Too Many Crooks

Title: Too Many Crooks

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Autumn Gold” by Power
  2. Outside: “Comic Misterioso” by Berge
  3. Man Standing In Doorway: “Majestic Misterioso” by Kilenyi
  4. Theatre Stage Fades In: “Rural Flirts” by Bradford
  5. Applause: “Ardmore” by Floyd
  6. Insert—This House is Protected By: “Berceuse Comique” by Kilenyi
  7. Auto Stops At Curb: “The Woodland Flirt” by Ring-Hager
  8. Here’s A Pip Dan: “Punchinello” by Herbert
  9. This Young Man You Are Going To Meet: “Cynical Scherando” by Axt
  10. Celia Enters Room: “Gamboling” by Biermann
  11. Where Am I Going To Get Actors: “The Mice and the Trap’ by Kohler
  12. She Wanted Crooks And She Got Them: “The Clown” by Peele
  13. Long Shot of House: “Creepy” by Breau
  14. Mason Appears: “Lords and Ladies” by Salzer
  15. What Do You Mean: “Tensive Miserioso” by Peele
  16. Crooks With Radio Cabinet: “Two In A Bar” by Copping
  17. Frisco Flora: “She Knows Her Onions” by Yellen
  18. I’ve Fixed It With Your Dad: “Doux Murmure” by Gillet
  19. Frisco Flora: “Hello Baby” by Whiting
  20. But Wait Till You See Their Leader: “Humoresque” by Herrmann
  21. Say Boss: Repeat No.12 “The Clown”
  22. Celia and Mason Introduced To Gang: “Flocons de Neige” by Bradford-Bouteije
  23. Beautiful Vase: “Dimanche de mai” by Gabriel Marie
  24. The Van Arsdale Charity Bazaar: “The Chatterbox” by Sanders
  25. Botts Following Crook With Violin Case: “Stealthy Visitors” by Kay
  26. Flash-Back To Guests: “The Burlesquer” by Hartz
  27. Flash To Interior: “By The Stream” by Rapee-Axt
  28. Botts, The Policeman Is Here: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw
  29. Botts Enters Room; “Drollery” by Kilenyi
  30. Telephone Rings: “Thrills” by Sanders
  31. A Few Hours Had Passed: “Carnival Grotesque” by Savino
  32. Celia and Barton in Garden: “Agitated Misterioso” by Rapee
  33. Flora Extinguishes Lights: “Gigue” by Gretry-Mottl
  34. Celia and Barton at Window: “Omens” by Schad
  35. Officers See Them; “Minor Hurry” by Berge
  36. Officers Enter: “The Western Sun” by Ring-Hager
  37. What’s In There: “Flick and Flock” by Patou
  38. Tie Her Up: “Mounted Police Galop” by LeThiere
  39. Barton Enters Room: “Frivolous Patrol” by Goublier
  40. You’re Even A Better Actor Than: “One Sweet Day” by Zamecnik
  41. Register: “Looking At The World Thru Rose Colored Glasses” by Steiger

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Time To Love

Title: Time To Love

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Climbing Up The Ladder of Love” by Greer
  2. There Are Only Two Cures: “Burlesque on Lange’s Flower Song” by Kempinski
  3. Raymond Adjusts Handkerchief: “Good Bye” by Tosti
  4. Elvira Vision With Wings of an Angel: “My Idea of Heaven” by Johnson
  5. What Do You Think: THEME “Kiss Me Again” by Herbert
  6. Raymond Jumps From Gondola: “If I Had A Girl Like You” by Henderson
  7. Elvira Enters Room: “Premier Reve” by Mouton
  8. Raymond Dancing Toward House: “Prattle” by Lowitz
  9. Raymond At Door: “Cosette” by McDonald
  10. But I’m In Love: “Elopement” by Carrozzini
  11. Gaston, The Pistols: “The Hobbledehoy” by Olsen
  12. If I Can Do Anything: “En Visite” by McDonald
  13. Elvira At Door—Embrace: Repeat Theme No.5
  14. My Dear Cousin: “Intermezzo Perpetual” by Lowitz
  15. Take Pistols From Box: “Potatoe Bug Parade” by Cobb
  16. Raymond Fires Pistol: “Restless Bows” by Srawley
  17. Father At Séance: “Stealthy Escape” by Zamecnik
  18. Raymond Enters Room: “Marionette” by Arndt
  19. I Am Insulted: “Moto Pericoloso” by Schad
  20. Raymond Sees Elvira In Man’s Arms: “The Prisoner’s Song” by Massey
  21. The Duel Must Go On: “Avril Frileux” by Mouton
  22. On The Field Of Honor: “Marceline” by Trinkaus
  23. Elvira Appears: “Appassionato No.2” by Axt
  24. Dodo Shoots: “The Hobbledehoy” by Olsen
  25. Raymond Falls: “Burlesque on Chopin’s Funeral March” by Kempinski
  26. Officer Falls Again: “Playful Allegro” by Savino
  27. Your Death Was A Great Success: “Enchantment” by Penn
  28. As the Wedding Guests: “Oh What I’d Give To Bring You Back” by Oakland
  29. Raymond Re-Enters With Black Band On Arm and Hat: “Hearts and Flowers” by Tobani
  30. Elvira Embraces and Kisses Him: Repeat Theme No.5
  31. Father Enters Room: “Thrills” by Sanders
  32. Dodo About To Fire Pistol At Screen—Lights Out: “Silent Night” by Rebikov
  33. Dodo Socks Raymond In Jaw: “Dance of the Skeletons” by Allen
  34. Dodo Fires Shot At Raymond: “Woodland Whispers” by Czibulka
  35. What Are You Doing Here: “Mounted Police Galop” by LeThiere
  36. Bridal Procession: “Bridal Chorus” by Wagner
  37. Elvira Lifted From Floor: “The Get-Away” by Frey
  38. They Climb Into Basket of Truck: “Evil Plotter” by Zamecnik
  39. The Targets Are Read: “Zip” by Frey
  40. Balloon Starts To Ascend: “The Live Wire” by Frey
  41. As I Was Saying: Repeat Theme No.5

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Thunder Riders

Title: Thunder Riders

Author: M. Winkler

Publisher: Belwin Inc., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: M. Winkler

OCLC Number:


THEME: “Love’s Sweet Unrest” (Int.) by Middleton

In the event the above mentioned THEME is not in your Library or unknown to you, you may substitute.

“The Dream Girl” by Finck

“A Little Peach” by Colin

  1. At Screening: “Huetame” by Ancliffe
  2. Jack’s Father, Who Held: “Hurry” by Simon
  3. Cynthia Barton—Thought She: “Valse Caprice” by Kiefert
  4. Your Dad Loved The Rest: “Comedy Burlesque in ‘Home Sweet home’” by Kempinski
  5. Now Burn Up The Trail: “Katems Galop” by Winter
  6. The “Indians”—Only Wild: “Indian War Dance” by Herbert
  7. Have You Killed Them All: “Jocose” by Finck
  8. Drunkard Being Thrown Out of Bar: “The Toy Bandit” by Finck
  9. The Dead-Shot Gang Is Raiding: “Light Hurry No.26” by Minot
  10. The Boy Had Prepared: THEME
  11. An Ex-Convict From Joliet Prison: “Sinister Theme” by Vely
  12. Runaway Horse With Girl: “Kiddy Galop” by Winter
  13. Girl Being Taken Off Horse: THEME
  14. I Saw You and For Two Cents: “Animated Agitato” by Levy
  15. Yep, Reckon I Don’t Know Any Better: “Fanchonette” by Klemm
  16. Lady, Are Them Rough-Rider: “Burlesque on ‘Bizet’s Toreador Song’” by Kempinski
  17. I Just Found Out: “Pathetic Andante” by Vely
  18. Closeup of Masked Girl Entering: “Hindoo Hop” by Levy
  19. Crowd Again Dances Fox-Trot: “Creepy” by Hoff
  20. Interior of Cabin: Continue FF
  21. Please, She Can’t Go: “Dramatic Agitato” by Hough
  22. It’s Alright Folks: Fox-Trot To Action
  23. Jack In Dark Cabin: “Light Agitato” by Noyes
  24. How Wonderful To Think: “Mob Rule” by Becce
  25. That’s One Stunt Not On the Program: THEME FF

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Through The Breakers

Title: Through The Breakers

Author: Joseph E. Zivelli

Publisher: Gotham Production, 1928

Series: A Zivelli Cue Sheet

Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Joseph E. Zivelli

OCLC Number:


TAYA THEME: “Aloma” by Bowers

DIANE THEME: “Seduction” by Hahn

EUSTICE THEME: “Jovial Jiffkins” by Lafleur

  1. At SZcreening: “Legend of the Sea” by Zamecnik
  2. Kiloaland: “Ka-Lu-A” by Kern
  3. Shark Seen: “Impending Danger” by Kempinski
  4. Safe On Shore: TAYA THEME
  5. Interior Shack; “Untold Secrets” by Hauenschied
  6. John Looks At Diane’s Photo: DIANE THEME
  7. Fade Back To John: “Gage D’Amour” by Janssen
  8. Taya Enters Cabin: TAYA THEME
  9. This Is Madness: “Appassionata” by Norton
  10. Have Either of You Seen: EUSTACE THEME
  11. Yoo-hoo Girls: “Chasing The Chickens” by Forster
  12. Red Sunset: “Honolulu Moon” by Feist
  13. While Beyond The Breakers: “I’m Afraid Of You” by Berlin
  14. Diane and Man On Deck: DIANE THEME
  15. Radiogram: “Imagination” by Meyer
  16. I’ll Auction: “Polly” by Zamecnik
  17. We’re Afire: “Floundering Ship” by Hahn
  18. Through The Breakers: “On The Lagoon” by Schad
  19. John Seen: EUSTACE THEME
  20. Gamboa Carrying Diane: “Lento” by Tours
  21. John Recognizes Diane: “Romance” by Rubenstein
  22. The Welcome of the South Seas: “Luanita” by Stoughton
  23. Diane Seen: DIANE THEME
  24. It Isn’t So Bad: “Mo-Na-Lu” by Brean
  25. Eustice Falls: “Batty Bill” by Anthony
  26. Taya Dances: TAYA THEME
  27. Turquiose Days: EUSTACE THEME
  28. John and Diane: DIANE THEME
  29. Diane Jumps Into Water: “Turbulent Waters” by Berlin
  30. Diane and John Safe (close-up): “My Desire” by Cadman
  31. It Isn’t So Easy: DIANE THEME
  32. John Leaves Diane: “Dram. Tension No.52” by Noyes
  33. Two Women and A Man; “Defiant Love” by Schad
  34. White Man Choose: TAYA THEME
  35. Fade To Festivities: “Pow-Wow” by Rubens
  36. Wedding Ceremony: “Sunset Land” by Kawelo
  37. Taya Draws Knife: “Emotion” by Lowitz
  38. Taya Dies: TAYA THEME
  39. After Taya Brought Out To Sea: “True Love” by Ketelbey

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: jybQsWicPd

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Three’s A Crowd

Title: Three’s A Crowd

Author: Harry Langdon

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Harry Langdon

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Air de Ballet” by Chaminade
  2. Lest We Should Forget: “The Streets Of New York” by Herbert
  3. Harry In Bed: “Sleep Head” by Davis
  4. Man Calls Harry: “Le Secret” by Gautier
  5. Harry Goes To Plant: “It All Depends On You” by Henderson
  6. Man Throws Brick: “Minor Hurry” by Berge (Play “PP”)
  7. After Stovepipe Falls: “The Dark Town Strutters’ Ball” by Brooks
  8. Street: Repeat No.2 “Streets of New York”
  9. Harry: Repeat No.4 “Le Secret”
  10. Harry Picks Up Doll: “The Doll Dance” by Brown
  11. Harry and Woman: “Jealous” by Little
  12. Whistle Blows: “Cut Yourself A Piece of Cake” by James
  13. Man In Window: Repeat No.11 “Jealous”
  14. I’m Wise To You: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw
  15. Man Telephoning: Repeat No.11 “Jealous”
  16. Tire Explodes: Repeat No.14 “Eccitamento” (short)
  17. Harry and Pigeon: Repeat No.4 “Le Secret”
  18. Lady Gets Note: “Fuga” by Gabriel Marie
  19. Harry Falls Into Trunk: Repeat No.4 “Le Secret”
  20. Doll: “Moto Perpetuo” by Weiss
  21. Man In Bed: “Adagio Pathetique” by Godard
  22. Snow Storm: “Storm Music” by Ketelbey
  23. Harry On Roof: Repeat No.4 “Le Secret”
  24. Harry Puts Girl On Bed: “Give Me All Of You” by Schwarzwald
  25. Girl Tells Harry To Get Doctor: “Hurry No.87” by Berge
  26. After Doctors Enter Shack; Repeat No.4 “Le Secret”
  27. At Fade-Out: “Rock-a-Bye Baby” by Luz
  28. Harry Runs Down Stairs: “Bon Vivant” by Zamecnik
  29. Women With Baby; Repeat No.27 “Rock-a-bye Baby”
  30. Harry At Door: “Le Secret” by Gautier
  31. Harry In Shack: Repeat No.27 “Rock-a-bye Baby”
  32. Detective Agency: “Extase” by Ganne
  33. Family At Dinner: “Everything’s Gonna Be All Right” by Akst
  34. At Fade-Out: “Destiny Waltz” by Baynes
  35. Harry’s Shack: Repeat No.30 “Le Secret”
  36. Insert of Picture: “Jealous” by Little
  37. Harry Picks Up Baby: “Rock-a-Bye Baby” by Luz
  38. Harry Pulls In Clothes Line: Repeat No.30 “Le Secret”
  39. Harry At Table Watching Girl: “Give Me All Of You” by Schwarzwald
  40. Harry Looks At Pie: “Le Secret” by Gautier
  41. Harry and Baby: Repeat No.37 “Rock-a-bye Baby”
  42. Harry Puts Baby Down: Repeat No.40 “Le Secret”
  43. Harry Picks Baby Up: “Sleep” by Lebieg
  44. At Fade-Out: Repeat No.22 “Storm Music” (Play “FF” to “PP”)
  45. In Fight Ring: Repeat No.40 “Le Secret”
  46. Fight Gong: “Agitated Hurry’ by Berge
  47. Harry In Cradle: Repeat No.43 “Sleep”
  48. Man Enters Shack: “Song of Love” by Romberg
  49. Man Talks To Harry: Repeat No.39 “Give Me All Of You”
  50. Harry On Street: “Destiny Waltz” by Baynes
  51. Harry Tosses Brick Away: Repeat No.46 “Agitated Hurry”

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Three Ring Marriage

Title: Three Ring Marriage

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Jingles” by Zamecnik
  2. Cal Shoots At Rope: “Polly” by Zamecnik
  3. It’s A Mighty Tempting Offer: LOVE THEME “Rain or Shine” by Ager
  4. George Barrington: “Chatter” by Kahn
  5. I Guess You’re Right: “So Long Mary” by Cohan
  6. A Tinseled World: “Flocons de Neige” by Bradford
  7. Flash To Midgets and Tall Freak; “Animal Cartoonix No.2” by Aborn
  8. Circus Grounds—Spectators Gathering: “Pandora” by St. Clair
  9. Tiger Riding Horse: “Infernal Galop” by Michiels
  10. Mazie: MAIZIE THEME “Fascinatin’ Vamp” by Nussbaum
  11. Another Day: “Roxy and His Gang” by Krueger
  12. On Board A Circus Pullman; “Brise du Soir” by Gillet
  13. Cal Turns and Recognizes Mary: Repeat LOVE THEME
  14. Maizie Pokes Her Head From Tent: Repeat MAIZIE THEME
  15. She Don’t Mean Nothing: “Nymphs Frolic” by Bradford
  16. Insert—“Bill Board”: “The Live Wire” by Frey
  17. Card Game Outside Tent: “Poupee Valsante” by Poldini
  18. Arena: “Colossal” by Floyd
  19. Mary and Cal: “Cheatin’ On Me” by Pollack
  20. Cal Leaves Mary—Morton Hands Her Box of Flowers: “Dolly Dimples” by Alter
  21. I See Someone Else Didn’t Forget: “Implorations” by Pasternack
  22. The Impulsive Jealous Quarrel: “Smile” by Heywood
  23. Mary, I’m Honestly: “L’Heure de L’Apertit” by Coventry
  24. I Know You Can Forget: “Homeland” by Huerter
  25. Mary In Room Packing Satchel: “Dramatic Andante No.2” by Axt
  26. Girl Friend Enters Room: “Elopement” by Carrozzini
  27. Cal Enters Morton’s Office: “Reproach” by Zamecnik
  28. Flash-Back To Girls Writing Letter: “Intermezzo” by Arensky
  29. Pack My Grips: “The Plot Thickens” by Srawley
  30. Mary Enters Hotel Room: “Animated Agitato” by Levy
  31. Morton Enters Room: “Agitato Pathetic” by Kilenyi
  32. Cal Enters Room: “Camorra” by Joels
  33. You’re All Fired: Repeat LOVE THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: qy8WEmo7g4

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Their Hour

Title: Their Hour

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Valse Melodie” by Drigo
  2. Insert—Advertisement: “Chez Mere Grand” by Mouton
  3. Jerry Appears: JERRY THEME “Speedy Boy” by Greer
  4. Did I Get The Job: “I’m Sitting On Top of the World” by Henderson
  5. Dial of Clock At Five: Repeat JERRY THEME
  6. But Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady: “There’s A Trick In Pickin’ A Chick-Chick-Chicken” by Tobias
  7. Jerry Kisses Peggy: PEGGY THEME “Dawn” by Savino
  8. Hand With Engagement Ring Appears: “Lucky In Love” by Henderson
  9. Mother, It’s Uncle George: “Irvana” by Rolfe
  10. Cora Sees Jerry Standing In Doorway: “Stepping On The Ivories” by McLaughlin
  11. Motoring Down Long Island: “Breezin’ Along with the Breeze” by Whiting
  12. Cora Appears In High Powered Machine: “Polly” by Zamecnik
  13. And For Jerry A New World Opened: “Red Hair” by Snyder
  14. Guest Leaving: Repeat JERRY THEME
  15. I Left My Vanity Case: “Traum-Sonett” by Mayne
  16. Cora At Mirror: “Aubade Printaniere” by Lacombe
  17. But Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day: “Rural Flirts” by Bradford
  18. Start Off In Plane: “Air Flight” by Zamecnik
  19. Plane Lands: “The Water Bug” by Miles
  20. Peggy Anxiously Awaiting News: “Dolly Dimples” by Alter
  21. Flash-Back To Family Anxiously Awaiting News: “Tristesse” by Bradford
  22. Mountain View: “En Partant” by Kussner
  23. Insert—Note: “Andantino” by d’Ambrosio
  24. Cora Appears: “Serenade” by Rachmaninoff
  25. Excuse Me, I’m Looking for Miss Emerson: “Babbling Brook” by Golden
  26. Jerry’s Expression Changes: “Appassionata” by Clutsam
  27. I Gave The Boy A Letter to Mail: “Dance of the Furies” by Gluck
  28. Peggy At Desk In Office: “Chanson Melancholique” by Collinge
  29. Jerry Enters Office: “Appassionato Lirico” by Berge
  30. I Suppose You’re Wondering: Repeat PEGGY THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Claw

Title: The Claw

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Overture Italienne” by Zerco
  2. The London Estate: “Country Gardens” by Grainger
  3. Deidre Looks At Kinsella’s Braclet: KINSELLA THEME “Valse Lente from ‘Ballet Russe’” by Luigini
  4. Everybody Is Making A Fool Of: “After Twilight” by Steindel
  5. Flash-Back To Kinsella And Deidre: Repeat KINSELLA THEME
  6. An African Wilderness: “Pas des Echarpes from ‘La Source’ Ballet” by Delibes
  7. Fort George: “British March” by Bruhns
  8. Scotty McBurney: “Gigue” by Gretry-Mottl
  9. Please Greet Miss Sauvain For Me: Repeat KINSELLA THEME
  10. Maurice At Desk: “Arabian Night” by Mildenberg
  11. Night Camp: “Dance of the Demons” by Rybner
  12. Thank God We Arrive In Time: “Pleading Love Theme” by Bradford
  13. On The Long Trek Back; “Suite From the South No.1” by Nicode
  14. Now Maurice Understood: LOVE THEME “Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes” by Wright
  15. To The Sinister Beating: “Cannibal Dance” by Herbert
  16. At Fort George: “Charmaine” by Rapee
  17. Dancing Stops: Repeat KINSELLA THEME
  18. Mariette Is Not On Our List: “Mam’zelle Coquette” by Gilmer
  19. Dancing Starts Again: “Valse Dramatique” by Rapee
  20. Democracy Was Best Revealed: “May Day from ‘The Rose’” by Myddleton
  21. Deidre and Kinsella In Tower: Repeat KINSELLA THEME
  22. Courier Rides In: “Threatening Elements” by Schad
  23. Dawn Revealed: “Pomp and Circumstance No.2” by Elgar
  24. As The Refugees Increased: “Ferdinand and Miranda” by Humperdinck
  25. Why Maurice Are You: “Souvenir” by Herbert
  26. Rumors of Victory; “Nocturne” by Chopin
  27. After A Month’s Absence: “By Firelight” by Grunn
  28. Have You Any Word of Kinsella: “Pique Dame” by Tschaikowsky
  29. Maurice, You Have Been Very Patient: Repeat LOVE THEME
  30. Which Is It: “In Elizabethan Days” by Kramer
  31. As The Days Slipped By: “Just A Wearyin’ For You” by Bond
  32. Isn’t There: Repeat LOVE THEME
  33. Maurice with Packed Sandels: “Chanson Melancholique” by Colinge
  34. You Mean That: “Defiance” by Kempinski
  35. Hopeless: “Berceuse” by Jarnfelt
  36. Deidre Enters Room: “Pathetic Symphony No.6” by Tschaikowsky
  37. Craft, Not Force: “Silent Night” by Rebikov
  38. And An Echo From: “Memories” by Van Alstyne
  39. Zambula’s Dying Words: “In The Night” By Noack
  40. Maurice Attacks Guard: “Laocoon” by Leuschner
  41. After A Heartbroken Trek: “Chanson Algerian” by Bradford
  42. So You Brought Him Back: “Cuore in Pena” by Giacchino
  43. And You My Husband: Repeat LOVE THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: ffixCoj6Ys

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That Certain Thing

Title: That Certain Thing

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Biddy” by Zamecnik
  2. Molly, Hurry Up: “Symphonic Incidentals No.5” by Marquardt
  3. Poodle In Middle Of Floor Looking At Puddle: “Somebody Lied About Me” by Emler
  4. Flash-Back To Kids: MOLLY THEME “Molly Malone” by Cohan
  5. Conductor At Door: “Following You Around” by Kahn
  6. The Stratford Hotel; “Little Miss Butterfly” by Cussans
  7. B. Charles: FATHER THEME “Chatter” by Kahn
  8. B. Charles Jr.: “Two In A Bar” by Copping
  9. You’re Going To Work: “Burlesque on Lange’s Flower Song” by Kempenski
  10. At The End of A Perfect Day: “Rustic Caprice” by St. Clair
  11. Molly and Charles Collide: “Gigue” by Bradford
  12. Father At Home: Repeat FATHER THEME
  13. Charles and Molly in Car: Repeat MOLLY THEME
  14. Molly Rushes Into House: “By The Stream” by Rapee-Axt
  15. Molly Dressed in Evening Clothes: Repeat MOLLY THEME
  16. Chauffeur Sounding Horn on Auto: “Momento Capriccioso” by Von Weber
  17. Molly Struts From Room: “Baby” by Wenrich
  18. The Café Montmartre: “Idolizing” by West
  19. Happy?: “Girl of My Dreams” by Clapp
  20. Molly In Telephone Booth: “Are You Happy?” by Ager
  21. Insert—“SON OF MILLIONAIRE”: “Lucky in Love” by Henderson
  22. Charles Appears In Hallway With Merchants: “Funny Faces” by Ring-Hager
  23. Charles Enters Molly’s Boudoir: Repeat No.21 “Lucky In Love”
  24. Knock On Door: “Uneasiness” by Mendelssohn
  25. Charles See Note—Insert: “Chanson Algerian” by Bradford
  26. Insert—Newspaper Heading: “A Passionate Episode” by Engleman
  27. Molly and Mother in Room Alone: “Broken Hearted” by Henderson
  28. Charles Appears In Doorway; “Imprecations” by Baron
  29. A Real Man Will Support His Wife: “Italian Smiles” by Glogan
  30. Lead Me To That Job: “Bye Bye Blackbird” by Henderson
  31. The Food At Those: “Flocons de Neige” by Bradford
  32. Going Into Business: “Marionette” by Arndt
  33. Father and Manager: Repeat FATHER THEME
  34. Flash-Back To Factory: “Vivacity” by Conterno
  35. I’ll Give You Five Thousand: “Harold and Mildred” by Finck
  36. Young Man, I’m Going To Give You: Repeat MOLLY THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: N401OeefqJ

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The Terror

Title: The Terror

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Tax-Free Musical Suggestions are listed first; Taxable Musical Suggestions are listed second

  1. At Screening of Title: “June Charmant” by Godin; “Cheritza” by Breau
  2. Old Man Enters: “Enigma” by Borch; “Tense. Myst.” By Berge THEME No.1
  3. The Warden’s Office: “Afterglow” by Clutsam; “Constance” by Golden
  4. Olga Redmayne: “Critical Moment” by Becce; “Laocoon” by Leuchner THEME No.2
  5. Father, I Saw It Again: THEME No.1
  6. Organ Scene: Improvise
  7. Elvery: “Dreams of Yesterday” by Humphries; “Demande D’Amour” by Drigo
  8. Now, Alfred, Be Careful: “Merry Playmates” by Howgill; “Love Lessons” by Fresco
  9. A Toad Is An Ill Omen: THEME No.1
  10. Doctor, Don’t You Think: “Alone” by Francheschi; “Memories” by Blossom
  11. You Will All Be Seated: “Fiendish Eyes” by Hoffman; “Gloomy Forest” by Axt THEME No.3
  12. Cotton—Quick—The Lights: THEME No.2
  13. Man Enters: “Caprecietta” by Varley; “Strolling Dolly” by Lindgreen
  14. All Right, I’ll Leave: THEME No.1
  15. I’m Mrs. Ajax: “Solemn Thoughts” by Hoffman; “Love Tragedy” by Savino
  16. Fireplace Scene: “Wings of Love” by Fuzy; “Sparklets” by Miles
  17. Ajax Reads Note (Organ Plays): Improvise
  18. Midnight: THEME No.3
  19. I’m Looking For The Man: “Mona” by McLean; “Looms of Fate” by St. Saens
  20. Don’t Worry, I Wouldn’t: THEME No.2
  21. The Black Figure, It Went: THEME No.3
  22. Girl and Party Walk Out of Room: “You and I” by Lotter; “Rosebud” by Sanford
  23. Place Your Hands Upon The Table: THEME No.3
  24. Old Woman Falls From Chair: THEME No.2
  25. This Reminds Me: THEME No.3
  26. Fight In the Dark: “La Floie” by Francheschi; “Disaster” by Savino
  27. This Blighter Has No Manners: “The Vow” by Francheschi; “Elopement” by Carrozzini
  28. Goodman Is Asleep: THEME No.3
  29. Organ Fade In: Improvise
  30. Five Knocks On Door: “Pleading” by Wood; “Silent Sorrows” by Borch
  31. I Want To Look: THEME No.3
  32. He Blows Lights Out: “Trapped” by Rosey; “Mysterioso” by Andino
  33. Girl Screams: THEME No.2
  34. There Must Be A Secret: “Violent Tempers” by Hoffman; “Rage” by Axt
  35. Black Figure Get Hot Branding Iron: “Flick and Flock” by Patou; “Hurricaine” by Egener
  36. That’s The End of Leonard O’Shea: “Sweet Memories” by Singorski; “Places of Dreams” by Gross
  37. Look, I Have A Surprise: THEME No.2
  38. There’s That Horrible Organ Again: Improvise
  39. I Am Sorry To Say: “Love Eyes” by Zamecnik; “So This Is Love” by Goetz

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Title: Tenderloin

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Tax-Free Musical Suggestions are listed first; Taxable Musical Suggestions are listed second

  1. At Screening of Title: “Flick and Flock” by Patou; “Infernale” by Meyerbeer
  2. Ziegfeld Girls Dancing: “Fox Trot” J. Morris Publication; Feist Publication
  3. Motorcycle Cops: Repeat Flick and Flock; Repeat Infernale
  4. TENDERLOIN Where: “Solemn Thoughts” by Hoffman; “Withered Flowers” by Kiefert
  5. Rose Shannon: “Song of Romance” by Hoffman; “Tenderness” by Schad THEME
  6. Say Kid, Keep Away: “Agony of Soul” by Becce; “Dramatic Andante” by Herbert
  7. Girls With High Hats: “Song and Dance” Root Publication; Berlin Publication
  8. Hallway & Shadows On Wall: THEME
  9. What’s The Matter Kid: “Catastrophe” by patou; “Distress” by Breil
  10. Day and Night Bank: “Loitering Shadows” by Hoffman; “Plotters” by Carrabotta
  11. Burglar Alarm Rings: “La Floie” by Francheschi; “Furioso No.II” by Kierfert
  12. Sleep Tight Dear: “Idle Dreams” by Finck; “Berceuse” by Jarnfeldt
  13. Vice-Squard, Dear: “The Tormentor” by Hoffman; “Threatening Elements” by Schad
  14. What Happened: “Violent Tempers” by Hoffman; “Rage” by Axt
  15. You Saps, Take Pity: “Ondes Mystereuse” by Francheschi; “Gloomy Forest” by Axt
  16. Newspaper Close-Up: “Enigma” by Borch; “Valse Mysterious” by Belwin
  17. Don’t Be Afraid: THEME
  18. The Dicks, Trailed Them: “Green Vipers” by Hoffman; “Mysterioso” by Smith
  19. She Comes Down Steps (dressed); “Maggiolotta” by Culotta; “Despair” by Berge
  20. Let This Little Book: THEME
  21. This Jane’s Got A Face: “Cherry Ripe” by Cussans; “Norma” by Luz
  22. She Feeds Cows and Chickens: “Chorus of This is the Life
  23. In Row Boat: THEME
  24. Fade-Out of Bench Scene: Mystical ¾
  25. Did You Take That Money: “Vengeance” by Francheschi; “Appassionato” by Rapee
  26. Close-Up of Table: “Fiendish Eyes” by Hoffman; “Gruesome Tales” by Axt
  27. She Doesn’t Know Anything: “Tumult” by Verdi; “The Rabble” by Herbert
  28. Rose Gets Out of Bed: “Freischutz” by Weber; “Prelude” by Halevy
  29. I Can’t Stand Anymore: “The Ravage” by Hoffman; “Defiant Love” by Schad
  30. The Only Thing He Loves: THEME
  31. They Struggle: “L’Abime” by Francheschi; “The Hurricaine” by Egener
  32. Gang At Railroad Station: “Creeping Spooks” by Hoffman; “Conspirators” by Santos
  33. You Kep Outa Chuck’s Way: “Playful Moments” by Hoffman; “Coonela” by Fredericks
  34. See If You Can Duck This: “The Storm” by Beethoven; “Les Preludes” by Liszt
  35. Rose In Hospital: “Solitudine” by Mulae; “Love Tragedy” by Savino
  36. Everybody Who Worked: “Plotting” by Rosey; “Creepy Creeps” by Bordh
  37. I Came To See Chuck: THEME
  38. I’m All Washed Up: “Winds and Waves” by Hoffman; “Appassionato No.2” by Axt
  39. Police Enter By Force: “Avenging Storm” by Hoffman; “Disaster” by Savino
  40. I Double-Crossed Them: “Cuore En Pina” by Gracchino; “Recitative & Soliloquy” by Savino
  41. I’ll Wait For You: THEME
  42. My Life Will Just Commence: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Taxi, Taxi

Title: Taxi, Taxi

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1926


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Tax-Free Musical Suggestions are listed first; Taxable Musical Suggestions are listed second

  1. At Screening of Titles: “Little More Pepper” by Lincoln; “Graciousness” by Smith
  2. Boss Picks Up Cap: “Agony” by Kempinski; “Fourteen Fathoms” by Lake
  3. Whitby Enters Boss’s Office: “The Meeting” by Jebe; “Dram. Tension 67” by Shepherd
  4. How Soon Can You Leave: “Wings of Love” by Fuzy; “Whims of Love” by Baron
  5. Man Opens and Shuts Door: “Dovce Recontre” by Gabriel Marie; “Serenata” by Moskowsky
  6. Train Scene: “The Jewel” by Archer; “Witchery” by Moore
  7. How Dare You: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw; “Rage” by Axt
  8. Whitby and Girl Walk Away: “Knick-Knacks” by Shebek; “Yolande” by Augrey
  9. Whitby Pulls Shade Down: “Dream of Love” by Liszt-Rosey; “So This Is Love” by Goetz THEME
  10. That Will Be All: “Comedy Capers” by Steele; “Sparklets” by Miles
  11. Grant I Want You: “Chrysalis” by Heed; “Moon Dreams” by Roberts
  12. Sweeney’s (electric sign): “The Skaters Waltz” by Waldteufel
  13. Jazz Band Starts: “Her Beaus” by Meyer; “Somebody’s Lonely” by Davis
  14. Whitby Under Table: “Plotting” by Rosey; “Plotting Foe” by Kilenyi
  15. Are You Getting Same Kick: “I Love Her” by Gensler; “Good Night” by Small
  16. Lovers In Taxi Drive Away: “Tumult” by Verdi; “Allegro Infernal” by Baron
  17. I’d Give Anything: “Sakuntala” by Rosey; “Moonlight Memories” by Rose
  18. I Just Sold The Taxi: “Trembling Anxiety” by Hoffman; “Thrills” by Sanders
  19. When That Fellow Whitby: “Breath of Morn” by Kempinski; “Cassandra” by Johnson
  20. Peters Mind Was Made: “The Wanderer” by Schubert; “Erl King” by Schubert
  21. Uncle Is Going To send: THEME
  22. White Hand On Taxi: “In The Depths” by Herkan; “Appassionato No.55” by Borch
  23. Taxi Stops at Chapel: THEME; “Agitato No.1” by Hough
  24. Cop Disturbs Ceremony: “Excitement” by Breil; THEME
  25. Will You Finish Marrying: Wedding March 2/4 tempo
  26. They Stop Running: THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Streets of Sin

Title: The Streets of Sin

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Day of Doom” by Joels
  2. Man At Table Awakens: “Bagatelle from ‘Three Light Pieces’” by Somerville
  3. Women Enter Basement With Babies: “Humoresque” by Tschaikowsky
  4. Annie Appears: “Wot’Cher from ‘Three Chevalier Coster Songs’” by Luz
  5. Bill Awakens: BRUTE THEME “The Captive” by Savino
  6. Keep It Up: “Spring Cleaning” by Bradford
  7. Bill Shaving: “Bagatelle No.1” by Dvorak
  8. Night Threw: “Gruesome Nights” by Joels
  9. Interior of Saloon: “Mock Morris” by Grainger
  10. Glass Door Crashed: Repeat BRUTE THEME No.5
  11. Sister Elizabeth and Smith On Street: “Emmett’s Lullaby”
  12. Annie and Bill At Table Eating: “Forget Me Not” by Macbeth
  13. Man Trips Sister Elizabeth: SISTER ELIZABETH THEME “The Swan” by St. Saens
  14. Don’t You Want To Hold: “Animal Caroonix No.2” by Aborn
  15. What You Doing Down Here?: “The Cockney Lover” by Ketelbey
  16. Tonight’s The Night: “Conspiracy” by Zamecnik
  17. Brother Smith Nailing Up Sign: “Brighten The Corner Where You Are” by Gabriel
  18. Riot Starts: “Vengeance” by Baron
  19. Bill Stops Riot: Repeat BRUTE THEME No.5
  20. Stop Yer Playin’: “Sarcasm” by Kempinski
  21. Insert—“Resist The Devil”: Repeat SISTER ELIZABETH THEME
  22. Let Us Pray: “I’m A Pilgrim”
  23. Sister Elizabeth Rises To Her Feet: “Resignation” by Borch
  24. Brother Smith Will Take You: “Mystere Oppressant” by Gabriel Marie
  25. Elizabeth At Desk: “La Foret Perfide” by Gabriel Marie
  26. Three Companions On Street: Repeat No.16 “Conspiracy”
  27. Amusement Park: “In The Stirrups” by Zamecnik
  28. Cashier Held Up By Thugs: Repeat No.16 “Conspiracy”
  29. Bill Knocks Out Companion and Leaves: “The Spectre” by Engleman
  30. Bill Opens Door of Elizabeth’s Room; “Camorra” by Joels
  31. She Takes Hold of His hand: “Amorous Adventure” by Bradford
  32. Annie Walking In Park: Repeat No.4 “Wot’Cher”
  33. Insert—“Another Daring Robbery”: “Evil Intentions” by Kempinski
  34. Bill With Kiddies: “Rosamunde Ballet—Part 2” by Schubert
  35. Annie Enters Room: “implorations” by Pasternack
  36. You Must Forgive Her: Repeat SISTER ELIZABETH THEME
  37. Annie Before Police Inspector: “Reproach” by Zamecnik
  38. Inspector Writes Names On Paper: “Tristesse” by Bradford
  39. Bill, I Must Have Been Crazy: “Agitated Hurry No.2” by Berge
  40. Firing Starts: “Commotion” by Conterno
  41. You Said Them Babies: “Lamento from Pique Dame” by Tschaikowsky
  42. Annie Kneels At Sister Elizabeth’s Feet: Repeat SISTER ELIZABETH THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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State Street Sadie

Title: State Street Sadie

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Tax-Free Musical Suggestions are listed first; Taxable Musical Suggestions are listed second

  1. At Screening: “Vengeance” by Francheschi; “Dramatic Reproach” by Berge
  2. Ralph Blake Just Arrived: “Ondes Mystereuse” by Francheschi; “Opium Den” by Aborn
  3. Ralph Sees Brother Suicide: “Pathetic Story’ by Borch; “Sorrow” by Roberts
  4. “Slinky” One Of The: “Pleading” by Wood; “In Despair” by Berge
  5. The Cops, They’ve Spotted: “Storm & Strife” by Somerville; “Disaster” by Savino
  6. Girl Sees Ralph Enter Window: “Winds and Waves” by Hoffman; “Dramatic Tension” by Andino
  7. COMMERICAL TOY COMPANY: “Afterglow” by Clutsam; “Constance” by Golden
  8. Police Bldg. (Headquarters): “Fiendish Eyes” by Hoffman; “Plotting Foe” by Kilenyi
  9. (Newspaper) POLICEMAN KILLED: “Solemn Thoughts” by Hoffman; “Chante Erotique” by Berge
  10. You Killed My Father: “Catastrophe” by Patou; “Plaint Passione” by Baron
  11. The Man Who Killed: “Maggiolotta” by Culotta; “Prowling Schemers” by Carrabotta
  12. Dreamland Social Club: “Fox Trot” Jenkins Publication; Feist Publication
  13. Slinky Talks To Patterson: “Ravage” by Hoffman; “Appasionato Lirico” by Berge
  14. Patterson Gives Card To Girl: “Green Vipers” by Hoffman; “Gloomy Forest” by Axt
  15. Girl & Patterson Leave Table: “Fox Trot” J. Morris Publication; Remick Publication
  16. End of Dance: “Grave Humor” by Becce; “Defiant Love” by Schad
  17. What’s The Matter, Jealous: Repeat Morris Pub.; Repeat Remick Fox Trot
  18. Three O’Clock In The Morning: “June Charmant” by Godin; “Cheritza” by Breau
  19. Singers (Intoxicated) Sing “You Made Me What I Am To-Day”: Chorus
  20. Singers Go Away: “Abusive Tongues” by Hoffman; “Terreur” by Baron
  21. Girl Shows Bullets In Hand: “Freischutz” by Weber; “Prelude Dramatic” by Srawley
  22. At Five Minutes To: “The Vow” by Francheschi; “Fourteen Fathoms” by Lake
  23. Gangers Sitting In Room: “Solitudine” by Mulae; “By Gones” by Rapee
  24. Writing on Note “IF YOU CAN READ”: “Agony of the Soul” by Becce; “Appassionato No.2” by Rapee
  25. Blake Folds Note: “Emotional Conflict” by Becce; “Drama. Appasionato” by Ciganeri
  26. And In Five Minutes: “The Tormentor” by Hoffman; “Threatening Elements” by Schad
  27. Well Write What I Tell You: “Beware” by Rosey; “Phantom Visions” by Stevenson
  28. This Is Isabel: “Flick & Flock” by Fletcher; “Furioso” by Shepherd
  29. Lock Yourself In and Hide: “Critical Moment” by Becce; “Dramatic Finale” by Noyes
  30. Shooting Starts: “La Floie” by Francheschi; “The Storm” by Beethoven
  31. Patterson Dead, On Sidewalk: “You and I” by Lotter; “Memories” by Butler
  32. Auto Rides Away From Cop: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Sporting Age

Title: The Sporting Age

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: At Screening: “Jocoso” by Finck
  2. James Driscoll: “Mona” by Maclean
  3. I’m Sorry, Mr. Driscoll: “Remorse” by Zamecnik
  4. Miriam Had Looked Forward: THEME “Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life” by Herbert
  5. Insert—Telegram: “Adventure d’Amour” by Bradford
  6. Driscoll Leaves: “Memories” by Van Alstyne
  7. Flash To Stables: “Pleading Love Theme” by Bradford
  8. Miriam and Philip In Canoe: “Waterfall” by Zamecnik
  9. Stables: “Hustle-Bustle” by Delille
  10. Miriam and Phillip: “To You Dear” by Edwards
  11. Messenger Boy Appears: “Rustic Caprice” by St. Clair
  12. Insert—Telegram: “A Passionate Episode” by Engleman
  13. Night Flash of Train: “Storm Music” by Zamecnik
  14. She Dressed To Go Too: “Dramatic Andante No.2” by Axt
  15. Driscoll Lying In Bed: “Tristesse” by Bradford
  16. Summer, It’s Brightness Lost: “Yearning” by Crist
  17. Miriam Enters House: “Serenade” by Rachmaninoff
  18. Tell Me, Doctor: “Regret” by Zamecnik
  19. Miriam, Picking Flowers: “Ellinge” by Byford
  20. Driscoll Enters Room: “Quietude” by Gregh
  21. Insert—Letter: “The Faun” by Wright
  22. Phillip Meets Nancy: “I Love You” by Silver
  23. Dance Music Starts: “Is It Possible?” by Woods
  24. Indian Summer Passed: Repeat Theme No.4
  25. Nancy and Phillip At Plane: “Air Flight” by Zamecnik
  26. Cras In Water: “The Spectre” by Engleman
  27. Nancy and Phil Had Been Close To Death: Repeat No.22 “I Love You”
  28. Phillip Has Asked Me To Marry Him: “Elegie and Appasionato” by Savino
  29. Clasped Hands: “The Swan” by St. Saens
  30. I Wish You Every Joy, Dear: “Wedding March” by Mendelssohn
  31. Miriam Enters Adjoining Room: “Among My Souvenirs” by Weill
  32. Miriam Turns and Sees Her Husband: Repeat Theme No.4

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Spieler

Title: The Spieler

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: SPIELER THEME “Lady Fingers” by Glogan
  2. Guard Opens Cell: “All Nuis Don’t Grow On Trees” by Smoley
  3. Insert—Cleo’s Carnival: “Carnival Frolics” by Lakay
  4. Flash and Pal Entertainment: Repeat SPIELER THEME
  5. I’m The Boss: CLEO THEME “Sylvia” by Zamecnik
  6. You Can’t Fire Me: “Dramatic Converssation” by Becce
  7. It’s Tough Trying: Repeat CLEO THEME
  8. Red and His Gang: RED THEME “Fourteen Fathoms Deep” by Lake
  9. I’m Going To Get That Guy: “Fire and Destruction” by Becce
  10. Flash To Barker: Repeat SPIELER THEME
  11. We’ll Next Be Entertained: “Parade of Animals” by Ring-Hager
  12. I Think Some Dirty Crook: “Reproach’ by Zamecnik
  13. Whatcha Doing Tonight: LOVE THEME “Your Heart Looking Into Mine” by Hubbell
  14. Flash To Diving Girls: “Razz Berries” by Banta
  15. Another Day: “Big Hearted Baby” by Phillips
  16. They Finish Dishes—Spieler Places Arms Around Cleo: Repeat LOVE THEME
  17. Another Week: “The Prim Little Miss” by Bradford
  18. Red and Flash Talking: “Dramatic Prelude” by Schad
  19. I’m Tired of That: Repeat RED THEME
  20. Flash On Platform—Spieling: “Excitement” by Breil
  21. Cleo Enters Tent Sadly: Repeat CLEO THEME
  22. Spieler Angrily Walks Away From Cleo: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini
  23. Listen Kid, The Grifting Is Out: “Amorous Adventure” by Bradford
  24. Flash Catches Pickpocket: “Carnival” by Lindner
  25. Red and Gangster In Tent: Repeat RED THEME
  26. Flash And His Pal: “My Buddy” by Donaldson
  27. Red Sees Mac Peeking Over Canvas: “Allegro Agitato” by Stahlberg
  28. Mac Falls: “Allegro Precipitoso” by Savino
  29. Flash Bends Over Mac In Tent: “Old Pal” by Jerome
  30. Flash Leaves Tent: “The Fall of Pompei” by Leuschner
  31. I’m Sorry Flash: Repeat LOVE THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Speed Classic

Title: The Speed Classic

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Scherzoso” by Friml
  2. It’s Awful To Be In Love: “Serenade” by Chaminade
  3. Two Men and A Girl; “Chatter” by Kahn
  4. Keziah Stubbs: “Hearts and Flowers” by Tobani
  5. P. Thornton: “Adoree” by Friml
  6. Shiela Dressng: “The Moonlit Piazza” by Ancliffe
  7. Jerry’s Mechanic, Jonah: “Coasting” by Ring-Hager
  8. Tia Juana: “Curro Cuchares” by Metallo
  9. Senor, Your Car Has Been Stolen: “Bobadilla” by Luna
  10. Keziah in Bed: “Allegro Scerzoso No.3” by Pintel
  11. Flash-Back To Tia Juana Café: “Sarabande Perpetuelle” by Bradford
  12. The Most Grand: “La Fornariuette” by Valverde
  13. They Enter Jail: “Spring Cleaning” by Bradford
  14. Believing The Checks Worthless: “Don Jose” by Zamecnik
  15. Flash To Shiela Alone At Window: “Lonesome In The Moonlight”by Baer
  16. Flash-Back To Jail: “Rube Caprie” by Dunning
  17. General Releasing Bounds: “Fast and Furious” by Felix
  18. Car Lands Safely on Ferry Boat: “Roxy and His Gang” by Krueger
  19. The Big Race: “Strawberries” by Kaufman
  20. I Haven’t Any Money: “What’ll We Do For Dough?” by Gordon
  21. Grand Stand: “The Live Wire” by Frey
  22. Five Gallons of Gasoline: “Dainty Blossoms” by Kahn
  23. Flash-Back To Grand Stand: “Rural Flirts” by Bradford
  24. After They Steal Gas Wagon: “The Ensign” by Brown
  25. Thronton! Thornton!: “Aerobatic” by Wibeck

SEGUE: “Arretez-Le” by Roberty

  1. A Modern Sherlock: “Tittle-Tattle” by Seredy
  2. Flash-Back To Track: “Four In Hand” by Labbe
  3. Cops Work Faster: “Lisette” by Engel
  4. Track: “Vertigo” by Gabriel Marie
  5. Jerry Wins: “You’re A Real Sweetheart” by Friend

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: MhvTytny9V

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The Smart Set

Title: The Smart Set

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Incid. Symphony No.37” by Hintz
  2. No International Polo Team: “The Sunrise” by Friend
  3. One Chorus and Segue: “Allegro No.10” by lake
  4. Boy Placed Into Auto: “Strongheart” by Dulmage
  5. Man With Newspaper Walks To Room Door: “Sweet Smiles” by Waldreufel
  6. Many A Man: “Step On It” by Kaufman
  7. Girl’s Car Stops At Fire Hydrant: “The Philanderer” by Srawley (BROWN)
  8. Pardon Me: “The Best Things In Life Are Free” by Henderson (WHITE)
  9. Girl Drives Off From Policeman: “Stop It” by Kaufman
  10. Girl Stops Car At Street Obstruction: “The Skyrocket” by Frey
  11. Two Cars Stop At Polo Field: Repeat No.7 (BROWN)
  12. It Was Durant’s Playing: “Spring Flowers” by Wood
  13. If You Like Him So Well: Repeat No.7 (BROWN)
  14. If The Prince of Wales: “The Live Wire” by Frey
  15. Don’t You Think Tommy: “Under Love’s Window” by Lincke
  16. Thanks Awfully: “Sunny Hours” by Rich
  17. In Brooklyn They Call Sausage: Repeat No.8 (WHITE)
  18. Interrupt with Orchestra Playing Jazz: “Let A Smile Be Your Umbrella” by Fain
  19. Give Me My Shoe: “Smile” by Heywood
  20. Balcony Scene: “The Best Things In Life Are Free” by Henderson (WHITE)
  21. Stop Short As Kissers Are Interrupted: “Playful Allegro” by Savino (LT. BLUE)
  22. That’s A Ridiculous Alibi: “The Philanderer” by Srawley (BROWN)
  23. Polly Bite: Repeat No.21 (LT. BLUE)
  24. Girl Drives Off In Auto: Repeat No.22 (BROWN)
  25. The Next Morning: “Rustic Caprice” by St. Clair
  26. Haines Falls Out of Automobile: “Spanish Dance No.1” by Moszkowski
  27. Change Your Clothes: Repeat No.22 (BROWN)
  28. Play Polo Today: “Incid. Symphony No.37” by Hintz
  29. Man Falls Off Horse: “Meditation” by Clifford
  30. Stop With Crash As Haines Is Knocked Down: Repeat No.21 (LT. BLUE)
  31. Close-up of Haines Lying On Ground: “The Confession” by Zamecnik
  32. I Know I’m In Disgrace: Repeat No.20 (WHITE)
  33. Girl Walks From haines: “Atonement” by Zamecnik
  34. Boy Walks Out Of Horse’s Stall: Repeat No.20 (WHITE)
  35. The Night Before: “Clara” by Winkler
  36. Dancers Stop in Rooms After Title “MY BOSS AND PRONTO”: Repeat No.20 (WHITE)
  37. Haines Standing In Field: “Incid. Symphony No.34” by Kempinski
  38. Some Stableman Rode Him Out of: Repeat No.20 (WHITE)
  39. The Third Game: “Babette” by Kessler
  40. Can They Help It: “The Best Things In Life Are Free” by Henderson (WHITE)
  41. The British Team Is Now Riding In: “Ripples” by Brewer
  42. Durant, Send Pronto Back On The Farm: Repeat No.21 (LT. BLUE)
  43. Stop After The Accident: Repeat No.40 (WHITE)
  44. Tommy, Change Your Clothes: “Fluttering Fancies” by Foss
  45. (Haines) Van Buren Is Up On Horse: “Incid. Symphony No.11” by Hauenschild
  46. Play Twice As Written and Segue: “Sweepstakes” by Varnier
  47. Haines Lined Up To Have Picture Taken: Repeat No.40 (WHITE)

Proper orchestral rest period is Nos. 21 to 33 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Cornoration. 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Small Bachelor

Title: The Small Bachelor

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927

Series: Greater Thematic Music Cue Sheet

Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


COWBOY THEME: “Cheyenne”; “Hiawatha”; or, “Pony Boy”

MOTHER-IN-LAW THEME: “The Chatterbox” by Sanders

DAD THEME: “Characteristic No.1” by Roberts

MOLLY THEME: “Just Love Me” by Miller

  1. At Screening: “Marionette” by Arndt
  2. The Only Difference Between: “Hearts and Flowers” by Tobani
  3. Molly Alights From Automobile: “One O’Clock Baby” by Jolson
  4. Molly Drops Poodle: “Air Thrills” by Sanders
  5. For His Eighteen Days: “She’s Got ‘It’” by Davis
  6. With The Aid of His Roof Bungalow: “A Lucky Duck” by Whitney
  7. George Rushes Up: “I’ve Got The Girl” by Donaldson
  8. That’s The Waddington Place: “Bohemiana” by Smith
  9. Molly’s Father Had Never Been: COWBOY THEME
  10. Molly Rushes Into Room: “Daddy, You’ve Been A Mother To Me” by Fisher
  11. Algernon and Mrs. Waddington: “Oh Harold” by Roberts
  12. Flash-Back To Molly and Dad: “Daddy, You’ve Been A Mother To Me” by Fisher
  13. Waddington Enters Room: MOTHER-IN-LAW THEME
  14. Waddington’s Reception: “Prelude” by Jarnefelt
  15. Father Leaves Room: DAD THEME
  16. George On Sidewalk: “Me and My Shadow” by Jolson
  17. I’m Looking For Mr. Waddington: “The Flight” by Savino
  18. I’ll Show You A Trick: COWBOY THEME
  19. He Cracks Whip: “Hearts and Flowers” by Tobani
  20. Molly Opens Door: MOLLY THEME
  21. Waddington and Wife Arguing: MOTHER-IN-LAW THEME
  22. But There is Always A Park: MOLLY THEME
  23. Now You’ll Go Home: DAD THEME
  24. Molly and George Appear At Entrance of House: “Flocons de Neige” by Bradford
  25. Kids Appear—Speak To Georgie: “Tiny Tot” by Lotter
  26. Mother Appears On Stairs: MOTHER-IN-LAW THEME
  27. Flash-Back To Kids: “Hail, Hail, the Gang’s All Here” by Lake
  28. Beamish Appears: “Gigue” by Gretry-Mottl
  29. Put It There Pard: DAD THEME
  30. Then You Won’t Have To Sell: “Baker’s Boy and the Chimney Sweep” by Herbert
  31. Eulalie Enters: “Could I?” by Ager
  32. Algy Enters: “Animal Cartoonix No.2” by Aborn
  33. Both Couples At Door: “No Wonder I’m Happy” by Davis
  34. Don’t You Think: “Let’s Talk About My Sweetie” by Donaldson
  35. Molly’s Decision To Sell Necklace: “Symphonic Incidentals No.5” by Marquardt
  36. I’m Officer Garraway: “A Bit O’Blarney” by Helf
  37. Dad Finally Leaves Room: “The Hobbledehoy” by Olsen
  38. The Wedding Day Floated In: “On A Woodland Glade” by Ray
  39. Fanny Climbs In Window: “Elopement” by Carrrozzini
  40. I’ll Let You Go: “Bridal Chorus” by Wagner
  41. They Stand Before Clergyman: “Meditation from ‘Thais’” by Massenet
  42. Fanny Stops Ceremony: “Threatening Elements” by Schad
  43. Clergyman Walks Out: “I’m Walking Around In Circles” by Phillips
  44. Wasn’t That The: “Effervescence” by Wolf
  45. George Alone on Park Bench: “Lost a Wonderful Girl” by Hanley
  46. Insert—Immense Fortune Made By: “Moto Perpetuo” by Weiss
  47. Café Entrance: “I’ll Always Remember You” by Greer
  48. Molly’s On Her Way To See You: “Are You Happy?” by Yellen
  49. You’re Under Arrest: “By Wireless” by Berge
  50. Garraway Sits On Bench: “Oh Boy, What A Girl” by Green
  51. How Dare You Disturb: “The Jesters” by Carbonara
  52. Fanny Appears On Stairs: “Characteristic Allegro” by Moskowski
  53. Fanny Returns Necklace: “Fair Debutante” by Reynard
  54. Fanny and Mullet Hide: “Essence Grotesque” by Lake
  55. Garraway Sees George: “Hunkatin” by Levy
  56. Garraway Sees George: “Intermezzo Perpetual” by Lowitz
  57. I’ve Been Trailing You: DAD THEME
  58. You Look Honest: COWBOY THEME
  59. Molly Appears: MOLLY THEME
  60. I Guess I’d Better Take A Look: “Gigue” by Gretry-Mottl
  61. Hands Off My Woman: COWBOY THEME
  62. What A Wonderful Husband You’ll Make For Molly: MOLLY THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: M1Ph5s3qlR

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Slightly Used

Title: Slightly Used

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Tax-Free Musical Suggestions are listed first; Taxable Musical Suggestions are listed second

  1. At Screening of Title: “Love Eyes” by Zamecnik; “So This Is Love” by Goetz
  2. An Indefinite Responsibility: “Sweet Memories” by Singorski; “Constance” by Golden
  3. I’ve Had A Marvelous Evening: “Cupid’s Surprise” by Gross; “Whimsical Charms” by Fresco
  4. You’ll Never Get A Fellow: “Maggiolotta” by Culotta; “Plainte Passionee” by Baron
  5. Cynthia Lost Little Time: “In Flowerland” by Gold; “Cheritza” by Breau
  6. Telegram Boy At Door: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini; “Affizione” by G. Mari
  7. Taxi Drives Away: “Distress” by Breil; “Laocoon” by Leuchner
  8. Newspaper Close-Up: “Sweet Lavender” by Wheeler; “Strolling Dolly” by Lindgreen
  9. Content With the Success: “Cherry Ripe” by Cussans; “Norma” by Luz
  10. Boys in Auto Arrive: “Smiles” by Somerville; “Merriment” by Kempinski
  11. I Came To Meet: THEME “Love Triumphant” by Joels; “Tenderness” by Schad
  12. NICARAGUA: “Trapped” by Rosey; “Enigma” by Savino
  13. Gee, here’s A Raving Beauty: “Huetamo” by Ancliffe; “Redzi” by Caludi
  14. Cyntia & Don On Settee: THEME
  15. Don Leaves Cynthia: “In The Marsh” by Culotta; “Cupid’s Frolic” by Miles
  16. Major In Bed: “Funeral Burlesque Music”
  17. Comrades Leave Room: “Beware” by Bizet; “Grusome Tales” by Axt
  18. Do You Remember What You Did: THEME
  19. Major Enters House: “Loitering Shadows” by Hoffman; “Crafty Spy” by Borch
  20. It is A Pleasure: “Solemn Thoughts” by Hoffman; “Desolation” by Conterno
  21. Thank Heaven We’re Rid: “Little More Pepper” by Lincoln; “Dew Drops” by Rapee
  22. And So You See: “The Tormentor” by Hoffman; “Desperation” by Schad
  23. Now We Can Finish: “Spectral Images” by Hoffman; “Prowling Schemers” by Carrabotta
  24. Your Father Had Asked Me: “Mona” by Mac Lean; “Rosebud” by Sanford
  25. After A Restless Night: “Uneasiness” by Sonnemann; “Mysterioso 66” by Smith
  26. Don Arrives In Auto: “Plotting” by Rosey; “Plotting Foe” by Kilenyi
  27. Don’t Be Silly: “Pleading” by Wood; “Love Tragedy” by Savino
  28. I’m Leaving Early: “You and I” by Lotter; “Memories” by Blossom
  29. Major Runs Upstairs: “Critical Moments” by Becce; “Dramatic Reproach” by Berge
  30. Major Kisses Cynthia: Repeat You and I; Repeat Memories
  31. Come With Me To The Ministers: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: JzJ2upmL6o

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The Sky Skidder

Title: The Sky Skidder

Author: M. Winkler

Publisher: Belwin Inc., 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: M. Winkler

OCLC Number:


THEME: “Regrets” by Vieuxtemps

In the event the above mentioned THEME is not in your Library or unknown to you, you may substitute: “Scenes D’Amour” by Baron or “Valse Melodie” by Drigo

  1. At Screening: “Aces High” by Roberts
  2. Making Possible The City: Continue to action
  3. Silas Monmorency Smith: “Galop No.7” by Minot
  4. Aeroplane Lands: THEME
  5. In The Days That Followed: “Extase Melodieuse” by Littau
  6. Boy, She’s Worth Fighting For: “Sinister Theme” by Vely
  7. I Don’t Trust Smith: THEME
  8. Demonstration Day Finds: “Tensive Allegro” by Aborn
  9. I Won’t Fail: “Allegro Infernale” by Aborn
  10. Go On, Head Man, Do Your Stuff: “Wild Chase” by Becce
  11. Just Shows That A Nut’s A Nut: “Tragic Theme” by Vely
  12. The Centerville-Denver Airthon: “Aces High” by Roberts
  13. Key Your Eye on Al Simpkins: “A Rube Festival” by Peele
  14. Here is the Formula for Economo: “Contrapuntal Misterioso” by Schad
  15. I Was Head Man and Now: “Jocoso” by Finck
  16. He’s Gaining On us: “Galloping Furies” by Rapee
  17. I Got It: “Stampede” by Simon
  18. The Denver Flying Field: “Joyous Allegro” by Borch
  19. When We Get Back: THEME FF

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Sin Sister

Title: The Sin Sister

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: THEME “A Twilight Story” by Russotto
  2. The Last Alaskan: “Frozen North” by Rapee-Axt
  3. Change of Scene To Man and Girl: “Disperazione” by Gabriel Marie
  4. Secretary Goes Over To Girl; “What Do You Say?” by Ager
  5. Pearl Dreams: “Dainty Miss” by Barnes
  6. Man Brings In Bear Skin: “Gatherings” by Savino
  7. Change of Scene to Group—Dancer’s Legs Seen: “Jollifications” by Noyes
  8. Pianist Starts Playing: “The Music Box Rag” by Roberts
  9. Change of Scene To Evangelist: “Onward Christian Soldiers”
  10. Change of Scene Back To Dancing: Repeat No.8 “Music Box Rag”
  11. Stop This Shameless Exhibition: Repeat No.9 “Onward Christian Soldiers”
  12. Dancing Starts Again: Repeat No.8 “Music Box Rag”
  13. Hallelujah—A Sign From Heaven: “Turbulence” by Borch
  14. Caught In The Grinding Jaws of The Ice: “Desolation” by Savino
  15. Dog Driven Sleds Seen: “The Dog Train” by Trinkaus
  16. You Can’t Stay Here: Repeat Theme No.1
  17. We can’t Leave A Woman Here: “Love’s Impulse” by Jacquet
  18. Dog Train Leaves: Repeat No.15 “Dog Train”
  19. Numb and Cold: “From the North” by Sibelius
  20. Group Enters Cabin: “Al Fresco” by Herbert
  21. Pianist Starts To Play: Orchestra Tacet—Piano Solo Imitation of Broken Piano—Watch Sceen
  22. Go To Bed Ethlyn: “A Bedtime Tale” by Swinnen
  23. Change of Scene To Exterior: “Uneasiness” by Borch
  24. He’s Gone! He’s Gone!: “Afflizione” by Gabriel Marie
  25. Close-Up of Music: “Down Among the Sheltering Palms” by Olman (Piano Solo) (4 bars only)
  26. Do Not Forsake Us: Repeat No.9 “Onward Christian Soldiers”
  27. Close-Up of Piano Player: Repeat No.25 “Down Among The Sheltering Palms”
  28. It’s Pretty Decent of You: Repeat Theme No.1
  29. Here’s Some More: Repeat No.9 “Onward Christian Soldiers”
  30. Days—Nights: “Largo Tragico” by Chopin
  31. Pianist Starts Playing: “Till the Sands of the Desert Grow Cold” by Ball
  32. Secretary and Daughter Seen: “Heart to Heart” by Trinkaus
  33. Secretary and Pearl Seen: Repeat Theme No.1
  34. Pianist Goes To Bed On Pool Table: “Please Go ‘Way and Let Me Sleep” by Von Tilzer
  35. Lover Seen: Repeat Theme No.1 (last 4 bars)
  36. Fade-Out of Lovers: “Pansee” by Manney
  37. Get That Trader In Here: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw
  38. Change of Scene To Pianist: Repeat No.31 “Till the Sands of the Desert Grow Cold”
  39. Secretary Lifts Board: Repeat Theme No.1
  40. Change of Scene Back To Pianist: Repeat No.31 “Till the Sands of the Desert Grow Cold”
  41. Evangelist Starts Breaking Piano: “Mutiny” by Zamecnik
  42. Piano Player Reaches Behind Piano for Can of Food: Repeat No.32 “Heart to Heart”
  43. Beans: “Vivacity” by Conterno
  44. Dog Train Seen: “Rustic Allegro” by Savino
  45. No Food—Boss Wants Women First: “Karma” by Herbert
  46. Pistol Shot: “Love Tragedy” by Savino
  47. Change of Scene To man Looking In Mirror: “Extase” by Ganne
  48. Girl Gets Up After Eating: “Dramatic Suspense” by O’Hare
  49. Let Them All Die: “Tumultuoso” by Gabriel Marie
  50. Fade-Out of Pearl and Dog Train: “Symphonic Incidentals No.10” by Marquardt
  51. Eskimo and Pearl Enter Hut: “Ecstasy” by Zamecnik
  52. Pearl Goes Over To Secretary: Repeat Theme No.1 (last half of chorus)
  53. Daughter Brings Can of Food to Secretary: “Dramatic Conversation” by Becce
  54. You Ingrate: Repeat Theme No.1

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Simple Sis

Title: Simple Sis

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Tax-Free Musical Suggestions are listed first; Taxable Musical Suggestions are listed second

  1. At Screening of Titles: “Loves Eyes” by Zamecnik; “So This is Love” by Goetz
  2. Oscar The Foreman: “Cupid’s Surprise” by Gross; “Whims of Love” by Baron
  3. Jerry O’Grady: “Merriment” by Kempinski; “Gaiety” by Savino
  4. Wagon Drives Away: “Song of Romance” by Hoffman; “Song of Songs” by Moya THEME
  5. “Buddy Brown” Lived Upstairs: “Sweet Lavendar” by Wheeler; “Strolling Dolly” by Lindergreen
  6. (Sign) I.O.O.F. HALL: “Fox Trot” Jos. Morris Publication; Feist Publication
  7. Magic Tricks of Cards, etc.: “Kissing Serenade” by Micheli; “Debutante” by Axt
  8. Jerry Come and Dance: “Fox Trot” Waterson, Snyder Publication; Feist Publication
  9. Magician & Girl Sitting On Sofa: “Little More Pepper” by Lincoln; “Frolics and Fancies” by Adams
  10. Sailor Falls To Floor: THEME
  11. Jerry Had Ambitions: “The Burlesquer” by Hartz; “The Masquarade” by Paul
  12. Little Boy Comes In: “Traumerei” by Schumann; “Elegie” by Massanet
  13. Waiting For Eight O’Clock: “Conzonetta” by Hollander; “Amaranthus” by Golden
  14. Eight o’Clock In The Park; “Andante” by Hoffman; “Tragic Scene” by Berge
  15. She Leaves Little Boy Asleep: “Bridal Paths” by Langford; “Babillage” by Castillo
  16. The Care of “Buddy”: “Playful Moments” by Hoffman; “Little Coquette” by Reisner
  17. Sis Comes Home: “The Meeting” by Jebe; “By Gone Days” by Pintel
  18. Boys Have Argument: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw; “Restless Bows” by Strawley
  19. Sis Stops Fight: THEME
  20. (Door Sign) “Juvenile Court: “Solitundine” by Mulae; “Thoughts of Yore” by Frey
  21. Child Finishes Prayer: THEME
  22. Auto Arrives: “Abusive Tongues” by Hoffman; “Appasionato 55” by Borch
  23. Fire Starts: “L’Abime” by Francheschi; “Fire Music” by lake
  24. Sis Saves Buddy and Falls Unconscious: “Road To Sorrow” by Kempinski; “Dramatic Tension No.9” by Andino
  25. She Regains Her Senses: “Stormy Conflict” by Damaur; “Bientot Libre” by Gabriel Marie
  26. Juvenile Court (door sign): “The Vow” by Francheschi; “Desolation” by Conterno
  27. Shadow Scene: THEME
  28. Jerry and Sis Run From Rain: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Silver Slave

Title: The Silver Slave

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Tax-Free Musical Suggestions are listed first; Taxable Musical Suggestions are listed second

  1. At Screening of Title: “Love Eyes” by Zamecnik; “Blossoms” by Butler
  2. My Big Chance: “Afterglow” by Clutsam; “Rosebud” by Sanford
  3. Bernice’s Fortune Dwindled: “Zelma” by Haines; “Norma” by Luz
  4. It Is Difficult: “En Visite” by McDonald; “Gaiety” by Savino
  5. Orchestra Starts Waltz: “Balmoral” by Lotter; “Frangrance Lane” by Fresco
  6. You Are Beautiful: “Song of Romance” by Hoffman; “Demande D’Amour” by Drigo
  7. I’ve Been Looking: THEME “Dream of Love” by Rosey-Liszt
  8. Janet Gets Up To Dance: “Golden Youth” by Rosey; “Valse Caprice” by Kiefert
  9. Your Mother Tells Me: “Sweet Memories” by Singorski; “Constance” by Golden
  10. Everbody’s Talking About: “Vengeance” by Franchesci; “Appassionato No.2” by Axt
  11. Love Is The Only: “Mona” by Mac Lean; “Memories” by Blossom
  12. I’m Not A Baby: “Cuore en Pine” by Grachino; “Appassionato No.3” by Axt
  13. Larry and Janet: THEME
  14. Phil Appears In Auto: “You and I” by Lotter; “Plainte Passione” by Baron
  15. We’re Having A Little: “Smiles” by Somerville; “Merriment” by Kempinski
  16. You Are Very Powerful: “Love Triumphant” by Joels; “Tenderness” by Schad
  17. Tom Battled: “Pleading” by Wood; “Love Tragedy” by Savino
  18. My Car Is Waiting: “Cherry Ripe” by Cusans; “Cheritza” by Breau
  19. Janet Lights Phil’s Cigarette: “In Flowerland” by Graham; “Thelma” by Stahl
  20. Let’s Dance, Phil: “Fox Trot” Waterson Publication; Feist Publication
  21. The Key Was Lost Long Ago: “L’Amour Valsant” by Kirk; “Cassandra” by Johnson
  22. Phil & Janet Return To Table: “Rosemary” by Wheeler; “Heart Throbs” by Arnold
  23. Violinist Stands Up: “Celtic Waltz” by O’Donnell; “Sleeping Rose” by Borch
  24. Janet’s Mother & Phil In Auto: “The Tormentor” by Hoffman; “Threatening Elements” by Schad
  25. I Didn’t Come Here: “Distress” by Breil; “Desperation” by Schad
  26. Janet Runs Away: “Dramatic Scene” by May; “Appassionato Dram.” By Berge
  27. Just What Is Your: “Winds and Waves” by Hoffman; “Appassionato No.55” by Borch
  28. Janet Packs Her Things: “Grand Appassionato” by Becce; “Rage” by Axt
  29. You Little Fool: “Solemn Thoughts” by Hoffman; “Desolation” by Conterno
  30. Larry Sees Janet: THEME
  31. Wait, You Must Be Firm: Repeat Solemn Thoughts
  32. They’re Crying So They Must Be Happy: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Silk Stockings

Title: Silk Stockings

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Scherzando Hurry” by Frey
  2. Mouse Appears On Floor: “Help! Help!” by Kovacs
  3. Molly Embraces Sam: “I Love My Baby” by Warren
  4. The Mouse Has Done More For You: “Characteristic Allegro” by Moszkowsky
  5. Sam Finally Starts Car: “Aeroplane Galop” by Lamothe
  6. Who Ever Told You: “Carmencita Shea” by Densmoce
  7. I’ll Make Up For It Sam: “Baby Face” by Davis
  8. A Wedding Anniversary Is Like: “Ain’t We Got Fun” by Whiting
  9. Sam With Friends At Dinner: “Stepping On the Ivories” by McLaughlin
  10. Did You Ever Come Home: “Ain’t She Sweet?” by Ager
  11. Molly Sees Stocking In Sam’s Pocket: “Animal Cartoonix No.2” by Aborn
  12. The Battle Ground: “Happy Hectic Hours” by Schad
  13. Now Mrs. Thornhill: “Trails of Dreams” by Swan
  14. Right After We Were Married: “So That’s The Kind of a Girl You Are” by Burke
  15. Then He Took Up Drinking: “Burlesque on ‘How Dry I Am’” by Kempinski
  16. Now Tell The Jury How He Beat You: “Symphonic Incidentals No.4” by Kempinski
  17. And Now Mrs. Thornhill: “You’ll Never Be Missed A Hundred Years From Now” by Rose
  18. Say Judge, Don’t I Get A Chance: “Burlesque on ‘Lange’s Flower Song’” by Kempinski
  19. After The Divorce: “I’m Walking Around in Circles” by Phillips
  20. That’s My Picture: “Perpetuum Mobile” by Rapee
  21. The Beach Home Of A Friend: “How-Wah-Ya” by Banta
  22. Why Sam Thornhill: “It Had To Be You” by Jones
  23. Will The Wild Waves: “It All Depends On You” by Henderson
  24. While Down The Beach: “By The Beautiful Sea” by Carroll
  25. It’s No Use Judge: THEME “Calling” by Golden
  26. That Night: “March Burlesque” by Gillet
  27. Molly Climbing To Balcony: “Intermezzo Perpetual” by Lowitz
  28. Bagnal Enters bathroom: “I’m Sitting On Top of the World” by Henderson
  29. Molly Screams: “Comedy Excitement” by Zamecnik
  30. Guard Starts Prowling About: “marceline” by Trinkaus
  31. Guard Sees Molly: “The Bee” by Schubert
  32. Sam, The Burglar’s In My Room: “Gigue” by Gretry-Mottl
  33. Sam Sees Molly: “Forgive Me” by Ager
  34. Sam Pushed In Closet: Repeat No.1 “Scherzando Hurry”
  35. You Deliberately Compromised Me: Repeat Theme No.25

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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