Spite Marriage

Title: Spite Marriage

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “The village Clown” by Axt (YELLOW)
  2. Buster Keaton: “Incid. Symphony No.42” by Damaur
  3. Butler Museum of Art: “Humorous Escapade” by Delille
  4. Keaton Pressing Pants: “Puritana” by Grimm
  5. Girl Seated On Chair In Wing of Stage: “April Message” by Ancliffe
  6. Cocoanut Blocks: “Perpetuum Mobile” by Rapee
  7. Girl Walks To Man On Stage: “Try me” by Schertzinger (WHITE)
  8. After Applause—Lovers Excited: Repeat No.6 “Perpetuum Mobile”
  9. Take Him Away: “Melodic Appassionato No.1” by Marquardt
  10. Girl Faints: “By-Gone Days” by Pintel
  11. Fade-Out To Stage Entrance: “The Two Lovers” by Flath
  12. There Are Only Two Cures For Love: Repeat No.1 (YELLOW)
  13. Keaton Sees Man With Sword: “Film Theme No.11” by Nicode-Roberts
  14. Keaton In Dressing Room Begins To Make Up: “Illusion” by Bustanoby
  15. Keaton Making Up: “The Village Clown” by Axt (YELLOW)
  16. Stage Scene—Curtain Raised: “Haste” by Sanders
  17. Play Once and Segue: “Scherzo Silhouette” by Marquardt
  18. Remember Gal: “Memories” by Kussner
  19. After Curtains Close: “Allegro Perpetuo” by Savino (LIGHT BLUE)
  20. Did You See The Guy: “Whims” by Savino
  21. You Like Me, Don’t You: “In Flowerland” by Golden
  22. Keaton In Pajamas: “Prattle” by Lowitz
  23. The Café La Boheime: “Sunshine and Flowers” by Schoenfeld
  24. I’m Going Over and Celebrate: “Hurry No.4” by Finck
  25. Don’t You Think: “Entr’Act to a Comedy” by Axt
  26. Fade-Out After Keaton Drags Girl: “A Staggering uncertainty” by Lakay
  27. The Dawn Of A Spite Marriage: “The Season’s Greetings” by Marquardt
  28. You See, It’s Me Your Wife’s In Love With: Repeat No.19 (LIGHT BLUE)
  29. Fade-Out After Keaton On Boat: “A.B.C. Dram. Set No.2-A1” by Luz
  30. Keaton On Deck Of Boat With Lantern: “A.B.C. Dram. Set No.2-B2” by Luz
  31. This is A Private Yacht: Repeat No.15 (YELLOW)
  32. You Should Have Known: Repeat No.19 (LIGHT BLUE)
  33. Midnight On The High Seas: “Intermezzo” by Whelpley
  34. Waste Begins To Burn: Repeat No.19 (LIGHT BLUE)
  35. How Dare You: Repeat No.33 “Intermezzo”
  36. Nothing Only The Engine Room’s On Fire: Repeat No.19 (LIGHT BLUE)
  37. Girl Lying On Floor: “Golden Morning” by Morton
  38. Fade-Out To Next Morning Scene: “Whims” by Schumann
  39. What Are You Doing Here?: “Autumn Winds” by Bicchiere
  40. Keaton Rescues Girl From Sailor: “Allegro Giocoso” by Engleman
  41. Go Away: “Minor Hurry” by Berge
  42. Boat Tied To Yacht: “Incid. Miniature No.7” by Hauenschild
  43. Kitchen Scene: “Thrills” by Sanders
  44. Keaton and Girl Come From Stateroom: “Butterflies” by Arundale
  45. Keaton Knocks Out Cook: Repeat No.42 “Incid. Miniature No.7”
  46. Are You Sure You Got It Fixed: “Incid. Miniature No.28” by Damaur (Open “P”)
  47. Keaton Puts On Cap: “Try Me” by Scherzinger (WHITE)
  48. Newspaper Article On Screen: “Ripples” by Brewer
  49. Good-Bye: Repeat No.47 (WHITE)

Proper orchestral rest period is Nos.20 to 26 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Title: Spies

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Symphonic Incidentals No.1” by Marquardt
  2. At The Headquarters: “Melancholy” by Eggert (BLACK)
  3. Prisoner Brought In: “Dramatic Reproach” by Berge
  4. The Mysterious Enemy: “The Enchanted Castle” by Marquardt (RED)
  5. People and Governments: “Incid. Symphony No.36” by Kempinski
  6. Alarm Clock Ringing: “Allegro Preciptioso” by Savino
  7. Fade To Injured Man and Book: “Premonition” by Zamecnik
  8. Bathroom Scene: “Hidden Love” by Marquardt
  9. Note Read—On Screen: Repeat No.4 (RED)
  10. You Will Write: “Tragic Theme” by Vely
  11. Japanese Spy At Door Taking Impression: Repeat No.5 “Incid. Symphony No.36”
  12. Woman With Bunch of Roses: “Gratitude” by Schoenfeld
  13. Paper—Evening Paper: “Intermezzo” by Godard
  14. Close-Up of Big Vase: Repeat No.4 (RED)
  15. Fade-Back To Lovers: Repeat No.13 “Intermezzo”
  16. The Café Danielle: “Joyous Allegro” by Engleman
  17. End of Boxing Bout: “You and You” by Strauss
  18. Woman and Lover Go To Small Room—Woman Drinks Water: “Serenade” by Strauss
  19. Russia’s Minister: “Chanson Russe” by Smith
  20. Woman Runs From Russian To Auto: “Dram. Agitato No.1” by Luz
  21. Drive To Her House: Repeat No.18 “Serenade”
  22. Drive Home: “The Enchanted Castle” by Marquardt (RED)
  23. Fade To Lover Walking Slowly: “Fesche Geister” by Straus (Phonograph and Violin)
  24. Boy Empties Liquor Bottle: “Incid. Symphony No.36” by Kempinski
  25. Close-Up of Rain Drops: “Symphonic Incidentals No.17” by Marquardt
  26. Fade To Men At Long Table: Repeat No.22 (RED)
  27. Fade To Three Japs Entering Office: Repeat No.24 “Incid. Symphony No.36”
  28. Fade To Spy Offering Wine Glass To Woman: Repeat No.22 (RED)
  29. My Dear Girl: Repeat No.24 “Incid. Symphony No.36”
  30. Jap Wakes—Finds Papers Missing: “Oriental Dram. Adagio” by Berge
  31. Jap Commits Suicide: “Melancholy” by Eggert (BLACK)
  32. I Might Add: Repeat No.22 (RED)
  33. Clown Making Up: Repeat No.31 (BLACK)
  34. Woman In Train Compartment: Repeat No.12 “Gratitude”
  35. Train Goes Into Tunnel: “Agitato Drammatico” by Savino
  36. Stop Abrupt At Collision: “Incide Symphony No.23” by Kempinski
  37. Why Are You Here?: “Agitato Dramatico” by Fresco
  38. Spy Runs From Woman and Injured Man: “Perpetuum Mobile” by Rapee
  39. Auto Smashes Into Doorway: “Fury” by Zamecnik
  40. Note On Screen: Repeat No.22 (RED)
  41. In Seven Minutes: “Allegro Infernale” by Aborn
  42. Two Men Fight: “Incid. Symphony No.34” by Kempinski
  43. Man Puts Sponge To Mouth: “Furioso No.89” by Berge
  44. Photographers In Newpaper In Screen: Repeat No.31 (BLACK)
  45. Clown On Stage At Piano: Comedy Clown—Musical Act (Piano Alone)
  46. A Little Soft Music: “Mariette” by Sterny
  47. Clown Shoots Self: Repeat No.22 (RED)

Proper Orchestral Rest Period Is Nos.24 to 30 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: ecsGJ4l39Q

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Soft Cushions

Title: Soft Cushions

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “The Bayaderes from ‘India’” by Popy
  2. One Thousand and One Years Ago: THIEVES THEME “Misterioso Burlesque” by Savino
  3. Aslan Grabs Merchant’s Purse: “Intermezzo Perpetual” by Lowitz
  4. Aslan Hides In Shawl—Carried Away: “The Jesters” by Carbonara
  5. The House of Old Toofeek: “Egyptian Echoes” by Black
  6. In Front Of The House Stood: Repeat Thieves Theme No.2
  7. Thieves Start Cricket Race: “Elopement” by Carrozzini
  8. Aslan Drapes Robe About Himself: ASLAN THEME “Kismet” by Henlere
  9. He Sees Joy-El In Window: “You’re Lovely” by Pinkard
  10. Aslan Knocks On Door: Repeat Aslan Theme No.8
  11. I Came To Call: “Baby Mine” by Rupp
  12. Exterior—Procession Passes: “L’Odalisque” by Kretschmer
  13. She Was To Be The Wife Of A Vagabond: Repeat Aslan Theme No.8
  14. Two Thieves At Door: “Carnival Grotesque” by Savino
  15. A Smart Man Always Has One Trick: “March Burlesque” by Gillet
  16. Can’st Thou Laugh That Off: “Quick, Let Us Hide Us” by De Taeye
  17. Ready Was The Bride: “In The Courtyard Of The Palms” by Trinkaus
  18. Flash-Back To Two Thieves: “Animal Cartoonix No.2” by Aborn
  19. I Am A Dust Man: “Zallah” by Loraine
  20. Those Two Cut Throats: “Perpetuum Mobile” by Rapee
  21. And No Sooner: LOVE THEME “I’ll Sing Thee Songs of Araby” by Clay
  22. In The Court Of: “Hindoo Priests” by Bendix
  23. Who Threatened To Pull The Beard: “Oriental Dram. Adagio” by Berge
  24. It Was Only A Jest: “She’s Got ‘It’” by Davis
  25. It Is Simple: “Dance of the Gnomes” by Ilynsky
  26. The Only Things: “Playful Rondo” by Greene
  27. Tie My Hands Behind Me: Repeat Aslan Theme No.8
  28. Aslan Outside Jail: “Second Misterioso a la Valse” by Savino
  29. Joy-El Recognizes Aslan: Repeat Love Theme No.21
  30. Thieves Notify Guards: Repeat Thieves Theme No.2
  31. In The Court Of: “Film Theme No.12” by Lubomirsky-Roberts
  32. As For This Guilty Wretch: “Prelude from First Suite of ‘Carmen’” by Bizet
  33. Stop, I Wish To Confess: Repeat Aslan Theme No.8
  34. Take Him To My Treasure Chamber: “The Padishah” by Lorraine
  35. Wazir and Aslan Alone In Treasure Chamber: “The Plotting Foe” by Kilenyi
  36. Aslan Attacks and Overpowers Wazir: “Elegie and Appassionato” by Savino
  37. Joy-El Turns and Sees Lover: Repeat Love Theme No.21
  38. Oh Mighty Wazir: “Oriental March” by Bendix
  39. Here Is The Poisoned Dagger: “Marche Mysterieuse” by Schad
  40. Does She Dance?: “Danse Arabe” by Tschaikowsky
  41. Music: “Crazy Words—Crazy Tunes” by Ager
  42. I Shall Permit The Wazir: “Oriental March” by Bruhns
  43. Aslan Pulls Sultan’s Beard: “Poursuite Comique” by Godard
  44. How Dare You: “The Destruction of Atlantis” by Safranek
  45. Name Your Reward: Repeat Aslan Theme No.8
  46. Sultan Starts To Laugh: “Arabian Romance” by Polla
  47. Joy-El In Window: Repeat Love Theme No.21

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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So This Is Love

Title: So This Is Love

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: THEME “I Love You” by Silver
  2. It All Started: “Pretty Little Baby” by Bernie
  3. Only One Person: “Hunkatin” by Levy
  4. Stop In Front of Hilda’s Window: “He’s The Last Word” by Donaldson
  5. That Dame’s Crazy About You: “He Knows His Groc’ries” by Breau
  6. Across The Street: Repeat Theme No.1
  7. Boss Calls To Jerry: “Sarabande Perpetuelle” by Bradford
  8. For An Hour: “Polly” by Zamecnik
  9. Spike Appears On Street: “Who’s Who?” by Morris
  10. Flash-Back To Jerry and Boss: “Valse Modern” by Lodge
  11. Hilda In Shop—Jerry Enters: Repeat Theme No.1
  12. It Took A Ticket: “Henderson Stomp” by Henderson
  13. Dancing Stops: “Symphonic Incidentals No.10” by Marquardt
  14. Gong Sounds—Dancing Continues: “Delirium” by Schutt
  15. Jerry Enters Private Room: “A Villainous Theme” by Engleman
  16. Hilda Appears On Steps Of Dance Hall: “The Spectre” by Engleman
  17. Hilda Enters Jerry’s Studio: Repeat Theme No.1
  18. Spike Kicks Open Door: “Love Tragedy” by Savino
  19. Jerry Training: “Rural Flirts” by Bradford
  20. What Are You: “Mazel Tov” by Ascher
  21. Hilda At Counter—Jerry Enters: “If I Knock the ‘L’ Out of Kelly” by Grant
  22. Spike Enters: Repeat No.3 “Hunkatin”
  23. Cheers and Jeers: “Zip” by Frey
  24. Dressing Room: “Commotion” by Minot
  25. Mauler McManus: “Gigue” by Bradford
  26. Jerry In Dressing Room: “Intermezzo” by Arensky
  27. Flash To Spike With Basket of Food: Repeat No.3 “Hunkatin”
  28. Just Another Hard Boiled Egg: “Mal De Mer” by Lange
  29. Spike’s Manager Enters Room: “Spring Cleaning” by Bradford
  30. Spike Walks From Dressing Room: “Oh Mister” by Frey
  31. Jerry Appears In Arena: “Razzing Theme” by Rapee
  32. Spike Appears In Ring: “Somebody” by Little
  33. Fight Starts—Gong Sounds: “The Skyrocket” by Frey
  34. Gong Sounds—Fighters Leave Corners: Repeat No.23 “Zip”
  35. Jerry Collapses: Repeat Theme No.1

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Smilin’ Guns

Title: Smilin’ Guns

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “La Coquette” by Onivas
  2. Jack Riding Forward On Horse: “Zip” by Frey
  3. Some Day That Train: JACK THEME “Chianti” by Friml
  4. The California Limited: “Le Retour” by Bizet
  5. Durkin Fires At Dog: “Excitement” by Breil
  6. Insert—“BEAUTY DEMANDS CULTURE”: “The Giggling Girl” by Delille
  7. Jack Recognizes Helen: LOVE THEME “Valse Passionnee” by Savino
  8. Train Starts To Move: “Sarabande Perpetuelle” by Bradford
  9. Wounded Dog Seen: “Around The Sundial” by Castillo
  10. Office Door Of Beauty Specialist: “Dance of The Shadows” by Adams
  11. They Enter Barber Shop: “Caprice” by Somerville
  12. Among The Van Smyth’s Ranch Guests: “Elves In The Moonlight” by Lindgreen
  13. Cowboy Hurries Up: “Animal Cartoonix No.2” by Aborn
  14. The Shocking Manners Of: “Pizzicato No.28” by Berge
  15. The Old Dame Told Me: Repeat No.13 “Animal Cartoonix No.2”
  16. Clothes May Make The Man: Repeat Jack Theme No.3
  17. Jack Greeted By Guests: “Sweet Lavender” by Wheeler
  18. I Will Arrange To Have You Meet: “Uneasiness” by Mendelssohn
  19. Flash To Cowboys: “Rural Flirts” by Bradford
  20. You’ll Now Have The Pleasure: “Nola” by Arndt
  21. Purvin’s Lectures: “I’m Falling In Love” by Herbert
  22. I Think You’ve Made A Marvelous Change: Repeat Love Theme No.7
  23. Baretti Walks Up: “Cupid’s Surprise” by Gross
  24. Durkin Appears On Horse—Jack Follows Him: “Allegro Precipitoso” by Savino
  25. Jack Dismounts: “A Spooky Adventure” by Pasternack
  26. Pursuit Starts Again: “Poursuite Dramatique” by Drigo’s Cinema Classics
  27. Outlaws’ Camp: “Conspiracy” by Zamecnik
  28. Believing He Had: “The Spectre” by Engleman
  29. Once A Popular Song Writer: “Muddy Water” by De Rose
  30. Boys Start To Sneak Away: “Flocons de Neige” by Bradford
  31. That Night: Repeat No.27 “Conspiracy”
  32. Outlaws Ride Forward: “Galloping Furies” by Rapee
  33. Durkin and Pals At House: “Enigma” by Borch
  34. Listen Boys: “Athalia” by Mendelssohn
  35. Jack Released—Fires Revolver: “Ruy Blas” by Mendelssohn
  36. Hold Them Here: “Gigue” by Bradford
  37. Jack Mounts and Rides After Durkin: “Furieuse Poursuite” by Gabriel Marie
  38. Helen and Jack On Horse: Repeat Love Theme No.7

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: ygy2g8iNNX

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Smile Brother Smile

Title: Smile Brother Smile

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Punch and Judy” by Herbert
  2. Railroad Station: “Big Boy” by Ager
  3. Close-Up of Photo: “Smile A Little Bit” by Morton
  4. While The Boy Downstairs: “I’m Falling In Love With Someone” by Herbert
  5. Exterior—Auto Scene: “The Jesters” by Carbonara
  6. Jack Speaks To Mary: THEME “Just Once Again” by Donaldson
  7. Change of Scene To Men In Office: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini
  8. Here’s Your Chance: “The Mischief Makers” by Carbonara
  9. Go Back To The Shipping Room: “Souvenir d’Amour” by Conte
  10. Jack Leaves Mary: “So Blue” by Henderson
  11. Men In Corridor: “Conspiracy” by Zamecnik
  12. Close-Up of Clock: Repeat No.8 “Mischief Makers”
  13. Jack Takes Bags: Repeat No.5 “The Jesters”
  14. Jack Opens Bag: “Crazy Words—Crazy Tune” by Ager
  15. Bower and Man Applaud: “Spring Fancies” by Marquardt
  16. Close-Up of Calendar: “Polly” by Zamecnik
  17. Jack Goes Over To Mary: Repeat Theme No.6
  18. Manager At Phone: Repeat No.11 “Conspiracy”
  19. Train Scene: “I’m On My Merry Way” by Whiting
  20. Men Playing Cards: “On The Riviera” by Baron
  21. Chips That Pass: Repeat No.8 “Mischief Makers”
  22. I’ll Get Even For This: “Hello Cutie” by Friend
  23. Man Goes To Berth—Slaps Occupant: “Happy Hectic Hours” by Schad
  24. Morning Found: “Hesitation” by Friml
  25. The Big Day: “Ruritania” by Schertzinger
  26. Change To Mary At Switchboard: “Drifting and Dreaming” by Curtis
  27. Hotel Lobby: Repeat No.5 “The Jesters”
  28. After Jack Reads Note: “I Gotta Get Myself Somebody To Love” by Handman
  29. Man Leaves Telephone Booth: Repeat Theme No.6
  30. Jack’s Success Seemed: Repeat No.11 “Conspiracy”
  31. Fade-In Jack: “Gaily Thro’ Life” by Schad
  32. Manager At Desk: Repeat No.11 “Conspiracy”
  33. You Keep Your Nose: “On[]” by Schad
  34. Who Cut Me Off: “Anger Motive” by Kilenyi
  35. I’ve Got An Idea: Repeat No.8 “Mischief Makers”
  36. The Office of Markeli: “A Game of Tag” by Trinkaus
  37. Markell Sees Jack Dressed As Porter: Repeat No.5 “The Jesters”
  38. After Jack Reads Note: “Rush Hours” by Sanders
  39. The Elite Beauty Parlors: “Merry Pranks” by Rapee-Axt
  40. When I Finish, She Won’t: “Jollity” by Zamecnik
  41. Jack Removes Clay Mask: “Ain’t She Sweet” by Ager
  42. All Ready For Your Orders: Repeat No.5 “The Jesters”
  43. Jack Goes To Mary: Repeat Theme No.6

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Slim Fingers

Title: Slim Fingers

Author: M. Winkler

Publisher: Belwin, Inc., 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: M. Winkler

OCLC Number:


THEME: “Rendezvous D’Amour” (Mod. Serenade.) by Leo Edwards

In the event the above mentioned THEME is not in your Library or unknown to you, you may substitute.

“Rosebud” (Mod. Reverie.) by Sanford

“Chant d’Amour” by Frommel

  1. At Screening: “Spring Blossoms” by Castillo
  2. A Priceless Titian: “Phantom Visions” by Stevenson
  3. I Admired Your Game: “Dramatic Conflict” by Levy
  4. There She Is With Wellesley: “Flick & Flock” by Patou
  5. The Road Past The Turn: “Galop No.7” by Minot
  6. Close Up Of Door: THEME
  7. I’ll Call A Cop: “Pizzicato Misterioso” by Minot
  8. Detective Chasing Wellesley: “Animated Agitato” by Levy
  9. Wellesley Coming Out of Garage: THEME
  10. Don’t You Think You’d Better: “Disturbance” by Shepard
  11. You Get Dressed: THEME
  12. Fat Chance You’ve Got: “The Riot” by Hilse
  13. He Is In Room 525: “Mournful Agitato” by Hilse
  14. Hurry To The Wharf: “The Chase” by Becce
  15. Automobile Arrives At Wharf: “Wild and Woolly”
  16. After The Fight On Boat: THEME FF

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Title: Skyscraper

Author: Rudolph Berliner

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Rudolph Berliner

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Progress March” by Futoran
  2. Insert—Steam Whistle: “I’m Sitting On Top Of The World” by Henderson
  3. Hey You Red!: “The Jesters” by Carbonara
  4. Swede Starts Chasing Blondy: “In A Hurry” by Friml
  5. Just Another Day: “Read ‘Em and Weep” by Bernard
  6. Red Unites Ropes: “The Joker” by Srawley
  7. Red Falls: “Prelude (Op.28, No.6)” by Chopin
  8. Red’s Father Opens Door: Prelude (Op.28, No.4)” by Chopin
  9. If I Ain’t Greatly Mistook: Repeat No.5 “Read ‘Em and Weep”
  10. Insert—Girl’s Legs: “Fairy Feet” by Finck
  11. Blondy Sees Girl: “Eyeful of You” by Coots
  12. Sally’s Heel Caught In Grating: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw
  13. Interior—Sally Being Carried To Bench: “A Maiden Fair” by Andre
  14. Two Girls Enter: “Merry Pranks” by Rapee-Axt
  15. Blondy Beside Water Bottle: “Funny Faces” by Ring-Hager
  16. Man Falls Into Swedes Arms: “Pick Me Up and Lay Me Down” by Ruby
  17. Hey Brooklyn—Your Bridge Is: “Comedy Capers” by Steele
  18. Insert—Girl’s Legs Dancing: “Down Home Rag” by Sweatman
  19. Back To Blondy And Swede: “Cut Yourself A Piece of Cake” by James
  20. Ain’t You One Of The: “Big Boy” by Ager
  21. Tonight: “The Sidewalks of New York” by Lake
  22. Swede Picks Up Mallet: “What A Man!” by Donaldson
  23. People Spinning On Floor Wheel: “Spinningwheel” by Spindler
  24. Blondy and Sally In Front of Photo Machine: “You and I” by Archer
  25. Back To Swede and Jane: “You’ll Never Be Missed” by Rose
  26. Flash—Boats In Lake: “Beautiful Hudson” by Baron
  27. Swede At Garbage Can: “Creepy” by Breau
  28. Water Scene—Blondy and Sally In Boat: “Moonlit Waters” by Brown
  29. Sailor Seen Walking: “Midnight Waltz” by Donaldson
  30. Back To Blondy and Sally: “Starlight and Tulips” by Wendling
  31. Tomorrow: “A Spring Day” by Haines
  32. Blondy and Swede Seen: Repeat No.2 “I’m Sitting On Top Of The World”
  33. Insert—Letter: “A Remembered Kiss” by Vannah
  34. The Show Played Schenectady: “Oh! Didn’t It Rain” by Leonard

SEGUE: “Let It Rain, Let It Pour” by Donaldson

  1. Insert—Steam Whistle: “Melodie” by Tschaikowsky
  2. Back In The: “The Land of Joy” by Valverde
  3. Blondy In Room: Repeat No.28 “Moonlit Waters”
  4. Sally Enters Blondy’s Room: “Quandry” by Schad
  5. I Gotta Date: “The Song Is Ended” by Berlin
  6. Swede Seen Outside: “Murmuring Breezes” by Gillet
  7. Back To Blondy: “Pangs of Love” by Carrozzini
  8. Of A Sunday: “Sunday” by Miller
  9. Swede Closes Door: “Silent Woe” by Fielitz
  10. Another Month—Another Sunday: “My Sunday Girl” by Stept
  11. Blondy Falls: “The Tragic Discovery” by Patou
  12. Blondy Hits Swede: “Ouch” by Kaufman
  13. Blondy, Swede, and Sally Seated On Concrete Mixer: Repeat No.2 “I’m Sitting On Top Of The World”

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: c7FsY0ig5e

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Sky High (A Re-Issue)

Title: Sky High (A Re-Issue)

Author: Michael P. Kreuger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1922


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Kreuger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Kowboy Komedy” by Aborn
  2. Commencement Day: “Mignonette” by Friml
  3. El Paso: “Western Scene” by Berge
  4. The Calexico Café: “Conspiracy” by Savino
  5. A Hidden Dictograph: “Who’s Who?” by Morris
  6. Fight Starts: “Agitated Hurry” by Langey
  7. After Fight: Repeat No.5 “Who’s Who?”
  8. The Camp of the Smuggled Chinamen: “Storm Clouds” by Stahlberg
  9. The El Tovar Hotel: “Adolescence”
  10. Fade-In To Tom Mix: Repeat No.8 “Storm Clouds”
  11. Fade-In To Girl and Boy: Repeat No.9 “Adolescence”
  12. Change of Scene To Mix: “A.B.C. Dram. Set No. 6-A1” by Luz
  13. Along Ancient Trails: “On The Mountains” by Grieg
  14. Mix Rescues Girl: THEME “Anything Your Heart Desires” by Archer
  15. I Just Got Information: “Misterioso Eccitato” by Beece
  16. Mix Returns To Girl: Repeat Theme No.14
  17. Fade-Out Of Mix Retiring: “Pique Dame Over.” By Suppe
  18. Mix Returns To Girl With Food: Repeat Theme No.14
  19. Bandits Reach Top Ledge of Rock: “The Hold-Up” by Reuther
  20. Pistol Shot: “Furioso” by Lake
  21. Bandits Capture Mix: “Symphonic Incidentals No.13” by Marquardt
  22. Victor Searched All Night For Estelle: “Pizzicato Misterioso” by Minot
  23. Mix Unties Himself: “Western Allegro” by Riesenfeld
  24. Mix Gets Off Horse—Captures Bandit: “Mysterioso Agitato” by Becker
  25. Williams—An Arizona Town: “Headin’ West” by Lakay
  26. The Rim Of The Great Canyon: “Midsummer Night’s Dream” by Mendelssohn
  27. Mix Reaches Land After Diving Into Water: “Uneasiness” by Borch
  28. Mix Lassos Bandits: “Agitato No.4” by Minot
  29. After The Williams Jail Announced: “Romance” by Grunfeld
  30. Mix Goes Towards Estelle: Repeat Theme No.14

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: Zn6aqqUvhT

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Title: Skirts

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1921


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Skirt Dance” by Tobani (YELLOW)
  2. There Are Only Two Cures For Love: “Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life” by Herbert (WHITE)
  3. After Man Writes “Rose” On Letter: “Blossom” by Fox
  4. Man Puts Dog From Desk: Repeat No.2 (WHITE)
  5. Mother Interrupts Lovers: “Dialogue” by Meyer-Helmund (DARK BLUE)
  6. In the Flat Next Door: “For My Baby” by Snyder
  7. Close-Up of Girl Seated On Table: “Valse Passionnee” by Savino
  8. Party Begins To Dance (Anticipate Fight): “Agitato Dramatico” by Fresco
  9. Stop With Crash As Picture Falls On Mother-In-Law: Repeat No.5 (DARK BLUE)
  10. Man Putting Hats In Hat Box: “Dream Sonnet” by Mayne
  11. Girl (Wife) Kissing Rose: Repeat No.5 (DARK BLUE)
  12. Husband Sits Down At Desk: “Spinning Song” by Mendelssohn (LIGHT BLUE)
  13. A Bee Stung Me: Repeat No.2 (WHITE)
  14. Bertie Took Up The Flute: Flute Imitation by Flute or Organ
  15. Man Stops Playing Flute: “Valse Fascinante” by Kempinski
  16. On The Same Floor: “Reverie and Rondeau” by Schertzinger
  17. Alright, I’ll Go: Repeat No.12 (LT. BLUE)
  18. The Five Hundred Club: “Valse Caprice” by Chenoweth
  19. Hat On Chair At Table—Chorus Girls Show: “Sugar Foot Strut” by Schwab
  20. and Mrs. Littleton: “Skirt Dance” by Tobani (YELLOW)
  21. End of Doll’s Dance On Table: “Powder and Patches” by Fletcher
  22. I Must Tell You About Santa Claus: “Symphonic Incidentals No.2” by Marquardt
  23. Lilliputian Carried Off Screen: Repeat No.20 (YELLOW)
  24. Bottle Falls Into Girl’s Soup: Repeat No.22 “Symphonic Incidentals No.2”
  25. A Night In Jail: “Heart O’Dreams” by Zamecnik
  26. To My Wife: “Dialogue” by Meyer-Helmund (DARK BLUE)
  27. Police See Man On House Balcony: “Ondes Mysterieuses” by Franceschi
  28. Bathroom Scene: “Haste” by Sanders
  29. Man Powders Face At Mirror: “The Speed Demon” by Bub
  30. Man Sits At His Desk: “Ah! Sweet Mystery Of Life” by Herbert (WHITE)
  31. Man Picks Up Flute: Flute Imitation by Flute or Organ
  32. Mother-In-Law Interrupts Flutist: “Twilight Hour” by Savino
  33. Mah In Law: “Queer Antics” by Zamecnik
  34. Elinor Glyn: “Spinning Song” by Mendelssohn (LIGHT BLUE)
  35. I Want My Necklace Today: Repeat No.33 “Queer Antics”
  36. After Telephoning Scenes: Repeat No.34 (LIGHT BLUE)
  37. Take This To The Police Station: “A.B.C. Dram. Set No.12-A1” by Luz
  38. Anticipate Struggle: “A.B.C. Dram. Set No.12-B2” by Luz
  39. Husband Laughs: Repeat No.37 “A.B.C. Dram. Set No.12-A1”
  40. Keep Away From This Bed: Repeat “A.B.C. Dram. Set No.12-B2”
  41. Masked Man Has Necklace: “Allegro Misterioso” by Kempinski
  42. Police Show: “20th Century” by Bub (Open “PP”)
  43. Husband Thrown On Floor At Piano: “Ah! Sweet Mystery Of Life” by Herbert (WHITE)

Proper orchestral rest period is Nos. 25 to 35 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Sinners in Love

Title: Sinners in Love

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: THEME “Premier Amour” by Benoist
  2. Exterior of Factory; “The Dawn of Hope” by Byford
  3. Say Beautiful: “Hunkatin” by Levy
  4. Woman Calls From Window: “Prelude from ‘Cyrano’” by Damrosch
  5. After Three Weeks: “I’m Walking Around In Circles” by Phillips
  6. Lay Off That Kid: “Chatter” by Kahn
  7. Restaurant: “Baker’s Boy and the Chimney Sweep” by Herbert
  8. Friday Night: “Dolly Dimples” by Alter
  9. Café—Dancing: “Varsity Drag” by Henderson
  10. Dancing Stops: “Radotages” by Gabriel Marie
  11. Dancing Starts Again: “Mamma’s Grown Young” by Weston
  12. Ann Drawn Into Room: “Affolement” by Andrieu
  13. Now Tell Uncle Tom: “Air de Ballet” by Massenet
  14. Next Morning: Repeat Theme No.1
  15. Innocently Believing: “Valse Minore” by Riesenfeld
  16. Ann Hurries Back Into Room: “Flapperette” by Greer
  17. Ann Appears Dressed In Black Evening Gown: “Miss Dolly Dollars” by Hervert
  18. Tom Enters Room: Repeat Theme No.1
  19. Tom Leaves Room: “Intermezzo” by Granados
  20. Then Came The Repolishing: “Air de Ballet” by Herbert
  21. Ann Sees “Silks” In Room: “Coeur Meurtri” by Gabriel Marie
  22. Tom Takes Hold of Ann’s Hands: Repeat Theme No.1
  23. Sorry I Intrude: Repeat No.19 “Intermezzo”
  24. Several Nights Later: “Dainty Blossoms” by Kahn
  25. Cabaret Show Starts: “Oh Mister” by Frey
  26. Shall We Have Our Coffee Upstairs?: “Eyes of Dream” by Fletcher
  27. Oh Mr. Spencer, Don’t You Want To Play Roulette?: “Whitecaps” by Schad
  28. Spencer Rises From Seat: “Reproach” by Zamecnik
  29. Is It True Mr. Tom: Repeat Theme No.1
  30. Ann Enters Boudoir: “Amorous Adventure” by Bradford
  31. After A Sleepless Night: “Scene Lyrique” by Huppertz
  32. Ann In Room Alone Reading Newspaper: Repeat No.30 “Amorous Adventure”
  33. I’m Sorry For What Happened: Repeat Theme No.1
  34. Blond and “Silks”: “A Spooky Adventure” by Pasternack
  35. Ann and Tom: Repeat Theme No.1
  36. Flash-Back To Blond and “Silks”: Repeat No.34 “Spooky Adventure”
  37. Spencer Seated At Desk: “Melodrame” by Fauchey
  38. Ann Alone In Room—Blond Appears At Door: “Dram. Andante No.1” by Rapee-Axt
  39. Tom Appears At Boarding House Looking For Ann: “Allegro Aggressivo” by Stahlberg
  40. Ann Appears From Room: “Tristesse” by Bradford
  41. Tom Appears At Door: “Anxiete” by Srawley
  42. Garden Scene: Repeat Theme No.1

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Silks and Saddles

Title: Silks and Saddles

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Coasting” by Ring-Hager
  2. The Calhoun Breeding Farm: “Rustic Caprice” by St. Clair
  3. McKee Running Down Track: “Hasty Moments” by Savino
  4. Johnny, You Wouldn’t Leave Me: THEME “When Love Comes Stealing” by Rapee
  5. I Forget To Tell You: “Marionette” by Arndt
  6. The New York Office: “The Captive” by Savino
  7. The Goal of a Jockey’s Training: “Mounted Police Galop” by LeThiere
  8. Play The Racing Combines Tips: “Roxy and His Gang” by Krueger
  9. Left At The Post: “Serenade” by Rachmoninoff
  10. A Few Months Later: “Garden Whispers” by Herkan
  11. That’s The Way: Repeat Theme No.4
  12. Dancing Starts: “Blueberry Lane” by Paley
  13. Dancing Stops: “Canzone d’Amore” by Lowitz
  14. Johnny At Mary’s Table: “Ill At Ease” by Jacquet
  15. Sibyl Telephoning: “Intermezzo” by Granados
  16. Why Sibyl, What’s The Matter?: “Adventure d’Amour” by Bradford
  17. The Day of the Handicap: “Colossal” by Floyd
  18. Race Starts: “Electric Galop” by Wohanka
  19. If We Get Away With This One: “Andante Appassionato No.57” by Castillo
  20. Johnny At Desk: “Griefstricken” by Varnier
  21. Night Scene—Johnny In Park: “Disperazione” by Gabriel Marie
  22. You’d Better Turn In, Ellis: “Romanze” by Rubenstein
  23. Johnny Sees ‘Lady’: “Can’t You Hear Me Calling” by Prival
  24. Stall Scene: “Passionate” by Borch
  25. Let Him Stay: Repeat Theme No.4
  26. A Month Later: “Flocons de Neige” by Bradford
  27. You Weren’t Here, Mother: “Dramatic Reproach” by Berge
  28. I Want Him Discharged: “Chanson Algerian” by Bradford
  29. The Day of the National Sweepstakes: “Pandora” by St. Clair
  30. Now You’ll Have To Get Another Jockey: “Moto Perpetuo” by Byng
  31. Johnny Standing Alone At Tree: “Sobbing” by Baron
  32. Mary Sees Johnny: “By the Mill Stream” by Smith
  33. At Post: “Aeronaut” by Jackson
  34. Barrier Springs—Race: “The Get-Away” by Frey
  35. Crowd In Grandstand Rise To Feet: “The Minnesota March” by Sousa
  36. Gee, Mary, I Wish: Repeat Theme No.4

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: gRta7w0lBq

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Silk Legs

Title: Silk Legs

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Flapperette” by Greer
  2. Listen, Beautiful: “Sugar” by Yellen
  3. Fade-In To Key In Hotel Door: “Some Day You’ll Say O.K.” by Donaldson
  4. Ruth Stevens, Hosiery Representative: “Iris” by Reynard
  5. Madge Bellamy Comes Out of Elevator: Repeat No.2 “Sugar”
  6. Since You Don’t Dine: “Admiration” by Jackson
  7. Forget Business: Repeat No.2 “Sugar”
  8. Close-Up Of Photograph; “Bye-Bye Pretty Baby” by Gardner
  9. Erza Fulton: “Fleurette” by Axt
  10. Madge Bellamy Back In Hotel: “Despondency” by Williams
  11. Well, How’s That?: Repeat No.9 “Fleurette”
  12. Ezra Fulton Gets into Car: “Cupid’s Frolic” by Miles
  13. It’s Strange, But: Repeat No.2 “Sugar”
  14. The Nerve of that Hussy: “Lento-Allegro from ‘Symphonette’” by Berge
  15. Change of Scene To Madge Bellamy In Hotel Room: Repeat No.9 “Fleurette”
  16. Change of Scene To Trade Mark Of “Gold Bond Hosiery”: “Good News” by Henderson
  17. How Did We Overlook These?: Repeat No.2 “Sugar”
  18. All’s Fair In Love: “My Blue Heaven” by Donaldson
  19. Sorry, Mr. Fulton: “Heart to Heart” by Trinkaus
  20. Phil Parker Gets Into Taxi: “Taxi” by Kaufman
  21. Madge and Fulton Enter Home: “Moa Plaisit” by Roberts
  22. Won’t You Sign That Order Now: “Dramatic Suspense” by Vrionides
  23. Gardner Grabs Parker: “Astir” by Berge
  24. Woman Seen Coming Downstairs: “Mother” by Romberg
  25. Change of Scene to Fighting Outside: “Love’s Impulse” by Jacquet
  26. Phil Parker Comes In: “Worryin’” by Fairman
  27. Men Grab Parker: Repeat No.25 “Love’s Impulse”
  28. Change of Scene: Repeat No.18 “My Blue Heaven”

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Show Girl

Title: Show Girl

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Sunshing” by Little
  2. The Dugan Flat: “A Bit O’Blarney” by Helf
  3. What’s That: “Spring Cleaning” by Bradford
  4. Dixie Dugan: DIXIE THEME “She’s One Sweet Show Girl” by Grossman
  5. Pat Hears Radio: “Jingles” by Zamecnik
  6. It’s Nice, But What Did It Cost: Repeat Dixie Theme No.4
  7. Denny Kerrigan: SALESMAN THEME “Rainbows” by Fenton
  8. Aren’t We Gonna Wait For Jimmy Doyle: “Rosemary” by Zamecnik
  9. Insert—“CHORUS GIRL”: Repeat No.3 “Spring Cleaning”
  10. Telephone Rings: “Miss Dolly Dollars” by Herbert
  11. I Really Think I Ought To Work: Repeat Salesman Theme No.7
  12. How About Going To Coney Island: “There’ll Never Be Another You” by Bergner
  13. Dixie Keeps Her Date: “Just Two” by Leigh
  14. Dixie Enters Private Office: Repeat Dixie Theme No.4
  15. The Jollity: “It Made You Happy When You Made Me Cry” by Donaldson
  16. Alvarez Romano: Repeat Salesman Theme No.7
  17. Alvarez Speaks To Dixie: “Intermezzo In Spanish Style” by Riesenfeld
  18. Next A Tango: “Bobadilla” by Luna
  19. Alvarez Appears On Stage: “Marigny” by Candiolo
  20. Dixie and Milton: “Valse Minore” by Riesenfeld
  21. Alvarez Stabs Milton In Back: “Dramatic Scenes” by Eggert
  22. Milton Lying In Bed: “Scherzoso” by Friml
  23. Insert—Newspaper Heading: “Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral” by Shannon
  24. Insert—Telegram: “Ambling Along” by Axt
  25. Insert “Jollity Club”: SHOW THEME “Buy, Buy For Baby” by Meyer
  26. Scrub Man Seen: “Around The Sundial” by Castillo
  27. Alvarez Grabs Dixie: “Elopement” by Carrozzini
  28. Insert—“Dixie Dugan”: “A Curious Story” by Frommel
  29. Insert—“THE OPEN EYE”: “Queer Antics” by Zamecnik
  30. Insert—“MILLIONAIRE HIRES”: “Burlesque on Lange’s Flower Song” by Kempinski
  31. Dixie in Apartment: Repeat Dixie Theme No.4
  32. Lights Appear: “Jeanette” by Riesenfeld
  33. Mother Reading Newspaper: “Hearts and Flowers” by Tobani
  34. Where’s Dixie: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw
  35. Dixie Appears At Door: Repeat Dixie Theme No.4
  36. Now That You’ve Sewn Your Wild Oats: Repeat Salesman No.7
  37. Jimmy At Telephone: “Serenade d’Extase” by Fletcher
  38. Insert—Rehearsal: Repeat Show Theme No.25
  39. Rehearsal Stops: “Chatter” by Kahn
  40. Pardon, But Just What Do You Do?: “Marche Mignonne” by Poldini
  41. Insert—“THE GIRL FROM TIFFANY’S”: Repeat Show Theme No.25
  42. After Curtains Close In: “Broken Hearted” by Henderson
  43. That Antique: “Little Miss Butterfly” by Cussans
  44. Dixie Turns and Embraces Jimmy: Repeat Dixie Theme No.4

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Show Folks

Title: Show Folks

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Pins and Needles” by Kaufman
  2. Monday Morning Rehearsal: DANCE THEME “Daisy Rag” by Heltman
  3. Really Mr. Kehoe: EDDIE THEME “I’m The Guy” by Bibo-Weinberg
  4. Rita Appears In Window: RITA THEME “No Need To Tell Me” by Heywood
  5. She Starts To Dance: “The African 400” by Roberts
  6. Ever Work In An Act: Repeat Eddie Theme No.3
  7. Insert-“EDDIE KEHOE”: Repeat Dance Theme No.2
  8. Lights Pulled: “Razz Berries” by Banta
  9. Eddie Rehearsing With Rita: “Weaving Around” by Mitchel
  10. Rita Sits On Sofa: “Puck from ‘Four Trifles’” by Hewitt
  11. Insert—“EDDIE KEHOE”: Repeat Eddie Theme No.3
  12. Rita Leaves Dressing Room: “Dainty Blossoms” by Kahn
  13. Rita Introduced To Managers: “Polly” by Zamecnik
  14. Eddie on Stage—Doing Turn: Repeat Dance Theme No.2
  15. You Sure Was A Success: “Nola” by Arndt
  16. Eddie In Dressing Room: Repeat Rita Theme No.4
  17. Show Folks Have To: “Sunny Skies” by Gilbert
  18. Cornet Player Starts To Play: “Chills and Fever” by Bennett
  19. Act Finishes—Eddie Talking To Pianist: Repeat Eddie Theme No.3
  20. Dancing Starts: “A Happy Ending” by Von Tilzer
  21. If That’s The Way You Feel: “Love Triumphant” by Joels
  22. Eddie Rehearsing With Blonde: Repeat Dance Theme No.2
  23. Just Imagine Forty Weeks: “Brise du Soir” by Gillet
  24. Insert—“EDDIE KEHOE”: Repeat Rita Theme No.4
  25. Eddie Starts Phonograph: “Cloud Kisser” by Birch
  26. Bob At Desk With Miniature Doll: “Junella” by Kahn
  27. Insert—Newspaper Heading: Repeat Rita Theme No.4
  28. The Big Street: “Give My Regards To Broadway” by Cohan
  29. Rita Meets Eddie On Street: Repeat Eddie Theme No.3
  30. Robert Owens’ New Review: “Oh Mister” by Frey
  31. Kitty Enters Theatre: “Adventure d’Amour” by Bradford
  32. Eddie In Dressing Room: “Lost A Wonderful Girl” by Hanley
  33. Rita Enters Dressing Room: Repeat Rita Theme No.4
  34. Rita and Eddie Rehearse Dance: Repeat Dance Theme No.2
  35. What Is It Eddie: “Spring Cleaning” by Bradford
  36. Aren’t Your Signals Working?: “Appassionato No.2” by Axt
  37. Bob Appears In Doorway: “Appassionato In A Minor” by Savino
  38. Orchestra In Pit Playing: Repeat Dance Theme No.2
  39. Rita and Bob Enter Dressing Room: “Love Song” by Wright
  40. Do You Love Him?: Repeat Rita Theme No.4

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Sharp Shooters

Title: Sharp Shooters

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “She Was Just A Sailor’s Sweetheart” by Burke
  2. A Mediterranean Port: “Ship Ahoy” by Frey
  3. Three Sailors Walk Over To Street Peddlar: “In Bagdad” by Leigh
  4. Sailors See Dancing Girls: “Egyptian Echoes” by Black
  5. Watch Out For Those Wiggling: “Characteristic Theme No.1” by Roberts
  6. Lorette: “No.3 from ‘Faust’ Ballet Music” by Gounod
  7. Sailors Applaud Dancing: Repeat No.5 “Characteristic No.1”
  8. O’Brien Takes Girl Away From His Two Pals: “Sugar” by Yellen
  9. Waiter Brings Food To Two Sailors: “No Eats from ‘Three Grotesque Themes’” by Rapee
  10. Girl Dances In Front of Sailor: Tom Tom only
  11. Hat Is Thrown Off Sailor’s Head: Repeat No.8 “Sugar”
  12. Proprietor Stops Lorette: “An Argument” by Breil
  13. Three Sailors Leave Café With Girl: Repeat No.5 “Characteristic No.1”
  14. Lorette and George Enter House: THEME “Diane” by Rapee
  15. Zis Is My Grandpere: “La Marseillaise” (2 bars)

SEGUE: “Passepied” by Delibes

  1. Moonlight On The Mediterranean: “The Beggar” by Snyder
  2. You’re A Good Kid, And This Is All Wrong: “Heart’s Pleading” by Rapee-Axt
  3. So Long Kid! See You In New York: “Ragging The Waves” by Rosey

SEGUE: “Diane” by Rapee

  1. New York and A Furlough: Repeat No.18 “Ragging The Waves”
  2. Flossie: Repeat No.1 “She Was Just A Sailor’s Sweetheart”
  3. New York—A Ship Off Quarantine: “Dolores” by Kay
  4. Unless You Find: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini
  5. “Hi-Jack” Murdock: “Misterioso Furioso” by Affrunti (Play “PP”)
  6. Change of Scene To Dreamland: “Blue River” by Meyer
  7. How’s Th’ Old Swedish: Repeat No.5 “Characteristic No.1”
  8. O’Brien Starts Dancing With Girl: Repeat No.24 “Blue River”
  9. Crowd Leaves Dance Floor: Repeat No.5 “Characteristic No.1”
  10. Lorette Sees George: Repeat Theme No.14
  11. I Never Saw You Before: “Dramatic Appassionato” by Ciganeri
  12. Dancing Starts: “Bye-Bye Pretty Baby” by Gardner
  13. Two Sailors Find Lorette Crying On Table: “Sad Thoughts” by Haines
  14. George Is Our Pal, But We Owe: Repeat No.15 “La Marseillaise” (2 bars)

SEGUE: “Agitated Misterioso” by Rapee

  1. George Is So Anxious To: Repeat Theme No.14
  2. Three Miles Out: Repeat No.18 “Ragging the Waves”
  3. Lorette Enters Cabin: “O Promise Me” by DeKoven
  4. Skipper Opens Dictionary: “I’ll Be Happy When The Preacher Makes You Mine” by Donaldson
  5. Couple Place Hands On Bible: Repeat No.5 “Characteristic No.1”
  6. Two Sailors Leave Lorette and George Alone: Repeat Theme No.14
  7. Is George Home?: Repeat No.1 “She Was Just A Sailor’s Sweetheart”
  8. Flossie Is Chased Downstairs: “Mood Pensive” by Applefield
  9. Flossie Seen On Street Again: Repeat No.1 “She Was Just A Sailor’s Sweetheart”
  10. Change of Scene To Bed: Repeat Theme No.14
  11. Change of Scene to Sun Rising: “Dawning” by Pinkard
  12. Lorette Burns George With Coffee: “Rapture” by Zamecnik
  13. George Meets Flossie: Repeat No.1 “She Was Just A Sailor’s Sweetheart”
  14. “Hi-Jack” Murdock Goes Up House: “Agitato No.20” by Borch
  15. After “Hi-Jack” and His Men Leave: “Broken Vows” by Kempinski
  16. George Enters With Flowers: “Enthusiasm” by Schad
  17. I Have Leave M’Sieur: “Desperation” by Schad
  18. George Leaves His House: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw
  19. Where Is Murdock—And My Wife?: “Minor Agitato” by Berge
  20. Sailors Start Fighting: “The Furious Mob” by Zamecnik
  21. Two Sailors Drag Murdock: “Burlesque on Chopin’s Funeral March” by Kempinski
  22. Lorette and George Embrace: Repeat Theme No.14

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Seventh Heaven

Title: Seventh Heaven

Author: Erno Rapee

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Erno Rapee

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Romance-Caprice” by Fauchey
  2. In The Slums: “L’Amour Maboul” by Flament
  3. Fade Into Stairs: “Overture Tragique” by Zerco

SEGUE: “A Critical Moment” by Becce

  1. Onion Seen: “Tragedienne” by Kay
  2. I Don’t Think You’re: “Temptation” by Sommer
  3. Medals Seen: “O Divine Redeemer” by Gounod
  4. Chico Meets Streetwasher: “La Belle France” by Laurendeau
  5. Girl Seen: “Bientot Libre” by Gabriel Marie
  6. Boy Takes Knife Away: Repeat No.6 “O Divine Redeemer”
  7. You’ve Got A Great Head: LOVE THEME “Valse Dramatique” by Rapee
  8. Crank Up Eloise: “Morning” by Speaks
  9. Couple Starts To Stairs: Repeat Love Theme No.10
  10. Couple Arrive In Room: “O Divine Redeemer” by Gounod
  11. Boy Leaves Room: “Reverie” by Vieuxtemps
  12. Fade-Out On Night Scene: LOVE THEME “Valse Dramatique” by Rapee
  13. Streetwasher Comes Visiting: Repeat No.7 “La Belle France”
  14. Two Men Leave Room: Repeat Love Theme No.10
  15. Change To Washers: Repeat No.7 “La Belle France”
  16. Fade-Out On Washers: “Mignonette” by Friml
  17. Detective Enters: Repeat No.6 “O Divine Redeemer”
  18. Detective Leaves: Repeat Love Theme No.15
  19. Change of Scene: “Caprice Joyeux” by Seeligson
  20. Change To Girl: Repeat Love Theme No.10

SEGUE: “Tales By Moonlight” by Thomas

  1. Heaven: Repeat Love Theme No.10
  2. Boy Looks At Medals: Repeat No.13 “O Divine Redeemer”
  3. Street Seen: Roll on Drums
  4. Two Men On Balcony: French Assembly Call—1/2 tone up
  5. Two Women Seen: “Patrie” by Bizet
  6. Girl Comes In White Gown: Repeat Love Theme No.15

SEGUE: “Patrie” by Bizet

  1. Boy Picks Up Medals: Repeat No.6 “O Divine Redeemer”
  2. Change To Woman In Bed: “Patrie” by Bizet
  3. Stand Still: Repeat Love Theme No.10
  4. Door Opens: “Agitato No.2” by Rapee-Axt
  5. After Girl Takes Whip: “O Divine Redeemer” by Gounod
  6. Girl Alone: Repeat Love Theme No.10
  7. Invading Armies: “Gruesome War Theme” by Rapee
  8. Change To Frenchmen: “Patrie” by Bizet
  9. Change To Germans: Repeat No.36 “Gruesome War Theme”
  10. Change To Room: Repeat No.6 “O Divine Redeemer”
  11. Change To French Officers: Repeat No.36 “Gruesome War Theme”
  12. Order Out The Garrison: “Madelon” by Robert
  13. Trumpeter Seen: French Assembly—Wheel Effect
  14. Taxis Seen: “La Marseillaise”

SEGUE: “Madelon” by Robert

  1. Big Gun Seen: “Robespierre Overture” by Litolff
  2. My Poor Eloise: Repeat No.41 “Madelon” (2 bars only)
  3. Change To Factory: “Patrie” by Bizet
  4. Duck Seen: “Ma Poulette” by Roberts
  5. Be Quiet: Repeat Love Theme No.10
  6. Change To Factory: Repeat No.46 “Patrie”
  7. Trenches Seen: “Robespierre Overture” by Litolff
  8. Chico Looks At Watch: Repeat Love Theme No.10
  9. Man Jumps In Trenches: “Robespierre Overture” by Litolff
  10. Chico’s Medal Taken Out By Father: Repeat No.31 “Patrie”
  11. Father Shows girl Medal: LOVE THEME “Valse Dramatique” by Rapee

SEGUE: “Lamento” by Gabriel Marie

  1. Chico Seen Running: LOVE THEME “Valse Dramatique” by Rapee
  2. Diane: LOVE THEME “Valse Dramatique” by Rapee

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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See You In Jail

Title: See You In Jail

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Stray Sunbeams” by Huerter
  2. Peter Mardsden: “The Chatterbox” by Sanders
  3. Well Dad: “April Bloom” by Ansell
  4. Six Months Later: “Scherzo Primo” by Conzerno
  5. Old Man At Window: “The Village Clown” by Axt
  6. Roger Whitney: “Gaily Thro’ Life” by Schad
  7. Detective and Old Man Argue: “Elopement” by Carrozzini
  8. Roger Whitney’s Sister: “Ain’t She Sweet?” by Ager
  9. Elevator Starts: Repeat No.7 “Elopement”
  10. Fate Dealt: “A Love Lesson” by Fresco
  11. He Threw Dust Into: “Sunset Meditation” by Biggs
  12. Pershing Square: “Silver Fingers” by Mallory
  13. Like To Make Some: “Early Roses” by Baron
  14. Clothes Make: Repeat No.6 “Gaily Thro’ Life”
  15. Judge McCurd: Repeat No.2 “Chatterbox”
  16. Life Is What You: “Hail, Hail, The Gang’s All here” by Lake

SEGUE: “Mirth and Merriment” by Delille

  1. It Is An Honor: “Jollity” by Zamecnik
  2. Fade-In Ruth: “So Blue” by Henderson
  3. Maid Enters: Repeat No.2 “Chatterbox”
  4. Suffering: “The Joker” by Srawley
  5. We’re All Friends Here: “Rosemary” by Reynard
  6. Miss Whitney To See Her Brother: THEME “Forgive Me” by Ager
  7. He Can’t Dodge Us Now: “Junella” by Kahn
  8. Ruth and Judge: Repeat No.18 “So Blue”
  9. Night Passed: “A Game of Tag” by Trinkaus
  10. Whitney At Phone: “Rush Hours” by Sanders
  11. To Jerry: “Fireflies” by Savino
  12. Jerry and Men Leave Cell: “Merry Cavaliers” by Srawley
  13. Jerry Sneaks Out of Room: Repeat No.25 “A Game of Tag”
  14. We Must Take Immediate Action: Repeat Theme No.22
  15. The Judge Is Phoning You: “Because I Love You” by Berlin
  16. Change To Men: Repeat No.4 “Scherzo Primo”
  17. Judge Sees Jerry: “Gossip” by Borch
  18. Ruth Pleads With Judge: Repeat Theme No.22
  19. Change To Men: “Carnival” by Savino
  20. Jerry Dictates Letter: Repeat Theme No.22

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Scarlet Seas

Title: Scarlet Seas

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: THEME “Blossoms” by Black
  2. Benkulen: “Pas des Echarpes from ‘La Source Ballet’” by Delibes
  3. Café: “Gypsy” by Malneck
  4. Well Romeo: “Oh Mister” by Frey
  5. Lay Off “Bozo”: “Burlesco Pomposo” by Lowitz
  6. Rose, You Know I Love You: Repeat Theme No.1
  7. Toomey At Bar: “Scherzo Serioso” by Lowitz
  8. Chandelier Falls: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini
  9. Get This Kid: “Spring Cleaning” by Bradford
  10. Daylight Flash—Rose On Deck: “Souvenir d’Antan” by Baron
  11. Old Man Playing Accordeon: “Nearer My God To Thee” by Mason
  12. I Don’t Believe In Anything: Repeat Theme No.1
  13. For Many Nights: “Haunted Nights” by Jacquet
  14. Smoke Appears From Hold: “The Burning of Rome” by Leuschner
  15. Morning: “Poem Erotique” by MacDowell
  16. All Through The Night: Repeat No.11 “Nearer My God To Thee”
  17. Vision of Ship Appears: “Dramatic Climax” by Becce
  18. Bible Seen In Bottom of Boat: “Silent Woe from ‘Three Songs from Eliland” by V. Fielitz
  19. Night Scene: “Anathema from ‘Three Songs from Eliland’” by V. Fielitz
  20. Starts To Rain: “Incantation from ‘La Source Ballet No.3’” by Delibes
  21. Donkin Sees Body Of Man On Deck: “Silent Night” by Rebikov
  22. Where You Come From: “The Jovial Rogue” by Bradford
  23. I’ve Been Waiting For A Sock: “The Captive” by Savino
  24. Come On You Baboons: “Chantyman’s March” by Sousa
  25. Donkin In Hallway: “Shadowed” by Zamecnik
  26. Open The Door, Captain: “Egmont Overture” by Beethoven
  27. Flash-Back To Crew: Repeat No.24 “Chantyman’s March”
  28. Listen Steve: “Unfinished Symphony” by Schubert
  29. Donkin and Girl Enter Hold Again: Repeat No.22 “Jovial Rogue”
  30. I Wonder What’s Happened: “Fingal’s Cave” by Mendelssohn
  31. Well, If It Ain’t: “Appassionato Lirico” by Berge
  32. I Thought You Said Donkin Was With Us: “Elegie and Appassionato” by Savino
  33. Toomey and Gang Borning Hole: “Conspiracy” by Zamecnik
  34. Hello Mr. Double Crosser: “Agitato No.3” by Rapee-Axt
  35. You Men Go Back To Work: “The Conspirators” by Sodero
  36. Steve Bending Over Rose: Repeat Theme No.1

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Say It With Sables

Title: Say It With Sables

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “In Merry Mood” by Axt
  2. Telephone Rings: “Summer Nights” by Roberts
  3. Say Dad: “Little Man” by Bal
  4. Wait For Me: “Baker’s Boy and the Chimney Sweep” by Herbert
  5. Caswell Enters Room: “Cute and Cunnin’” by Kempinski
  6. Irma, My Son Needs A Mother: “Lamento” by Berge
  7. Door Opens—Mitchell Standing There: “Second Love Tragedy” by Savino
  8. Ten Years Slipped By: “Canzonetta” by Carrozzini
  9. Directors Meeting: “Around the Sundial” by Castillo
  10. I’ve Always Dreaded: “A Romantic Night” by Spitalny
  11. Irma Trying On Coats: Repeat No.5 “Cute and Cunnin’”
  12. Marie Receives Box of Flowers: THEME “Magic Love”
  13. Flash To Irma and Doug Entering: “Dolly Dimples” by Alter
  14. Caswell Recognizes Irma: “Valse Passionnee” by Savino
  15. Marie’s Not Well: “Amorous Adventure” by Bradford
  16. Desert Course: “The Crisis” by Pasternack
  17. Helen, There’s Something I’ve Got To Tell You: “Love Song” by Wright
  18. Irma and Doug At Door: “Valse Minor from ‘Oriental Ballet’” by Riesenfeld
  19. Irma Opens Door and Discovers Maid Rifling Desk: “Evil Intentions” by Kempinski
  20. Doug Sneaks Across Hall—Father Follows Him: “Scene d’Amour” by Baron
  21. What I Am Going To Say: “A Passionate Episode” by Engleman
  22. In The Morning: “Dramatic Allegro” by Savino
  23. Well, The Gold Digger Has Finally Dug Her Own Grave: “Ominous Moments” by Kempisnki
  24. Keep Everybody Out: “Tristesse” by Bradford
  25. Father Appears For Breakfast: “Love Triumphant” by Joels
  26. You Have Known Me A Good Many years: “Griefstricken” by Varnier
  27. May I Help You: Repeat No.17 “Love Song”
  28. I’ll Drag You and Your Whole Family: “Violent Struggling” by Roland
  29. That’s How It Might Have Happened: “Beautitude” by B…l
  30. Mitchell Leaves: Repeat Theme No.12

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: 1dypN66ndJ

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Sally’s Shoulders

Title: Sally’s Shoulders

Author: Howard T. Wood

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Howard T. Wood

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: THEME “Blue Eyed Sally” by Robinson
  2. Come In And Put On The Feed Bag: “Mirth and Merriment” by Delille
  3. Why Beau, You’ve Borrowed: “Romance sans Paroles” by Louie
  4. Sally Had Still Another Burden: “Fairyland” by Herter
  5. Willie Jerome, You Never Help Sally: “Serenade” by Harris
  6. I’ve Told You Before This Is A Place: “Appassionato No.4” by Axt
  7. Sally, You Coop Yourself Up Too Much: Repeat Theme No.1
  8. Hugh and Millie Leave: “Just A Bunch of Daisies” by Baron
  9. Change of Scene—“Nite Owl” Roadhouse: “Misterioso alla Valse” by Savino
  10. Change of Scene to Sally: “Silver Lamps” by Lotter
  11. Change of Scene to Dancing: “That’s My Weakness Now” by Green
  12. Dancing Stops: “Fleeting Shadows” by Weiss
  13. After Title “ANY TIME YOU WANT A JOB”: “Andante Appassionato No.57” by Castillo
  14. Change of Scene To Sally’s House: Repeat Theme No.1
  15. Change To Hugh And Millie In Car: “Spinning Along” by Bierman
  16. Kiss The Bride Sis: “The Giggling Girl” by Delille
  17. Change To Millie and Hugh: “Fuga” by Gabriel Marie
  18. Hugh Arrives At House With Millie: “True Love” by Ketelbey
  19. Well, I Guess It Was Worth A Few: Repeat Theme No.1
  20. Next Day At Prohibition: “Dram. Tension No.9” by Andino
  21. Close-Up of Flowers—Card: “Sylvia” by Speaks
  22. Change To Men Moving Cases: “In The Dark” by Bierman
  23. Brother (Beau) Enters House: “Gallantry” by Ketelbey
  24. Prohibition Officers Arrive: “Recitative Heroique” by Rapee
  25. Even Sally’s Brave Shoulders Began: “Homeland” by Huerter
  26. I’m Mr. Cormack The Cashier: “Premonition” by Zamecnik
  27. Bank Cashier Leaves: “Evening Song” by Lind
  28. Change To Sally and Davidson: “Second Misteroso a la Valse” by Savino
  29. I Hope I’ve Convinced You: “Karma” by Herbert
  30. Dancing Seen: “Last Night I Dreamed You Kissed Me” by Lombardo
  31. Dancing Stops: “Love’s Lament” by Piquet
  32. Brother (Beau) Enters: “Dram. Andante No.1” by Rapee-Axt
  33. Nix On The Family Re-Union: “Sorry For Me” by Henderson
  34. Change To Hugh and Aunt Emily: Repeat Theme No.1
  35. Change To Prohibition Officers: “Scherzo Misterioso” by Drigo’s Cinema Classics
  36. Dancing Is Seen: “If You Don’t Love Me” by Ager
  37. This Is No Place For You: “Dram. Andante No.24” by Borch
  38. Prohibition Officers Arrive: “Disaster” by Savino
  39. Officers Break In Door: “Appassionato” by Borch
  40. Wait—I’ll Tell You Why Sally: “Love’s Awakening” by Ketelbey
  41. After Title “BEAU’S TELLING THE TRUTH”: Repeat Theme No.1

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Sal of Singapore

Title: Sal of Singapore

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Sea Song” by O’Hare
  2. A Pacific Port: “Ragging The Waves” by Rosey
  3. Now Watch Me: “A Breezy Evening” by Howgill
  4. Baby Lying In Bottom of Boat: “Mighty Lak’ A Rose” by Nevin
  5. In Cabin With Baby: “Poupee Valsante” by Poldini
  6. Later That Evening: “L’Estudiantina” by Waldteufel
  7. I Know You’ll Be: “The Spectre”
  8. Some Day I’ll Rip His Heart Out: “Excitement” by Breil
  9. Captain Returns To Saloon: “Berceuse Comique” by Kilenyi
  10. Do You Know Anything About Babies: “Princess Pat Fox-Trot” by Herbert
  11. So Long Spend Thirft: “Pastime” by Clutsam
  12. Row Boat At Side of Ship: “Dance of the Furies” by Gluck
  13. Anchor Hauled Up: “Angosciosamente” by Gabriel Marie
  14. Baby Lying On Bed: “Wiegenlied” by Brahms
  15. Captain Enters Cabin: “Komik Quarrel” by Kilenyi
  16. Sailors Singing In Hold: “A Life On The Ocean Waves from ‘Our Jackies’” by Laurendeau
  17. Sally and Captain in Galley: “Chatter” by Kahn
  18. Captain Leaves Room: Repeat No.4 “Might Lak’ A Rose”
  19. Give Me A Knife: Repeat No.5 “Poupee Valsante”
  20. Long Shot of Ship: “Nancy Lee” from “Before the Mast” by Laurendeau
  21. Sally Bathing Baby: THEME “Sally Of My Dreams” by Kernell
  22. Sally Takes Baby From Bath: “Slumber Boat” by Gavnor
  23. Sailors In Hold: “Spring Cleaning” by Bradford
  24. Sally Attending Baby: “Cradle Song” by Hauser
  25. Mate Enters Room: “The Captive” by Savino
  26. He Walks Away: “Joyous Spirits” by Savino
  27. Sally On Deck—Mate Appears: Repeat No.25 “The Captive”
  28. Sailors Seated On Deck: “Dramatic Prelude” by Schad
  29. Deck of Ship—Fog Arising: “Pain of Sorrow” by Bradord
  30. Get Into Your Bunk: Repeat Theme No.21
  31. The Fever’s Broken: “Dramatic Andante No.2” by Axt
  32. We’re Ready To Dock, Sir: “Affection” by Berge
  33. Sally Writing Letter: Repeat Theme No.21
  34. Sally Sees Other Ship: “Impression Frivole” by Bradford
  35. Well I’m A Little Late: “Comic Misterioso” by Berge
  36. Captain Enters Cabin—Sally Missing: “Anxiety-Trouble” by Bernard
  37. He Reads Note: “The Burning of Rome” by Leuschner
  38. He’s Trying To Sink Us: “Gigue” by Bradford
  39. That’s All Boys: “Marching Song of the Foreign Legion” by Bradford
  40. What Was All This About?: Repeat Theme No.21

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: w7medS4Z5S

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Rough Ridin’ Red

Title: Rough Ridin’ Red

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Cameo Music Co., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


LOVE THEME: “Underneath the Falling Leaves” by De Sylva

  1. At Screening: “Kowboy Komedy” by Aborn
  2. An Old Fashioned “Medicine Show”: “Ambling Along” by Axt
  3. Pete and Friends Drinking: “Hunkatin” by Levy
  4. I Realize Now What: “Appassionato” by Borch
  5. Hank and “Red” Appear on Horses: “Pals” by Berline
  6. Flash Back to Colonel and Thugs: “Infamy” by Conterno
  7. In Their Anxiety: “Waiting” by Byford
  8. Knock On Door: “Humorous Escapade”
  9. Shows A Little Bit Out of Our Line: “Pals” by Berlin
  10. Flash Back To Sheriff and June: LOVE THEME
  11. The Next Morning: “Rube Caprice” by Dunning
  12. “Red” Appears Starts To Dance: “Zip Coon” by Old Air
  13. He Finishes Dance: “Rural Flirts” by Bradford
  14. June Apperas: “Espanita” by Rosey
  15. Get the Medicine Ready: “Rube Caprice” by Dunning
  16. Hank Starts To Sing: “Bird In A Gilded Cage” by Von Tilzer
  17. Spectator Throws Tomato: “Spring Cleaning” by Bradford
  18. Now Is The Time To Sell Them: “Flocons De Neige” by Bradford
  19. Man Takes Drink From Bottle: “Restless Bows” by Srawley
  20. Flash To Office. Man Enters With Satchel Of Money: “Ludicia” by Caludi
  21. Dugan Climbs Into Room: “The Spectre” by Engleman
  22. That Card Must Have Dropped: “Spring Song” by Mirovitch
  23. State Line’s Only Eight Miles Away: “Hurry No.33” by Minot
  24. Guard Enters Deserted Room: “Galloping Furies” by Rapee
  25. Dugan Appears In Woods: “The Spectre” by Engleman
  26. Dugan Sees “Red”: “Dramatic Hurry” by Baron
  27. It Was Rough Going: “Furieus Poursuite” by Gabriel Marie
  28. Father Wants To See You Sheriff: “Melancholic Appassionato” by Rapee
  29. “Red” Struggling To Free Himself: “Allegro Impetuoso” by Paglia
  30. Fine Work, My Boy: “Little Man” by Ball
  31. Sheriff and Sweetheart at Tree: LOVE THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Title: Rose-Marie

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: Play 3rd and 4th Movements of “Rose Marie” Selection by Harms
  2. On the Edge Of: Play first 25 bars of “Rose Marie” Selection by Harms
  3. Sergeant Terrance Malone: Play “Hard Boiled Herman” from “Rose Marie” by Harms (YELLOW)
  4. The Village Owed: Repeat No.2 “Rose Marie” Selection
  5. Exterior Scene After Duray Throws Fur On Floor: Play “Rose Marie, I Love You” from “Rose Marie” by Harms (WHITE)
  6. Malone Grabs Rose Marie: Repeat No.3 (YELLOW)
  7. Rose Marie Hops Down From Wagon—Goes Into Garden: Repeat No.5 (WHITE)
  8. Rose Marie Breaks Out of Embrace After Subtitle “IWANT AN ANSWER”: “Sarasa” by Valverda
  9. Rose Marie Pushes Her Way Through Crowd: Play “Door of My Dreams” from “Rose Marie” by Harms (LT. GREEN)
  10. Interior After Close-Up of Malone Nodding Head Bitterly: Repeat No.8 “Sarasa”
  11. Second Time Polly Moran Is Hit With Baskey: “A.B.C. Dram. Set No.7-B2” by Luz
  12. Malone Shows At Fence After Crowd Exits From Door: Repeat No.9 (LT. GREEN)
  13. Fade-Out After Rose Marie Makes Faces At Malone: Angelus Bell by Drummer or Organist
  14. One Scene of Bell Ringing: “Douce Rencontre” by Gabriel Marie
  15. Rose Marie Exits From Room To Bedroom: “Regrets” by Kempinski
  16. Rose Marie Exits To Left Through Door: “Dragon-Flies” by Stafford
  17. Don’ Fear This So Big Barbarian: Repeat No.3 (YELLOW)
  18. Malone Takes Letter—Starts To Read It: “A.B.C. Dram. Set No.7-A1” by Luz
  19. Malone Talks To Constable: Repeat No.3 (YELLOW)
  20. Constable Exits From Room: Repeat No.18 “A.B.C. Dram. Set No.7-A1”
  21. Winter Still Lingered: “Cocheco” by Reeves (Introd.)
  22. Group on Porch—Man Runs Up Road To Them: “Venetian Barcarolle” by Golden
  23. Always The Spring Voyage: “Merry Chase” by Fassunge
  24. Canoes Beaching—Trappers Getting Out: “Ninette” by Christine
  25. Rose Marie At Canoe—Trapper Walks On To Her: “Constance” by Golden
  26. In A Twinkling: “Bacchanale de Montmartre” by Ketelbey
  27. Exterior Of Church—Pastor Greeting Parrishioners: Repeat No.25 “Constance”
  28. Church Bell When Rose Marie Is Seen Lying On Ground Fighting Kenyon: Church Bell by Drummer
  29. One Scene: “Sans Sommeil” by Whitol
  30. Rose Marie Gets Up and Walks Up Path: Repeat No.21 “Cocheco”
  31. Evening Brought: Play “Totem Tom Tom” from “Rose Marie” by Harms
  32. Black Bastien Bites Girl’s Toe: “Dame e Cavalieri” by Frontini
  33. Cornet Player Stops—Exterior Scene: “Incid. Symphony No.7” by Kempinski
  34. It’s All Very Tiring: “Death of a Great Red Warrior” by Riesenfeld
  35. From What They Say: “Cocheco” by Reeves
  36. Tom Tom as Rose Marie Hears Something: Repeat No.31 (BROWN)
  37. Long Shot of Riotous Dancing To Kenyon Approaching Porch Through Trees: “Recompense d’Amour” by Kempinski
  38. Rose Marie Starts To Walk Away From Post: “Recompense d’Amour” by Kempinski
  39. And There You Have It: Repeat No.5 (WHITE)
  40. Reason? Maybe Because: Repeat No.33 “Incid. Symphony No.7”
  41. So It’s You: Repeat No.31 (BROWN)
  42. Long Shot of Street After Subtitle “MALONE”: Repeat No.33 “Incid. Symphony No.7”
  43. Not So Fast, Kenyon: “Mysterioso No.1” by Luz
  44. Silhouette Of Dagger Striking Constable In Back: Repeat No.33 “Incid. Symphony No.7”
  45. Fade-Out To Inquest Insert: “Love’s Ecstasy” by McElwain
  46. Etienne Enters Room—Speaks To Coroner: Repeat No.9 (LT. GREEN)
  47. Street Scene: “A.B.C. Dram. Set No.7-A1” by Luz (Slow)
  48. They Got One: “Anguish of Soul” by Eggert
  49. Fade-Out After Dead Man’s Face Shows: “Anguish of Soul” by Eggert (From No.3)
  50. Kenyon Lying On Ground Awakes and Begins To Rise: Repeat No.5 (WHITE)
  51. Tell Me, Is It True: “Imprecations” by Baron
  52. Indian Brave Shows On Hillside: Play “Indian Love Call” (DK. GREEN) (Song Orch. By Russell Bennett)
  53. Indian On Rock Singing After Title “THIS INDIAN BRAVE”: Continue Chorus of No.52
  54. Rose Marie’s Lips Moving After Subtitle “IN ENGLISH IT MEAN”: Church Bells by Drummer
  55. The Angelus: Repeat No.5 (WHITE) (Chorus Only)
  56. Many A Weary Mile: Repeat No.48: “Anguish of Soul” (from beginning)
  57. Fade-Out After Title “TAKE HIM BACK TO POST, DURAY”: Repeat No.49 “Anguish of Soul” (From No.3)
  58. Rose Marie Talks to Indian: Repeat No.5 (WHITE)
  59. Rose Marie and Kenyon in Embrace Before Title “OH, JEAM, JEAM”: “Canzone d’Amour” by Lowitz
  60. Maybe Life Owes Me Something: Repeat No.5 (WHITE)
  61. Fade-Out After Rose Marie Exits From Kenyon: “Ombres d’Automne” by Mayne
  62. Night, The Looming Mountain: Repeat No.5 (WHITE)
  63. Exterior of Rose Marie’s Home—Etienne Comes Down Sidewalk Towards Gate: “Coeur Meurtri” by Gabriel Marie
  64. Rose Marie Puts Right Hand To Her Ear and Sings After Title “I MARRY YOU ETIENNE”: Play “Indian Love Call” from “Rose Marie” by Harms (DR. GREEN)
  65. End Of Rose Marie Singing—Etienne Puts Hand In Air: “Recompense d’Amour” by Kempinski
  66. Fade-Out of Rose Marie Looking Over Etienne’s Shoulder To Wedding Scene: “Recompense d’Amour” by Kempinski
  67. Long Shot of Large Group of People At River Bank: Repeat No.9 (LT. GREEN)
  68. In The Upper Lakes: “Cocheco” by Reeves
  69. At The Lower End of The Island: “Appassionato Dramatico” by Berge
  70. Kenyon Stands Up and Calls—Drops His Hand To Side—Ice Churns Through Channel: “Incid. Symphony No.19” by Schertzinger
  71. Etienne Rescued From Ice Flood: “Dreams” by Crist
  72. Horse Gazing In Brush: Repeat No.43 “Mysterioso No.1”
  73. Black Bastien Exits From Scene After He Feels His Sore Shoulder: “A.B.C. Dram. Set No.4-B2” by Luz
  74. And It Was To Save You: Repeat No.5 (WHITE)
  75. Door Bolt Moves: “Incid. Symphony No.15” by Thomas
  76. I—Forgot—You Didn’t Know: Repeat No.5 (WHITE)
  77. Malone Smiles and Exits to Left From Rose Marie: “Prelude in G Minor” by Rachmaninoff
  78. Rose Marie Putting Up Blanket Closing Door: “Mysterioso No.1” by Luz

SEGUE: “Superstition” by Varnier

  1. Rose Marie Enters Through Blanketed Door: “Cocheco” by Reeves
  2. Frying Pan of Food On Fire: “Grand Appassionato” by Becce
  3. Malone Standing With Drawn Knife At Window—Door Latch Moves: “Mysterioso No.1” by Luz

SEGUE: “Symphonic Incidentals No.3” by Marquardt

  1. Malone Lifting Rock To Window: “Agitated Appassionato” by Kilenyi
  2. Rose Marie Starting To Rise To Her Feet: “Incid. Symphony No.19” by Schertzinger
  3. Knife Hits Black Bastien In Back: “Cocheco” by Reeves
  4. Several Nights Later: Repeat No.5 (WHITE) (Chorus Only)

NOTE: “Rose Marie, I Love You” should not be played slow or Ballad style until use, for Rose Marie and Kenyon. All the color themes are taken out of “Rose Marie” Selection published by T.B. Harms Co. “Incid. Symphony No.7” should always be played in Moderato tempo—1st strain only.

The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Romance of the Underworld

Title: Romance of the Underworld

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: THEME “Judy” by Norman
  2. Florist Sign Seen: “Forsaken” by Scholz
  3. Lady Leaves Florist Shop: “Auld Lang Syne” by Seredy (One Strain)

SEGUE: “I Can’t Give You Anything But Love” by McHugh

  1. “Evening Star Club” Door Seen: “Here’s That Party Now In Person” by Ager
  2. Tell Him Derby Dan: “Red Hot Momma” by Rose
  3. Where’s Judy: “Good News” by Henderson
  4. Derby Dan Sits Down At Table With Judy: “Dramatic Tension” by Luscomb
  5. Old Man Seen At Table With Girls: “The Big Butter and Egg Man” by Friend
  6. Flash-Back To Derby Dan and Judy At Table: “Disperazione” by Gabriel Marie
  7. Judy Walks Over To Bar: Repeat No.8 “Big Butter and Egg Man”
  8. Why Play With That: Repeat No.5 “Red Hot Momma”
  9. I’m Taking No Chances: “Jazz Agitato No.1” by Carbonara
  10. I’m Through With This: “Protestation” by Kay
  11. Rolling Doors Are Drawn Together: “Are We Downhearted? No!” by Davis
  12. Close-Up of Three Faces: “Ten Little Miles From Town” by Kahn
  13. Dance Is Over: “Two In A Bar” by Copping
  14. I’ve Been Robbed: “Astir” by Berge
  15. Detective Calls Dan Over To Him: “Stalking the Prey” by Kempinski
  16. Detective Enters Evening Star Club: “Second Misterioso a la Valse” by Savino
  17. “Champagne Joe” Takes Wallet Out of His Pocket: “A Mysterious Fable” by Juon
  18. Detective Empties Champagne Bottle: “A Prohibition Episode” by Aborn
  19. What’re You Doing: “Anxiete” by Srawley
  20. Girl Leaves Club Room—starts Crying: “A Tender Thought” by Granfield
  21. Insert—“Help Wanted” Bulletin: “Iris” by Reynard
  22. Change of Scene To Restaurant: “Hustle-Bustle” by Delille
  23. Fade-Out of Judy Picking Up Tip from Table: Repeat No.4 “Here’s That Party”
  24. Door of “Eastern Importing and Exporting Co.” Seen: “Ripples” by Lowitz
  25. Young Man Overturns Vase On Desk: Repeat Theme No.1
  26. A New Secretary: “Frivolous Coquette” by Kempinski
  27. Change of Scene to Cabaret: Repeat Theme No.1
  28. Change of Scene to Courtroom: “Symphonic Incidentals No.13” by Marquardt
  29. I’m Awful Glad For You: “Rosemary” by Reynard
  30. Change of Scene To Home: Repeat Theme No.1
  31. Judy Walks Away From Husband: “Dainty Miss” by Barnes
  32. Judy and Husband Leave Child’s Room: Repeat Theme No.1
  33. Close-Up Of Man Reading Newspaper; “Snake in the Grass” by Srawley
  34. Judy Sees Derby Dan: “Love Tragedy” by Savino
  35. After Derby Dan Leaves: “Prelude” by Rachmoninoff (Play subdued)
  36. Close-Up of Shoes Being Shined: “Emotional Agitato” by Savino
  37. Ransom Leaves Detective: “Chansonnette” by Huerter
  38. Close-Up of Door of Evening Star Club: “Fleeting Shadows” by Weiss
  39. Change of Scene to Apartment: Repeat No.5 “Red Hot Momma”
  40. Did You Think I’d Be: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini
  41. Detective Seen In Coroner’s Office: “A Mysterious Event” by Zamecnik
  42. “Champagne Joe” Seen Walking Upstairs: “Tense Misterioso” by Berge
  43. You’re A Great Pal: “Vengeance” by Baron
  44. Change of Scene Back To Coroner’s Office: “Contrapuntal Misterioso” by Schad
  45. Judy Seen In Home: Repeat Theme No.1
  46. Just A Minute Dear: “Exultation” by Hosmer
  47. Detective Leaves Judy: “A Perfect Day” by Bond

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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