Duke Steps Out

Title: Duke Steps Out

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Just You” by Axt (WHITE)
  2. Statestics [sic] prove: “Play Ball” by Kaufman
  3. Train crosses screen: “College Boys” by Klohr
  4. Boy in dining car lights cigarette: “Woodland Frolics” by Marquardt
  5. Haines puts salt into water bottle: Repeat No. 3 “College Boys”
  6. You know who she is: Repeat No. 4 “Woodland Frolics”
  7. Haines leaves dining car: “Just You” by Axt (WHITE)
  8. When I found you: “How Wah-Ya” by Banta
  9. Band walks across screen: Repeat No. 7 (WHITE)
  10. Haines gest up from seat: “Strande d’Ostende” by Hintz (YELLOW)
  11. So Duke went to college: Repeat No. 7 (WHITE)
  12. To illustrate: “Luz Symphonic Color Classic No. 4” by Schoenfeld
  13. On “High Hat” Row: “Dance of the Sylphes” by Marquardt
  14. Fade-out of auto after cigar business: “Cross Roads” by Axt
  15. Orchestra stops with wink: Repeat No. 10 (Yellow)
  16. Orchestra plays after title “My Coat James”: “How About Me?” by Berlin
  17. Haines turns out lights: “Scherzo Silhouette” by Marquardt
  18. I’m sure going to: “Just You” by Axt
  19. I think I’ll kiss you: Repeat No. 12 (LIGHT BLUE)
  20. Wait till I tell my father: “Storm and Strife” by Somerville
  21. Girl kisses Haines second time: Repeat No. 18 (WHITE)
  22. Fade-out after girl enters house: Repeat No. 10 (YELLOW)
  23. Manager puts Haines’ feet in pails of water: “Norma Waltzes” by Luz
  24. Girl takes note from flowers: “The Season’s Greetings” by Marquardt
  25. A fast finish: Repeat No. 10 (YELLOW)
  26. Great! I’ll go: “Andante Appassionato” by Soro
  27. That’s an idea: “Rose of Spring” by Bicchiere
  28. Play once and segue: “Blossoms” by Butler
  29. Girl leaves house: “Passion” by Edwards
  30. Boy walks to player piano: Imitate player piano or piano (jazz fox-trot)
  31. Haines goes to protect girl: “Agitato No. 5” by Axt
  32. I’ll drive you home: Repeat No. 18 (WHITE)
  33. Girls in room after title – “Forget it”: “The Scandal Mongers” by Patou
  34. Auto seen—exterior scene: Repeat No. 18 (WHITE)
  35. Girl enters house: Repeat No. 33 “Scandal Mongers”
  36. Girl comes from house to Haines in auto: “Sweet Thoughts of Love” by Axt
  37. Fade-out of Haines in auto: “Love’s Impulse” by Jacquet
  38. Clock on screen: “On the Trail” by Bub
  39. The night of the big fight: “Devil Dogs” by Marquardt
  40. I hope no one from Sierra sees us: “Valse Modern” by Lodge
  41. Fighters in corners ready for first round: “A.B.C. Dramatic Set No. 15-D4” by Luz
  42. End of first round: “A.B.C. Dramatic Set No. 15-B2” by Luz
  43. Beginning of second round: Repeat No. 41 “A.B.C. Dramatic Set No. 15-D4”
  44. End of second round: “A.B.C. Dramatic Set No. 15-E5” by Luz
  45. Beginning of third round: “Incidental Symphony No. 40” by Hintz
  46. Girl walks from radio to other room: “Hidden Love” by Marquardt
  47. Boys at radio laugh after girl leaves room: Repeat No. 45 “Incidental Symphony No. 40”
  48. Prize fighter counted out: Repeat No. 12 (LIGHT RED)
  49. Stop short after title – “The Twentieth Amendment Should Be”: Repeat No. 18 (WHITE)

Proper orchestra rest period is Nos. 22 to 29 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetitions of numbers designate the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetition.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Dry Martini

Title: Dry Martini

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Blue Law Blues” by Lake
  2. With the coming: “Lords and Ladies” by Salzer
  3. Two policemen enter café with man: “Witty Moments” by Marquardt
  4. I’m sailin’ for old: “My New York” by Berlin
  5. Girl seen at telephone: “Y’A D’Jolies Femmes” by Salabert
  6. Quimby leaves café with dog: Repeat No. 2 “Lords and Ladies”
  7. I guess Fletcher just: “Chanson sans Paroles” by Tschaikowsky
  8. Quimby leaves Lina: Repeat No. 2 “Lords and Ladies”
  9. Group of men seen drinking: “He’s a Jolly Good Fellow” by Loesch
  10. Bad news: “Contrary” by Barnes
  11. Quimby walks into guest room: “Chastity” by Kay
  12. Butler brings in drinks: “Two in a Bar” by Copping
  13. Woman and man seen thru window fo café door: “Le Reve de L’Apache” by Donaldson
  14. Meet Paul de Launay: “Laughing Love” by Christine
  15. Frenchman leaves café: Repeat No. 12 “Two in a Bar”
  16. Change of scene to Lina’s apartment: “Chant d’Amour” by Jacquet
  17. I’ve terrible: “Under the Leaves” by Thome
  18. Lina answers telephone: “Souvenir Douloureux” by Bicchiere
  19. Phonograph starts to play: Orchestra tacet – play phonograph record of “My Heart Stood Still” (Fox-Trot)
  20. Quimby arrives home: “Amour Coquet” by Friml
  21. Hello, Dad: “Wings of Joy” by Van Norman
  22. Quimby leads daughter to guest room: “Tell Me You Love Me” by Santly
  23. Father and daughter seen in guest room: “Lady of My Heart” by Roder
  24. Flash back to young couple: Repeat No. 22 “Tell Me You Love Me”
  25. Fletcher seen in doorway: Repeat No. 3 “Witty Moments”
  26. Well, Frederick: Repeat No. 21 “Wings of Joy”
  27. Fade-in to books: “Paris Life” by Mosay
  28. Change of scene to cemetery: “Les Champs” by Bradford-Boutelje
  29. Ritz: “Mam’selle Caprice” by Baron
  30. Café seen: Repeat No. 5 “Y’A D’Jolies Femmes”
  31. A gentleman turns: “En Tapinois” by Mouton
  32. Why did you do that?: ‘Cause I’m in Love” by Donaldson
  33. Calendar seen again: “C’est Vous” by Greenberg
  34. Change of scene to two girls: “Amorous Adventure” by Bradford
  35. Lucille reads note: “Melodic Appassionato No. 1” by Marquardt
  36. Elizabeth answers telephone: “C’est Vous” by Greenberg
  37. Father seen dressing: “Pastime” by Clutsam
  38. Phonograph starts playing: Orchestra tacet – play phonograph record of “Doing the New Low Down” by Mills
  39. Phonograph stops playing: “That’s My Weakness Now” by Green
  40. Lucille sees Bobbie: Repeat No. 22 “Tell Me You Love ME”
  41. Lucille and Bobbie leave: Repeat No. 39 “That’s My Weakness Now”
  42. Telephone rings: “Second Love Tragedy” by Savino
  43. Dog barks: “Puppets” by Bierman
  44. Youth seeks the great: Repeat No. 36 “C’est Vous”
  45. Father seen: “Dramatic Agitato No. 38” by Minot
  46. Change of scene back to Elizabeth and Paul: Repeat No. 36 “C’est Vous”
  47. Elizabeth enters boudoir: “La Folie” by Franceschi
  48. Change of scene to automobile: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 18” by Marquardt
  49. Father arrives at Paul’s house: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 13” by Marquardt
  50. Elizabeth!: “Defiant Love” by Schad
  51. The greatest thing: “Rache-Vengeance” by Porret
  52. Fletcher takes his coat off: “Help! Help!” by Kovacs
  53. Fletcher is thrown out of room: “Burlesque on Chopin’s Funeral March” by Kempinski
  54. Daughter seen in automobile: “Romance” by Frommel
  55. Youth departs: Repeat No. 32 “Cause I’m in Love”
  56. Hurry up or you’ll miss: “A Busy Thoroughfare” by Baron
  57. After crowd say good-bye to Quimby: “A Perfect Day” by Bond
  58. Frank, a dry martini: Repeat No. 39 “That’s My Weakness Now”

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: 5q3YOz3sfh

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Drums of Love

Title: Drums of Love

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: BARRYMORE THEME – “Prelude” from Zaza by Leoncavallo
  2. Fade-in picture: BROTHER THEME – “Friend of Mine” by Sanderson
  3. Fade-in bedside: Repeat Barrymore Theme No. 1
  4. Swear: ORIGINAL THEME by Griffith
  5. Don Cathos, now the duke: “Battle Music” by Riesenfeld
  6. The battle won: “Grand Pas Espagnole” by Glazounow
  7. Flash to entry of conquerors: “La Culpa” a Mexican march
  8. Flash to Bopi: MARSHALL THEME – “Silent Night” by Rebikov
  9. Fade-in – Night street scene: “La Hamaca” a Mexican song
  10. Agents of Granada: “Hurry No. 1” by Langey
  11. Brothers together: Repeat Brother Theme No. 2
  12. Castle of the royal duke: “L’Illusion Supreme” by Gabriel Marie
  13. Princess Emanuella: PHILBIN THEME – “Don Quichotte” by Massenet
  14. Butler enters: ‘Romance” by Sibelius
  15. Emanuella descends stairs: “Liebestreue” by Brahms
  16. Emmisaries of Granada: “March” from Scenes Pittoresque by Massenet
  17. A blessing to: Repeat Brother Theme No. 2
  18. But on the eve: “Scene de Ballet” from Scenes Pittoresque by Massenet
  19. Flash to outer hall: “Salammbo” by Ahrends
  20. Flash to brothers: Repeat Original Theme No. 4
  21. After all: Repeat Brother Theme No. 2
  22. Flash to Emanuella: Repeat Philbin Theme No. 13
  23. Close-up of little sister: “Little Girl” by Griffith
  24. A – Leonardo arrives: “Pomp and Circumstance” by Elgar; 24B – Segue: “Lohengrin March” by Wagner
  25. Leonardo bows to Emanuella: LOVE THEME – “La Golondrina” a Mexican song
  26. Emanuella turns to descend: “March Sylvia” by Delibes
  27. Leonardo bows: Repeat Love Theme No. 25
  28. Affairs of state move swiftly: “March of the Tin Soldiers” by Pierne
  29. Leonardo at carriage: LOVE THEME by Griffith
  30. Leonardo turns to trumpeter: trumpet and drums as lib
  31. Flash to Cathos dressing: “Aubade” by Lefebvre
  32. Entrance of bridal party: “March Sylvia” by Delibes
  33. Leonardo joins Emanuella: Repeat Brother Theme No. 2
  34. Flash to Bopi: Repeat Marshall Theme No. 8
  35. A – Emanuella approaches: Symphony in B Minor – 1st movement by Tschaikowsky; 35B – Segue: “Les Perses” by Domergue
  36. Leonardo entrance: Repeat Barrymore Theme No. 1
  37. You will always be near: Repeat Love Theme No. 25
  38. Flash to hall: “March Sylvia” by Delibes
  39. It was a joyous: “Mardi Gras” by Zamecnik
  40. Close-up after bow: “Memories” by Cadman
  41. Band plays: “El Choclo” by Villoldo
  42. Cathos calls Leonardo: “Adagio Lamentoso” from Symphony in B Minor – 4th movement by Tschaikowsky
  43. Cathos turns around: ‘La Bella Argentina”
  44. Wedding: “Meditation” by Bach-Gounod
  45. Cathos in bedroom: Repeat No. 40 “Memories”
  46. Close-up of Cathos: “Songs of Spanish Soil” by Osma
  47. But the strange: “Le Retour” by Bizet
  48. Gifts for remembrance: Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt” by Tschaikowsky
  49. Leonardo enters: Repeat Barrymore Theme No. 1
  50. Close-up of Emanuella and Cathos: Repeat No. 40 “Memories”
  51. Brief flash of Bopi: Repeat Marshall Theme No. 8
  52. Cathos leaving: “Men of Sparta” by Zamecnik
  53. Flash to Leopnardo and Emanuella in room: “Traumerei” by Strauss
  54. Garden with Leonardo: Repeat Love Theme No. 25
  55. Leonardo enters room: “Prelude” from Tristan by Wagner
  56. At the distant camp: Repeat Original Theme No. 4
  57. Emanuella and woman in hall: Repeat No. 55 “Prelude” form Tristan
  58. My poor brother: Repeat Love Theme No. 25
  59. Flash to Bopi: “Transition” by Sol Cohen
  60. Back to lovers: “Recitative” by Griffith
  61. Flash to Bopi: Repeat Marshall Theme No. 8
  62. Cathos in camp: Repeat Barrymore Theme No. 1
  63. Flash to garden: Repeat Marshall Theme No. 8
  64. Emanuella dressing: Girl Theme or “La Violeterra”
  65. Flash to garden: “Prelude” to Tristan by Wagner
  66. Leonardo enters room: “Songs of My Spanish Soil” by Osma
  67. The following day: “La Gondole Rouge” by Colin
  68. Crushes dolls: 6th Symphony (Movement 1 at No. 15) by Tschaikowsky
  69. Oh! It was nothing: 6th Symphony (Movement 2 – Letter F) by Tschaikowsky
  70. Emanuella with guitar: Repeat No. 64 Girl Theme or “La Violeterra”
  71. Esta noche: Repeat No. 65 “Prelude” from Tristan
  72. Emanuella nears bedroom window: Repeat No. 64 Girl Theme
  73. Emanuella pauses at crucifix: “Prelude in B Minor” by Chopin
  74. Emanuella turns (after garden scene): Repeat No. 64 Girl Theme
  75. A – Emanuella pauses: “Intermezzo” by Bizet; 75B -Segue: “Anathema” by Von Fielitz
  76. Emanuella nears window again: Repeat No. 64 Girl Theme
  77. Her mood changes: Repeat No. 42 “Adagio Lamentoso”
  78. Leonardo at picture of brothers: Repeat Brother Theme No. 2
  79. Emanuella unlocks door: “Floods of Spring” by Rachmaninoff
  80. Cathos climbs down from window: “Les Lauriers Rouges” by Gabriel Marie
  81. There shall be no one: Repeat Love Theme No. 25
  82. Cathos enters room: “Elegie” by Lubomirsky
  83. Leonardo covers face with arm: “Dramatic Agitato No. 1” by Hough
  84. We struggled so hard: “Elegie” by Baron
  85. Cathos fingers touch Leonardo’s face: Repeat Brother Theme No. 2
  86. Close-up of Leonard, Emanuella and candles: Repeat Love Theme No. 25

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Drifter

Title: The Drifter

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Prelude to Western American Drama” by Baron
  2. At the edge of the: “Il Trovatore Selection” by Tarvan
  3. Let’s get going: “Flocons de Beige” by Bradford
  4. Tom riding and playing trombone: Repeat No. 2 “Il Trovatore”
  5. Curley falls from horse: “The Flight” by Savino
  6. Curley poking mule: “Western Allegro” by Rapee-Axt
  7. Ruth and Lawson arguing: “Appassionato Romantico” by Bradford
  8. Where’d you get that mule?: TOM THEME – “Princess Pat Fox-Trot” by Herbert
  9. Lawson starts plane: “Farmers Carnival” by Kendall
  10. Insert—“Lazy M Ranch”: “A Rube Festival” by Peele
  11. He said he only paid: “Misterioso alla Valse” by Savino
  12. Dark sleeping room: “Mosquito’s Parade” by Whitney
  13. Exterior—man sneaking around barn: “Unfinished Symphony” by Schubert
  14. Tom shuts door of stable: Repeat Tom Theme No. 8
  15. Tom speaks to Ruth: “Adventure d’Amour” by Bradford
  16. There’s one thing: “The Gondolier” by Powell
  17. Sheriff and companion ride up: “Scenes Infernales (A)” by Lake
  18. That’s my grandfather’s mule: “Mysterious Tension” by Axt
  19. If you’d told me that: “Love’s Emotion” by Marquardt
  20. Lawson and gang stop Ruth and companion: “Sinister Agitato” by Becce
  21. Tom and sheriff: Repeat Tom Theme No. 8
  22. Flash-back to outlaws: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini
  23. Lawson with mule: “Dance of the Elves” by Troostwyk
  24. Ruth and outlaw at cabin: “Anguish of Soul” by Eggert
  25. Tell me what you know: “Appassionato Lirico” by Berge
  26. How did you escape?: LOVE THEME – “Magic Love” by Bradford
  27. Place “zooming” above: “Rushing Waters” by Savino
  28. Outlaw captured: “Cripple Creek” by Stringfield
  29. Rastus and Curley leave prisoner: “Elopement” by Carrozzini
  30. Tom enters cave: “Tensive Misterioso” by Peele
  31. Place stops: “Fingal’s Cave” by Mendelssohn
  32. Ruth and friends mount and ride away: “Coriolan” by Beethoven
  33. That ain’t no way: Repeat Tom Theme No. 8
  34. Exterior—Ruth and Tom: Repeat Love Theme No. 26

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Dressed to Kill

Title: Dressed to Kill

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “The Gentleman Burglar” by Jacquet
  2. Exposure seen: “It Looks Like a Big Night Tonight” by Van Alstyne
  3. Lowe steps into car: “Who’s Who?” by Morris
  4. Close-up of clock seen: “Affolement” by Ourdine
  5. Fade-in to sign—“Garage For Rent”: “Uneasiness” by Mendelssohn
  6. Lowe gets out of taxi: “Melancolie” by Bubeck
  7. Lowe and girl enter private club: “Is She My Girl Friend?” by Ager
  8. Is that new waiter safe: “Ondes Mysterieuses” by Franceschi
  9. Change of scene to orchestra: “Make Believe You’re Happy” by Woods
  10. Orchestra stops playing: “An Evening Melody” by St. Clair
  11. Close-up of professor and other crooks sitting down: “A Mysterious Fable” by Juon
  12. Orchestra seen again: “Dark Town Strutters’ Ball” by Brooks
  13. Change of scene to Lowe and girl: “When Love Comes Stealing” by Rapee
  14. Automobile drives up: “Agitated Misterioso” by Rapee
  15. Detective enters club: Repeat No. 1 “The Gentleman Burglar”
  16. Barry and girl leave club: “Evil Intentions” by Kempinski
  17. Orchestra seen: “Keep Sweeping the Cobwebs Off the Moon” by Lewis
  18. Waiter comes in to gang with four drinks: “Treacherous Knave” by Zamecnik
  19. Orchestra seen again: Repeat No. 17 “Keep Sweeping the Cobwebs Off the Moon”
  20. Taxi seen in backyard: “Misterioso Dramatique No. 54” by BOrch
  21. Change of scene to dancing: Repeat No. 17 “Keep Sweeping the Cobwebs Off the Moon”
  22. Change of scene to Barry and girl entering house: “Wings” by Zamecnik
  23. Just what will be my duties: “Shadows In the Night” by Borch
  24. Well, let’s call it a night: “Moonlight Memories” by Edwards
  25. Coffee being served to Lowe in the morning: “A Summer Morning” by Ewing
  26. Newspaper insert seen: “Cortege” by Rapee-Axt
  27. Fade-in to girl at dressing table: “Vanity” by Jackson
  28. Victrola seen: Repeat No. 13 “When Love Comes Stealing”
  29. Barry takes out gun: “Dramatic Tension” by Axt
  30. I’m leaving a little more protection: “Admiration” by Jackson
  31. Orchestra seen: “For My Baby” by Kahal
  32. Tacet: Stop music
  33. Segue: Repeat No. 13 “When Love Comes Stealing”
  34. I’m not so sure about this Moll: “Fuga” by Gabriel Marie
  35. Gentlemen, this is our: “Karma” by Herbert
  36. Count removes his hat: “Fleeting Shadows” by Weiss
  37. Fade-in to automobile on street: “A Busy Thoroughfare” by Baron
  38. How much is it: “Gruesome Suspense” by Beghon
  39. Girl faints: “Scherzo Serioso” by Lowitz
  40. Fade-in to gang: “Stalking the Prey” by Kempinski
  41. Change of scene to Barry’s apartment: “The Crisis” by Pasternack
  42. You mean everything: “Appassionato” by Borch
  43. So you’re a stool pigeon!: “Dramatic Finale” by Noyes
  44. If I’d know a girl: “Where Roses Bloom” by Edwards
  45. Barry leaves: “In Despair” by Berge
  46. Fade-in to double exposure of sweethearts: “Because I Love You” by Berlin
  47. Change of scene to gang: “Tensive Misterioso” by Berge
  48. Close-up of electric sign—“Night and Day Bank”: “Agitato a la Valse” by Savino
  49. Change of scene back to girl: “Tensive Misterioso” by Peele
  50. Gang throws girl on sofa: “The Accuser” by Kay
  51. Barry jumps out of automobile: “Uneasiness” by Borch
  52. Barry holds up gang: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw
  53. I’m giving them to her: “An Argument” by Breil
  54. Automobile seen: “Agitato Misterioso” by Delille
  55. I’ll get away: “Adieu” by Friml
  56. Girl gets into taxi: “Facing Death” by Becce
  57. Pistol shot: “Chant de la Mort” by Kempinski
  58. Change of scene to professor seen walking: “A Spooky Adventure” by Pasternack
  59. It only takes one dame: “I May Be Gone For a Long, Long Time”

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Dream of Love

Title: Dream of Love

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Café Chantant” by Fletcher
  2. Clown blows trumpet: “Dark Eyes” by Marquardt
  3. Men grab girl’s ankles: “Sognai” by Schira
  4. Flowers thrown at girl: “Paragraphs” by Fall
  5. I couldn’t go: “If Love Were All” by Axt (WHITE)
  6. Play once and segue: “Springtime of Life” by Marquardt
  7. Soldier opens bottle of wine: Repeat No. 5 (WHITE)
  8. Fade to exterior – rain scene: “Redzi” by Caludi
  9. Rose and note put in envelope: “Wedding Dreams” by Marquardt
  10. Time and love: “Recitative Heroique” by Rapee (RED)
  11. But if he becomes: “Adolescence” by Collinge
  12. The dictator entertained: “Dance of the Sylphes” by Marquardt
  13. The last time: “Maesmawr” by Curti
  14. Men die: “Plaisir d’Amour” by Martini
  15. Prince opens door: “Loves Fantasy” by Frommel
  16. Dictator enters: Repeat No. 10 (RED)
  17. Dictator steps on lace veil: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 14” by Marquardt
  18. Dictator leaves prince: Repeat No. 15 “Loves Fantasy”
  19. Theatre placard on screen: “Halimar” by Banta
  20. Stage curtains open: Repeat No. 5 (WHITE)
  21. Stage curtains close: “Bacchanale de Montmartre” by Ketelbey
  22. Stage curtains open—2nd Act: Repeat No. 9 “Wedding Dreams”
  23. Stage curtains close: Repeat No. 21 “Bacchanale de Montmartre”
  24. Plays about love: “Poeme Erotique” by Varnier
  25. Play once and segue: “Love Song” by Langgaard
  26. Stripes for wounds: “Tendresse” by Pente
  27. If it would interest you: “If Love Were All” by Axt (WHITE)
  28. Actress goes to dictator: “Recitative Heroique” by Rapee (RED)
  29. Woman’s feet and train seen: “Albumblatt” by Hilse
  30. Woman telephones to prince: “Love Fantasy” by Frommel
  31. End of telephoning scene: “Love Scene” by Borch
  32. Fade to chess game: Repeat No. 28 (RED)
  33. I’m sorry: Repeat No. 30 “Love Fantasy”
  34. Prince signs paper: Repeat No. 27 (WHITE)
  35. I am playing: “Recitative and Soliloquy” by Savino
  36. Dictator pushes door open: Repeat No. 28 (RED)
  37. Gentlemen, you will be: Repeat No. 17 “Symphonic Incidentals No. 14”
  38. Dictator and soldiers leave: “Ombres d’Automne” by Mavne
  39. Woman drinks from wine glass: Repeat no. 28 (RED)
  40. Woman selling papers: “Funebra” by Gabriel Marie
  41. Some people like opera: “Is Mournful Mood” by Sibelius
  42. Soldiers fire in air: “Insurrection” by Schertzinger
  43. Church bells tolling: “Processional” by Clutsam
  44. Interior scene—room door closed: “If Love Were All” by Axt (WHITE)

Proper orchestra rest period is Nos. 24 to 31 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetitions of numbers designate the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetition.

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: s5uwsQrQTl

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The Dove

Title: The Dove

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Magic Sunbeams” by Drumm, Segue to “Spanish Love Theme” by Marquardt (WHITE)
  2. A palm blessed land: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 2” by Marquardt
  3. Woman walks out of store: “Facing Death” by Becce (BLACK)
  4. Across the desert: “La Gitana” by Kreisler
  5. People show on screen after moving scenes: “Diabolical Allegro” by Bergunker (RED)
  6. Very well, let him talk: “Eroticon” by Mikulicz, Segue to “Santanna” by Bryan
  7. The dance hall is called: “Pepita” by Motzan
  8. Don Sandoval has: Trumpet Call by trumpeter
  9. One scene: “Matador” by Marchisio
  10. Man stops band playing: “La Clavel” by Kempinski
  11. Enough of this: “The Kinkajou” by Tierney
  12. Don Sandoval kissing girl: “Jurame” by Grever
  13. After toast – party drinks: “Yearning” by Crist
  14. Second time “The Dove” door shows: “Rio Rita” by Tierney
  15. Lights go out while Don Sandoval is dancing on table: “Charrita” by Santos
  16. End of dance—Norma’s back to camera: “Fandango” by Hosmer
  17. Hot sport: “Melida” by Elie (LIGHT GREEN)
  18. I cannot go on: “Echo of Spring” by Cunningham
  19. Norma Talmadge gets up from chair: Repeat No. 17 (LIGHT GREEN)
  20. Don Sandoval closes gates: “Diabolical Negro” by Bergunker (RED)
  21. Messenger at door speaks to Don Sandoval: “Cavatina” by Bohm
  22. Man walks out of room from Norma Talmadge: “Spanish Love Theme” by Marquardt (WHITE), Segue to “Memories Eternal” by Torke
  23. I’ve got no sweetheart: “Serenade” by Pierne
  24. Fade-out as boy walks from lovers in house: “Facing Death” by Becce (BLACK)
  25. Fade-out of Don Sandoval: Repeat No. 22 (WHITE)
  26. Close-up of Norma Talmadge at door after lover leaves: Repeat No. 17 (LIGHT GREEN)
  27. Proprietor walks into room: “Defiant Love” by Schad (LIGHT BLUE)
  28. Door opens: “Espana Waltz” by Waldteufel
  29. Next morning: “Manzanillo” by Robyn
  30. Norma Talmadge throws dice: Repeat No. 22 (WHITE)
  31. Shanghai Charley’s: “Moon Madness” by Lodge
  32. Girl at gambling table winning chips: Repeat No. 20 (RED)
  33. Don Sandoval walks out of gambling house: Repeat No. 27 (LIGHT BLUE)
  34. Will you stop: “The Rebellion” by Patou
  35. Close-up of man with two revolvers: Repeat No. 20 (RED)
  36. Dealer changes dice: Repeat No. 24 (BLACK)
  37. Boy shows dice to people in room: “Incidental Symphony No. 13” by Casini
  38. People chased out of gambling house: Repeat No. 24 (BLACK)
  39. Worry not: Repeat No. 27 (LIGHT BLUE)
  40. Norma Talmadge walks back to lover: “Spanish Love Theme” by Marquardt (WHITE)
  41. But I’m so scared: “The Awakening” by Zamecnik
  42. This ring my Johnny give me: “Facing Death” by Becce (BLACK)
  43. Fade-out of Commandante with money: “Reverie” by Drumm
  44. Shadow shows on screen: “Diabolical Allegro” by Bergunker (RED)
  45. Don Sandoval drinks: “Misterioso Fantastico” by Becce
  46. Don Sandoval applauds: Repeat No. 44 (RED)
  47. What you want: “Descriptive Agitato No. 38” by Bochnlein
  48. You will tell him: Repeat No. 42 (BLACK)
  49. Close-up of lover with soldiers after villains hide: Repeat No. 40 (WHITE)
  50. This is good-bye: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 6” by Marquardt
  51. Fade-out after title – “You betcha my life”: “Mysterious March” by Borch
  52. Scene showing house: “Manzanillo” by Robyn
  53. Soldiers ride into house: “Mehda” by Elie (LIGHT GREEN)
  54. Maybe I like you very much: “Misterioso Irresoluto” by Langey
  55. Don Sandoval knocks glass of wine out of Norma Talmadge’s hand: “Defiant Love” by Schad (LIGHT BLUE)
  56. Don Sandoval stops laughing at Norma Talmadge: Repeat No. 42 (BLACK)
  57. Lover walks to Norma Talmadge: Repeat No. 40 (WHITE)
  58. Servant throws plant from balcony on lover: “Furioso No. 89” by Berge
  59. Courtyard scene after lover is captured: “Grand Dramatic Scene” by May
  60. Norma Talmadge runs to and embraces lover: “Reproach” by Zamecnik
  61. Norma Talmadge goes from Don Sandoval to lover: “Spanish Love Theme” by Marquardt (WHITE)
  62. Soldiers raise rifles: “Facing Death” by Becce (BLACK)
  63. The best damn caballero: Repeat No. 55 (LIGHT BLUE)
  64. Servant walks on to Don Sandoval and off: Repeat No. 61 (WHITE)

Proper orchestra rest period is Nos. 26 to 34 inclusive.

NOTE: “Diabolical Allegro” by Bergunker, No. 5 and 20, etc., in the score should never be played fast, and not like an Agitato. A cynical threat is desired. The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetitions of numbers designate the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetition.

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: g4lJo8Oa8j

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Don’t Marry

Title: Don’t Marry

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Dream River” by Brown
  2. If all the people, claiming descent: “Stephanie Gavotte” by Czibulka
  3. On the other side of the wall: “Rain or Shine” by Ager
  4. I would never allow: “Comic Conversation” by Aborn
  5. Priscilla seen on beach: “The Best Things In Life Are Free” by Henderson
  6. Priscilla, how can you stand: “Rustic Idyl” by Pasternack
  7. Man seen carrying ice cream cones: “Ice Cream” by Johnson
  8. Shameless hussy: Repeat No. 4 “Comic Conversation”
  9. Close-up of directory: “Frivolous Coquette” by Kempinski
  10. That’s the most indecent: “Anxiete” by Srawley
  11. General meets Priscilla: “Cocotte” by Tyson
  12. Change of scene to exterior: “Tell Me Pretty Maiden” from Floradora by Stuart
  13. Son enters general’s office: “Adventure d’Amour” by Bradford
  14. Close-up of door knocker: “Mademoiselle-Promenade?” by Jacquet
  15. Henry Willoughby sees Priscilla coming downstairs: Repeat No. 12 “Tell Me Pretty Maiden”
  16. Priscilla plays harp: “Love’s Old Sweet Song” by Molloy
  17. Priscilla finishes playing: Repeat No. 12 “Tell Me Pretty Maiden”
  18. Poet stands between men at card table: “Humoresken” by Jones
  19. I’ve always dreamed: Repeat No. 1 “Dream River”
  20. Well, our little plot: “I’m Falling In Love With Someone” by Herbert
  21. Tennis court seen: “Happy Go Lucky” by Kaufman
  22. Priscilla enters her room: “Babbling Brook” by Golden
  23. Priscilla and Henry in bathing outfits: “Simplicity” by Lee
  24. Let me get you a bathing: “Paderewski Rag” by Klickmann
  25. Priscilla dives into water: “Oh Mister” by Frey
  26. Well, if it isn’t little: “Sunshine” by Berlin
  27. When it came to baseball: “Sultan of Swat” by Donaldson
  28. Priscilla sits alongside of Henry knitting: “Gavotte and Musette” by Raff
  29. Automobile seen along road: Repeat No. 26 “Sunshine”
  30. Have you children?: “Glow Worm” by Lincke
  31. Back seat of car accidentally closes: “Intermezzo” by Arensky
  32. Teo men seen in hallway: “Sh! Not So Loud” by Barrett
  33. After table falls: “Trouble Extreme” by Gabriel Marie
  34. You young scamp: “Dramatic Finale” by Noyes
  35. Wedding bells: “O Promise Me” by DeKoven
  36. Close-up of registration book: “Two Little Pretty Birds” by Tucker
  37. Priscilla phones down to hotel clerk: “Entr’acte Lovelorn” by Wood
  38. This is Betty – I’m downstairs: “Without You Sweetheart” by Henderson
  39. Henry enters wife’s room: “Appassionato Patetico” by Bradford
  40. Henry walks into room no. 746: “Love Me and the World is Mine” by Ball
  41. Henry shows Priscilla her bridal gown: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini
  42. Couple embrace: Repeat No. 26 “Sunshine”

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Domestic Meddlers

Title: Domestic Meddlers

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet,


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “L’Amour Valsant” by Kirk
  2. Call it a day: “Doux Murmure” by Gillet
  3. Eleanor Hall: “Bonne Maman” by Gillet
  4. It just proves what a woman: “Poppyland” by Kiefert
  5. Five years old: “Blue Law Blues” by Lake
  6. Eleanor and Graham at Victrola: “Lisette” by Engel
  7. The morning that follows Saturday night: “Berceuse Comique” by Kilenyi
  8. Eleanor receives box of flowers: “Elfin Dance” by Felix
  9. Course after course: “In a Gondola” by Sokolow
  10. I wish I could get a kick: “Marche Mignonne” by Poldini
  11. A bull’s whip: “Underneath the Falling Leaves” by Sherman
  12. Applause: “Prattle” by Lowitz
  13. Lights out: “Jane” by Bibo
  14. Eleanor and Graham appear at apartment door: “From Mount Ranier” by Reiser
  15. Men seated at lunch table: “Babillage” by Gillet
  16. Jones stops Walter on street: “Diabolical Allegro” by Bergunker
  17. His friend and his wife: “Intermezzo” from Atonement of Pan by Hadley
  18. Eleanor climbs into bed: “From the North” by Sibelius
  19. Walter embraces Eleanor: THEME – “I Love You Truly” by Bond
  20. Walter at his desk: “From the Soul” by Schad
  21. He telephones Eleanor: “Joyous Spirits” by Savino
  22. Flowers appear again: “Silent Night” by Rebikov
  23. Pool of liquor on floor at Walter’s feet: “Valse Celeste” by Wittstein
  24. I’m sorry he’s spoiled our evening: Repeat No. 10 “Marche Mignonne”
  25. Why not let sleepy heads lie: Repeat No. 11 “Underneath the Falling Leaves”
  26. Music stops – lights extinguished: “Grand Dramatic Scene” by Leuschner
  27. So you’re the great lover: “Allegro Aggressivo” by Stahlberg
  28. Honey, please forgive me: Repeat Theme No. 19

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Dog Law

Title: Dog Law

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “La Coquette” by Onivas
  2. Johnny Burke: “Ballet” from Princess Pat by Herbert
  3. Easy come, easy go: “Valse Minore” by Reisenfeld
  4. Johnny picks up card: “The Screifice” by Patou
  5. Morning the trapper: “The Captive” by Savino
  6. Love at first sight: “Googily Goo” by Davis
  7. Trapper enters cabin: “Warriors Bold” by Joels
  8. Johnny looking for ranger: “Suspicions” by Baron
  9. Flash to ranger and new family: “Polly” by Zamecnik
  10. His new family must be fed: “Dramatic Andante” by Axt
  11. A refuge by how to get: “A Spooky Adventure” by Pasternack
  12. Billie Miller: THEME – “There’ll Never Be Another You” by Bergner
  13. Ranger starts hunting: “Precipitoso” by Savino
  14. Billie feeding puppies: THEME – “There’ll Never Be Another You” by Bergner
  15. Ranger has vision: “Dramatic Allegro” by Savino
  16. Trapper strikes Johnny: “Panic” by Varnier
  17. Ranger at cabin: “Junella” by Kahn
  18. Gambler appears: “Chatter” by Kahn
  19. I’m catching the loggin’ train: “Camorra” by Joels
  20. Evening of the next day: THEME – “There’ll Never Be Another You” by Bergner
  21. Billie stops playing. Picks up puppies: “Lady of My Heart” by Roder
  22. After an all night search: “Enigma” by Borch
  23. The eternal feminine: THEME – “There’ll Never Be Another You” by Bergner
  24. Men sawing tree: “Tarentella” by Bohm
  25. Billie appears: THEME – “There’ll Never Be Another You” by Bergner
  26. We want a little talk with you: “Implorations” by Pasternack
  27. Trapper on telephone: “Athalia” by Mendelssohn
  28. Trapper enters cabin: “The Captive” by Savino
  29. Ranger escapes: “Ruy Blas” by Mendelssohn
  30. Ranger enters room: “Furioso” by Bergunker
  31. Flash to Johnny and captors: “Infernale or Witch Scene” by BOrch
  32. Captors walk from lovers: THEME – “There’ll Never Be Another You” by Bergner

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Do Your Duty

Title: Do Your Duty

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Aurora” by Von der Mehden
  2. Sergeant Tim Maloney: TIME THEME – “A Bit O’Blarney” by Helf
  3. Motor cars crash: “Gigue” by Gretry-Mottl
  4. Tim’s friend, Andy: “Highland Schottisch” by Tobani
  5. Time studied for his promotion: Repeat Time Theme No. 2
  6. Patrolman Danny Sheehan: “The Blarney Stone” by Engleman
  7. Mary Ellen: LOVE THEME – “Roguish Rosie Reilly” by Franklin
  8. Mary Ellen and Danny leave room: Repeat Time Theme No. 2
  9. The baby: “Poupee Valsante” by Poldini
  10. Boy sharpening pencil with razor: “Spring Cleaning” by Bradford
  11. Children leave room: “Restless Bows” by Srawley
  12. In spite of his family: POLICE THEME – “National Emblem March” by Bagley
  13. Tim enters dark dining room: “What’s the Matter with Father” by Van Alstyne
  14. They all sit at table: “Hail, Hail, the Gang’s All Here” by Lake
  15. Andy appears playing bagpipe: “The Campbells Are Comin’” from From the Highlands by Langey
  16. Flash to children in bed: “Shamrock Waltz” by Tobani
  17. I suggest that we now hear from: “Irish Patrol” by Puerner
  18. It’s a queer world: “Burlesque on Lange’s Flower Song” by Kempinski
  19. Ritzy Dalton and his gang: “The Devil’s Elixir” by Marquardt
  20. Girl starts to scream from window: “Dance of the Furies” by Gluck
  21. Insert – Police Commissioner: “Londonderry Air” by O’Connor
  22. Mary Ellen in bridal gown: Repeat Love Theme No. 7
  23. Tim, you and Mary Ellen: “Bridal Chorus” by Wagner
  24. Here are the pictures: “A Gaelic Dream-Song” by Foulds
  25. Each day Tim became: “Film Theme No. 7” by Roberts
  26. Policeman marching down street: Repeat Police Theme No. 12
  27. One hour before: “Adventure d’Amour” by Bradford
  28. Mary Ellen looking at wedding presents: “Intermezzo” by Arensky
  29. Andy appears in hallway with clothes: “A Spooky Adventure” by Pasternack
  30. Thug opens door: “Dramatic Allegro” by Savino
  31. Flash-back to Tim and family: “Anxiete” by Srawley
  32. Isn’t it terrible: “Nellie Kelly I Love You” by Cohan
  33. Flash to thug and girl in room: “Vengeance” by Baron
  34. It’s the gang that framed you: Repeat No. 11 “Restless Bows”
  35. Flash to wedding guests at station house: “A Hot Time” by Beyer
  36. Jewelry store: “Gigue” by Bradford
  37. Gang enter jewelry store: “Unfinished Symphony” by Schubert
  38. Tim telephones to police: “A Highland Lad My Love Was Born” by Ascher
  39. Dalton, here’s where you go to jail: Repeat Tim Theme No. 2
  40. Insert – police shield: Repeat Police Theme No. 12
  41. Wedding ceremony: “Wedding March” by Mendelssohn

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Divine Woman

Title: The Divine Woman

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Your Live Is All” by Zamecnik
  2. To understand this woman: “Isabel” by Bowers
  3. In Brittany: “Your Love Is All” by Zamecnik (WHITE)
  4. Fade-out of bedroom scene: “Chanson Francaise” by Marquardt (YELLOW)
  5. Woman and man walk out of dining room to hall: “Habanera” from Carmen by Bizet
  6. Don’t you understand: Repeat No. 3 (WHITE)
  7. Child embraces mother: “Serenade Passionnee” by Heymann
  8. Child puts on cloak: Repeat No. 4 (YELLOW)
  9. A portrait of one of my departed husbands: Repeat No. 7 (DARK BLUE)
  10. Screen falls down: “Film Theme No. 1 by Tschaikowsky
  11. Fade-out of man seated on floor: “Carabi” (old French chant)
  12. Girl stops on steps to house: Repeat No. 3 (WHITE)
  13. In that case: Repeat No. 11 “Carabi”
  14. Wagon drives off: “Garden Whispers” by Herkan
  15. Fade as soldier and girl go up steps: “Dreams of Love” by Liszt
  16. After soldier kisses girl: “Endearment” by Hawthorne
  17. Girl enters house: Repeat No. 4 (YELLOW)
  18. Soldier walks up street: Repeat No. 3 (WHITE)
  19. Fade as two women embrace: “Mystic Romance” by Srawley (RED)
  20. Fade as officer leads girl off: “Gavotte” from Garden Suite by Luz
  21. Clock on screen: “Nocturne” from Garden Suite by Luz
  22. Soldier leaves room after title – “There’ll still be soldiers”: Repeat No. 11 “Carabi”
  23. Soldier and girl kiss: “Chanson Francaise” by Marquardt (YELLOW)
  24. Girl about to light lamp: “Carabi” (old French chant)
  25. Soldier places girl back on chair: “Your Love Is All” by Zamecnik
  26. Quarrel at table: “Serenade passionnee” by Heymann (DARK BLUE)
  27. Girl takes off soldier’s belt: Repeat No. 1 (WHITE)
  28. Lovers seated in window: Repeat No. 24 “Carabi”
  29. Fade after title – “How brave a lad I was”: “In the Queen’s Palace” by Schertzing
  30. Girl in dressing room: Repeat No. 19 (RED)
  31. Molly Moran smoking cigar: “Told At Twilight” by Huerier
  32. Girl sees man at door: “Agitato No. 20” by Borch
  33. Girl runs out of room followed by man: Repeat No. 26 (DARK BLUE)
  34. The combination of an umbrella and you: Repeat No. 23 (YELLOW)
  35. Clothes shop: “Mystic Romance” by Srawley (RED)
  36. Love walks out of shop after stealing dress: Repeat No. 23 (YELLOW)
  37. They were given to me: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 1” by Marquardt
  38. Lover slaps girl’s face: Repeat No. 25 (WHITE)
  39. Police entering door: Repeat No. 35 (RED)
  40. Girl embracing lover: “Serenade passionnee” by Heymann (DARK BLUE)
  41. Lover led off — girl in hall: “Simple Aveu” by Thome
  42. I don’t want to be an actress: “Zareda” by Tschaikowsky
  43. Fade as girl is reading part in play: “Marche Lorraine” by Canne
  44. Fade-out of hands applauding: Repeat No. 42 “Zareda”
  45. I’ll see if rehearsal is ready: “Your Love Is All” by Zamecnik (WHITE)
  46. Poor Lucien: Repeat No. 40 (DARK BLUE)
  47. Bell rings: “Sympathy” by Mezzacapo
  48. Actress picks up two wash baskets: Repeat No. 40 (DARK BLUE)
  49. Actor dismissed: “Reverie” from Pathetic Suite by Luz
  50. Dressing room scene: “Elegie” from Pathetic Suite by Luz
  51. Actress sits down at table: Repeat No. 42 “Zareda”
  52. Prison scene: Repeat No. 35 (RED)
  53. Electric lights flashed: “Passe-Pied” by Gillet
  54. To La Marianne: “Uneasiness” by Mendelssohn
  55. Mother leaves dressing room: Repeat No. 35 (RED)
  56. Actress runs to lover: “Serenade passionnee” by Heymann (DARK BLUE)
  57. Yes, I am: Repeat No. 45 (WHITE)
  58. People show in hall: “Winsome Winnie” by Mehegan
  59. People leave room: “Your Love Is All” by Zamecnik (WHITE)
  60. The last act: Repeat No. 56 (DARK BLUE)
  61. Door opens: “Canto Amoroso” by Samartini-Elman
  62. Curtain down: “Lament” by Herrmann
  63. Fame is witch: “Carabi” (old French chant)
  64. Vision of lover in hall: “Mystic Romance” by Srawley (RED)
  65. Newspaper article on screen: “Lovers Meeting” by Kempinski
  66. Won’t you go for me: Repeat No. 56 (DARK BLUE)
  67. You’re going to live: “Your Love Is All” by Zamecnik (WHITE)

Proper orchestra rest period is Nos. 20 to 33 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetitions of numbers designate the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetition.

“Serenade passionnee” (DARK BLUE) should always begin at 5th bar and played Appassionato—instruments play all small notes. No. 11 “Carabi” must be played in four beats to bar Moderato tempo to fit “Ron, Ton, Ton” words on screen.

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: ty6LT6fPde

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Title: Discord

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Mock Morris” by Grainger
  2. Lights of London Street at night: “Quelques Fleurs” by Baron
  3. A year had passed: “Ludicia” by Caludi
  4. And so after a year: “Study In Blue” by Savino
  5. Following applause: “Dramatic Tension” by Ancliffe
  6. Cathleen enters room: “Dream Shadows” by Spitalny
  7. Ivan at fireplace: “Serenade” by Rachmaninoff
  8. Cathleen sees Ivan greet girl: “Karma” by Herbert
  9. Far up in the Nordland: “Andante” by Grieg
  10. Car appears on road: “Gade” from Lyric Pieces by Grieg
  11. Logs loosened—start down river: “Storm Music No. 9” by Ketelbey
  12. Birger places Cathleen on bench: “L’Angoissante aventure” by Gabriel Marie
  13. He recognizes monogram: “Elegie” by Grieg
  14. Cathleen takes drink and goes to sleep: “The Swan” by Saint Saens
  15. Family hurry into room: “Gossip” by Borch
  16. Boy hands Birger money: “Watchman’s Song” from Lyric Pieces by Grieg
  17. Poppy leaves room: “Penelope’s Garden” by Ancliffe
  18. Nearby: “Intermezzo” by Arensky
  19. Birger enters room: “The Coquette” by Deppen
  20. Coffee after a dinner: “Les Precieuses” by Gabriel Marie
  21. Family leave room: “A Passionate Episode” by Engleman
  22. But Birger, I am ashamed: THEME – “At Dawning” by Cadman
  23. Mark’s waiting: “Symphonic Color Classic No. 5” by Marquardt (GREEN)
  24. Deck scene: Repeat No. 18 (YELLOW)
  25. South, through the tropic seas: “Symphonic Color Classic No. 5” by Marquardt (WHITE)
  26. Off Cape Horn: “Storm, Tempest” by Wiedermann
  27. The sea’s hungry: “Symphonic Color Classic No. 5” by Marquardt (RED)
  28. Singapore: “Arabianna” by Giovannoli
  29. Dancing girls – close-up of girl and man: Repeat No. 27 (RED)
  30. Mark, you mustn’t do this: “Appassionata Dramatico” by Heymann
  31. Fetch the youngster: “Symphonic Color Classic No. 5” by Marquardt (DARK BLUE)
  32. Novarro hit on head and taken out: “A Street In Algeria” by Ansell
  33. Sea captain attacked: Repeat No. 27 (RED)
  34. The home port: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 7” by Marquardt
  35. Man taking chains from Novarro’s arms: “The Seething Mob” by Varnier
  36. Novarro sees girl: “Nocturne” by Crist
  37. I don’t sant him back: “Anguish” by Vrienides
  38. Six months: “The Chantyman’s March” by Sousa (BROWN)
  39. After words of song on screen: “Grand Dramatic Scene” by May
  40. Exterior scene—ship shows: “Dramatic Andante” by Noyes
  41. Boy comes up on deck: “Symphonic Color Classic No. 5” by Marquardt (RED)
  42. Young brother runs to Mark: Repeat No. 25 (WHITE)
  43. I know why you came: “Elements Unbound” by Eggert
  44. The truth is: “Incidental Symphony No. 29” by Damaur
  45. You’re both where I want you: “Idylle” by Gillet
  46. Deck scene: “Symphonic Color Classic No. 5” by Marquardt (DARK BLUE)
  47. Sailors going down hatch: Repeat No. 41 (RED)
  48. Man throws iron into Mark’s back: Repeat No. 46 (DARK BLUE)
  49. Sailor falls into sea: “Symphonic Color Classic No. 5” by Marquardt (GREEN)

Proper orchestra rest period is Nos. 25 to 35 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetitions of numbers designate the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetition.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Diamond Handcuffs

Title: Diamond Handcuffs

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Forest Murmurs” by Friml (WHITE)
  2. A diamond mine: “Vale of Kashmir” by Bierman
  3. Three men seated at table looking at diamonds: “Zuleika” from Oriental Ballet No. 2 by Riesenfeld (DARK GREEN)
  4. Fade-out of native girl crouching along wall: “Notturno Fantastico” by Huppertz (RED)
  5. Man escapes under wall – girl shows: Repeat No. 3 (DARK GREEN)
  6. Native leaves girl – crawls under wall: Repeat No. 4 (RED)
  7. Foreman walks to injured native: “Hindu Nautch Dance” by Vaughan
  8. One dance scene (injured man shows): “The Enchanted Castle” by Marquardt
  9. Native man at wall: “Furioso No. 2” by Armandola
  10. Girl hides injured man: Repeat No. 3 (DARK GREEN)
  11. Injured man falls at feet at girl: “The Meeting” by Bierman
  12. Then the diamond travelled: “Little Dot” by Froehlich
  13. I’ll be delighted: Repeat No. 4 (RED)
  14. Fade-out of jewelry store: Repeat No. 3 (DARK GREEN)
  15. Fade to street from couch in room: Repeat No. 4 (RED)
  16. Husband comes from jewelry store: “A Remembered Kiss” by Vannah
  17. Maid with diamond on finger walks from husband: Repeat No. 3 (DARK GREEN)
  18. Morning: Repeat No. 4 (RED)
  19. After jewelry store wife telephoning: “Melancholy” by Eggert
  20. Husband leaves wife: Repeat No. 4 (RED)
  21. After main shows in bedroom: “Furioso No. 3” by Langey
  22. So the diamond: “Little Miss Butterfly” by Cussans
  23. Girl sits down at table with three men: “Dramatic Andante No. 1” by Borch
  24. Girl enters room upstairs: “Un Sonnet d’Amour” by Harms
  25. I’ll never be happy: Repeat No. 3 (DARK GREEN)
  26. Girl lies down on couch: Repeat No. 4 (RED)
  27. Jewelry store scene: “Unrest” by Geehl
  28. After thief leaves store – taxi interior: “Misterioso alla Valse” by Savino
  29. Detectives enter Spike’s Restaurant: “Dramatic Appassionato” by Ciganeri
  30. Now that our friends have beat it: Repeat No. 4 (RED)
  31. Girl in room upstairs at mirror: Repeat No. 3 (DARK GREEN)
  32. It’s not that big stone: Repeat No. 1 (WHITE)
  33. Don’t you understand: “A Tone Picture” by Haas
  34. Fade-out of girl seated with doctor to street scene: “Arabian Romance” by Polla
  35. Orchestra stops: Short Tacet
  36. Leader makes announcement: “Sugar Foot Strut” by Schwab
  37. Dancers off after title – “You did”: Repeat No. 4 (RED)
  38. After announcement: “My Pet” by Ager
  39. Never mind the dance: Repeat No. 4 (RED)
  40. Stop short as Spike strikes girl: “Lonely Hours” by Kempinski
  41. Doc, I want to know: “Misterioso No. 82” by Berge
  42. Three men walk to table: Repeat No. 4 (RED)
  43. And they never come back: “Panicy Agitato” by Berge
  44. Two colored actors show: “Presto No. 27” by Lake
  45. After Spike is shot: Repeat No. 3 (DARK GREEN)
  46. Wagon runs over diamond: Repeat No. 1 (WHITE)

Proper orchestra rest period is Nos. 19 to 29 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetitions of numbers designate the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetition.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Devil’s Skipper

Title: The Devil’s Skipper

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Overture Italienne” by Zereo
  2. Angola, an ulcer on South Atlantic: “Au Desert” by Grandjean
  3. The devil’s ship: SHIP THEME – “Storm” by Eggert
  4. Flash-back to Angola street scene: “La Fete au Desert” from Suite Mauresque by Dargel
  5. Flash-back to ship: Repeat Ship Theme No. 3
  6. This son of a monkey: SKIPPER THEME – “The Captain” by Savino
  7. Deck of ship: “Fun on Deck” by Howgill
  8. Skipper with monkey: “Animal Cartoonix No. 2” by Aborn
  9. Mate enters cabin: Repeat Skipper Theme No. 6
  10. Fade-in vision: “Mignonette” by Jackson
  11. Child in crib: “Slumber Boat” by Gaynor
  12. Philip: “Wedding Morn” by Luscomb
  13. Tonight Marie: “Autumn Voices” by Bassett
  14. Then: “Nymphs Frolic” by Bradford
  15. Men enter room: “Hurry No. 3” by Zamecnik
  16. Flash-back to cabin: Repeat Skipper Theme No. 6
  17. Deck of ship: “Leaving Port” by Howgill
  18. New Orleans: “The Coquette” by Johnstone
  19. Are you Monsieur le Farge: “Your Love is All” by Zamecnik
  20. Le Farge and mate talking in carriage: “Diabolical Allegro” by Bergunker
  21. Flash on ship: “Silent Night” by Rebikov
  22. Le Farge confronts skipper: Repeat Skipper Theme No.6
  23. Skipper and Le Farge enter hold: “The Toilers” by Axt
  24. They appear on deck again: “Le Rouet d’Omphale” by Saint Saens
  25. Put the lad and girl in irons: “Recitative Heroique” by Rapee
  26. I was a silly girl: “Love Tragedy” by Savino
  27. Among the derelicts: “The Rebellion” by Paton
  28. Tell me before you die: “Moderato (Love Theme)” by Savino
  29. Sailors winding windless: Repeat No. 23 “The Toilers”
  30. Flash to deck: “Uproar” by Neinass
  31. Marie, for God’s sake: “Hopeless” by Neinass
  32. Marie stabbed: “Adriana Lecouvreur” by Cilea
  33. Le Farge at Marie’s bedside: “Lamento” from Pique Dame by Tschaikowsky
  34. Mate leaves cabin – pursues sailor: “Dante’s Inferno” by Borch
  35. Flash-back to Marie: “Tragic Andante” by Sibelius
  36. You’ve been awfully good to me: “Adagio Pathetique” by Godard

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: 1fbmmBnpsV

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The Devil Dancer

Title: The Devil Dancer

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Kashmiri Song” by Woodforde-Finden (WHITE)
  2. Tibet, high in the: “Before the Battle” from T’Chaka by Ring (RED)
  3. While on the road: “Monarah” from T’Chaka by Ring
  4. And a strange event: Repeat No. 2 (RED)
  5. And thus Takla: Repeat No. 1 (WHITE)
  6. Big gong: “Incidental Symphony No. 28” by Damaur
  7. Close-up scene of prisoners coming downstairs: “Marcia Tragica” by Mikulicz
  8. Our ancient law: Repeat No. 6 “Incidental Symphony No. 28”
  9. Servant embraces Takla: “Orientale” by Cui
  10. Fade-out of men making up to tom tom: tom tom by drummer
  11. One scene: “Orgy” from Babylon by Elie
  12. Close-up of man hitting native cymbal: “Temple Bells” by Woodforde-Finden (ORANGE)
  13. Mask taken off girl’s head: “Dance of the Gnomes” by Hynsky
  14. Dancer falls down stairs: “Misterioso No. 4” by Bergunker
  15. White man climbs over garden wall: “Less Than the Dust” by Woodforde-Finden (BROWN)
  16. White man climbs to girl on balcony: Repeat No. 1 (WHITE)
  17. While the prayer wheels spin: “Before the Battle” from T’Chaka by Ring
  18. Garden scene: “Kashmiri Song” by Woodforde-Finden (WHITE), interrupt with trombone and horns imitating big trumpet, then segue to “Sarcasm” by Kempinski
  19. Maid shows after white man gives Takla cross: Repeat No. 18 (WHITE)
  20. When the moon is highest: Repeat No. 17 (RED)
  21. Masked girl enters temple: “Incidental Symphony No. 28” by Damaur
  22. Fade to two priests after close-up of wagon interior showing girl: “Semi-Oriental Maestoso” by Becce
  23. Kolan: “On the Bosporus” by Lincke
  24. Stephen says he has a surprise for us: “Miss Mischief” by Kempinski
  25. Man in garden mixes drink and drinks: “Temple Bells” by Woodforde-Finden (ORANGE)
  26. Takla drops cup of tea and cake: “Kashmiri Song” by Woodforde-Finden (WHITE), introduction
  27. Evening: “Spirit of Spring” by Reiser
  28. Lover walks off screen from sister: Repeat No. 26 (WHITE)
  29. Outside the gates: “Egyptian Dance” by Friml
  30. Lover walks to Takla dancing: “Kashmiri Song” by Woodforde-Finden (WHITE)
  31. Man enters room closing doors: Repeat No. 29 “Egyptian Dance”
  32. One dance scene: “Tensive Misterioso” by Peele
  33. Fade-out as woman walks from gate: “Fugitive” by Maiorana
  34. South toward: “In Sight of the Oasis” by Baron, SEGUE to “An Indian Legend” by Baron
  35. Takla has handkerchief – drops to ground: “Danse Oriental” by Lubomirsky
  36. Hassim annoying Takla after dancing: “An Indian Legend” by Baron
  37. Takla throws cross to floor: “Scene au Serai” by Les Orientales by Gauwin
  38. A month later: Continue No. 37
  39. Takla finishes dance with whirl: “Defense of Honor” by Zamecnik
  40. Nautch girls pass Takla on balcony: “Vision Orientale” by Marquardt
  41. Hassim embraces Takla: Repeat No. 39 “Defense of Honor”
  42. Hassim walks out of room after fight: Repeat No. 40 “Vision Orientale”
  43. Nautch girls show: Repeat No. 35 “Danse Oriental”
  44. Nautch rubs body against white visitor: Repeat No. 40 “Vision Orientale”
  45. Takla walks out on balcony: Repeat No. 35 “Danse Oriental”
  46. One dance scene: “A Villainous Theme” by Engleman
  47. Takla walks out of room: Repeat No. 35 “Danse Oriental”
  48. One dance scene: “Before the Battle” from T’Chaka by Ring (RED)
  49. I have come to take you back: “Shadowed” by Zamecnik
  50. What have you done with Takla: “Incidental Symphony No. 1” by Kempinski
  51. Lama kills boy with knife in Takla’s dressing room: “Monarah” from T’Chaka by Ring
  52. Lama leading Takla out of room: Repeat No. 50 “Incidental Symphony No. 1”
  53. Interior of room after Lama is thrown into river: “Kashmiri Song” by Woodforde-Finden (WHITE)

Proper orchestra rest period is Nos. 22 to 29 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetitions of numbers designate the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetition.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Title: Detectives

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “The Devil’s Elixir” by Marquardt (BROWN)
  2. This story is dedicated: “Agitato No. 4” by Zamecnik
  3. Men knocked down stairs: “Sunshine and Flowers” by Schoenfeld
  4. Close-up of man snoring: “Mignonette” by Sodero
  5. Up in Orloff’s room: “Gossip” by Marquardt (LIGHT BLUE)
  6. Doctor speaking to detective: ”Lucky In Love” by Henderson (YELLOW)
  7. Detective stabs bellboy with badge pin: Repeat No. 5 (LIGHT BLUE)
  8. Tomorrow ladies: “The Hour of Ghosts” by Becce (RED)
  9. Hall scene showing bellboy: Repeat No. 5 (LIGHT BLUE)
  10. Stop short as detective raises hand to strike bellboy: “Eternal Poem” by Weiller
  11. Plotters show on screen after detective laughs: Repeat No. 8 (RED)
  12. Bellboy walks out of room where card players are seen: “Agitato Mysterioso” by Norton
  13. Hand takes hold of detective’s legs: “In Pensive Mood” by Berge
  14. I’ve got it: :”The Devil’s Elixir” by Marquardt (BROWN)
  15. Man falls out of closet: “Gossip” by Marquardt (LIGHT BLUE)
  16. The following morning: “Lucky In Love” by Henderson (YELLOW)
  17. Stop with pistol shot: “A Little Peach” by Colin
  18. Boy disguised as girl enters room: “The Hour of Ghosts” by Becce (RED)
  19. Crook puts flashlight in drawer: “Defense of Honor” by Zamecnik
  20. I never saw such a fresh maid: “A Place of Dreams” by Gras
  21. Hotel hall scene: “The Home Stretch” by Bierman
  22. Fade-out after detective is caught in window: Repeat No. 18 (RED)
  23. Girl takes necklace out of crook’s pocket: Repeat No. 15 (LIGHT BLUE)
  24. Girl hid in mummy box: “Astir” by Berge
  25. Miles out: Continue No. 24 with storm effects
  26. Bellboy comes out of mummy box: Repeat No. 14 (BROWN)
  27. Detective closes big window: “Dramatic Allegro” by Falck
  28. Bellboy and detective recognize each other: Repeat No. 14 (BROWN)
  29. The next time I see you: Repeat No. 18 (RED)
  30. Detective falls into cellar: “Incidental Symphony No. 34” by Kempinski
  31. You here again: “The Hour of Ghosts” by Becce (RED)
  32. Plotters walk away from prison doors: “Passing of Summer” by Parker
  33. You’re a fine detective: “Dance of the Skeletons” by Allen
  34. Karl Dane hops into mummy box: Repeat No. 31 (RED)
  35. Bellboy takes barrel off head: “The Devil’s Elixir” by Marquardt (BROWN)
  36. Doctor begins to cut mummy: “Gossip” by Marquardt (LIGHT BLUE)
  37. Get them quick: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 9” by Marquardt
  38. Crooks fall through trap door (stop with crash): Repeat No. 37 “Symphonic Incidentals No. 9”
  39. Police office scene: “Agitato Pathetic” by Kilenyi
  40. After what I just told you: “Air de Ballet” by Herbert
  41. Detective opens searchlight: “Pekoe Dance” by Tschakoff
  42. You’re a disgrace: “Lucky In Love” by Henderson (YELLOW)
  43. Detective locked in cell: Repeat No. 36 (LIGHT BLUE)

Proper orchestra rest period is Nos. 16 to 27 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetitions of numbers designate the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetition.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Desert Nights

Title: Desert Nights

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Babylon Suite No. 1” by Elie (ORANGE)
  2. Cablegram on screen: “To My Star” by Marquardt
  3. People get out of auto: “A Love Lesson” by Fresco
  4. Girl lifts her veil: “Wooing” from Love Tales by Schertzinger (WHITE)
  5. Fade-out after Gilbert walks off screen: “Geraldine” by Tobias (from beginning)
  6. I say, am I going to kill this lion alone: “Merriment” by Kempinski
  7. Gilbert leaves room – follows girl to balcony: Repeat No. 4 (WHITE)
  8. Girl asks father through window to play waltz: “Geraldine” by Tobias” (chorus)
  9. End of waltz – card seen: “Cocotte” by Tyson
  10. A half million dollars worth: “Misterioso Fantastico” by Becce (RED)
  11. Whistle blows: “Excitement and Hurry” by Hoffman
  12. Splendid: Repeat No. 10 (RED)
  13. Leaving civilization behind: “Desert Caravan” by Friml
  14. Hello good looking: Repeat No. 4 (WHITE)
  15. As a hostess: “Semi-Oriental Maestoso” by Becce
  16. Play once and segue: Repeat No. 10 (RED)
  17. Morning: “Pastorale Orientale” by Levenson
  18. Girl comes from tent: “Astir” by Berge
  19. Girl walks to Gilbert in wagon: “Vision Orientale” by Marquardt
  20. Gilbert kissing girl: “Incidental Symphony No. 35” by Kempinski
  21. Shoot, you fool: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 15” by Marquardt
  22. Fade-out of Gilbert and crook: “In Mournful Mood” by Sibelius
  23. See here, good looking: “Wooing” from Love Tales by Schertzinger (WHITE)
  24. Man staggers on screen: Repeat No. 22 “In Mournful Mood”
  25. Men shake hands: Repeat No. 23 (WHITE)
  26. Fade-out of Gilbert embracing girl: “Dreamy Moments” by Marquardt
  27. Gilbert jumps off wagon: “Scherzando Hurry” by Frey (LIGHT BLUE)
  28. Oxen released – Gilbert tastes water: “Morne Desert” by Gabriel Marie
  29. Fade-out of girl to night scene: Continue No. 28
  30. Gilbert on screen with girl – close-up: “Appassionato No, 4” by Axt
  31. 1-2-3-4: “The Hermit’s Dream” by Marquardt
  32. Girl runs from Gilbert after he throws her on ground: Repeat No. 27 (LIGHT BLUE)
  33. Gilbert lifts girl from ground: “Misterioso Fantastico” by Becce (RED)
  34. Fade-out of close-up of Steve and Gilbert: “Dreams” by Crist
  35. Save me: “Nocturne” by Crist
  36. Fade-out as Steve gets up on feet: Repeat No. 27 (LIGHT BLUE)
  37. Crook falls into sand pit: Repeat No. 35 “Nocturne”
  38. Gilbert sees water: “Intermezzo” by Arensky
  39. I got you this far: “Redemption Theme” by Tschaikowsky
  40. Fade-out of Gilbert lying on ground: “Parade of the Toys” by Schertzinger
  41. Gilbert at campfire: “Pastorale” from L”Arlesienne by Bizet
  42. Now, the only honorable thing to do: “Geraldine” by Tobias (from beginning)
  43. I’m your prisoner: Repeat No. 33 (RED)
  44. Goodbye and good luck: “Geraldine” by Tobias (chorus)
  45. Fade0out after title – “Not bad, the diamonds and one prisoner”: “The Devil’s Elixir” by Marquardt
  46. Come right along: “Babylon Suite No. 1” by Elie (ORANGE)
  47. Did you get lost: “Chant Russe” by Lalo
  48. See that he gets bread: Repeat No. 44 “Geraldine”

Proper orchestra rest period is Nos. 15 to 22 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetitions of numbers designate the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetition.

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: uamvU69Yon

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The Desert Bride

Title: The Desert Bride

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “In Persian Market” by Ketelbey
  2. Close-up – feet dancing: “Fanatic Derwish Dance” by Becce
  3. Native stops girl dancing: “Priere Hindoue” by Berge
  4. Natives rise after prayer: Reveille—Trumpet Call
  5. Fade-out – French Flag: “Anticipation of Danger” by Becce
  6. Close-up of snare drum: “Douce Fievre” by Y’Ener
  7. End of dance: “Rambler Roses” by Wheeler
  8. Orchestra starts: “Hollywood Rose” by Jolson
  9. Diane removes shoe: THEME – “Diane” by Rapee
  10. So I won’t detain you: “Together We Two” by Berlin
  11. So I see you know: “Gaily Thro’ Life” by Schad
  12. Dancing starts again: “Rain” by Ford
  13. Commander and Deveraux in room: “Turmoil” by Brunelli
  14. Deveraux comes to Diane: Repeat Theme No. 9
  15. Desert scene – They kiss: “Storm Music” by Ketelbey
  16. Moon scene: Repeat Theme No. 9
  17. Street scene: “Souvenir d’Orient” by Devries
  18. Deveraux leaves Diane: “Oriental” by Berge
  19. Diane and Kassim in garden: Repeat No. 5 “Anticipation of Danger”
  20. Deveraux and Diane: Repeat Theme No. 9
  21. At the home of Kassim: “Semi-Oriental Maestoso” by Becce
  22. Deveraux enters cellar: “Allegro Misterioso” by Kempinski
  23. Insert – card – Diane Duval: “Nocturnal Tangier” by Godowsky
  24. Deveraux is seen: Repeat No. 18 “Oriental”
  25. Deveraux escapes: “Agitato Drammatico” by Savino
  26. Deveraux captured: Repeat No. 18 “Oriental”
  27. Diane grabs vase: “Agitato Misterioso” by Becce
  28. Kassim sees Diane: “Rebellion” by Pasternack
  29. Fade-in – torture chamber: “Gruesome Misterioso” by Borch, SEGUE to “Anticipation of Danger” by Becce
  30. I will tell: “Battle-Tumult-Blaze” by Becce
  31. After hand grab Kassim: “Marching Song of the Foreign Land” by Bradford
  32. Paris, James: Repeat Theme No. 9

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Danger Rider

Title: The Danger Rider

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “The Gay Party” by Cafarella
  2. Even prison bars: HAL THEME – “Shenandoah” by Bendel
  3. Insert – Mollie’s photograph: “Could I?” by Ager
  4. Tucson enters office: “Warriors Bold” by Joels
  5. Tucson leaves warden’s office: “Stepping On the Ivories” by McLaughlin
  6. The Dare Ranch: “Hunkatin” by Levy
  7. Hal appears on road: Repeat Hal Theme No. 2
  8. What’s the idea, Blinkie: “Conspiracy” by Zamecnik
  9. Mollie appears: “Mal de Mer” by Lange
  10. Hal soon realized: Repeat Hal Theme No.2
  11. In the neighboring town: “Shadowed” by Zamecnik
  12. Molly and old lady on porch: “Idyl Pastorale” by Savino
  13. Scar face sneaking about in dark: “Third Misterioso a la Valse” by Savino
  14. This way to a bad man’s heart: “Country Dance” by Egener
  15. All right, I’ll tell you: “March of the Phantom Hosts” by Axt
  16. Tucson appears in doorway: “It Had to Be You” by Jones
  17. Tucson walks toward Hal: “Evil Motive” by Hoffman
  18. Hal leaves room: “Gossip” by Borch
  19. Who was that stranger?: “Who’s Who?” by Morris
  20. Come on, you dynamos: “Rural Flirts” by Bradford
  21. Flash to rough riding: “In the Stirrups” by Zamecnik
  22. I saw scar face: “Restless Bows” by Srawley
  23. Tucson enters room: “Storm, Strife or Tempest” by Ancliffe
  24. Village Street: “Dramatic Allegro” by Savino
  25. Intuition told Hal: “Disturbance” by Zamecnik
  26. Hands up!: “Funny Faces” by Ring-Hager
  27. Hal appears: LOVE THEME – “Girl of My Dreams” by Clapp
  28. Scar face: “Tragic Andante” by Savino
  29. Scar face attacks Mollie: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini
  30. Is that Tucson Joe?: “Amorous Adventure” by Bradford
  31. Dad get out of auto: Repeat Hal Theme No. 2
  32. Hey, Sheriff: Repeat Love Theme No. 27

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Crystal Cup

Title: The Crystal Cup

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Love Theme” from Fall of a Nation by Herbert
  2. Somewhere in the slums: “Appassionato in A minor” by Savino
  3. Such was the background: “Fragrance Lane” by Fresco
  4. Would you like to dance: “Bye-Bye Pretty Baby” by Hamilton
  5. Man places hand on her shoulder: “Passionato” by Borch
  6. Five years slipped by: “Nocturne” by Elie
  7. Old age will be served: “Silver Threads” by Danks
  8. And now dear: “Of Old-time Flavor” by Sudds
  9. Gita closes panel: GITA THEMN – “Canzonetta” by Herbert
  10. Flash-back to boudoir: “Poem” by Fibich
  11. Gita didn’t rejoice: “Reverie D’Amour” by D’Aquin
  12. On the crossroads of life: “Dance of the Furies” by Gluck
  13. Geoffrey recognizes Gita: “Moonlight Serenade” by Lodge
  14. After large dinner: Repeat Gita Theme No. 9
  15. I’m sorry to interrupt you: “Valse Dramatique” by Rapee
  16. Gita had often surprised: “Serenade” by Herbert
  17. Girl friend enters: “Moon Madness” by Lodge
  18. Everyone began to wonder: “Chatter” by Kahn
  19. Bylant enters: “Air de Ballet” by Massenet
  20. Well, I might get married: Repeat Gita Theme No. 9
  21. Change to Geoffrey at desk: “Valse Modern” by Lodge
  22. Insert wedding announcement: LOVE THEME – “No One Knows” by Gordon
  23. A woman may pretend: “Whimsical Charms” by Fresco
  24. Gita’s ball: “Calling” by Golden
  25. Gita leaves ball room: “Because I Love You” by Berlin
  26. Dial of clock shows: “Bridal Chorus” by Wagner
  27. When all those things: Repeat Gita Theme No. 9
  28. Bylant leaves: “Just a Wearin’ For You” by Bond
  29. While Bylant fumed: “Marionettes” by Arndt
  30. How is Eustace getting: “Piazza del Popelo” by Frederiksen
  31. Days without Bylant: Repeat Love Theme No. 22
  32. What are you doing out here: “Karma” by Herbert
  33. Bylant at desk drinking: “Banquos Ghost” by Leuschner
  34. Gita at window of boudoir: “All Alone” by Berlin
  35. Figure sneaks into room: “The Rebellion” by Patou
  36. Gita recognizes Bylant as intruder: “Agitato Ala Valse” by Savino
  37. Bylant lying in bed: “In the Heart of the Hills” by Lee
  38. Geoffrey and Gita close-up: Repeat Love Theme No. 22

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Crowd

Title: The Crowd

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “A Busy Thoroughfare” by Baron (YELLOW)
  2. July Fourth, 1900: “Dixie’s Land” by Reeg
  3. But what was: “Berceuse d’Amour” by Marquardt
  4. Fade-out after title – “I’m gonna give him”: “Ripples” by Lowitz
  5. My dad says: “Dramatic Hurry No. 1” by Baron (LT. BLUE)
  6. Body being carried upstairs: “Light Romantic Theme No. 3” by Luz
  7. When John was twenty-one: “Nocturno” by May
  8. Flash to river scene: Repeat No. 1 (YELLOW)
  9. High building fades to office scene: “My Little Billiken” by Lotter (BROWN)
  10. Clock jumps to “Five”: “In Merry Mood” by Axt
  11. Jane, John, John, Jane: Repeat No. 9 (BROWN)
  12. Come on Romeo: “Cheer Up” by Kaufman
  13. Fade-out of top of bus: “Good News” by Henderson
  14. Fade-out of ice imitation: “Yankee Doodle” from National Melodies
  15. Sit down: play chorus of “A Kiss In the Dark” by Harms
  16. Long shot scene of entrance to ride: “Dance of the Night Hawks” by Gurney
  17. Johnny Sims strokes girl’s forehead: “Wedding Dreams” by Marquardt
  18. Fade to railroad station sign moving: “Pins and Needles” by Kaufman
  19. Fade-out of station scene to magazine page: “Wedding Dreams” by Marquardt
  20. Bride and groom leave berth: “My Little Billiken” by Lotter (BROWN)
  21. Man picks up book from floor: “Dance of the Spooks” by Rollinson
  22. Wife in berth shows on screen: Repeat No. 19 “Wedding Dreams”
  23. Fade-out of berth to Niagara Falls: “Peg” by Hauenschild
  24. Husband snaps picture of wife: Repeat No. 19 “Wedding Dreams”
  25. Stop with falls and surf effects after kiss: “Bingo” from Five College Songs by Luz
  26. Wife shows on screen: “Merriment” by Kempinski
  27. Door bell: “Marionettes” by Felix
  28. Husband comes out of bathroom: “Wedding Dreams” by Marquardt
  29. Play all of 4/4 movement and segue: “Mysterious Tension” by Axt
  30. Husband slides down stoop stairs: “A Busy Thoroughfare” by Baron (YELLOW)
  31. Johnny begins to run: Victrola Imitation – hot fox trot
  32. Fade-out of Johnny dancing: Play one slow burlesque chorus of “Show Mne the Way To Go Home” by Harms
  33. Segue: “Characteristic Theme No. 1” by Roberts
  34. They do not understand you: “Wedding Dreams” by Marquardt
  35. April: Repeat No. 20 (BROWN)
  36. Husband breaks plate: “Prelude Dramatique” by Srawley
  37. Husband leaves room: Repeat No. 34 “Wedding Dreams”
  38. Wife closes door—motions to husband with finger: “Berceuse d’Amour” by Marquardt
  39. From now on I’m gonna treat you different: Repeat No. 34 “Wedding Dreams”
  40. October: “Effervescence” by Wolf
  41. Don’t worry: Repeat No. 38 “Berceuse D’Amour”
  42. Nurse says “John Sims”: “Wedding Dreams” by Marquardt
  43. During the next five years: “All Alone” by Berlin
  44. Play one chorus and segue: “Carnival Frolics” by Lakav
  45. Hey, your fire is out: Repeat No. 42 “Wedding Dreams”
  46. Who couldn’t: “My Little Billiken” by Lotter (BROWN)
  47. Husband burns his finger: “Wedding Dreams” by Marquardt
  48. We want to ride horsey back: “Cupid’s Surprise” by Gross
  49. Children on street: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 1” by Marquardt (DARK BLUE)
  50. Stop with crash at accident: “Dramatic Hurry No. 1” by Baron (LIGHT BLUE)
  51. Father carries child into bedroom: “Light Romantic Theme No. 3” by Luz
  52. Mother Fanning sick baby: Repeat No. 30 (YELLOW)
  53. Get inside: Repeat No. 51 “Light Romantic Theme No. 3”
  54. Mary, Mary: Repeat No. 49 (DARK BLUE)
  55. Fade-out of raving husband to street scene: “Fate” by Bierman
  56. Months, endless months: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 1” by Marquardt (DARK BLUE)
  57. Looks to me like you: “Berceuse d’Amour” by Marquardt
  58. Boss shows in office second time—flash-back to big office: Repeat No. 49 (DARK BLUE)
  59. Easy to quit a job: “Wedding Dreams:” by Marquardt
  60. Fade-out of kitchen scene—wife kissing husband: “Following the Sun Around” by Tierney
  61. You better tell Mary: “Wedding Dreams” by Marquardt
  62. Mary was right: “The Season’s Greetings” by Marquardt
  63. Mary, I didn’t want to waste: “Wedding Dreams” by Marquardt
  64. We do not know: “Star Night” by Marquardt
  65. You mean you won’t take it: “Wedding Dreams” by Marquardt
  66. Wife’s two brothers walk out of room: Repeat No. 49 (DARK BLUE)
  67. Wife closes door on husband: Repeat No. 50 (LIGHT BLUE)
  68. Train passes: Repeat No. 65 “Wedding Dreams”
  69. We can do it, boy: “A Busy Thoroughfare” by Baron (YELLOW)
  70. I’ve got to get a job: “Serenade” by Widor
  71. Husband juggles ball: Repeat No. 69 (YELLOW)
  72. Husband returns home with boy: Repeat No. 65 “Wedding Dreams”
  73. Stop with crescendo accent as husband is thrown to floor: “Incidental Symphony No. 1” by Kempinski
  74. Husband throws wife’s two brothers out of house: Repeat No. 65 “Wedding Dreams”
  75. Year, fleet years: “In the Clover” by Thurban
  76. I always said Mary knew her onions: “My Little Billiken” (BROWN)
  77. End of trick: “Wedding Dreams” by Marquardt

Proper orchestra rest period is Nos. 35 to 45 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: ohI79QMj7j

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The Crimson Canyon

Title: The Crimson Canyon

Author: M. Winkler

Publisher: Belwin Inc., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: M. Winkler

OCLC Number:


THEME – “Moonlight Shadows” by Baron. In the event the above theme is not in your library or known to you, you may substitute: “Amorino” by Levy or “Sleeping Rose” by Borch.

  1. At screening: “Scenic Andante” by Hilse
  2. Slade & Son: “Recitativo Patetico” by Peele
  3. Want to see me: “Approaching Mutiny” by Schad
  4. How did you guess it: “Animated Agitato” by Levy
  5. Jim Lang escapes: “Aeroplane Galop” by Winter
  6. He’s tricking us: “Wild Chase” by Becce
  7. Jim Lang stops horses: “Fanchonette” by Klemm
  8. My name is Mary Manning: THEME
  9. Jim Lang arrives at mine: “The Curse” by Howgill
  10. Fight commences: “The Ambush” by Patou
  11. Old man holding note: THEME
  12. Close up of clock chime: produce the effect of clock chime followed by “Sinister Theme” by Vely
  13. Close up of jazz orchestra: fox trot to action
  14. Let me get you some ice cream: silence
  15. Orchestra starts playing: fox trot to action
  16. You really ought to see: THEME
  17. Only this morning he told me: “Creepy” by Hoff
  18. We’ll make a trade: “Tensive Misterioso” by Peele
  19. Who are these men: “The Round Up” by Aborn
  20. Automobile stops: “Descriptive Agitato” by Boehnlein
  21. After the fight: THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: 3qmpgAz1fB

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The Cowboy Kid

Title: The Cowboy Kid

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Prelude to Western American Drama” by Baron
  2. Jim Barrett: “He Was a Cowboy” [no composer given], SEGUE to “The Stampede” by Luscomb
  3. Small calf seen: “In a Shady Nook” by Golden
  4. Evening – the chuck wagon: “Happy Go Lucky” by Kaufman
  5. Woman seen in front of microphone: “Carissima” by Penn
  6. John Grover: “Gay Deceivers” by Claypoole
  7. Fade-on to town: “Headin’ West” by Lakay
  8. Change of scene to gang of men: “Stalking the Prey” by Kempinski
  9. Change of scene to town: “Commotion” by Conterno
  10. Girl and driver being chased: “The Call For Aid” by Pasternack
  11. Car starts backing up: “Comic Hurry” by O’Hare
  12. Car backs up through jail wall: ‘Moon Madness” by Lodge
  13. Change of scene to couple on settee: “Is She My Girl Friend?” by Ager
  14. Shorty goes into dentist’s office: “The Jesters” by Carbonara
  15. Change of scene to ice cream parlor: “Rambler Roses” by Wheeler
  16. Sheriff sprays his throat: “Morning” from Peer Gynt No. 1 by Grieg
  17. Change of scene to Shorty in dentist’s chair: “Children’s Game” by Ascher
  18. Change of scene to ice cream parlor: “Intermezzo Giocoso” by Egener
  19. Lilly leaves: THEME – “Happy Go Lucky Lane” by Meyer
  20. Change of scene to party: Repeat No. 5 “Carissima”
  21. Demijona Jin: “Mystery” by Baynes
  22. I see a big handsome man: “Lily of the Valley” by Gilbert
  23. Lady gives Jim baby to hold: “Poupee Valsante” by Poldini
  24. Woman on bench gets up: “London Bridge is Falling Down” by Ascher
  25. Change of scene to jail: “The Plotters” by Carrozzini
  26. At pistol shot: “Comedy Allegro” by Haines
  27. You stay here: Repeat No. 25 “The Plotters”
  28. Why don’t you see what: Repeat No. 21 “Mystery”
  29. At explosion: “Animated Agitato” by Levy
  30. I am sorry, Mr. Grover: “Uneasiness” by Borch
  31. Fade-in to crowd outside bank: “Panicy Agitato” by Berge
  32. Villain walks into broadcasting station: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw
  33. Girl walks into broadcasting room: “A Critical Moment” by Becce
  34. Jim unties rope: “Help! Help!” by Kovacs
  35. Jim gets on horse: “Presto” by Brockton
  36. Girl gets on motorcycle: “Comedy Allegro” by Berg
  37. I heard about the hold-up: “Agitato Misterioso” by Becce
  38. Armored car is held up: “The Snake in the Grass” by Srawley
  39. Jim jumps on armored car: “The Rabble” by Herbert
  40. Armored car seen in village street: “Joyous Allegro” by Borch
  41. I’ll show you the cause: “Evil Motive” by Hoffman
  42. Here’s your prisoner: Repeat No. 14 “The Jesters”
  43. I’m grateful, Jim: Repeat Theme No. 19

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: sOwlzRmef4

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The Country Doctor

Title: The Country Doctor

Author: Rudolph Berliner

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Rudolph Berliner

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Peer Gynt No. 1” by Grieg
  2. Fade-in doctor seated beside bed: “Prelude, Op. 28, No. 4” by Chopin
  3. The fever’s broke: “Nocturne, Op. 9, No. 2” by Chopin
  4. The wheels of his: “Two Preludes, Op. 28, No. 6” by Chopin
  5. Sweethearts: “Danse des Mirlitons” by Tschaikowsky
  6. Joe’s father: “Monologue” by Moszkowsky
  7. Doctor enters room: “Hark, Hark, the Lark” by Schubert-Liszt
  8. For thirty years: Repeat No. 3 “Nocturne”
  9. Bless my soul: “Auld Lang Syne” by Lake
  10. Sard seen on road: “Madrigale” by Simonetti
  11. Me an’ Pud Lamson: “Give Me One Rose To Remember” by Grey
  12. Sard’s mother closes bedroom door: “Prelude, Op. 28, No. 20” by Chopin
  13. A stone’s throw away: “Rural Flirts” by Bradford
  14. Ira Harding’s house: “Happy Hectic Hours” by Schad
  15. Sard seen in barn: Repeat No. 13 “Rural Flirts”
  16. Sard sees Harding: “Foursuite Dramatique” from Drigo’s Cinema Classics
  17. Doctor stops whipping: “Nocturne” by Krzyzanowski
  18. Harding leaves after title – “It’s bad business”: Repeat No. 5 “Danse des Mirlitons”
  19. Doctor joins Sard: Repeat No. 12 “Prelude”
  20. After Opal, Joe and Abie leave: “Pathetique Sonata” by Beethoven
  21. Tears are dried: “In the Tavern” by Nicode
  22. Doctor Sidney Fall: “Moonlight Sonata” by Beethoven
  23. In the doctor’s house: “Le Retour” b Bizet
  24. He’s so happy: Repeat No. 22 “Moonlight Sonata”
  25. Doctor alone at table: Repeat No. 10 “Madrigale”
  26. Autumn: “Forgotten” by Cowles
  27. Winter: “Andante” by Fifth Symphony by Tschaikowsky
  28. A storm’s workin’ up: “Old Dog Tray” by Foster
  29. On the back road: Repeat No. 5 “Danse des Mirlitons”
  30. Sard falls: orchestra tacet
  31. Nightfall and old doc: “Abschied” by Lake
  32. Harding sees doctor and Abbie: Repeat No. 6 “Monologue”
  33. Door opens—man enters: “Agitato con Moto” by Borch
  34. Sard opens eyes: “Sinister Agitato” from Drigo’s Cinema Classics
  35. Old doctor places hand on Harding’s shoulder: Repeat No. 9 “Auld Lang Syne”
  36. You seem to forget: “Cavatina” by Bohm
  37. Night on the storm-beaten: Repeat No. 5 “Danse des Mirlitons”
  38. Opal goes outside cabin: “Furioso No. 1” by Langey
  39. Opal meets doctor: “The Storm” by Gounod
  40. With his timely skill: Repeat No. 14 “Happy Hectic Hours”
  41. Abbie fixes doctor’s tie: Repeat No. 10 “Madrigale”

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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