Title: Walking Back
Author: Rudolph Berliner
Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928
Format: Cue Sheet
Document type: Cue Sheet
All authors/contributors: Rudolph Berliner
OCLC Number:
- At Screening: “The Jazz Dance” by Overstreet
- Cosmic Jazz—The Universe: “Runnin’ Wild” by Gibbs
- Sons and Daughters of the: “A Joy Ride” by Biermann
- After Motor Car Runs Into Tree: “Ain’t That Too Bad” by Endor
- Viscious or Just Wild: “Happy Go Lucky” by Kaufman
- Insert—Sign “PTOMAINE CHARLIE’S”: “He Knows His Groceries” by Breau
- Cop: “In A Hurry” by Friml
- When “Smoke” Thatcher: “Spirit of Youth” by Dahlquist
- Girl Lying In Bed: “Hard-To-Get Gertie” by Ager
- Back To Smoke: “Whims” by Savino
- Neither Did Judas: “Appassionato No.3” by Axt
- Exterior—Motor Car Seen: “Promenade” by Rapee-Axt
- Interior—Young People Seen: “Ain’t We Carrying On” by Frisch
- Flash—Woman Singer And Jazz Band: “Hello Cutie” by Friend
- “Smoke” and Patsy Alone: “Had I But Known” by Axt
- You’re Not Taking Her: “You Don’t Like It—Not Much” by Miller
SEGUE: “Melodic Agitato” by Savino
- I’ll Play That Game: “Zip” by Frey
- After Car Turns Over: “You Gotta Know How” by Donaldson
- “Smoke” and Patsy In Car—Stop At Curb: “I’m All Broken Up Over You” by Murphy
- Never Mind Baby: “For A Girl Like You” by Rice
- Insert—Sign—Schwartz Garage: “A Curious Story” by Frommel
- Car Enters Garage: “Mysterious Stranger” by Kay
- Three Strangers Join “Smoke” and Patsy: “A Mysterious Event” by Zamecnik
- Y’Know I’ve Taken A: “Tender Heart” by Baga
- After Fade—Car Stops On Road: “Uneasiness” by Mendelssohn
- Interior—Edgar Thatcher At Desk: “Creeping Shadows” by Baron
- “Smoke” Driving Car Through Streets: “Fugitive” by Maiorana
- Car Stops At Police Station: “Hasty Moments” by Savino
- In The Thatcher Home: “The Accuser” by Kay
- Son, Did I Understand: Repeat No.8 “Spirit of Youth”
Source: Carl Braun Collection
SFSMA ID: yCywVuYj9y
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