William L. Coale Collection of Theatre Organ Resources: Organists, Music, and Articles

Theatre organ scholar and performer William L. Coale has generously made his numerous databases on theatre organists, sheet music written by theatre organists, information on celebrated film accompanist Gaylord Carter, and articles on film accompaniment from Motion Picture News and other sources. Coale’s scholarly work focuses on theatre organist George Wright; purchase Coale’s 3 volume biography of Wright here and listen to Wright playing here.

The Coale Collection’s Gaylord Carter materials are located here.

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U. S. Theatre Organists of the Golden Age (1915-1935)

Sheet music featuring or written by theatre organists

Misc. articles from “Motion Picture News” 1913-1922

Photoplay Organist and Pianist columns from Melody Magazine (full issues of Melody are available here)

Silent Movie Playing Articles