The Legion of the Condemned

Title: The Legion of the Condemned

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: LEGION THEME “Marching Song of the Foreign Legion” by Bradford
  2. From All Parts of the World: “Overture Italienne” by Zerco
  3. Monte Carlo: “Reproach” by Zamecnik
  4. A Road Near London: “Dance of the Furies” by Gluck
  5. East 135th Street: “Humoreskimo” by Wendling
  6. And the Year Being 1917: “Over There” by Cohan
  7. Wounded Removed From Plane: “Affection” by Berge
  8. Canteen: LEGION THEME “Marching Song of the Foreign Legion” by Bradford
  9. We’ll Gamble For This: “Hasty Moments” by Savino
  10. They Cut Cards: “Mysterioso No.1” by Kempinski
  11. Boy Draws Ace: LEGION THEME “Marching Song of the Foreign Legion” by Bradford
  12. The “Lame Rabbit”: “Madelon” by Robert
  13. I’ll Match You: BOY THEME “Chauson Algerian” by Bradford
  14. Car Drives In Front of Hangar: “Unfinished Symphony” by Schubert
  15. Mechanic Spins Propeller: “Air Flight” by Zamecnik
  16. Boy Sees Enemy Running Toward Plane: “Agitato No.1” by Kempinski
  17. Prisoners Tied To Stake: GERMAN THEME “Nibelungen March” by Wagner (Trio)
  18. Boy Refuses To Have Eyes Covered: BOY THEME “Chauson Algerian” by Bradford
  19. After Execution of Prisoners: “Taps”
  20. Flash-Back to “Lame Rabbit”: “Cantabile (Symphonic Love Poem)” by Savino
  21. Change of Scene: “Perpetuum Mobile” by Rapee
  22. Christine In Boudoir: CHRISTINE THEME “Wings” by Zamecnik
  23. Insert—Card: “Valse Celeste” by Wittstein
  24. Christine and Gale in Garden: CHRISTINE THEME “Wings” by Zamecnik
  25. You May Dance With Her: “Valse Fascinante” by Kempinski
  26. After The Reception: “Chopinata” by Doucet
  27. Gale Sees Christine Sitting On Officer’s Knee: “Laocoon” by Leuschner
  28. And So Another Recruit: “Wild Chase” by Becce
  29. Plane Lands On Flying Field: “The Minnesota March” by Sousa
  30. Gale Enters Quarters: LEGION THEME “Marching Song of the Foreign Legion” by Bradford
  31. Who Wants This More Than I Do: “Symphonic Incidentals No.5” by Marquardt
  32. Note Placed On Table: “Romance In F” by Tschaikowsky
  33. Girl Refuses Money: “Charmaine” by Rapee
  34. Car Drives In Front of Hangar: “Unfinished Symphony” by Schubert
  35. Gale Recognizes Christine: “Recitative Heroique” by Rapee
  36. Forgive Me: CHRISTINE THEME “Wings” by Zamecnik
  37. Christine Lifted Into Plane: “In The Clouds” by Rapee-Axt
  38. Plane Lands—Christine Alights: CHRISTINE THEME “Wings” by Zamecnik
  39. But Within Three Days: GERMAN THEME “Nibelungen March” by Wagner (Trio)
  40. Colonel, I Have Just Learned: “An Argument” by Breil
  41. Close-Up of Champagne Bottles: “Ouch” by Kaufman
  42. Tomorrow Morning and the Girl I Love: CHRISTINE THEME “Wings” by Zamecnik
  43. Bonne Charee!: LEGION THEME “Marching Song of the Foreign Legion” by Bradford
  44. French Entanglements: “Panic” by Varnier
  45. Gale At Plane—Takes Off: “In The Clouds” by Rapee-Axt
  46. Gale Discovers Germans Surrounding Him: GERMAN THEME “Nibelungen March” by Wagner (Trio)
  47. Flash To Legion Headquarters: “Celebrated Canzonetta” by Mendelssohn
  48. Messenger Enters: “Lamento from Pique Dame” by Tschaikowsky
  49. How’s The Weather: LEGION THEME “Marching Song of the Foreign Legion” by Bradford
  50. Planes Take Off: “Orgies of the Spirits” by Ilynsky
  51. German Court Marshall: GERMAN THEME “Nibelungen March” by Wagner (Trio)
  52. May I Saw Good-Bye?: CHRISTINE THEME “Wings” by Zamecnik
  53. I Am Ready: “Berceuse” by Jarnefelt
  54. Bomb Explodes: “Furioso No.4” by Bergunker
  55. Legion Headquarters—Colonel Removes Names Of Fallen Aviators: “Taps”
  56. Gales’ Name Removed: LEGION THEME “Marching Song of the Foreign Legion” by Bradford
  57. Plane Takes Off: CHRISTINE THEME “Wings” by Zamecnik

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Leatherneck

Title: The Leatherneck

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: MARINE THEME “Semper Fidelis March” by Sousa
  2. The Bad Lands of Manchuria: “On The Steppes of Central Asia” by Borodin
  3. Tsin Tsin: “In Tientsin” by Savino
  4. Marine Headquarters: Repeat Marine Theme No.1
  5. Captain Seated At Desk: “The Captive” by Savino
  6. Marines Looking Through Door: “Lamento from Pique Dame” by Tschaikowsky
  7. The Case of Private Calhoun: “The Pain of Sorrow” by Bradford
  8. It Was In France: “Razzing Theme” by Rapee
  9. Calhoun Speaks To Guard: “Pastime” by Clutsam
  10. Boys Enter Saloon: “Blue Law Blues” by Lake
  11. I Don’t Drink With Any Heinie: “Ruy Blas” by Mendelssohn
  12. Three Boys Step In Middle of Road: PAL THEME “Pals, Just Pals” by Dreyer
  13. We Lost Track of “Fuzzy”: Repeat Marine Theme No.1
  14. “Fuzzy” Joins Two Pals: Repeat Pal Theme No.12
  15. It’s Great To Hear: “Al Fresco” by Herbert
  16. One Day He Took us To: “Valse des Fleurs” by Tschaikowsky
  17. “Fuzzy” Tells Story To Boy: “Chatter” by Kahn
  18. I Never Touch The Stuff: LOVE THEME “Amorous Adventure” by Bradford
  19. Marines Unloading Ammunition: “Bon Vivant” by Zamecnik
  20. Heckla and Boys At Table Drinking: “Tragic Andante” by Savino
  21. Heckla Attacked By Boys: “Allegro Precipitoso” by Savino
  22. Boys Tell Friend Of Danger: “Romance” by Rubenstein
  23. May I Speak To Tex?: Repeat Love Theme No.18
  24. Heckla Laid Lo: Repeat No.22 “Romance”
  25. Bride and Groom Kiss: “Wedding March” by Mendelssohn
  26. That Night I Had To Go: “The Rabble” by Herbert
  27. Come On, This Job Isn’t Finished Yet: Repeat No.21 “Allegro Precipitoso”
  28. Fire Flash: “Fire Music from ‘Die Walkure’” by Wagner
  29. After That I Was Crazy: “Appassionato No.2” by Axt
  30. Insert—Newspaper Advertisement: “La Foret Perfide” by Gabriel Marie
  31. Boys In Mess Hall: Repeat No.15 “Al Fresco”
  32. What Do You Mean?: Repeat Pal Theme No.12
  33. Flash To Desert: Repeat No.2 “On The Steppes of Central Asia”
  34. “Buddy” In Corner: “Berceuse” by Jarnefelt
  35. Flash To Three Boys In Gondola: “My Buddy” by Donaldson
  36. Gentlemen, This Prisoner: “Adagio Pathetique” by Godard
  37. Tanya: “Adventure d’Amour” by Bradford
  38. Stand Up Child: “Vehement Desire” by Bradford
  39. Insert—Ballots of Court: Repeat Love Theme No.18
  40. Boys and Tanya Embrace: Repeat Pal Theme No.12

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: o97gCQIrvz

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The Lawless Legion

Title: The Lawless Legion

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Cameo Music Co., 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


LOVE THEME: “Magic Love” by Bradford

  1. [Damaged]: “Le Seigneur de kermour” by Gabriel Marie
  2. [Damaged]…great drought: “The Shepherd” by Borch
  3. [Damaged]…attle on plains: “Revolt” by Palumbo
  4. [Damaged]: “Dramatic Conversation” by Becce
  5. [Damaged]….ght: “From the North” by Sibelius
  6. [Damaged]…ought stricken val-[Damaged]: “Angosciosamente” by Gabriel Marie
  7. [Damaged]…t of tents in distance: “March of the Phantom Hosts” by Axt
  8. [Damaged]…g back with Dad: LOVE THEME
  9. [Damaged]…poured in coffee: “Enigma” by Borch
  10. Bob Asleep At Tree: “Allegro Precipitoso” by Savino
  11. Next Morning: “Amorous Adventure” by Bradford
  12. Bob Pushes Over Man: “Galloping Furies
  13. On The Edge of the Rustlers Domaine: “La Rosita” by Du Pont
  14. I’m A Cattle Buyer: “Spanish Lace” by Hersom
  15. Exterior—Bob Follows Buyer: “Dramatic Allegro” by Savino
  16. The Secret Stronghold: “L’Arlesienne” by Bizet (“Prelude”)
  17. Say What Kind Of: “Enigma” by Borch
  18. I’m The Cattle Buyer: “La Foret Perfide” by Gabriel Marie
  19. Now You Will Tell Me: “The Captive” by Savino
  20. Come Into The Patio: “Dance Macabre” by Saint Saens
  21. Desang Grabs Lash: “Ferocity” by Carrozzonni
  22. Matsan Appears: “Le Seigneur de Kermour” by Gabriel Marie
  23. Wild Horse Released. Bob Strapped to His Back: “Dance of the Furies” by Gluck
  24. Tarzan Releases Bob: “Reverie D’Amour” by D’Aquin
  25. Flash To Saloon: “Tipsy” by Fassio
  26. You Gunnin’ for Me: “Furioso No.4” by Bergunker
  27. I’ve Found The Heard: “Dramatic Allegro” by Savino
  28. Flash To Desang, buyer, and Matsan: “Enigma” by Borch
  29. Bob Appears From Barrel: “Ruy Blas” by Mendelssohn
  30. Sunset Pass: “Furious Poursuite” by Gabriel Marie
  31. You Birds Are Going To Herd: “Furioso No.4” by Bergunker
  32. Hoofs He’s Coming: “Destruction” by Lowitz
  33. Village Street: LOVE THEME

NOTE: Partial Score

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Law of the Range

Title: The Law of the Range

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Prelude to ‘Romances of the Seven Seas’” by Baron
  2. Over the Endless Stretches: “Westward Ho” by Riesenfeld
  3. Sing That Hymn: “The Ninety and Nine” by Clephane
  4. After Song Title: “A.B.C. Dram. Set No. 12-B2” by Luz
  5. Texas Rangers: “A.B.C. Dram. Set No. 12-C3” by Luz (Open “PP”)
  6. They’ve Taken My Baby:” “A.B.C. Dram. Set No. 12-D4” by Luz
  7. Fade-Out of Wagon: “Hurry No.7” by Armandola (LT. BLUE)
  8. Bandit Takes Bag From Around Man’s Neck: “Incid. Symphony No.27” by Damaur (RED)
  9. Stage Coach Drives Off: Repeat No.7 (LT. BLUE)
  10. Horses Run Away: “A Chase Through The Clouds” by Lakay
  11. Horses Lassoed—Stage Coach Stopped: “Yearning” by Schoenfeld (WHITE)
  12. Stage Coach Drives Off: Repeat No.7 (LT. BLUE)
  13. The Town of Amarilla: “Laughing Water” by Hager
  14. Stage Coach Arrives: “Scene d’Amour” by Baron
  15. Bartender Puts Bottle of Liquor On Bar: “Swanee Dreams” by Baron
  16. Bar-Room Scene: “Marche Pittoresque” by Cazabon
  17. Miss Dallas Came In On Stage Coach: Repeat No.8 (RED)
  18. Home Scene—Mother Shows On Screen: “Roguish Eyes” by Gruenwald
  19. Tattoo Marks Shown On Screen: “The Tragic Discovery” by Patou
  20. Carefully Going Over The Scene: “Eternal Poem” by Weiller
  21. Souvenirs Of A Hundred Adventures: “Tears” by Zamecnik
  22. Is This The Cloak: “Incid. Symphony No.27” by Damaur (RED)
  23. Oh! How Can You: “Yearning” by Schoenfeld (WHITE)
  24. Two Men On Porch of Ranch: Repeat No.22 (RED)
  25. Tim McCoy Off Screen—Girl Seen: “Summer Nights” by Roberts
  26. The Kid Planned: Repeat No.22 (RED)
  27. Coin Tossed—Kid Rides Off: “Poursuite Impitoyable” by Baron
  28. Kid Climbs Up Into Tree: Repeat No.22 (RED)
  29. Shot: “Rapture”by Zamecnik
  30. Tim McCoy Climbs Up On Horse’s Back—Fire Starts: “Hurry No.7” by Armandola (LT. BLUE)
  31. Tim McCoy Seen At Dallas Rance: Repeat No.23 (WHITE)
  32. Miss Dallas Starts To Bathe Tim McCoy’s Face: Repeat No.30 (LT. BLUE)
  33. Rangers Stop At Dallas Ranch: “The Verdict” by Zamecnik
  34. Bandit Enters Room Through Window: Repeat No.22 (RED)
  35. Struggle: “Treachery and Vengeance” by Fletcher
  36. Ray Covers Kid With Revolver: Repeat No.22 (RED)
  37. Kid Escapes: “Flick and Flock” by Patou
  38. Horse Shot: “Vengeance” by Franceschi
  39. Kid Throws Revolver: “Furioso No.2” by Zamecnik (Open “PP”)
  40. Tim McCoy Sees Tattoo Mark: “The Sacrifice” by Zamecnik
  41. I Can’t Take You Back: Repeat No.30 (LT. BLUE)
  42. Tim McCoy Covers Brother With Mud: “Sorrow” by Macat
  43. Did She See The Tattoo: “The Ninety and Nine” by Clephan
  44. Mother Covers Boy’s Face: “Yearning” by Schoenfeld (WHITE)

Proper rest period Nos.20 to 32 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Cornoration. 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Latest From Paris

Title: The Latest From Paris

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Adoree” by Friml (WHITE)
  2. Sign—“Blog and Littauer”: “Viennese” by Komzak
  3. He Should Be Designing: “Confidence” by Waldteufel
  4. Gee, Now I’m Glad: “Stardust” by Power
  5. I’ve Decided: “Mountain Trail” by Schoenfeld
  6. Sign—“Blog and Littauer”: “Adoree” by Friml (WHITE)

SEGUE: “Caressing Butterfly” by Barthelemy

  1. Well, I’m Going To Roxboro: “Love’s Wilfulness” by Barthelemy
  2. Robertson, I’m Taking This Liberty: “Breath of Morn” by Kempinski
  3. Auto On Screen At Store Front: Repeat No.6 (WHITE)
  4. The Travelling Man: “Love and Laughter” by Cobb
  5. Salesman Leaves Hotel Desk After Key Action: “Bowl of Pansies” by Reynard
  6. Norma Shearer Telephoning: “In Merry Mood” by Axt
  7. Thanks for the Order: “Blue Bells” by Zamecnik
  8. Water Poured on House Detective: “Little Fawn” by Rosenbaum
  9. Salesman Sees Girl In Other Train: “Adoree” by Friml (WHITE)

SEGUE: “A Garden Dance” by Vargas

  1. Wreck: “Agitato No.1” by Armandola
  2. Close-Up Of Salesman and Shearer: “Adoree” by Friml (WHITE)
  3. Child At Door Of Car Platform: “Piquant Waltz” by Lehar
  4. If He Ever Loses A Finger: Repeat No.17 (WHITE)
  5. Deaf and Dumb Couple Leave Platform: “Storm Galop” by Komzak (LT. BLUE)
  6. Sign—Summerville Hotel: “Sparklets” by Miles
  7. What’s Merry About It: “Rang-Tang” by Dabney
  8. Boy Puts Down Telephone: “Sacred Night, Holy Night” by Borch (Violin and Piano)
  9. Exterior Scene: “Iris” by Reynard
  10. Girl Pulls Down Window Shade: Repeat No.20 (LT. BLUE)
  11. Lovers Meet In Hotel Lobby: Repeat No.17 (WHITE)
  12. Boy Takes Off Overcoat: Repeat No.23 “Sacred Night, Holy Night” (Violin and Piano)
  13. Lovers Walk Out of Hotel Lobby: “Adoree” by Friml (WHITE)

SEGUE: “Dreamland Shadows” by Holzel

  1. Joe Dear, I’m Afraid: “Andante Appassionato” by Soro
  2. Norma Shearer Goes Upstairs In Hotel—Lover Enters Lobby: “Incid. Symphony No.11” by Hauenschild
  3. Norma Pulls Down Window Shade: “Love’s Melody’ by Daniderff
  4. Norma Shearer Shows On Screen: Repeat No.30 “Incid. Symphony No.11”
  5. Brother Kisses Norma Shearer: “Night Song” by Stults
  6. With You: Repeat No.20 (LT. BLUE)
  7. Norma Shearer Hangs Up Telephone: “A Spring Day” by Haines
  8. Fade After Title: ALWAYS IT’S CHEAPER: “Gerbe de Roses” by Franceschi
  9. Father, Joe and I Are Going To Be Married: “Little Trifler” by Barnard
  10. Hotel Register On Screen: “Golden Sand” by Finck
  11. Bedroom Scene After Men Shake Hands: “Viennese” by Komzak
  12. Two Men Leave Girl’s Bedroom: Repeat No.28 (WHITE)
  13. Lover Leaves Girl’s Bedroom: “Loves Glamour” by Varley
  14. Two Partners Leave Bedroom: “Springtime of Life” by Marquardt
  15. Take A Tip: “Trembling Agitato” by Kilenyi
  16. Sleigh Drives Off: “By-Gone Days” by Pintel
  17. I Always Said: “Adoree” by Friml (WHITE)

Proper Rest period is Nos. 11 to 20 inclusive

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Cornoration. 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: vup2Erc3t0

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The Last Warning

Title: The Last Warning

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928

Series:  Greater Thematic Music Cue Sheet

Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


McHUGH THEME: “Les Perses” by Domergue

LOVE THEME: “Love Song” by Wright

SINISTER THEME: “Le Seigneur De Kermor” by Gabriel Marie

BROADWAY THEME: “My New York” by Berlin

  1. At Screening: “Overture Italienne” by Zerco
  2. Cast: “Evening Hour” by Lichenstein
  3. Revolving Lights: BROADWAY THEME “My New York” by Berlin
  4. Entrance To Theatre: “Allegro Fugoso” by De Saa
  5. Quiet Please: “Nightmare” by Roland
  6. Narrative Of Accident: “Anguish of Soul” by Eggert
  7. Nobody Leaves: “Rhythmic Misterioso” by Damesek
  8. Well, When I Went To Call: “Grand Dramatic Scene” by Leuschner
  9. Detective Sneaks Into Dressing Room: “Rhythmic Misterioso” by Damesek
  10. The Coroner: “Danger Conjure” by Gabriel Marie
  11. Insert—“Stage Star Slain”: “Ghost Scene” by Broy
  12. Interior of Desolate Theatre: “Scherzo Misterioso” by Drigo’s Cinema Classics
  13. Since They Are Re-Opening: “Andantino Idillico” by Drigo’s Cinema Classics
  14. That’s The Guy: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini
  15. Woman Appears: “In The Night” by Noack
  16. Quaile Enters: “Dave Theme” by Zamecnik
  17. That’s The Guy That Killed: “In the Night—Death Speaketh” by Noack
  18. McHugh Enters: McHUGH THEME
  19. Quaile, I Was John Woodford’s: “On Trial” by Beghon
  20. Doris Appears: “Suite Domestica No.2” by Risenfeld
  21. Sorry I Must Leave You Alone: LOVE THEME
  22. Did YoU Receive A Telegram?: “Pastime” by Clutsam
  23. Insert—“Do Not Accept”: SINISTER THEME
  24. Flash-Back To Doris and Quaile: LOVE THEME
  25. Sorry McHugh, She Will Not Be In: “Unfinished Symphony” by Schubert
  26. Where Did You Enter The Theatre?: McHUGH THEME
  27. Carleton Speaks To Doris: “Euridice’s Dream” by Bradford
  28. Carleton Opens Script: SINISTER THEME
  29. Smoke Appears: “Allegro Agitato” by Stahlberg
  30. Please Take Miss Terry To Her Room: “Amorous Adventure” by Bradford
  31. Quaile, I Want You To Meet: “March from ‘Scenes Pittoresques’” by Massenet
  32. Two Girls In Dressing Room: “Amorous Adventure” by Bradford
  33. Figure At Dressing Table: “Bimbo Morente No.2” by Culotta
  34. Insert—Script Of Play: “To Spring” by Grieg
  35. Carleton Takes Hold Of Candle Stick: “Anger” by Palumbo
  36. Ghastly Figure Appears: SINISTER THEME
  37. You’re Going To Stay: “Symphonic Incidentals No.9” by Marquardt
  38. We’re Going To Search: “Implorations of Neptune” by Massenet
  39. Quaile Sees Purse: “Symphonic Incidentals No.3” by Marquardt
  40. Door Opens—Body Falls Out: SINISTER THEME
  41. McHugh Open Door—Enters Doris’ Dressing Room: “Fingal’s Cave” by Mendelssohn
  42. Warning Again: SINISTER THEME
  43. Lights Flash—Audience Arriving: “Toy Soldiers Parade” by Ring-Hager
  44. Curtain Ascends: “Intermezzo” by Granados
  45. McHugh Blows Whistle: “Violent Struggling” by Roland
  46. Now Mike, Did You Kill: “Vehement Desire” by Bradford
  47. Doris and Quaile Alone: LOVE THEME
  48. Lights Of Broadway: BROADWAY THEME

NOTE: Optional finish—cue 47 may be continued to end of picture if desired


Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Last of Mrs. Cheyney

Title: The Last of Mrs. Cheyney

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Prelude to Heroical Love Drama” by Baron
  2. London, After Theatre: “Dramatic Suspense” by Hahn
  3. How Terrible: “Serenade d’Extase” by Fletcher
  4. Fortunately I Wasn’t Wearing My Pearls: “Intermezzo” by Crist
  5. Fade-Out Of Two Ladies On Couch: “Breath Of Morn” by Kempinski
  6. Fade-Out After Telephoning Scenes: “Rose of Spring” by Bicchiere
  7. Rather Striking: “Celestine” by Vargas
  8. Cheyney Leaves Florists: “I’ll Dream Of You” by Shilkret (WHITE)
  9. Fade-Out As Man Reads Card: Organ Solo ad lib on screen
  10. Butler Closes Folding Doors: “A Villianous Theme” by Engleman (RED)
  11. Doors Opened After Title “WE HAVE NEVER MET BEFORE”: “Mignonette” by Sodero
  12. Cheyney, I Want You To Meet: Repeat No.8 (WHITE)
  13. Fade-Out After Title “THE PLEASURE IS MINE”: “Sweet Memoires” by Singorsky
  14. Old Man Leaves Room To Make Speech: “Winged Hours” by Bath
  15. I Telephoned You: Repeat No.8 (WHITE)
  16. Will You Please Ring For The Butler: Repeat No.10 (RED)
  17. Fade-Out After Title: WELL I’LL REMEMBER”: “Bridal Paths” by Langford
  18. Guests Leave—Mrs. Cheyney Closes Door: Repeat No.8 (WHITE)
  19. Cheyney Walks To Piano; Piano Solo ad lib to screen
  20. When We Get The Necklace: “Evil Motive” by Hoffman
  21. The Week-End: Piano Solo ad lib to screen
  22. Do Listen To This: Repeat No.20 “Evil Motive”
  23. I Got Your Message: “Sadness” by Engleman
  24. Crook Walks From Mrs. Cheyney: “Gratitude” by Schoenfeld
  25. Crook Leaves Garden—Old Man Sees Mrs. Cheyney Asleep: Repeat No.13 “Sweet Memories”
  26. Cheyney Has Contracted A Headache: Repeat No.10 (RED)
  27. Man Takes Telephone From Mrs. Cheyney: “I’ll Dream Of You” by Shilkret (WHITE)
  28. Play Once and Segue: “Heart’s Pleading” by Rapee-Axt
  29. Garden Scene—Light In Mrs. Cheyney’s Window Seen: “Incid. Symphony No.30” by Kempinski
  30. Clock Dial On Screen: “Misterioso Irresoluto” by Langey
  31. Cheyney About To Throw Jewelry Box Out of Window: “At the Shrine of Love” by Kempinski
  32. Champagne, Cigarettes: “Lover’s Quarrel” by Baron
  33. Man Kisses Mrs. Cheyney: “Unrest” by Geehl
  34. Just A Moment: “Romance of Autumn” by Marquardt
  35. Arthur, We Shall Leave You In Charge: Repeat No.24 “Gratitude”
  36. Morning: “Dance of the Sylphes” by Marquardt
  37. Play Once and Segue: “Agitato a la Valse” by Savino
  38. You Shouldn’t Be President: “Langueurs Amoureuses” by Barbirolli
  39. Play Once and Segue: “Cynical Scherzando” by Axt
  40. Lord Elton At Table Writing Check: “Isabel” by Bowers
  41. Fade To Crook and Mrs. Cheyney Leaving House: Repeat No.27 (WHITE)

Proper Orchestral Rest Period is Nos. 25 to 32 inclusive

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Cornoration. 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: LJlqK2vn0w

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The Last Command

Title: The Last Command

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Czardas from ‘Ballet Russe’” by Luigini
  2. Hollywood—1928: “Midsummer” by Maquarre
  3. Insert—Photograph of Sergei: LEO THEME “Karma” by Herbert
  4. The Eureka Studios Calling: DESPAIR THEME “Lamento from ‘Pique Dame’” by Tschaikowsky
  5. The Bread Line: “Russian Rag” by Cobb
  6. Sergei Sits at Dressing Table: “Cossack Revels: “Tschakoff
  7. Imperial Russia: “Marche Slave” by Tschaikowsky
  8. Tireless In His Endeavors: SERGEI THEME “Prelude in G Minor” by Rachmaninoff
  9. Let Him Strut A Little Longer: LEO THEME “Karma” by Herbert
  10. Sergei At Mirror: SERGEI THEME “Prelude in G Minor” by Rachmaninoff
  11. Sergei Sees Officer With His Fur Coat On: “Chatter” by Kahn
  12. Natalie and Leo Enter Room: “Prelude” by Reinecke
  13. Leo Taken From Room: “Resignation” by Von Fielitz
  14. Orders From The Imperial Staff: “Prelude from ‘L’Arlesienne’” by Bizet
  15. The New Headquarters: SERGEI THEME “Prelude in G Minor” by Rachmaninoff
  16. Natalie Alone In Room Musing: NATALIE THEME “Apres L’Orage” by Mouton
  17. Flash To Sergei And Officers: “Rivalite” by Snoek
  18. And So: “Procession of the Sardar from ‘Caucasion Sketches’” by Iwanow
  19. Fade-In Battle Front: “Tumult” by Verdi
  20. Flash-Back To Inspection of Troops: “Marche Russe” by Ganne
  21. Czar Speaks To Sergei: “Russian Fantasia” by Tobani [Music blacked out]
  22. After A Week: “Prologue” by Sommer
  23. Sergei Enters Natalie’s Room: NATALIE THEME “Apres L’Orage” by Mouton
  24. Officers Listening At Door: “Funny Faces” by Ring-Hager
  25. The General Staff, Your Highness: SERGEI THEME “Prelude in G Minor” by Rachmaninoff
  26. Prisoners’ Quarters: “Vengeance” by Porret
  27. Flash-Back To Natalie and Sergie: LOVE THEME “Regret” by Zamecnik
  28. Natalie Leaves Room—Procures Revolver: “Coeur Meurtri” by Gabriel Marie
  29. Sergei Enters Room: “Camorra” by Joels
  30. Natalie Collapses In Tears On Divan: LOVE THEME “Regret” by Zamecnik
  31. A Group of Obscure People Meet: REDS THEME “L’International” by Pottier
  32. Communicate With Our Agents: “Angosciosamente” by Gabriel Marie
  33. “Reds” Meeting On Street: REDS THEME “L’International” by Pottier
  34. Guards Appear And Endeavor To Break Up Meeting: “Battle Music” by Zamecnik
  35. Flash To Officer on Train Celebrating: “Russian Nat’l Dance ‘Echoes from the Volga’” by Seredy
  36. “Reds” Close-Up—Switch Pulled: “Furioso” by Savino
  37. You Have Been Our Master: “Tempest” by Ketelbey
  38. Make Him Stoke The Train: “Cossack Revels” by Tschakoff
  39. Sergei Stoking Engine: DESPAIR THEME “Lamento from Pique Dame” by Tschaikowsky
  40. Wild Scene Of Revelry In Car: “The Cossacks” by Frey
  41. Natalie Leaves Car—Climbs Into Engine Cab: “Storm Music” by Zamecnik
  42. Sergei Starts Stoking Again: “Furioso No.4” by Bergunker
  43. And So The Backwash: DESPAIR THEME “Lamento from Pique Dame” by Tschaikowsky
  44. Studio Stage: “Shenandoah” by Bendel
  45. Leo Orders Extras On Set: “Gossip” by Borch
  46. Director Stops Sergei: “Hunkatin” by Levy
  47. Leo Looking Over Extras: “In Birdland” by Zamecnik
  48. Leo Stops In Front Of Sergei: LEO THEME “Karma” by Herbert
  49. Activity On Set Starts: “Avril Frileux” by Mouton
  50. I Have Waited Ten Years For This: LEO THEME “Karma” by Herbert
  51. Flash-Back To Activity On Set: “Rural Flirts” by Bradford
  52. Music Please: “National Russian Anthem” by Lake
  53. What’s The Difference: “Marche Slave” by Tschaikowsky
  54. Leo Places Arms About Prostrate Sergei: “National Russian Anthem” by Lake
  55. Sergei Collapses: : DESPAIR THEME “Lamento from Pique Dame” by Tschaikowsky
  56. Leo Covers Body With Russian Flag: “National Russian Anthem” by Lake

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Lariat Kid

Title: The Lariat Kid

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Prelude To Western American Drama” by Baron
  2. Rider Appears On Road: “Al Fresco” by Herbert
  3. All Right Now Miss: “Intermezzo” by Arensky
  4. Mid-Day Found: “Romance” by Rubenstein
  5. You Ungrateful Girl: “Dramatic Appassionato” by Ciganeri
  6. Scar Falls: “The Whistler and His Dog” by Pryor
  7. Scar Places Hand On Revolver: “Tragic Andante” by Savino
  8. Wagon Drives Away: Repeat No.2 “Al Fresco”
  9. Hell’s Gulch: “Enigma” by Borch
  10. Tom Appears On Road: Repeat No.2 “Al Fresco”
  11. Mary Lou Watering Plants: THEME “Mary Lou” by Lyman
  12. Tom Continues Ride: “La Coquette” by Onivas
  13. Outlaw Grabbed By Tom and Pat: “Moto Perpetuo” by Weiss
  14. Interior of Hotel: “March of the Gnomes” by Rebikov
  15. Pat Tips Tom: “Potato-Bug Parade” by Cobb
  16. Cregg Speaks To Tom: Repeat No.7 “Tragic Andante”
  17. Pat Grabs Knife: “Destruction” by Lowitz
  18. Cregg Leaves: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini
  19. Tom Closes Door of Water-Wagon: Repeat No.2 “Al Fresco”
  20. There’s Something Crooked Going On: “Misterioso all Valse” by Savino
  21. Tom Falls: Repeat Theme No.11
  22. I Ordered You To Keep Your Eye: “Conspiracy” by Zamecnik
  23. Mary and Tom At Gate: Repeat Theme No.11
  24. Come On Darlin’: Repeat No.7 “Tragic Andante”
  25. So It Was You: “Agitato No.3” by Langey
  26. Saloon—Piano Playing: “Dolly Dimples” by Alter
  27. Dark Scene—Tom Sneaking About: “Misterioso No.4” by Bergunker
  28. Flash-Back To Saloon—Dancing: Repeat No.26 “Dolly Dimples”
  29. Men At Stable: “Fingal’s Cave” by Mendelssohn
  30. Flash-Back To Saloon—Piano Playing: Repeat No.26 “Dolly Dimples”
  31. Tom Jumps From Window: “Dramatic Allegro” by Savino
  32. Cregg Riding: “Galloping Furies” by Rapee
  33. Before I’m Finished: “Ruy Blas” by Mendelssohn
  34. Cart Drives Up To Jail: Repeat No.2 “Al Fresco”
  35. Good Work Young Man: Repeat Theme No.11

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Kid’s Clever

Title: The Kid’s Clever

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Valse Melodie” by Drigo
  2. Half A Block: “BUGS” THEME “Somebody” by Little
  3. Carriage Appears: “Joyful Hurry No.1” by Baron
  4. Come On Girls: Repeat Bugs Theme No.2
  5. Won’t You Buy A Ticket?: RUTH THEME “Hugs and Kisses” by Alter
  6. When The Girls At The Seminary: “French Pastry” by Lakay
  7. I Won’t Give It Back: Repeat Ruth Theme No.5
  8. In New York: “Chianti” by Friml
  9. The Colonial Ball: Repeat Bugs Theme No.2
  10. How Are You?: “Marionette” by Arndt
  11. You Know This: Repeat Bugs Theme No.2
  12. Did You Speak To Father: “Meneut” by Paderwski
  13. Conspirators Plotting Against “Bugs”: “Conspiracy” by Zamecnik
  14. Flash To Interior: “The Clowns Carnival” by Rapee
  15. Will Some Bright Young Man: “Dainty Blossoms” by Kahn
  16. Poor Little Pigeon: Repeat Ruth Theme No.5
  17. With A Gaiety: “Piggly Wiggly” by Donaldson
  18. Fellow Symphonists: Repeat Bugs Theme No.2
  19. “Bugs” Starts Band Playing: “Student Pranx” by Balfmoor
  20. Band Starts Second Time: “Morning, Noon and Night Over” by Suppe
  21. Band Finishes: “Rural Flirts” by Bradford
  22. “Bugs” Leaves Stand—Enters Car: “Potato-Bug Parade” by Cobb
  23. Now I Shall Demonstrate: “Fast and Furious” by Frey
  24. The Next Morning: “Burlesque on Lange’s Flower Song” by Kempinski
  25. Ruth Enters Shop: Repeat Ruth Theme No.5
  26. “Bugs”, I Know: “Hearts and Flowers” by Tobani
  27. Flash To Travers and Steele: “Air de Ballet” by Massenet
  28. Daddy, I’m Sure Someone: “Romance” by Grunfeld
  29. Boys Enter Hotel: “Elopement” by Carrozzini
  30. Travers, I Have Proof: “Reverie d’Amour” by D’Aquin
  31. If You Could Only Get That Contract: “The Mill” by Berge
  32. Car Starts In Pursuit of Steele: “Mystery Hurry” by Berge
  33. I’m Getting Her Warmed Up: “The Get-Away” by Frey
  34. Young Man: Repeat Bugs Theme No.2
  35. Travers Tears Up Contract: Repeat Ruth Theme No.5

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Kid Gloves

Title: Kid Gloves

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Descriptive Filmusic Co., 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening of Title: “Caprice” by Somerville
  2. Auto Gangsters Shoot: “Flick & Flock” by Patou
  3. Just When I’m Sending: “Butterflies” by Miles
  4. Lemme Park This Dame: “The Tormentor” by Hoffman THEME 1
  5. That’s The Man: “Valse” by Drigo
  6. Men Open Door: “The Ravage” by Hoffman THEME 2
  7. This Is A Bum Deal: “Maggiolotta” by Cullota THEME 3
  8. Well, When The Shooting: “Constance” by Golden
  9. Marriage Did Two Things: “Smiles” by Somerville
  10. Does A Mrs.—er Smith: “Cantor Woods” by Fleischer
  11. Just Leave Everything: “Valse Modern” by Rosey
  12. Will You Let Me Know By To-morrow: THEME 3
  13. There’s Three Hundred: THEME 1
  14. The Kid Fell For It: “Enigma” by Borch
  15. Man At Phone: THEME 2
  16. The Kid Got Away: THEME 3
  17. You Promise No Fuss: THEME 2
  18. Now You’re Going For A Long, Long Ride: THEME 3
  19. Anyway, I’m Glad: “Frolics” by Hoffman
  20. After He reads Letter, They Kiss: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Joy Girl

Title: The Joy Girl

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “The Doll Dance” by Brown
  2. Why Jewel! Isn’t That Your Father’s New Hat: “In Your Green Hat” by Ager
  3. Isolde Offered Me A Job: Repeat No.1 “Doll Dance”
  4. Father Enters: “What’s The Matter With Father” by Van Alstyne
  5. Great Scott! That’s: “In Your Green Hat” by Ager
  6. Fade-In To Isolde Inc.: “My Lady’s Boudoir” by Schertzinger
  7. This Is The New Calto: Repeat No.5 “In Your Green Hat”
  8. Who’s The Girl?: Repeat No.1 “Doll Dance”
  9. Fade-In To Newspaper Clipping: “South Wind” by Henderson
  10. My Clothes, Aren’t They: “Merry Pranks” by Rapee-Axt
  11. That Afternoon: “The Village Cut-Up” by Egener
  12. Fade-In To Woman On Couch: “Love Me And The World Is Mine” by Ball
  13. Car Stops: THEME “I Can’t Believe That You’re In Love With Me” by McHugh
  14. Change Of Scene To Interior: Repeat No.12 “Love Me and the World Is Mine”
  15. Car Drives Up To Jewel’s Home: Repeat Theme No.13
  16. Jeffery’s My Name: “Conversational” by Noyes
  17. The Picnic Was A Success: “Pangs of Love” by Carrozzini
  18. Advice To Flora Was Well: Repeat Theme No.13
  19. My Mother’s Drudged: “Thoughts of Yore” by Frey
  20. Fade-In To Vicary: “Iris” by Reynard
  21. Fade-In To Beach: Repeat Theme No.13
  22. Heath Seen: “Warriors Bold” by Joels
  23. Fade-In To Beach Again: Repeat Theme No.13
  24. Parasol Seen Burning: “Help! Help!” by Kovacs
  25. Jewel Resolutely Steeled: “Pretty Cinderella” by Harris
  26. Fade-In To Jeffrey Fleet’s Home: “Entr’acte Lovelorn” by Wood
  27. Jewel and Vicary On Beach: Repeat No.25 “Pretty Cinderella”
  28. People Seen Rocking On Hotel Veranda: Repeat No.9 “South Wind”
  29. Vicary Insisted On: Repeat No.25 “Pretty Cinderella”
  30. Jewel’s Mother Seen Scrubbing Floor: “Caressing Butterfly” by Barthelemy
  31. Fade-In To Jewel And Mother Dressed As Nurse: Repeat No.25 “Pretty Cinderella”
  32. Marriage License Seen: “O Promise Me” by DeKoven
  33. Fade-In To Couple Seen Kissing: Repeat No.25 “Pretty Cinderella”
  34. Then It Was All Lies: “Minor Agitato” by Berge
  35. What Are You Squakin’: “Reverie d’Amour” by D’Aquin
  36. You Had Your Nerve: “Dram. Agitato no.1” by Egener
  37. Jewel Phoning: “Emotional Agitato” by Savino
  38. Automobile Seen: Repeat Theme No.13
  39. I Don’t Know How To Tell You: “Love Tragedy” by Savino
  40. Vicary Enters His Room: “Havana” by Rose
  41. John Jeffrey And Jewel In Front of Jewel’s Home: Repeat Theme No.13
  42. Jewel Enters House: “Wings of Joy” by Van Norman
  43. He Hasn’t A Cent: “Dram. Tension No.6” by Zamecnik
  44. Are You The Man Who: “Anelante” by Gabriel Marie
  45. Are You One Of The Aunts?: “Sarcasm” by Kempinski
  46. I’ve Been Selfish: “Appassionato In A Minor” by Savino
  47. Leaving, Eh? Well: “Uneasiness” by Borch
  48. Another Season Had: Repeat No.1 “Doll Dance”
  49. Kock On Door: Repeat Theme No.13
  50. Second Man Knocks On Door: “Rapture” by Zamecnik
  51. From One Chauffeur: Repeat Theme No.13
  52. Vicary Walks Out of Room: “Ain’t She Sweet” by Ager
  53. Oh, Artie! Isn’t: Repeat Theme No.13

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: zeWlgiO4dV

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The Jazz Age

Title: The Jazz Age

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Right Or Wrong” by Sizemore
  2. In The Maxwell Home: “Baker’s Boy and the Chimney Sweep” by Herbert
  3. Parents Seated At Table: “Fete de Lisette” by Byford
  4. Flash-Back To Steve and Marjorie: “Allies from ‘Princess Pat Waltzes’” by Herbert
  5. And By The Way Steve: “Adventure d’Amour” by Bradford
  6. You Can Drop Me Off: “The Gay Life from ‘The Debutante’” by Herbert
  7. By The Standards Of: “Amorous Adventure” by Bradford
  8. Fade-In Records: “Lively and Happy” by Becce
  9. Well I’ve Got The City Council Fixed: “Air de Ballet” by Massenet
  10. Flash To Marjorie and Steve In Car: “Boola-Boo” by Friml
  11. Sue Dancing: “Until You Get Somebody Else” by Donaldson
  12. Lights Extinguished: “I’m Crazy Over You” by Sherman
  13. Lights Turned On Again: “Ain’t We Got Fun” by Whiting
  14. Crap Shooters Rise To Feet: LOVE THEME “There’ll Never Be Another You” by Bergner
  15. When You’re Ready To Go Home: “Mile A Minute” by Frey
  16. Steve and I Could Beat You In: “Whirlwind Galop” by Caslar
  17. Car Drives In Front of Home: “Unfinished Symphony” by Schubert
  18. Insert—Newspaper: “Mother’s Lullaby
  19. Man Enters Maxwell’s Office: “A Spooky Adventure” by Pasternack
  20. Man Leaves Room—Two Others Appear: MAXWELL THEME “Premier Amour” by Benoist
  21. Steve Mowing Lawn: “Pleasant Hours” by Savino
  22. Marjorie Starts To Play Uke: “My Blackbirds Are Bluebirds Now” by Friend
  23. Sue Drives Up In Car: “Merta” by Mambour
  24. Motor Officer Recognizes Steve: “Fast and Furious” by Frey
  25. Steve’s Home: Repeat Maxwell Theme No.20
  26. You’re Not Going Out: “Pathetic Reproach” by Beghou
  27. Doorbell Rings: “Romance” by Rubenstein
  28. Politician Leaves: “Berceuse” by Jarnfelt
  29. Café: “Raquel” by Burke
  30. Rube Orchestra Starts: “Corn Huskers” by Kaufman
  31. Music Stops: “The Two Imps” by Alford
  32. Marj, You’re Going Home: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini
  33. Council Meeting: “La Bresilienne” by Mouton (From No.9)
  34. Sue and Steve In Car: “The Scandal Mongers” by Patou
  35. Marjorie and Steve Enter House: “Andante Appassionato No.57” by Castillo
  36. Flash To Meeting: “Meditation” by Williams
  37. Flash To Sue and Steve In Car: “Zip” by Frey
  38. Steve Bursts Into Meeting: “Appassionato No.1” by Rapee-Axt
  39. Go As Far As You Like: “Debutante” by Rapee-Axt
  40. Well Maxwell, We Put That One Over: Repeat Love Theme No.14

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: kF5j8k0y9l

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Jaws of Steel

Title: Jaws of Steel

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Tax-Free Suggestions are listed first, Taxable suggestions second

  1. At Screening of Title: “Sachem” by Rosey; “Wild and Woolly” by Minot
  2. Dog In Basket: “Huetamo” by Ancliffe; “Western Rodeo” by Minot
  3. Calvado Must Be: “You and I” by Lotter; “Demande D’Amour” by Drigo
  4. Thomas Grant Taylor: “Cupid’s Surprise” by Gross; “Whimsical Charms” by Fresco
  5. Alikili Joe: “Smiles” by Sommerville; “Redzi” by Caludi
  6. This Is The Magnificent: “Alone” by Francheschi; “Memories” by Blossom
  7. Night—Weird Desert: “Fiendish Eyes” by Hoffman; “Tense Mysterioso” by Berge
  8. A Year Later: “Enchanted Valley” by Bucalossi; “A Dream” by Borch
  9. That Same Year: “Sweet Memories” by Singorski; “Constance” by Golden
  10. Auto Stops At House: “Loitering Shadows” by Hoffman; “Mysterioso” by Andino
  11. She Spills Water On Man: “Critical Moment” by Becce; “Restless Bows” by Srawley
  12. Man Drives Away: “Mon” by Mac Lean; “Rosebud” by Sanford
  13. Warren Takes Gun: “Winds and Waves” by Hoffman; “Horror” by Kempinski
  14. In All His Desert Kingdom: “Comorra” by Joels; “Dramatic Tension” by Andino
  15. Villian Sneaks To Porch: “Green Vipers” by Hoffman; “Plotting Foe” by Kilenyi
  16. He Greets Old Man: “The Tormentor” by Hoffman; “Appasionato 55” by Borch
  17. Dog Locked In Room: “Trapped” by Rosey; “Enigma” by Savino
  18. Dog On Roof: “The Ravage” by Hoffman; “Despiration” by Schad
  19. Mumsie Says I’m A Bad Girl: “Pleading” by Wood; “Love Tragedy” by Savino
  20. Brooding For The Lost: “Largo Tragico” by Chopin; “Andante Tragico” by Levenson
  21. Dog and Baby: “Melisande” by Sibelius; “Place of Dreams” by Grass
  22. Dog Leaves With Shoe: “Distress” by Breil; “Dramatic Reproach” by Berge
  23. With Uncanny Instinct: “La Floie” by Francheschi; “Disaster” by Savino
  24. He’s Ditched Us Again (Dog Falls Wounded): “Facing Death” by Becce; “Silent Sorrows” by Borch
  25. Doctor & Warren At Bedside: “Looms of Fate” by St. Saens; “Desolation” by Conterno
  26. Morning—After A Long Vigil: “Cherry Ripe” by Cussans; “Norma” by Luz
  27. You Ain’t Goin’ To Protect: “Violent Tempers” by Hoffman; “Anger Motif” by Kilenyi
  28. I Arrest You For The Murder: “Love Triumphant” by Joels; “Tenderness” by Schad

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: cp0RIH1v4d

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If I Were Single

Title: If I Were Single

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


NOTE: Missing Taxable Cues

  1. At Screening of Title: “Cherry Ripe” by Cussans
  2. Record starts Playing: “King Triumph” by Hubbel
  3. End of Exercises: “Smiles” by Somerville
  4. May—Call A Carpenter: “Mandolinata” by Paladilhe
  5. Woman in Auto: “Babette” by Colin
  6. May Was Fond: “You and I” by Lotter
  7. So You Play The Piano: “Little More Pepper” by Lincoln
  8. I Was Driving Along: “Destruction” by Hoffman
  9. The Child Was Helpless: “Facing Death” by Becce
  10. Suddenly she Opened: “Caprecietta” by Varley
  11. Would You Mind: “Jollification” by Noyes
  12. Hand Bag On Floor: “Green Vipers” by Hoffman
  13. Oh! Fairest One: “Passion Flowers” by Somerville
  14. Be A Sport: “Loitering Shadows” by Hoffman
  15. Lights Up (Teacher On Sofa): “Pastime” by Clutsam
  16. Joan Dear, You Must: “June Charmant” by Godin
  17. Ted Winds Clock: “Demoiselle Chic” by Fletcher
  18. When The Cat’s: “Wings of Love” by Fizy
  19. Ted At Phone: “Creeping Spooks” by Hoffman
  20. Does Miss Joan Whitley Live: “Kiddy” by Lattan
  21. 3 A.M. With Nothing: “Dovce Recontre” by Marie
  22. (CARD) Nathaniel Waterman: “Elfantanz” by Lehar
  23. May Took Advantage: “Afterglow” by Clutsam
  24. Ted Eats The Soup: “Zazra” by Bowen
  25. Teddy, It’s All My Fault: “Song of Romance” by Hoffman
  26. Bell Rings and Joan Arrives: “Love Eyes” by Zamecnik
  27. You Poor Boy: “Distress” by Breil
  28. May At Phone: “Corinella” by Lee
  29. How Dare You Order: “Vengeance” by Francheschi
  30. Ted Leaves House: “Amour Decu” by Borch
  31. Auto Returns To Garage: “Plotting” by Rosey
  32. I Think You’re A Brute: “Flirting Waves” by Taubert
  33. Some Nit-Wit Locked: “The Tormentor” by Hoffman
  34. Hold-Up Men Drive Away: “Mirabilis” by Smid
  35. Where Do You Get: “Zelma” by Haines
  36. After An Eight Mile: “Merry Playmate” by Howgill
  37. May Carries Grips Into Room: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Hot Stuff

Title: Hot Stuff

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Cameo Music Co., 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


THEME: “I Still Believe In You” by Akst.

  1. At Screening: “Happy” by Cohan
  2. Our Story Opens: “Stephanie Gavotte” by Czibulka
  3. Street Scene: “Get Out & Get Under” by Abrahms
  4. Aunt Enters Room: “Pastime” by Clutsam
  5. Joy Riders Apear: “Razz Berries” by Banta
  6. Friends Ride Away: “Happy Go Lucky” by Kaufman
  7. Madison Junior: “Campus Memories” by Seredy
  8. Babs and Relatives Appear: “Marionette” by Ardnt
  9. Gunning For A Ball of Fire: “Somebody” by Little
  10. Mack Starts Playing Uke: “Nobody’s Fault But Your Own” by Murray
  11. He Stops Playing: “Happy Go Lucky” by Kaufman
  12. I Want You To Meet Babs: “Dolly Dimples” by Alter
  13. At The End of the First Term: “Frat” by Barth
  14. Flash To Babs and Aunt: “Nymphs Frolic” by Bradford
  15. Well Here I Am: “Somebody” by Little
  16. Boys On Steps: “Mother Goose Parade” by Bibo
  17. You Left The Receiver Down: “Spring Cleaning” by Bradford
  18. Bas Starts Victrola: “Black Bottom” by Desylva
  19. Boy Appears At Door: “The Rocking Horse” by Borch
  20. Sandy Leaves Room: “Somebody” by Little
  21. Why Aren’t You Going: THEME
  22. To Mack The Rink Seemed: “Coasting” by Ring Hager
  23. Aunt Appears and Starts To Skate: “I Faw Down” by Brockman
  24. Don’t I Get To Skate With You: THEME
  25. Babs Starts Skating Act: “Black Bottom” by Desylva
  26. Crowd Starts Throwing White Balls At Babs: “Horse Radish” by Ring Hager
  27. Babs Leaves Skating Rink: THEME
  28. Arrives At House: “Three O’Clock In The Morning” by Robledo
  29. Aunt Enters Room: Stephane Gavotte” by Czibulka
  30. The Locker Room: “Somebody” by Little
  31. What Are You Doing In Tuffy’s Car: “Zip” by Frey
  32. Flash To Sky, Storm: “Storm” by Ketelbey
  33. Take Off Your Clothes: “L’Encore” by Herbert
  34. Babs Get Into Your Clothes: “Moto Perpetual” by Lowitz
  35. Sandy’s Tailoring Shop: “Impression Frivole” by Bradford
  36. Sandy If You See Babs Tell Her I’m Sorry: THEME
  37. Girls Enter Babs’ Room: “Mary Theme” by Zamecnik
  38. The Annual Dance: “Glorianna” by Pollack
  39. Enter House: “Aubade Printanier” by Lacome
  40. Stop Acting You’re Not Fooling Me: “Impression Dramatique” by Bradford
  41. It’s All Cold Tea: THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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A Hero For A Night

Title: A Hero For A Night

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “The Aeroplane” by Ring-Hager
  2. Boat Whistles: “Le Retour” by Bizet
  3. Hiram Moves “No Parking” Sign: “Pins and Needles” by Kaufman
  4. That’s Me: THEME “I Love Me” by Mahoney
  5. He Stops Car: “Ain’t We Got Fun” by Whiting
  6. Enough of This: “Ain’t She Sweet” by Ager
  7. The Breakers Hotel: “Down The Stretch” by Balmoor
  8. Hiram Appears With Bouquet In Hand: Repeat Theme No.4
  9. Detective Appears: “The Hobbledehoy” by Olsen
  10. Sloan, You Don’t Know Me: Repeat Theme No.4
  11. Flash-Back To Mary Riding Sea Sled: “Emotional Agitato” by Savino
  12. Hiram Walks Up Beach Dejected: “Hearts and Flowers” by Tobani
  13. The Hotel Was Giving A Bazaar: “Chopinata” by Doucet
  14. Hiram Drives Up In Taxi: “Somebody” by Little
  15. Solo Dancer Appears: “Valse Charme” by Miles
  16. Mary and Ferber Appear: “There Must Be Somebody Else” by Pinkard
  17. Ferber Walks Away: “Pastime” by Clutsam
  18. The Aviation Banquet: “The Corsairs” by Riesenfeld
  19. Detective Sees Hiram—Chases Him: “Thrills” by Sanders
  20. Hiram Enters Mary’s Room: “Flocons de Neige” by Bradford
  21. What Are You Doing Here?: “Animal Cartoonix No.2” by Aborn
  22. You Go Ahead, Daddy: “Love Is Best of All from ‘Princess Pat’” by Herbert
  23. Hiram Walks From Door: “I’m Sitting On Top of the World” by Henderson
  24. Detective Sees Him Again: “A Chase Through The Clouds” by Lakay
  25. Banquet: “Lucky Lindy” by Baer
  26. We Also Have With Us: “Marching Song” by Bradford
  27. Hiram Slides Into Room: “Oh Mister” by Frey
  28. This Young Man: “Ru-Than” by Malette
  29. Hiram Sitting On Walk: “Broken Hearted” by Henderson
  30. Nurse and Jack Back Of Bush: “Conspiracy” by Zamecnik
  31. Daddy, You’ve Got To Leave For New York: “Turbulence” by Borch
  32. Here’s Your Chance: “Moto Perpetuo” by Bergunker
  33. Isn’t There A Plane: “Coasting” by Ring-Hager
  34. The Next Morning: “Dramatic Allegro” by Savino
  35. Flash-Back To Plane: “Symphonic Incidentals No.10” by Marquardt
  36. Plane Lands: “Olympic” by Jackson
  37. Leave It To Me: “Irish Washerwoman” by Ascher
  38. He Stops Dancing: “Salome” by Loraine
  39. Hiram Starts Russian Dance: “Russian March” by Olsen
  40. I’m The American Counsul: Repeat Theme No.4
  41. Dad, Mary and I Are Going To Stay: “Mary’s A Grand Old Name” by Cohan

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: ysm3sAjJls

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Her Big Night

Title: Her Big Night

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1926


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Au Fil De l’Eau” by Gillet
  2. Frankie Comes From Under Counter: “Little Flower Garden” by Breil
  3. Noon—The Park—Boy Friend: “Me and the Boy Friend” by Monaco
  4. Street Scene: “Everybody Loves My Baby” by Williams
  5. Her Big Night: “A Fairy Flirtation” by Wheeler
  6. Frankie Picks Up Sweetie’s Photo: THEME “You and I” by Archer
  7. Taxi At Door: “Rural Flirts” by Bradford
  8. Frankie Opens Door—Sees Stranger: “Humoresque” by Tschaikowsky
  9. Frankie Sees Check: “You Gotta Know How” by Donaldson
  10. But Think What You Could Do: Repeat Theme No.6
  11. You Must Not Tell Anyone: “Dans La Foret” by Gillet
  12. “Popcorn” Adams: “Comedy Capers” by Steele
  13. Frankie and Reporter At Apartment: “Woodland Whispers” by Czibulka
  14. Johnny At Door Of House: “My Sweetie Turned Me Down” by Donaldson
  15. Landlady Enters: “Too Many Parties” by Henderson
  16. Gladys!: “I’m Sitting On Top Of The World” by Henderson
  17. Flash-Back To Frankie and Maids: “Bon Vivant” by Zamecnik
  18. We’d Better Rehearse: “In the Woodlands” by Ellis
  19. All The High Hats: “Le Retour” by Bizet
  20. Frankie Appears On Stage: “When Eyes of Blue Are Fooling You” by Monaco
  21. Audience Making Exit: “Oh Boy, What A Girl” by Green
  22. At Apartment: “Marionette” by Arndt
  23. “Popcorn” Enters: “Flappers’ Promenade” by Steele
  24. Reporter Impersonating Husband: “Chianti” by Friml
  25. Manager’s Office: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw
  26. We’ll Get Out Together: “Haste” by Sanders
  27. Wife Enters: “Three Irish Pictures” by Ansell
  28. Sweetheart, Where’s The Butcher Knife: “Allegro Agitato” by Kiefert
  29. Take Your Hands Off Me: “Flower Song” by Lange
  30. Then Mr. Dix: “The Goose Waddle” by Weidt
  31. Beat Up Man In Bathroom: “Humeresque” by Kretschmer
  32. “Popcorn” At Door: “Piccolo Pie” by Slater
  33. Frankie Walks To Boudoir: “By The Stream” by Rapee-Axt
  34. Daphne Enters Room With Photograph: “Air De Ballet” by Herbert
  35. Johnny Enters: “Thrills” by Sanders
  36. Hands Show: Repeat Theme No.6

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Hellship Bronson

Title: Hellship Bronson

Author: Joseph E. Zivelli

Publisher: Gotham Publications, 1928

Series: A Zivelli Cue Sheet

Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Joseph E. Zivelli

OCLC Number:


MRS. BRONSON THEME: “Lost Happiness” by Patou

TIM THEME: “Boy o’Mine” by Witmark

BRONSON THEME: “Fourteen Fathoms Deep” by Lake

  1. At Screening: “O’er the Billowy Sea” by Forster
  2. Crew On Deck: “Heave Ho! Copping” by Berlin
  3. One Hit: TIME THEME
  4. Second Mate Points To Distance: “Golden Gate” by Berlin
  5. Angry Crew Approaches: “Scene Dramatique” by Benoit
  6. One Hit One Cigar: TIM THEME
  7. Ship Listings: MRS. BRONSON THEME
  8. Exterior—Bar: Pianist Only (Clog Dance or Two Step)
  9. End of Dance: “Fun On Deck” by Howgill
  10. Blonde Begins Singing: “Heaven Help A Sailor” by Mills
  11. Ned Interferes: “Burlesco Pomposo” by Lowitz
  12. You Know What To Do: “A Sailor’s Sweetheart” by Feist
  13. Bronson Enters Room—Sees Wife: MRS. BRONSON THEME
  14. Well, Dad, How’s The Dame: TIM THEME
  15. Well, What Do You Think: BRONSON THEME
  16. Bronson Walks out: “Cherro” by Finck
  17. Bronson Leaves Room: MRS. BRONSON THEME
  18. In A Room: “A.B.C. No.16” by Luz
  19. Mary Runs Out: SAME: No.2
  20. Fade—Ship Scene: SAME: No.3
  21. Sunrise: “Jolly Buccaneer” by Schertzinger
  22. Bronson, Mary and Tim: “By the Lake” by Lange
  23. Deck Scene: BRONSON THEME
  24. Bronson and Wife, Alone: MRS. BRONSON THEME
  25. Tim Enters: TIM THEME
  26. Tim Leaves: “Contemplation Marine” by Snock
  27. Fade To Deck: “Eccentric Comedy” by Character
  28. Bronson Reading: “Secret of the Sea” by Zamecnik
  29. Deck Scene (Mary and Tim): “Rippling Tide” by Chappell
  30. Tim Sees Mary and Ned: “Under The Sea” by Lake
  31. And You Call Yourself: “Deep Sea Romance” by Lake
  32. I Was Wrong: BRONSON THEME
  33. It’s Time You and I: “Love’s Impulse” by Jacquet
  34. Bronson Interferes: “Appassionata No.2” by Tyson
  35. I Am Your Mother: TIM THEME
  36. Bronson Interferes: BRONSON THEME
  37. Closeup Tim and Mother: “Mother o’Mine” by Berlin
  38. Fade To Rough Sea: Effect—Segue—“Legend of the Sea” by Zamecnik
  39. We’re In For A Blow: “Threatening Sea” by Photoplay
  40. My Father Taught Me: MRS. BRONSON THEME
  41. Bronson Tells Story of Past: “Golden Memories” by Weidt
  42. Boy Greets Dad (Bronson): TIM THEME
  43. Bronson Confronts Wife: BRONSON THEME
  44. Fade Back To Cabin: “A Mother’s Love” by Morris
  45. Deck Storm: “Second Peer Gynt Suite” by Grieg
  46. Bronson Falls Off Mast: “Destiny’s Call” by Jacquet
  47. Once More: “Dream Boat” by Dixon

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Heart of a Follies Girl

Title: The Heart of a Follies Girl

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Princess Pat Selection” by Herbert
  2. New York Is A City: ROGER THEME “Forget Me Not” by Macbeth
  3. Chauffeur Slams Door On Roger’s Foot: “Sarabande Perpetuelle” by Bradford
  4. Roger Picks Up Box of Flowers: Repeat Roger Theme No.2
  5. The Ballyhoo of Broadway: “Strawberries” by Kaufman
  6. The Main Attraction: “My New York” by Berlin
  7. Girls Enter Dressing Room: TEDDY THEME “Love Song” by Wright
  8. Derek Enters Theatre: “Chianti” by Friml
  9. Derek Enters Dressing Room: “When A Maid Comes Knocking At Your Heart” by Friml
  10. Café Dancing Scene: “Dawning” by Silver
  11. One O’Clock: “I’m Falling In Love With Someone” by Herbert
  12. Dial of Clock At Two: LOVE THEME “Dawn” by Savino
  13. Youth and Love: “Your Love Is All” by Zamecnik
  14. So Derek Went Away: “Polly” by Zamecnik
  15. Derek Appears Again: “Life and Love” by Herbert
  16. Derek Picks Up Photograph: Repeat Love Theme No.12
  17. Derek Changes Expression: “Prolouge” by Sommer
  18. Teddy and Florine Always Wake Up: “Nola” by Arndt
  19. Derek Telephoning: Repeat Love Theme No.12
  20. The Old, Old Story: “I’m Away From The World When I’m Away From You” by Pollack
  21. Roger Twirling Bracelet: Repeat Roger Theme No.2
  22. Car Drives Up To Curb: “Appassionata” by Clutsam
  23. Teddy Leaves—Roger Pushes Button: Repeat Roger Theme No.2
  24. If I’d Only Known: “Adventure d’Amour” by Bradford
  25. Derek Enters Room: “Dramatic Appassionato” by Ciganeri
  26. I’m A Thief: “Grand Appassionato” by Becce
  27. Roger At Desk—Opens Letter: “Dante’s Inferno” by Borch
  28. Stage of Follies: Repeat No.6 “My New York”
  29. Roger and Detective Enter Dressing Room: “Appassionato in A Minor” by Savino
  30. So The Law Took Its Course: “I Love You Truly” by Bond
  31. New Year’s Eve: “Just A Wearyin’ For You” by Bond
  32. Roger Enters Dressing Room: “Remorse” by Zamecnik
  33. Teddy Enters Apartment: “All Alone” by Berlin
  34. Derek At Door: “Rhythmic Misterioso” by Damesek
  35. No, I Escaped: “Agitated Appassionato” by Kilenyi
  36. Change For Lapse Of Time: “Bimbo Morente” by Culotta
  37. Police Headquarters: Repeat Love Theme No.12

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: 0a6sy1cnn9

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The Head of the Family

Title: The Head of the Family

Author: Joseph E. Zivelli

Publisher: Gotham Publications, 1928

Series: A Zivelli Cue Sheet

Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Joseph E. Zivelli

OCLC Number:


DAD THEME: “Poor Papa” by Woods

BILL THEME: “Ho-Ho-Hogan” by Schuster

MABEL THEME: “The Gold Digger” by Hanley

MAGGIE THEME: “Bridget O’Flynn” by Shapiro Bernstein

  1. At Screening: DAD THEME
  2. Midnight: “Anxiete” by Srawley
  3. Broken Water Pipe: “The Jesters” by Carbonara
  4. Maggie Appears: MAGGIE THEME
  5. Michael With Packages: “Entr’Acte to A Comedy” by Axt
  6. Water Shut Off: BILLY THEME
  7. Alice Seen: “Charming” by Zivelli
  8. Aren’t You Ashamed: “Dram. And. No.2” by Axt
  9. Charley Seen: “Just A Little Drink” by Gay
  10. Dad Gets Heart Attack: DAD THEME
  11. Daniel: MAGGIE THEME
  12. The Next Day: “Simple Meditation” by Ludwig
  13. Exterior: BILLY THEME
  14. I’ll Teach You Two: DAD THEME
  15. Maggie Enters: MAGGIE THEME
  16. Charlie and Mabel Enter: MABEL THEME
  17. That Guy May Be: DAD THEME
  18. After Dinner: MAGGIE THEME
  19. Bill and Michael Enter: BILL THEME
  20. I Can Handle: MAGGIE THEME
  21. I’m The Head of the Family: BILL THEME
  22. Alice On Phone: “Gotta Big Date” by Feist
  23. Alice Walks Away From Bill: “Pulchinello” by Aletter
  24. Bill Sees Michael at Keyhole: BILL THEME
  25. Alice Throws Powder At Bill: “Humorous Escapade” by Delille
  26. There Were Three Members: “Prudence” by Luz
  27. Bill Sees Alice: “In A Little Love Nest” by Siras
  28. Let Someone Talk: MAGGIE THEME
  29. There Were Three: MABEL THEME
  30. Oh, Please Sit Down: “She Knows Her Onions” by Ager
  31. So He Became Dear: “Dainty Blossoms” by Kahn
  32. Charlie Gets “Bad News”: “Emotional Agitato” by Savino
  33. Better Take Off: MABEL THEME
  34. Exterior—Fast Auto: “Melodic Agitato” by Savino
  35. Alice Sees Bill and Mabel: “A Musical Thought” by Teitelbaum
  36. Say, You Don’t Mean: MABEL THEME
  37. Sullivan Returns: DAD THEME
  38. Bill and Michael: “Hedge Roses” by Frey
  39. Bill Enters Bathroom: BILL THEME
  40. Maggie Enters: MAGGIE THEME
  41. What You Need: “What D’Ya Say” by Henderson

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: l6jYQ90Vxa

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The Head Man

Title: The Head Man

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Tenderness” by Schad
  2. Ed Places Bottle On Desk: ED THEME “Introduce Me” by Kaufman
  3. Carol Enters Office: “Joyous Spirits” by Savino
  4. Bottle On Desk “Working”: “Blue Law Blues” by Lake
  5. Please Daddy: “Daddy, Dear Old Friend” by Fisher
  6. Carol Leaves Office: Repeat Ed Theme No.2
  7. Carol Appears At Newspaper Office: LOVE THEME “Magic Love” by Bradford
  8. Change of Scene: “Maria” by Kaufman
  9. Ed and Watts Appear At Denny’s Side: “Spring Cleaning” by Bradford
  10. Train Pulls Into Station: “A Hot Time” by Beyer
  11. Women at Telephone: “The Scandal-Mongers” by Patou
  12. Ed Appears With Baby Carriage: “Campus-Ditties” by Recker
  13. We’ll Go In: “Rustic Caprice” by St. Clair
  14. Watts Enters Room: Repeat Ed Theme No.2
  15. Go Ahead, Tell Her: “Demande d’Amour” by Drigo
  16. Now, Just Think: “Funny Faces” by Ring-Hager
  17. Can You Beat It: “Gigue” by Bradford
  18. Flash-Back To Intoxicated Blonde: “Ain’t We Got Fun” by Whiting
  19. Did You Put Anything In That Punch?: “Grotesque Comedy” by Zamecnik
  20. This Punch Is Delicious: “I’m Sitting On Top of the World” by Henderson
  21. Flash To Denny and Politicians: “Ev’rything’s Gonna Be All Right” by Akst
  22. Flash-Back To Intoxicated Women: “Hail, Hail, the Gang’s All Here” by Lake
  23. Insert—“Wareham for Mayor”: “Dolly Dimples” by Alter
  24. Billy Joins Carol: “Little Irish Rose” by Zamecnik
  25. Politicians Talking: “I’m Walking Around In Circles” by Phillips
  26. Denny Stops Orchestra: “Warriors Bold” by Joels
  27. This Is An Opportune Time: “Chatter” by Kahn
  28. Get Your Partners For the Grand March: “The Minnesota March” by Sousa
  29. Guests Appear At Banquet Room Door: Repeat No.9 “Spring Cleaning”
  30. Cheer Up Carol: Repeat Love Theme No.7
  31. A Conference After The Ball: “Pensees Grises” by Fosse
  32. The Next Afternoon: Repeat No.5 “Daddy, Dear Old Daddy”
  33. Carol Picks Up Billy’s Photograph: Repeat Love Theme No.7
  34. Ed and Watts Meet On Street: Repeat No.12 “Campus Ditties”
  35. Billy Appears At House: “Appassionato Lirico” by Berge
  36. That’s The Train: “Two In A Bar” by Copping
  37. Carol Leaves Room: “Chant d’Amour” by Frommel
  38. The Power of the Press: “Reel News” by Kaufman
  39. Carol and Father: Repeat No.5 “Daddy, Dear Old Daddy”
  40. Watts Appears On Street: “I Just Roll Along” by De Rose
  41. How Dare You Print: Repeat No.17 “Gigue”
  42. Watts Making Speech: Repeat No.10 “A Hot Time”
  43. Tired—Hopeful: Repeat No.40 “I Just Roll Along”
  44. Watts Picks Up Note From Table: “Pangs of Love” by Carrozzini
  45. Watts Enters Hall: “Piangere” by Gabriel Marie
  46. Insert—Newspaper—“Morning Mail”: “Nuit d’Amour” by Delmas
  47. Daddy Dear: Repeat No.5 “Daddy, Dear Old Daddy”
  48. Hooray!: Repeat Ed Theme No.2
  49. I’m Going To Run This Town: Repeat Love Theme No.7

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: TUvukbbszu

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The Hawk’s Nest

Title: The Hawk’s Nest

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Old Timers” by Lake
  2. Dan Daugherty: DUAGHTERY THEME “The Spectre” by Engleman
  3. Daugherty Enters Café: “Tsin-Tsin” by Onivas
  4. What’s All This Bunk: HAWK’S THEME “The Captive” by Savino
  5. Madeline: “Indianola” by Henry
  6. Would You Like To See Real Lights: “Hunkatin” by Levy
  7. Argument Starts: “Gigue” by Bradford
  8. I Want To See The Hawk: “Folies-Bergere” by Lincke
  9. I Want To See The Guy Who Runs This Dump: Repeat Daugherty Theme No.2
  10. Hey! Are You There?: Repeat Hawk’s Theme No.4
  11. What Good’s A Lot Of Chinks: “The Skating Trot” by Stagliano
  12. Thug Starts Argument With McGuire: “Rebellion” by Pasternack
  13. Kent Undergoing Third Degree: “Impending Danger” by Kempinski
  14. Kent Wouldn’t Lie To Me: “Battle Music” by Zamecnik
  15. My Smashed Face: FRIENDSHIP THEME “Chanson Algeria” by Bradford
  16. Fade-In Judge Close-Up: “Nocturne” by Chopin
  17. The Hawk and Doctor: “Gruesome Suspense” by Beghon
  18. Kent In Cell—Hawk Appears At Cell Door: Repeat Friendship Theme No.15
  19. Daugherty and Pals Playing Cards: La Priere du Tzigane” by Sperauza
  20. Tell The Truth: Repeat Hawk’s Theme No.4
  21. Daugherty’s Night Club: “Hanako” by Aletter
  22. Insert-Card: “And The World Goes On” by Recker
  23. The Hawk Meets Madeline: LOVE THEME “Amorous Adventure” by Bradford
  24. What Do You Want To See Me About?: Repeat Daugherty Theme No.2
  25. He Purchases Necklace: “The Clown” by Peele
  26. You Law Off Getting: “Dante’s Inferno” by Borch
  27. Insert—Card: “Pour Colombinette” by Krier
  28. I Suppose Daugherty Sent You: “Premonition” by Zamecnik
  29. So You Came To Warn Me: Repeat Love Theme No.23
  30. Daugherty Appears: Repeat Daugherty Theme No.2
  31. Daugherty Leaves: “Coeur Meurtri” by Gabriel Marie
  32. Luncheon For Two: Repeat Love Theme No.23
  33. Carpet—Paper With Chinese Figures Drops To Floor: “Haunted Nights” by Jacquet
  34. Madeline and the Hawk: “Last Night I Dreamed You Kissed Me” by Lombardo
  35. Insert—“Kent Loses Appeal”: “Implorations” by Pasternack
  36. Daugherty Sitting In Chair Drunk: “A Spooky Adventure” by Pasternack
  37. Daugherty Opens Door—Sees Men Grooped On Street: “Allegro Molto No.7” by Carr
  38. Knock on Door: “La Foret Perfide” by Gabriel Marie
  39. I Know Who Killed: “Implorations of Neptune” by Massenet
  40. Daugherty Confronted By The Hawk in Underground Lair: Repeat Hawk’s Theme No.4
  41. Daugherty Appears Before Chinese Dignitaries: “Misteroso Fantastico” by Becce
  42. Chinese Takes Hold of Madeline: “Dramatic Tension” by Axt
  43. Call The White Police: “Destiny’s Call” by Jacquet
  44. I Want To Thank You: Repeat Love Theme No.23

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: Ua7x9Ocj5t

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The Haunted Ship

Title: The Haunted Ship

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Overture Italienne” by Zerco
  2. A Gallant Fine Master: SHIP THEME “Storm” by Eggert
  3. Captain Appears On Deck: CAPTAIN THEME “The Captive” by Savino
  4. Memories: “Warriors Bold” by Joels
  5. Fight Starts In Cabin: “Wild Chase” by Becce
  6. Porto Avernus: “Olga” by Ring-Hager
  7. A Bit of Driftwood: “Camorra” by Joels
  8. Flash-Back To Joint: “On The Steppes of Central Asia” by Borodin
  9. Cheer Up, Kid: “Amoroso Appassionato” by Delille
  10. Oh, What’s The Use: Repeat No.8 “On The Steppes of Central Asia”
  11. Pass The Word Around: Repeat Ship Theme No.2
  12. Captain Appears In Front of Joint: Repeat Captain Theme No.3
  13. Dawn and the Haunted Ship: Repeat Ship Theme No.2
  14. Boy On Deck: “Suspicions” by Baron
  15. Girl Enters Captain’s Cabin: Repeat Captain Theme No.3
  16. Night Flash Of Ship: LOVE THEME “Your Love Is All” by Zamecnik
  17. Boy Rises To Feet: Repeat No.7 “Camorra”
  18. Sailors Take Hold Of Boy: “Forebodings” by Herbert
  19. Don’t You Dare: “Battle Music” by Wiedermann
  20. He Lifts Girl In His Arms: “Threatening Danger” by Becce
  21. Guard Overpowered: “Chimene” by Gabriel Marie
  22. Fight Starts on Deck: “Furioso No.4” by Bergunker
  23. Explosion: “Vengeance” by Baron
  24. Captain Revives: “Elements Unbound” by Eggert
  25. Girl and Boy Land On Beach: LOVE THEME “Your Love Is All” by Zamecnik

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Haunted House

Title: The Haunted House

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1921


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “La Maison Isolee” by Bradford
  2. Dial of Clock: “Haunted Nights” by Jacquet
  3. Couple Talking: “The Clown” by Peele
  4. Man Appears From Door: “Despised” by Zamecnik
  5. Some Day A Veiled Woman: “Patience Under Pain” by Becce
  6. Hour Glass: “Unfinished Symphony” by Schubert
  7. Get A Taxi: “Dance of the Furies” by Gluck
  8. Figure of Woman Appears In Window: “A Gruesome Tale” by Zamecnik
  9. Look For An Old Cabinet: “Rhythmic Misterioso” by Damesek
  10. Goodness: “Premonition” by Zamecnik
  11. He Closes Door: “Silent Night” by Rebikov
  12. Just As Soon As I Find: “Animated Agitato” by Levy
  13. Hand On Door Knocker: “Pizzicato Misteroso No.30” by Minot
  14. I Might Have Known: “Chatter” by Kahn
  15. Door Opens—Doctor Appears: DOCTOR THEME “Tensive Misterioso” by Peele
  16. Caretaker Appears: CARETAKER THEME “Misterioso Dramatic” by Aborn
  17. Knock on Door Again: “Allegro Infernale” by Aborn
  18. Where Is My Husband?: “Omens” by Schad
  19. I’m Going To Find Out: Repeat No.6 “Unfinished Symphony”
  20. Doctors Appears Again: Repeat Doctor Theme No.15
  21. Man Starts To Play Piano: “Chop Sticks” (Piano Solo)
  22. Do You Call That Music?: “Essence Grotesque” by Lake
  23. Caretaker Appears: Repeat Caretaker Theme No.16
  24. Knocking Occurs Again: “Tragedienne” by Kay
  25. Girl Appears On Balcony: “Love’s Old Sweet Song” by Molloy
  26. Stop That: Repeat Caretaker Theme No.16
  27. Husband Peeks Through Keyhole: “Tarantella” by Bohm
  28. Girl Appears: “P[damaged]onato” by Borch
  29. Knocking On Door Again: “Weird Misterioso” by Kilenyi
  30. Then I’m Through: “Dramatic Appassionato” by Ciganeri
  31. Help! Help!: “Disturbance” by Zamecnik
  32. Doctor Appears: “Tragic Andante” by Savino
  33. We Promised Not To Come Out Here: “Misterioso Furioso” by Affrunti
  34. Old Man Appears: “Fourteen Fathoms Deep” by Lake
  35. But Uncle Herbert: “Serenade” by Shaminade
  36. Come and See Me At The Palace: “Pastime” by Clutsam
  37. Well, I Think Miss Martin: “Lucky In Love” by Henderson

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: xTNnfjasoF

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