Title: Brothers Under the Skin
Author: Max Winkler
Publisher: Goldwyn and Belwin, 1922
Format: Cue sheet
Document type: Cue sheet
All authors/contributors: Max Winkler
OCLC Number:
- At Screening: THEME: Whims of Love (Melody Caprice) by Baron
- Newton Craddock: Budding Spring (Romance) by Platzman
- The Consolidate Plumber: Isoel (Allegretto Intermezzo) by Coventry
- Millie Had Occasional: THEME: Whims of Love (Melody Caprice) by Baron
- Wifely Conversation: Caprice Joyeaux (Moderato Melody) by Seeligso
- The Serpent in the: Scene De Ballet (Allegretto) by Sudessi
- Tom Kirtland Came Home With: Creepy (Skeleton Jazz) by Breau & Hoff
- Newton Didn’t Have: Continue pp.-ff during dancing scenes
- There Are Several Ways Of: Baby Dreams (Little Reverie) by Boyaner
- To Make Ends Meet: Love Among Flowers (Reverie) by Frommel
- Dorothy, Wait a Minute: Phantom Visions (Skeleton Dance) by Stevenson
- Nobody Has Ever Been Able: THEME: Whims of Love (Melody Caprice) by Baron
- Trade the Lamp For: Comedy Allegro by Berg
- Newton’s Last Act: Funeral March by Chopin
Note: Burlesque pp to action
- Idle Talk Sometimes Makes: Moon Shadows (Valse Serenade) by Walton
- Newton Would Have: THEME: Whims of Love (Melody Caprice) by Baron
- The Fag in Newton’s: Prohibition Episode by Aborn (drinking songs counter pointed with Chopin’s “Funeral March”)
- Close Up of Record: Home Sweet Home (Direct cue) (Note: To be produced on phonograph)
- Newton Stops Phonograph: Comedy Allegro by Haines
- I Didn’t Expect You So: Dramatic Conflict (Hurry Heroique) by Levy
- I’m the Guy With the: Eccentric Comedy Theme by Roberts
- Let Me Present My Friend: Itching Heels (Intermezzo) by Sarpy
- Send This Coat Back: Falling Rose Leaves (Reverie) by Sanders
- So You Came Back: Light Agitato by Noyes
- Newton Lighting Cigarette: THEME: Whims of Love (Melody Caprice) by Baron ff
- But the New Newton: Dramatic Agitato by Simon
- Success Comes to Him Who: THEME: Whims of Love (Melody Caprice) by Baron
Notes: Cues transcribed by Mariana Whitmer.
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