Extase” by Ganne
  36. Douglas stops Bennings: Repeat No. 20 “Love’s Impulse”
  37. Bennings leaves Douglas: Repeat Theme No. 1

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: Mh1on7J3tF

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