Title: Body Punch
Author: M. Winkler
Publisher: Belwin, Inc., 1929
Format: Cue Sheet
Document type: Cue Sheet
All authors/contributors: M. Winkler
OCLC Number:
Theme: “Demande d’Amour” by Drigo. In the event the above mentioned theme is not in your library or unknown to you, you may substitute: “Love’s Declaration” by Baron or “Love’s Sweet Hour” by Otvos.
- At screening: “Approaching Meeting” by W. C. Schad
- I don’t believe it: “Recitative Patetico” by Dudley Peele
- Jack’s manager: “Descriptive Agitato” by Boehlein
- Water Street Mission: Theme
- Let’s eat in there: “Creepy” by Hoff
- I am gonna get me a dance: “Trembling Agitato” by Kilenyi
- Go ahead and sing: Theme
- I held them back: “Whimsical Charms” by Fresco
- Ladies’ Guild St. Johns: “Spinning Top” by Joseph Knecht
- Will you have them right now: “The Accusation” by Patou
- The next event: “Aces High” by Roberts
- Close up of gong: Produce effect followed by “Misterioso Furioso” by Affrunti
- I am a private detective: “Dramatic Tension No. 44” by Borch
- Paul Steinert took: “Misterioso Agitato” by Smith
- You do know something about it: “Reverie Poetique” by Baron
- I am a friend of Steinert: “Dramatic Agitato” by Minot
- Steinert running after kids: “Light Agitato” by Noyes
- You know something about: “Furioso No. 60” by Shepherd
- Turner swiped it: Theme
Source: Carl Braun Collection
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