The Noose

Title: The Noose

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Vanitza” by Perpignan
  2. The Capitol Of: “Down By The Winegar Woiks” by Donovan
  3. Nickie Hurriedly Enters: “Uneasiness” by Mendelssohn
  4. I’m Gonna Quit: “Try and Get A Kiss From Fifi” by Conrad
  5. Girls Finish Dance: “Intermezzo Perpetual” by Lowitz
  6. Start Rehearsal: Repeat No.4 “Try and Get A Kiss from Fifi”
  7. Dot and Nickie Alone: LOVE THEME “Night Club Rose” by Friedland
  8. A Swell Dame: “Tinkle Tot” by Murphy
  9. I’m Not Making A Play For Him: Repeat Love Theme No.7
  10. You Put A Lot Of Ideas In My Head: “Summer Nights” by Roberts
  11. Girls Dance Into Room: “My Blue Heaven” by Donaldson
  12. I Want To Have A Talk With You: “Rivalite” by Snoek
  13. Nickie Looks Through Hole In Wall: “When Shadows Creep” by Gay
  14. Nickie Takes Revolver From Drawer: Repeat Love Theme No.7
  15. Skellon’s Café: “Hunkatin” by Levy
  16. Buck Appears At Door: “Evil Intentions” by Kempinski
  17. You’re A Thieving Liar: “L’Abime” by Franceschi
  18. Flash To Buck’s Joint: “Diabolical Allegro” by Bergunker
  19. What’s The Ace In The Hole: “The Captive” by Savino
  20. Stage Manager Appears In Spanish Costume: “[Damaged] Little Spanish Town” by Wayne
  21. Buck Stops Dot On Way From Room: “Tragic Andante” by Savino
  22. Nickie Looks Through Hole In Wall Again: “Calling” by Golden
  23. Maybe You Can’t Tell ‘Em, But I Can: “Andante from Fifth Symphony” by Tschaikowsky
  24. Why’d You Kill Him, Kid?: “Love Tragedy” by Savino
  25. Prison Corridor: “Berceuse” by Jarnefelt
  26. Governor At Desk: “Romance In F” by Tschaikowsky
  27. Chase Enters Room: “Remorse” by Lowitz
  28. Bring The Elkins Boy Over: “Chant de la Mort” by Kempinski
  29. Nickie Enters Room: MOTHER THEME “Chanson Algerian” by Bradford
  30. Nickie, Suppose I Was Your Mother: “Film Theme No.19” by Krzyzanowski-Roberts
  31. Nickie Back In Cell: Repeat Love Theme No.7
  32. Gobernor At Door Of Wife’s Boudoir: “Valse Triste” by Sibelius
  33. Dot Joins Friends In Dressing Room: Repeat Love Theme No.7
  34. Flash To Nickie and Chaplin: “Andante Pathetique No.1” by Schumann
  35. Guard With Warrant Appears At Cell Door: “Lamento from ‘Pique Dame’” by Tschaikowsky
  36. Mother Walks Toward Telephone In Apparent Stupor: Repeat Mother Theme No.29
  37. He Was On The Scaffold: “In The Night” by Noack
  38. There’s A Girl: “Coeur Brise” by Gillet
  39. Dot Enters Room: Repeat No.25 “Berceuse”
  40. Nickie Enters Room: “The Confession” by Zamecnik
  41. You Must Pardon Him Now: Repeat Mother Theme No.29

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Night Watch

Title: The Night Watch

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1926


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Spirit of War” by Jacquet
  2. Forty Eight Hours: “Lamento” by Berge
  3. On The Wharf At Toulon: MARCH THEME “March of the Phantom Hosts” by Axt
  4. The Captain’s Quarters: “A Contrapuntal Misterioso” by Schad
  5. Change To Captain Corlaix’s Home: “Third Mysterioso a la Valse” by Savino
  6. Yvonne Appears At Entrance: “Day of Doom” by Joels
  7. Flash To Officers: “March from ‘Scenes Pittoresques’” by Massenet
  8. Flash-Back to Yvonne and Husband: “Sous les Tenailles” by Fosse
  9. Even In The First Mad Days: “Recitatif Dramatique No.2” by Kempinski
  10. Starting After: “Douleur” by Andrieu
  11. Your Excellency, It Is My Duty: “Dramatic Tension No.2” by Ancliffe
  12. The Day Before War Was Declared: “La Fete du Hameau” by Gillet
  13. Captain and Officer In Cabin: Repeat March Theme No.3
  14. Yvonne and Pierre Enter Outer Room: PIERRE THEME “Sincerity” by Byford
  15. Husband Enters Unexpectedly: “Dramatic Suspense” by Vrionides
  16. Yvonne Sits On Arm of His Chair: LOVE THEME “Chanson Algerian” by Bradford
  17. Band Playing On Deck: “March Heroique” by Kilenyi
  18. Officers Reading Dispatch: Repeat March Theme No.3
  19. Yvonne Enters: “Desir Ardent” by Zamecnik
  20. Get Under Way Immediately: Repeat Pierre Theme No.14
  21. Activity Starts On Deck: Repeat No.1 “Spirit of War”
  22. Pierre Enters Stateroom: “Andante from ‘Pathetique Symphony No.6” by Tschaikowsky
  23. Flash To Deck—Captain and Officer Meet: “Wotan” by Fietter
  24. Flash-Back To Yvonne and Pierre In Stateroom: “Disperazione” by Gabriel Marie
  25. Officer Appears At Door: SINISTER THEME “The Captive” by Savino
  26. He Sniffs Foreign Door: “The Skeleton” by Order
  27. He Rips Curtains Open: Repeat Sinister Theme No.25
  28. Flash To Bridge Of Ship: “An Argument” by Breil
  29. Flash-Back To Yvonne and Pierre: Repeat Pierre Theme No.14
  30. Pierre Leaves: Repeat Sinister Theme No.25
  31. Officer Takes Hold Of Yvonne—Struggle: “Sinister Presto” by Bradford
  32. Captain In Cabin: “Appassionato No.3” by Axt
  33. Captain Leaves—Pierre Enters: “Prelude from First Suite ‘Carmen’” by Bizet
  34. Sound The General Alarm: Repeat No.28 “An Argument
  35. Firing Commences: “Tumult” by Berdi
  36. Cease Firing: “Lamento from Pique Dame” by Tschaikowsky
  37. He Gave His Life For: “La Marseillaise from ‘Nat’l Melodies’”
  38. Don’t Worry Madam: “Misery” by Jacquet
  39. Flash-Back To Trial: Repeat March Theme No.3
  40. Yvonne Walks Toward Husband: Repeat Love Theme No.16

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Night Flyer

Title: The Night Flyer

Author: Rudolph Berliner

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Rudolph Berliner

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “On The Go” by Goldman
  2. Back In 1894: “A Spring Day” by Haines
  3. Medicine Bend: “Rustic Allegro” by Savino
  4. Old 99—Once The: “The Speed Demon” by Bub
  5. Train Stops: “I’ve Been Working On The Railroad”
  6. Jim Falls From Engine: “Camboling” by Biermann
  7. Jimmy and Kate In Engine Cab: “Love Is Just A Little Bit of Heaven” by Baer
  8. There’s Number Three: “Playful Allegro” by Savino
  9. Flash-Back To Jimmy and Kate: “Gay But Wistful” by Grainger
  10. Bat Enters Lunch Room: “Prattle” by Lowitz
  11. Bat Snatches Card From Jimmy: “Furioso” by Savino
  12. And For This: “Dilemma” by Savino
  13. The Night Of: “Vanity Caprice” by Jackson
  14. Man Outside With Lantern: “Dashing Cowboy” by Aborn
  15. Interior of Saloon” by Out West” by Pinard
  16. Jimmy Enters: “The Village Clown” by Axt
  17. Flash-Back To Katie’s Party: “Kathleen” by Berg
  18. Jimmy At Bar: “Razz Berries” by Banta
  19. Flash-Back To Katie’s Party: “Down Home Rag” by Sweatman
  20. Violinist Starts Playing: “The Band Played On from ‘Old Times’” by Lake
  21. People Stop Dancing: Repeat No.19 “Down Home Rag”
  22. Jimmy Enters Room: “Cavatina” by Bohm
  23. Merry Christmas: “Christmas” by Aston
  24. Insert—Page In Album: “Poor Heart” by Gabriel Marie
  25. Engine Seen: “Remorse” by Zamecnik
  26. Early Sunday Morning: “Spring Morning” by Cazabon
  27. Kate In Lunch Room: “Mignonette” by Friml
  28. Jimmy Joins Kate: Repeat No.7 “Love Is Just A Little Bit of Heaven”
  29. Jimmy leaves Lunch Room: “Allegro Perpetuo” by Savino
  30. Jimmy Is Struck Down: “Distress” by Breil
  31. Where’s My Fireman: “A Mon Passage” by Franceschi
  32. Train Starts To Leave: “The Get-Away” by Frey
  33. Insert—Tracks and Engine Wheels: “With the Wind
  34. Train Is Wrecked: “Catastrophe” by Patou
  35. Get In There And: “The Thoroughbred” by Englemann
  36. Engine Starts Off: Repeat No.4 “Speed Demon”
  37. Moss Station: “The Plunger” by Allen
  38. Tell Cliffdale Operation: “Flying Hurry” by Carbonara
  39. Train Arrives At Station: “The False Accusation” by Axt
  40. Mail Bags Being Thrown From Car: “King Triumph” by Hubbell
  41. The Return of The: “Here They Come” by Bergh
  42. Jimmy and Kate in Doorway: Repeat No.7 “Love Is Just A Little Bit of Heaven”

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Night Bird

Title: The Night Bird

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928

Series: Greater Thematic Music Cue Sheet

Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


SPARRING THEME: “On The Run” by Bierman

MADELENA THEME: “Angela Mia” by Rapee

LOVE THEME: “Until You Came” by Michels

  1. At Screening: SPARRING THEME
  2. Cast: “Cute and Cunnin’” by Kempinski
  3. Fade-In Boxing: SPARRING THEME
  4. Oh Chuck!: “Strawberries” by Kaufman
  5. A Few Days Later: “Nymphs Frolic” by Bradford
  6. Girl Offers Him Drink: “Ain’t That A Grand And Glorius Feeling?” by Ager
  7. Orchestra Starts To Play: “Crazy Words—Crazy Tune” by Ager
  8. Jim Hails Cab: “Chatter” by Kahn
  9. Madelena On Park Bench Weeping: MADELENA THEME
  10. You Are Welcome To Sit and Rest Here: “Amorous Adventure” by Bradford
  11. Chuck Enters Room: “Sarcasm” by Kempinski
  12. Oh Please, Meester Chucks: MADELENA THEME
  13. Well If You Want Her Too: “Italian Smiles” by Glogau
  14. Say, You Sure Got A Swell Dump: “Mandolinata” by Paladilhe
  15. Madelena Sees His Picture In Magazine: MADELENA THEME
  16. Chuck Enters With Tray: “Ain’t We Got Fun” by Whiting
  17. Madelena Closes Bedroom Door: LOVE THEME
  18. Madelena In Bedroom In Night Dress: “Pensees d’Amour” by Bucalossi
  19. Boys Climb Into Bed: MADELENA THEME
  20. Flash To Ring: SPARRING THEME
  21. Your Daughter Is Waiting For You: “Dolly Dimples” by Alter
  22. Flash-Back To Boys In Bed: “Spring Cleaning” by Bradford
  23. Friend Appears At Door With Bundles: “In Merry Mood” by Axt
  24. You’re Going To The Beaux Arts Ball: “The Scandel-Mongers” by Patou
  25. He Turns and Sees Madelena: “Chatter” by Kahn
  26. Promoter Walks Toward Madelena: MADELENA THEME
  27. Beaux Arts Ball: “Lucky Dog” by Kaufman
  28. Girl Dancing: “Au Vieux Chateau” by Marling
  29. Dancer Kissing Jim: “Step On It” by Kaufman
  30. Madelena Starts Row With Girls: “Animal Cartoonix No.2” by Aborn
  31. Flash-Back To Jim’s Apartment—Madelena and He Enter: MADELENA THEME
  32. Jim Embraces Madelena: LOVE THEME
  33. Chuck Enters: “Plainte Passionnee” by Baron
  34. You Ain’t Gonna Lose Your Head: “Chanson Melancholique” by Collinge
  35. Chuck Enters Bedroom: “Afterglow” by Clutsam
  36. Boys Discover Madelena Missing: “Scherzo Serioso” by Lowitz
  37. Flash To Pietro In Shop: “Wotan” by Fietter
  38. Pietro Enters Shop: “Diabolical Allegro” by Bergunker
  39. Madelena Appears In Doorway: “Ominous Moments” by Kempinski
  40. The Day Before The Fight: SPARRING THEME
  41. Chuck Appears: “Implorations” by Pasternack
  42. Madelena Appears In Back Yard: MADELENA THEME
  43. The Night of the Fight: “The Viking” by Brown
  44. Ring Gong Sounds—Fight Starts: “Whirlwind Galop” by Caslar
  45. Madelena Dressing For Wedding: “Tender Appeal” by Byford
  46. Flash-Back To Ring: “En Chemin de Fer” by Julien
  47. Madelena Again: “Romantique” by Gabriel Marie
  48. Boy Hurries From Party: “The Live Wire” by Frey
  49. Boy Running Down Street: “Zip” by Frey
  50. Come Quick: “Dram. Hurry No.1” by Baron
  51. Jim Picks Up Boy and Hurries From Arena: “Emotional Agitato” by Savino
  52. Chuck Appears In Doorway: MADELENA THEME


Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The News Parade

Title: The News Parade

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: LOVE THEME “Good News” by Henderson
  2. The Press: “Rush Hours” by Sanders
  3. Insert of Newspaper Article: “The Tempest” by Lake
  4. Close-Up of Lindbergh Group: “My Own United States” by Edwards
  5. Blasting Seen: Tympany Rumble

SEGUE: “Rush Hours” by Sanders

  1. Curtiss Aviation Field: “Eagles of America” by Godfrey
  2. Who In Blazes Are You?: NEWSREEL NICK THEME: “Speedy Boy” by Greer
  3. That’s LeCroix: “La Marseillaise”

SEGUE: “Thrills” by Sanders

  1. Nick Lands: Repeat Newsreel Nick Theme No.7
  2. In The Office Of A: “Jingles” by Zamecnik
  3. Newsreel Nick Enters: Repeat Newsreel Nick Theme No.7
  4. I’ve Got Some Great: “La Marseillaise”

SEGUE: “Jingles” by Zamecnik

  1. Insert of Newsreel Nick’s Card: Repeat Newsreel Nick Theme No.7
  2. I’ll Give You A Chance: “Gossip” by Marquardt
  3. Fade-In To Engine: “Hurry No.7” by Lake
  4. Engine Arrives At House: “Minor Agitato” by Berge
  5. Change of Scene To Roof Top: “My New York” by Berlin
  6. Camera Man Seen On Extending Board of House: “Air Thrills” by Sanders
  7. Men Seen In Iron Girders: “Varsity Drag” by Henderson
  8. So You Want To See: “Oh Baby! from ‘Rain or Shine’” by Murphy
  9. Daddy, Why Do You Act?: “Grotesque Comedy” by Zamecnik
  10. Grandfather Being Photographed: “Stephanie Gavotte” by Czibulka
  11. Change of Scene To Camera Men: Repeat No.18 “Air Thrills”
  12. Change of Scene To Newsreel Office: “En Visite” by McDonald
  13. That Assignment Has Been: “Burlesque on Chopin’s Funeral March” by Kempinski
  14. Newsreel Nick Picks Up Leg of Tripod: Repeat Newsreel Nick Theme No.7
  15. Lake Placid: “Reel News” by Kaufman
  16. Lord and Lady Dizzyclip: “The Skaters” by Hand
  17. Girl Falls Over Nick: Repeat Love Theme No.1
  18. This Is His Highness: “The King’s Entrance from ‘A Regal Episode’” by Marquardt
  19. I Think If You Give Me: Repeat No.28 “The Skaters”
  20. Insert of Card: Repeat Newsreel Nick Theme No.7
  21. Prince Oscar Takes Mr. Wellington: “Repeat No.28 “The Skaters”
  22. Palm Beach: “Away Down South In Heaven” by Warren
  23. Newsreel Nick Seen: Repeat Newsreel Nick Theme No.7
  24. Girl Seen Playing Handball: Repeat No.34 “Away Down South in Heaven”
  25. Sally Sees Nick: Repeat Love Theme No.1
  26. Insert of Telegram: Repeat No.34 “Away Down South in Heaven”
  27. We Won’t Be Annoyed: “Sarcasm” by Kempinski
  28. Man With Van Dyke Beard Walks Over To Balkan Prince: “Who’s Who?” by Morris
  29. Havana: “Havana” by Rose
  30. Father and Daughter Seen Riding in Automobile: “Panamericana” by Herbert
  31. Father and Daughter Seen Dining: “Rube Caprice” by Dunning
  32. Father, Daughter and Agent Get Into Automobile: “Comic Hurry” by O’Hare
  33. Three People Enter House: “The Snake In The Grass” by Srawley
  34. Man Holds Up Father and Daughter: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw
  35. Nick Gets Into Boat: “Trouble” by Bierman
  36. Father and Daughter Are Brought In Cave: “Seduction” by Baron
  37. Nick Seen Creeping In Cave: “Tensive Misterioso” by Peele
  38. Nick Ties Bandit’s Feet Together: “The Rabble” by Herbert
  39. How Can I Ever Repay You?: Repeat Newsreel Nick Theme No.7
  40. Newspaper Insert Seen: Repeat Love Theme No.1

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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My Man

Title: My Man

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Descriptive Filmusic Co., 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening of Title (Watch cuckoo in clock): “Smiles” by Somerville
  2. Fanny Brand: “Demoiselle Chic” by Fletcher
  3. Good-Bye, Dear (Catch 12 o’clock whistle): “Love Lesson” by Fresco
  4. Fanny Stands On Table: “Floradora Baby” by Popular
  5. I Warned You: “Agony of the Soul” by Becce THEME 1
  6. Up In The Head Is The Feathers (Song): “I’m An Indian” by Poular
  7. Thank You Very Much: “Pastime” by Clutsam THEME 2
  8. Joe Halsey: “Song of Romance” by Hoffman THEME 3
  9. Klein—From The Floor Below: THEME 2
  10. Edna Arrives Home, Sees Cake: “Disperazione” by Becce THEME 4
  11. But You Haven’t Answered: “Freischutz” by Weber
  12. (Letter) Waldo Theatrical Enterprises: “Golden Youth” by Rosey
  13. Pianist Plays Introduction and Fanny Sing: “Second Hand Rose” by Popular
  14. Very Good Miss Brad: THEME 2
  15. Since When Are You Too Busy: THEME 1
  16. Fanny Sings Again (Same Song): “Second Hand Rose” by Popular
  17. I Fear You Haven’t: “Solemn Thoughts” by Hoffman
  18. Dancer (fast dance and piano music): “My Blackbirds” by Friend
  19. Fade-Out of Dancer: THEME 3
  20. Couple At Table: THEME 2
  21. Ah Ha! The Muscle Man: “Wings of Love” by Fuzy
  22. Several Weeks Later: THEME 2
  23. Glad To See You: THEME 3
  24. Edna In Bed: “Zelma” by Haines
  25. An Annual Outing: “Etiquette Blues” by Bibo
  26. Pianist Starts and Fanny Sings (My Man) Lively: “My Man” by Popular
  27. Joe Runs Into Ocean: “Caprice” by Somerville
  28. Edna Reading Magazine: “Pleading” by Wood
  29. She Puts Down Phonograph Record Entitled (“Love’s Sweet Dream” Waltz) Starts Playing As She Takes Hands From Phonograph: “Waltz” by Victor Record
  30. Fanny’s Coming Out Now: THEME 4
  31. Fanny Hears (and sees) Phonograph Record: “Waltz” by Victor Record
  32. You and Fanny Are Not Suited: “Alone” by Francheschi
  33. Gee! Fanny You Look Great: THEME 1
  34. Edna Leaves House With Suit Case: “Sad Thoughts” by Patou
  35. Joe’s Downstairs: “Jane” by Bibo
  36. Fanny Sings Very Slowly Chorus MY MAN: “My Man” by Popular
  37. Song Ends: “You and I” by Lotter
  38. Theatre Sign RAINBOW REVIEW: “Fox Trot”
  39. This Great Success: THEME 4
  40. Joe Leaves Edna In Seat: “Marvelous” by Rose & Breen
  41. Fanny In Long Dress Again Sings MY MAN. Continue My Man in March Tempo As Encore and As Exit March: “My Man” by Popular

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: qeTTyznoXv

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The Music Master

Title: The Music Master

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Rosamunde Ballet” by Schubert
  2. Time—1900—New York: “The Music Master” by Hegner
  3. Boy Comes In With Sousaphone: “Albumleaf from ‘Lyric Pieces’” by Grieg
  4. Hands Seen On Piano: Piano Play Scale When Played on Screen, then Segue

SEGUE: “Chatter Box” by Silvers

  1. Music Master Opens Door: MUSIC MASTER THEME “Dreams of Love” by Liszt
  2. Ask Him If He Loves Me: Repeat No.3 “Albumleaf”
  3. He Says “Yes”: Repeat Music Master Theme No.5
  4. Two Women Seen Talking: “Unfinished Symphony” by Schubert
  5. Fade-In On Orchestra: “Morning, Noon and Night In Vienna” by Suppe
  6. Fade-Out On Orchestra: “Adagio Cantabile” by Strauss
  7. Never Can I Forget: “Thoughts of Yore” by Frey
  8. Time—That Night—The Banking House of Benjamin Cohen: “Menuetto all’antico” by Karganoff
  9. Bill-Head Seen: “Moon Shadows” by Schroeder
  10. Girl and Boy Seen In Carriage: “Miss Blue Eyes” by Bergh
  11. Elene—My Wife!: “Consolation No.3” by Liszt
  12. Boy Starts To Play Piano: “Minute Waltz” by Chopin (Piano Solo)
  13. Boy Stops Playing Piano: “Clair de Lune” by Thome
  14. Girl Plays Piano: “Fifth Symphony” by Beethoven (Piano Solo)
  15. How Strange! I Never: Orchestra pick up “Fifth Symphony”
  16. Men Enter: “In Despair” by Berge
  17. Beverly Cruger: LOVE THEME “Magic Love” by Bradford
  18. Girl and Boy Leave House: Repeat Music Master Theme No.5
  19. Time—The Next Wednesday—Henry Stanton’s Residence: Repeat Love Theme No.21
  20. Man Enters: “Wings of Joy” by Van Norman
  21. Man Leaves: Repeat Love Theme No.21
  22. Rap on Door: Repeat Music Master Theme No.5
  23. Music Master Is Seen In Reception Room: Repeat Love Theme No.21
  24. Rapping On Door: Repeat Music Master Theme No.5
  25. Girl Sits Down At Piano: “Eleanor” by Deppen
  26. Music Master Recognizes Doll: Repeat Music Master Theme No.5
  27. Girl Sits At Piano: Repeat No.2 “The Music Master”
  28. Change of Scene to Reception Room: “Gavotte” by Raff
  29. Girl Gets Up From Piano: “Legende” by Wieniawski
  30. Girl Returns To Music Room: “Nocturne No.13 from ‘Chopin Suite’”
  31. Girl and Music Master Enter Library: “Karma” by Herbert
  32. Do You Think They Would: “Incid. Symphony No.25” by Kempinski
  33. Change of Scene To Reception Room: “The Golden Gate” by Wellesley
  34. Party Come In To Library: “Melodie” by Friml
  35. Time—A Month Later—Helene’s Boudoir: “My Lady’s Boudoir” by Schertzinger
  36. Fade-In To Pistol Set: “Idilio” by Lack
  37. Time—The Next Day—St. Stephen’s Church: “Bridal Chorus from ‘Lohengrin’” by Wagner
  38. Couple Leave Alter: “Wedding March” by Mendelssohn
  39. Butler Hands Man Telegram: “Dramatic Tension” by Noyes
  40. Change of Scene To Music Master: Repeat Music Master Theme No.5
  41. Change of Scene To Poons and Jenny: Repeat No.3 “Albumleaf”
  42. From One Bride To Another: “Heart to Heart” by Trinkaus
  43. Bell Seen Ringing: Repeat Music Master Theme No.5
  44. You—You Shouldn’t Have Come: “Lament” by Herrmann
  45. Music Master and Daughter Embrace: Repeat Music Master Theme No.5 (Play “FF”)
  46. Music Master Calls Friends: “Spirit of Spring” by Reiser
  47. Close-up of Helene and Andrew: Repeat Love Theme No.21

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: zTi50pSttI

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The Missing Link

Title: The Missing Link

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Songs are listed as Tax-Free first and Taxable second

  1. At Screening of Titles: “Disturbance” by Hoffman; “Restless Bows” by Srawley
  2. Braden’s Vast Estate: “White & Yellow” by Hoffman; “In the Sudan” by Sebek
  3. England—Where Royalty: “English Anthem” Hawke’s Edition; Carl Fischer Edition
  4. Lord Dryden, A Woman Hater: “Norma” by Luz; “Thelma” by Stahl
  5. Syd Sits In Woman’s Lap: “Destruction” by Hoffman; “Hurry” by Simon
  6. Lord Dryden and Syd (Watch Steam Whistle): “Merry Playmates” by Howgill; “Redzi” by Caludi
  7. Monkey Pours Paste Over Man (Whistle Blows Again): “Argument” by Breil; “Agitation” by Borch
  8. Syd Dresses As Scotchman: “Wee Maccreegor” by Amers; “Lassie” by Mclean
  9. If I Gave You: “Smile A Little Bit” by Morton; “Laughing Beauties” by Berge
  10. Vale In Closet (Syd Scares Him): “Disterss” by Breil; “Dramatic Conflict” by Levy
  11. Your Disguise Is Perfect: “Cupid’s Surprise” by Gross; “Strolling Dolly” by Lindgreen
  12. Bombasia Africa: “Beads & Saddles” by Hoffman; “Algiers” by Ansell
  13. Far Back in the Jungles (Watch tom-tom drums): “Fanatic Dervish” by Becce; “Hindoo Hop” by Levy
  14. Syd Drops Hankerchief: “Frocity” by Carrozzini; “Rage” by Axt
  15. Sunday in Africa: “Serenade” by Leoncavalo; “Withered Flowers” by Keifert
  16. Girl Joins Syd On Sofa: “Animal Crackers” by Pub. Waterson; “Aba Daba” by Pub. Feist
  17. She Tells His Fortune: “Song of Romance” by Hoffman; “Song of Songs” by Moya
  18. THE MISSING LINK: “The Plunderer” by Hoffman; “Tensive Allegro” by Aborn
  19. I Know Your Anxious To Go: “May Frolics” by Culotta; “Soubrettte” by Silbert
  20. Syd Makes Motions To Lord: “Spectral Images” by Hoffman; “The Clown” by Peele
  21. Monkey Forces Door: “Storm Music” by Haines; “Storm Music” by Minot
  22. Syd Hides Under Bed: “Playful Moments” by Hoffman; “Graciousness” by Smith
  23. He Locks Monkey in Closet: “Violent Tempers” by Hoffman; “Plainte Passione” by Baron
  24. Nothing Can Harm Me: “Canter Woods” by Felix; “Enchantment” by Penn
  25. The Hunt: “Tumult” by Verdi; “Bold Riders” by Carrabotta
  26. Monkey At Door Peeps In: “African Moon” by Earle; “Impish Elves” by Borch
  27. Missing Link Enters House: “The Hurricaine” by Egener; “Disaster” by Savino
  28. Syd Ties Missing Link To Post: “Furioso” by Keifert; “Storm & Strife” by Sommerville
  29. Monkey Under Bed Cover: “My Little Billiken” by Lotter; “Zazra” by Bowen
  30. Whatever You Are: “Love In May” by Breau; “Love Motive” by Chetsam
  31. They Sit On Floor: CHORD FINISH

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: wjFLoXp1a7

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The Million Dollar Collar

Title: The Million Dollar Collar

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Descriptive Filmusic Co., 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening of Title: “You and I” by Lotter
  2. I Had Them: “Maggiolotta” by Cullotta THEME No.1
  3. LINE LODGE HOTEL: “Winds and Waves” by Hoffman
  4. Auto With Dog and Mack: “The Ravage” by Hoffman THEME No.3
  5. Tramp Rescues Dog: THEME No.2
  6. Dog Swims To Shore: “Alone” by Francheschi
  7. Stop Acting: THEME No.1
  8. I Just Got The Chief’s Letter: THEME No.2
  9. Your Room Is Ready: “Song of Romance” by Hoffman THEME No.4
  10. Rinty, We Seem To Be Carrying: THEME No.2
  11. Brother and Sister in Woods: THEME No.3
  12. My Brother Suggested: THEME No.4
  13. After A Week: “Dreams of Love” by Rosey
  14. Gee It Must Be Great: THEME No.1
  15. French, There’s A Hobo: THEME No.3
  16. Just A Minute, I’ll Explain: “Caprice” by Somerville
  17. Hey, Do You See What I See: THEME No.2
  18. What Was The Idea of Impersonating Ed Mack: THEME No.3
  19. They Take Collar From Him: “Catastrophe” by Patou
  20. Dog Runs Away With Collar: “Flick and Flock” by Patou
  21. Wait, I Don’t Want To Hurt My Sister: THEME No.3
  22. Dog Leaves And Men Give Chase: “Furioso” by Kiefert
  23. Jail Scene: “Smiles” by Somerville
  25. They Kiss: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Midnight Taxi

Title: The Midnight Taxi

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Songs are listed as Tax-Free first and Taxable second

  1. At Screening of Title: “Caprice” by Somerville; “Graciousness” by Smith
  2. Joe Brandt, Known At: “Grave Humor” by Becce THEME no.1; “Dramatic Suspense” by Winkler THEME No.1
  3. Nan Parker: “The Tormentor” by Hoffman THEME No.2; “Threatening Elements” by Schad THEME No.2
  4. Pardon Me, Miss: “Pastime” by Clutsam; “Whimsical Charms” by Fresco
  5. Prison Scene: THEME No.1
  6. Taxi’s Got The Cash: “Enigma” by Borch; “Mystical Tension” by Kempinski
  7. This Is My Secretary: “Wings of Love” by Fuzy; “Sparklets” by Miles
  8. Well, I’m Glad To See: “Demoiselle Chic” by Fletcher; “Lady Lilly” by Fresco
  9. I Thought You Were: “Golden Youth” by Rosey; “Norma” by Luz
  10. Right After Midnight: “May Frolics” by Culotta; “Cupid’s Surprise” by Gross
  11. Hold-Up: “Trembling Anxiety” by Hoffman; “Restless Bows” by Srawley
  12. Well, What’s The Game: THEME No.1
  13. May I Go: THEME No.2
  14. After A Night: “Dream of Love” by Rosey; “Love is All” by Herbert
  15. James Crowley—Bondsman’s Office: THEME No.1
  16. Airplane Starts: “Flick and Flock” by Patou; “Thrills” by Sanders
  17. How Long Do We Stop: THEME No.1
  18. Porter Empties Bottle: “Furioso” by Kiefert; “Disaster” by Savino
  19. We’re Gonna Keep On Shootin’: “Storm Music” by Haines; “The Hurricaine” by Egener
  20. I Cut The Car Loose: THEME No.1
  21. Newspaper Close-Up: “Cherry Ripe” by Cussans; “Thelma” by Stahl
  22. But Before I Go: “Love In May” by Breau; “Love Motive” by Chetsam
  23. They Kiss: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Michigan Kid

Title: The Michigan Kid

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Rustic Caprice” by St. Clair
  2. Gambling Table: “Oh Mister” by Frey
  3. You See These: THEME “Girl of My Dreams” by Clapp
  4. Jimmy Walks Away: “Reverie d’Amour” by D’Aquin
  5. Insert—Newspaper Clipping of Most Popular Girl: “Memories” by Van Alstyne
  6. It Wasn’t Jimmy: Repeat Theme No.3
  7. Flash To Card Game: “Love’s Fancies” by Lincke
  8. Flash-Back To Jimmy: Repeat Theme No.3
  9. Hayward Enters Room: “Second Love Tragedy” by Savino
  10. Card Game: “Dramatic Allegro” by Savino
  11. After Shooting Men Enter Jimmy’s Office: “Implorations” by Pasternack
  12. Fade-In River Steamer: “Passepied” by Delibes
  13. Marshal Enters Jail: “Dramatic Andante No.3” by Axt
  14. Jimmy Tosses Coin: “Sweet Lavender” by Wheeler
  15. At The Mines: “Dramatic Tension No.36” by Andino
  16. Flash-Back To Rose and Jimy: “Deux Petites Danseuses” by Levy
  17. Wind Starts To Blow: “Into the Dawn With You” by Lee
  18. I See A Little Boy: Repeat Theme No.3
  19. Hayward Alone At Mine: “La Foret Perfide” by Gabriel Marie
  20. Flash-Back To Rose and Jimmy: Repeat Theme No.3
  21. Hayward Appears Down Stream In Canoe: “Misterioso Dramatico No.22” by Borch
  22. He Enters Cabin: “Isabel” by Bowers
  23. Rose Pokes Newspaper Insert In Coat Pocket: “Treacherous Knave” by Zamecnik
  24. Rose Sleeping—Hayward Awake—Starts To Move Quietly About: “Gruesome Nights (A)” by Joels
  25. Hayward Looks From Window—Sees Forest Fire: “Storm Music No.9” by Ketelbey
  26. Hayward Reappears In Doorway And Attacks Jimmy: “Disturbance” by Zamecnik
  27. They Climb Into Canoe: “Furioso No.4” by Bergunker
  28. They Land Safely On Shore: “Affizione” by Gabriel Marie
  29. Rose and Jimmy on Steamer: Repeat Theme No.3

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Matinee Idol

Title: The Matinee Idol

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Manhattan” by Rodgers
  2. Backstage: “My Special Friend” by Johnson
  3. Well, What Do You Think: “Scherzo Primo” by Conterno
  4. Forty Years Ago: “Allegro Buffonesco
  5. Say, Listen Kid: “Ripples” by Lowitz
  6. Ginger Leaves Tent: “The Simpleton” by Delille
  7. Ginger Sits On Floor With Boy: “I Love You” by Archer
  8. They Get Up From Floor: Repeat No.5 “Ripples”
  9. Man Leaves Trunk: “Tell Me Pretty Maiden” by Stuart
  10. Who Is That Helen of Troy: Repeat No.6 “The Simpleton”
  11. Act—Curtain Rises: “Tramp, Tramp, Tramp” by Seredy
  12. Good-bye Darling: “Good-by Dolly Gray” by Morse
  13. Ginger Leaves Stage: “Prelude In G Minor” by Rachmaninoff
  14. War Is Hell: “Agitato Misterioso” by Becce
  15. Curtain Comes Down: “Battle Music” by Riesenfeld
  16. Do I Come On Now?: “Hearts and Flowers” by Tobani
  17. I Love You: Repeat No.7 “I Love You”
  18. Die, You Poor Sap: “When Johnny Comes Marching Home” by Seredy
  19. Curtain Comes Down: Repeat No.5 “Ripples”
  20. Ginger Seen At Table: “The Joker” by Srawley
  21. So The Bolivars Came: Repeat No.2 “My Special Friend”
  22. End of Song—Boy Kneels At Ginger’s Feet: “Rosette” by Claypoole
  23. Ginger Enters Boy’s Dressing Room: Repeat No.5 “Ripples”
  24. In the Boarding House: “The Jesters” by Carbonara
  25. Change To Dancing: “Four Walls” by Jolson
  26. Exterior: THEME “Your Love Is All” by Zamecnik
  27. Say, You May Be A Star: “Two In A Bar” by Copping
  28. Gee, I Had A Wonderful Time: “Dream Kisses” by Jerome
  29. Opening Night: Repeat No.27 “Two In A Bar”
  30. Black Face Comedian Singing: Repeat No.2 “My Special Friend”
  31. And Now Folks: “Scherzo Serioso” by Lowitz
  32. Change To Stage Dancing: “Reel News” by Kaufman
  33. Insert—The Bolivar Players: Repeat No.11 “Tramp, Tramp, Tramp”
  34. I’m Off For The War: Repeat No.12 “Good-bye Dolly Gray”

SEGUE: “Prelude In G Minor” by Rachmaninoff

  1. There Is Something Wrong: “Joyous Appassionato” by Carbonara
  2. Curtain Rises: Repeat No.14 “Agitato Misterioso”
  3. Negro Soldier On Stage: “Colored Soldiers On Parade” by McHugh
  4. What Are You Laughing At?: “Tragic Moments” by Becce
  5. Why You’re Harry Masin: Repeat Theme No.26
  6. Ginger Enters Father’s Room: “Misery” by Jacquet
  7. Ginger sees Boy: Repeat Theme No.26

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Masks of the Devil

Title: The Masks of the Devil

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Prelude to Romances of the Seven Seas” by Baron
  2. There Is A Church: “Dram. Recitative No.1” by Levy (RED)
  3. Model Begins To Laugh: “Twinkling” by Hauenschild
  4. Girl Leaves After Title “THAT’s MY WEAKNESS”: “By The Lake” by Lange (LT. GREEN)
  5. Man At Door Sees Lovers: “Constance” by Golden (2nd Strain)
  6. Knock On Door: Repeat No.2 (RED)
  7. Count And Countess Leave: Repeat No.4 (LT. GREEN)
  8. Fade To Jewels: “Blossom” by Fox
  9. In The Country Doing Some Research Work: “Live and Love” by Axt (WHITE)
  10. Baron Reiner’s Home: Continue No.9
  11. I’m So Happy: Repeat No.2 (RED)
  12. Perhaps You Woke The Reiner Ghosts: “Strande d’Ostende” by Hintz
  13. Fade-Out of Two Boys To Glass of Wine: “Live and Love” by Axt (WHITE)
  14. Fade To Globe and Professor: “A Song of Supplication” by Fletcher (Piano prominent)
  15. Gilbert Stops Playing Piano: “Dram. Recitative No.1” by Levy (RED)
  16. Girl Looking Into Telescope: “By The Lake” by Lange (LT. GREEN)
  17. Jewels on Screen: “Wedgwood Blue” by Ketelbey
  18. Manfred, I’ve Decided: Repeat No.15 (RED)
  19. I Remember Your Mother’s Pearls: “Lace and Ruffles” by Schertzinger
  20. Woman Leaves: “A.B.C. Dram. Set No.2-A1” by Luz
  21. Gilbert Looks Into Mirror: Repeat No.16 (LT. GREEN)
  22. Below The Equator: Repeat No.20 “A.B.C. Dram. Set No.2-A1”
  23. Letter On Screen: “Reproache d’Amour” by Marquardt
  24. Photo On Screen: “Dram. Recitative No.1” by Levy (RED)
  25. What’s The Matter With You: “Constance” by Golden (2nd Strain)
  26. Fade-Out To Exterior: “By The Lake” by Lange (LT. GREEN)
  27. Moon Hides Behind The Clouds: “Agitato Mysterioso No.14” by Norton
  28. Coat Placed Around Girl: Repeat No.24 (RED)
  29. I Can’t Understand: Repeat No.26 (LT. GREEN)
  30. Fade-Out As Gilbert Is Seen Stroking Girl’s Hair: “Sonva” by Fisher
  31. End of Dance—People Applaud: “Jolly Sweethearts” by Losey
  32. Close-Up of Gilbert and Girl At Table: “Mon Ami” by Rockwell
  33. Gilbert Walks To Balcony With Girl: “Dram. Recitative No.1” by Levy (RED)
  34. You Are Strong: “Canzone d’Amore” by Lowitz
  35. Don’t Be Absurd: “A.B.C. Dram. Set No.2-B2” by Luz
  36. After Accident: “Love’s Ecstasy” by McElwain
  37. Bedroom Scene: “Dram. Tension No.2” by Ancliffe
  38. Count Dies: “A.B.C. Dram. Set No.2-A1” by Luz
  39. Fade-Out of Gilbert: “Valse Nanette” by Friml
  40. Woman Takes Check Out of Coat Pocket: “Live and Love” by Axt (WHITE)
  41. Gilbert Has Photo In Hand: Repeat No.33 (RED)
  42. I Love You: “Love’s Emotion” by Marquardt
  43. Gilbert Puts on Coat To Leave House: “Storm Scene from ‘William Tell’” by Rossini
  44. Gilbert Enters Bedroom: “By The Lake” by Lange (LT. GREEN)
  45. Mine, Mine: “A.B.C. Dram. Set No.2-A1” by Luz
  46. Fade-Out After Title “UN-REACH-ABLE”: Continue No.45
  47. Stop As Gilbert Breaks Mirror: “Road of Sorrow” by Kempinski
  48. Don’t Call Me Friend: “Love’s Emotion” by Marquardt
  49. Stop As Shot Is Fired: Repeat No.47 “Road of Sorrow”
  50. Manfred As Come Back: “Dram. Recitative No.1” by Levy (RED)
  51. Don’t Look So Tragic: “Live and Love” by Axt (WHITE)
  52. Gilbert Stops Boy From Leaving Room: Repeat No.48 “Love’s Emotion”
  53. After Manfred Leaves Room: “Live and Love” by Axt (WHITE)

Proper Orchestral Rest Period is Nos. 24 to 27 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Cornoration. 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: 07pKf2oi5w

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The Man Who Laughs

Title: The Man Who Laughs

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928

Series: Greater Thematic Music Cue Sheet

Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


BARKILPHEDRO THEME: “The Captive” by Savino

LOVE THEME: “Trees” by Rasbach

JOSIANA THEME: “Brise du Soir” by Gillet

QUEEN THEME: “The Great Adventure” by Tours

GWYNPLAINE THEME: “Laugh, Clown, Laugh” by Fiorito

DEA THEME: “Chanson Algerian” by Bradford

Part I

  1. At Screening: “Marie Stuart” by Benoit
  2. 17th Century: “Marche Noble” by Bach
  3. Barkilphedro Enters Through Panel: BARKILPHEDRO THEME
  4. Hood Removed From Prisoner: “Bertrand du Guesclin” by Fauchey
  5. Insert—Boarding Ship—Storm Ragining: “Dans la Tempete” by Andrieu
  6. Child Alone In Snow—Discovers Woman and Baby: “Sur le Rhin” by Fosse
  7. Who Disturbs The Rest of Ursus: “Dans la Montagne” by Fourdrain
  8. Prosperous Years Followed: “Joyous Spirits” by Savino
  9. Insert—“Old Doc Etc.”: “Suspicions” by Baron
  10. You Have A Wonderful Clown: “Mock Morris” by Grainger
  11. Soutwark Fair: “At The Fair from ‘Countryside Suite’” by Coates
  12. Dea and Gwynplaine: LOVE THEME
  13. Crowd Sees Lovers: “Spring Cleaning” by Bradford
  14. Castle Gates: “La Fiancee du Pecheur” by Carel
  15. Barkilphedro Drives Up: BARKILPHEDRO THEME
  16. He Enters Josiana’s Room: JOSIANA THEME
  17. The Scandal Starts: “Penelope’s Garden” by Ancliffe
  18. Insert—“But Lord Clancharlie Has An Heir”: “Rivalite” by Snoek
  19. Musicians Start To Play Again: “Rosamunde Ballet—Part 2” by Schubert
  20. Flash To Fair: “Gigue” by Bradford
  21. Are You The Dr. Hardquanonne?: “On Fuir?” by Gabriel Marie
  22. Flash-Back To Tent: “The Festivities from ‘Romantic Suite’” by Stanley
  23. Crowd Yelling—Lovers In Wagon: LOVE THEME
  24. Josiana On Street With Strangers: “Entr’Act To A Comedy” by Axt
  25. Say We Saw Her First: “Dance of the Furies” by Gluck
  26. Flash-Back To Palace Reception: “Promenade from ‘At The Bal Masque’” by Smith
  27. Josiana Appears: QUEEN THEME
  28. You Allow Ruffians: JOSIANA THEME
  29. Insert—Program: “Torch Dance from ‘Two Entr’ Actes” by Thomas
  30. Dea and Gwynplaine: LOVE THEME
  31. Ursus Enters Dressing Room: “Bachanalian Dance” by Ferraro
  32. Dea Appears On Stage: “Whispering Flowers” by Von Blon
  33. Gwynplaine Lowers Scarf From Mouth: “In Merry Mood” by Axt
  34. What A Success: GWYNPLAINE THEME
  35. Handed Note from Josiana: DEA THEME
  36. Gwynplaine Pacing Before Fire: “Rhythmic Misterioso” by Damesck
  37. Gwynplaine In Carriage: “Ou Fuir?” by Gabriel Marie
  38. Hoodwink Removed From Gwynplaine’s Eyes: “Intermezzo” by Granados
  39. Insert—“Order from the Queen”: QUEEN THEME
  40. Flash To Dea At Wagon: DEA THEME
  41. Dea Awakens: LOVE THEME
  42. Soldiers Appear Looking For Gwynplaine: “La Fille du Contrebandier” by Mouton
  43. Enter Prison: “Lamento from Pique Dame” by Tschaikowsky



  1. Bell Tolling: “Les Perses” by Domergue
  2. Queen Anne At Desk: QUEEN THEME
  3. Dea Alone Waiting For Gwynplaine: “Love Tragedy” by Savino
  4. The Performance Must Go On: “Prologue to ‘Pagliacci’” by Leoncavallo
  5. Curtains Part—Dea Appears: “Lohengrin Selection” by Wagner
  6. You Are Banished: “Desesperance” by Ourdine
  7. Street Scene: “The King’s Horses” by Riesenfeld
  8. Some Buffoons Have Blocked: “Unfinished Symphony” by Schubert
  9. Queen Appears: QUEEN THEME
  10. Dirry-Moir Sees Dea On Street: “Amorous Adventure” by Bradford
  11. Flash To House of Lords: “The Gum-Suckers March” by Grainger
  12. Dea In Hallway: “Indecision” by Snoek
  13. Gwynplaine Stopped In Corridor: “Excitement” by Breil
  14. Where Is Dea?: “Furioso” by Andrieu
  15. Flash To Ship: “Traque” by Fevrier
  16. Gwynplaine Appears On Ship: GWYNPLAINE THEME


Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Main Event

Title: The Main Event

Author: Rudolph Berliner

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Rudolph Berliner

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Stand Up and Fight Like H—” by Cohan
  2. Couple Seen Dancing: “The Merry Widow” by Lehar
  3. Dancers Stop Dancing: “Miss Blue Eyes” by Bergh
  4. Flash—Boxers Fighting In Ring: “Red Pepper” by Lodge
  5. But I’m His Sweetheart: “I Love My Baby” by Warren
  6. The Morning Papers: “He’s The Last Word” by Donaldson
  7. Insert—Engine Wheels: “The Limited Express” by Scholes
  8. Fade-In—Porter With Trunks: “The Land of Joy” by Valverde
  9. Electric Sign—Girl Dancer: “Soubrette” by Silbert
  10. Glory and Partner Dancing: Repeat No.2 “Merry Widow”
  11. Glory and Partner Stop Dancing: “Ain’t She Sweet?” by Ager
  12. Glory in Room with Margie: Repeat No.3 “Miss Blue Eyes”
  13. The Training Grind: “Jolly Trotters” by Gillet
  14. Fade-In—Johnnie In Gymnasium: “Quick Action” by Zimmerman
  15. Fade-In—Red Lucas and Margie In Room: “Murmuring Breezes” by Gillet
  16. Glory Appears: Repeat No.3 “Miss Blue Eyes”
  17. I Busted It: “Premonition” by Zamecnik
  18. Johnnie Seen In Room: “Gonna Get a Girl” by Ash
  19. Night After Night: “Linger Awhile” by Rose
  20. And So Johnnie’s Chance: “Midnight Waltz” by Donaldson
  21. Weeks of Glorious Nights: “Keep Going” by Kleinecke
  22. Johnnie Crawls Out of Ring: “Reproach” by Zamecnik
  23. Johnnie Had Said: “Social Chat” by Eugene
  24. Dad leaves Room: “Quandry” by Schad
  25. Johnnie Enters Room: “Following You Around” by Kahn
  26. But There’s Nothing Phoney: “When Eyes of Blue Are Fooling You” by Monaco
  27. Johnnie Falls Asleep: “Love Song” by Nevin
  28. Lucas and Margie Enter: “Entreaty” by Zamecnik
  29. I’m Sick of the: “The Awakening” by Zamecnik
  30. The Night Of The: “Perpetual Motion” by Borch
  31. Glory and Dad Enter Johnnie’s Room: “Miracle of Love” by McKee
  32. Johnnie Sees Glory: Repeat No.18 “Gonna Get A Girl”
  33. Boy Opens Door: “The Bravado” by Axt
  34. Lucas Leaves Room: “Disillusioned” by Srawley
  35. Of Course It’s True: “Appassionato Dramatico” by Berge
  36. The Main Event: Repeat No.1 “Stand Up and Fight Like H—”
  37. After Bell Rings: “Furioso No.89” by Berge
  38. After Bell Rings—End of First Round: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw
  39. Insert—Bell Rings For Second Round: “Furioso” by Savino
  40. After Bell Rings—End of Round Two: “Allegro Precipitoso” by Savino
  41. Insert—Bell Rings For Round Three: “Furioso No.4” by Bergunker
  42. Seven, Eight, Nine, Out!: Tympani Roll—Orchestra Tacet
  43. Man Raises Johnnie’s Hand: “The Thoroughbred” by Englemann
  44. Glory and Dad Outside Johnnie’s Room: “Someone Loves You, After All” by Tierney
  45. Johnnie Sits Down: “I’m Sitting On Top of the World” by Henderson

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Lovelorn

Title: The Lovelorn

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Call Me Sweetheart” by Robe (WHITE)
  2. Interrupt With Train Effect At End of Long Moving Subtitle: Train Effect by Drummer
  3. One Scene: “Al Fresco” by Herbert
  4. Letter On Screen: “Caroma” by Pabst
  5. Street Scene: “La Fiancee” by Hartz
  6. Bought and Paid For, Miss: Repeat No.1 (WHITE)
  7. Close-up of Lover After Girl on Trolly: “Love Thoughts” by Friml (DK. GREEN)
  8. Street Scene After Girl Buys Magazine: “Jolly Jingles” by Powell
  9. Auto Stops At Girl’s Home: “Incid. Symphony No.38” by Jansen (RED)
  10. Sisters Enter House: “Intermezzo d’Arlequine” by Bohm
  11. Oh Please, Mrs. O’Leary: “Valse Annette” by Baxter
  12. I’m Wise: “Merry Playmates” by Howgill
  13. Lover Gets Out of Auto: “Fair Debutante” by Reynard
  14. Two Sisters Show In Bedroom: “Serenade” by Leoncavalio
  15. Fade-Out Of Older Sisters In Room After Auto Leaves: Repeat No.7 (DK. GREEN)
  16. Fade-Out of Beatrice Fairfax After Second Letter is Flashed: “Chant d’Amour” by Frommel
  17. Some People Don’t Know A Good Thing: “Incid. Symphony No.38” by Jansen (RED)
  18. Man Walks From Girl At Door Fanning Himself: “Moonlight Memories” by Edwards
  19. Fade-Out of Girl Seated On Bed: “Call Me Sweetheart” by Robe (WHITE)
  20. Beatrice Fairfax Writes Letter On Typewriter: Play “Black Bottom” (Chorus Only)
  21. Dancers Stop and Applaud: “Joy Bells” by Santly
  22. Ann, Let’s You and Me Get Married: “Call Me Sweetheart” by Robe (WHITE)
  23. How About A Little Kiss: “C’est Vous” by Greenberg
  24. Dancers Stop and Applaud: Repeat No.17 (RED)
  25. They Begin To Dance: “Lonesome Waltz” by Wendling
  26. Fade-Out Of Dancing Scene: Repeat No.17 (RED)
  27. Fade-Out As Man Kisses Girl on Couch: Repeat No.22 (WHITE)
  28. Fade-Out of Girl in Street To Bed Scene: “Dramatic Adagio” by Berge
  29. Sister Comes Out of Clothes Closet: “True Love” by Ketelbey
  30. Girls In Bed: “Love Thoughts” by Friml (DK. GREEN)
  31. Fade-Out of Girls In Bed To Letter: Repeat No.22 (WHITE)
  32. Girl Has Beatrice Fairfax’s Letter In Hand: “Incid. Symphony No.38” by Jansen (RED)
  33. Scene After Auto Shows On Screen: “Dream Chimes” by Wyatt

SEGUE: “Sunset” by Ancliffe

  1. Interrupt With Train Effect After Ann Is Seen Sitting On Floor: “Uproar” by Neinass
  2. Sister Shows On Screen After Agitation: Repeat No.22 (WHITE)
  3. Fade-Out of Two Sisters: Repeat No.30 (DK. GREEN)
  4. Beatrice Fairfax Shows After Title “WHAT A FINE DRINK OF WATER”: Repeat No.19 (WHITE) (Verse)

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: i1bloff95w

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The Love Mart

Title: The Love Mart

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Anguish of Soul” by Eggert
  2. Thus Was The First Prohibition Law: “Recitative Heroique” by Rapee
  3. Just Outside of New Orleans: “Burlesco Pomposo” by Lowitz
  4. Victor Jallot and Poupet Enter: JALLOT THEME “The Great Adventure” by Tours
  5. Captain Remy Appears At Door: REMY THEME “Marching Song of the Foreign Legion” by Bradford
  6. Waiter Puts Hand Out for Money: “Whispering Flowers” by Von Blon
  7. Gentleman Who Would Live: “Razzing Theme” by Rapee
  8. Duel Starts: “Allegro Buffonesco” by Kempinski
  9. While Laws and Heads: “Stephanie Gavotte” by Czibulka
  10. Antoinette Appears: ANTOINETTE THEME “Your Love Is All” by Zamecnik
  11. Delicado Starts Argument: “Chatter” by Kahn
  12. Change of Scene To Victor and Poupet Looking For Shop: “On The Bayou” by White
  13. They Enter Dark Place: “In the Night” by Noack
  14. Jallot Nailing Up Sign: Repeat Jallot Theme No.4
  15. Gentlemen, I Was Just Teaching: “Flocons de Neige” by Bradford
  16. Delicado Enters With Friends: “Camorra” by Joels
  17. They Start Fencing: “Comedy Excitement” by Zamecnik
  18. Every Afternoon: “Dance of the Honey Bees” by Richmond
  19. Victor Sees Antoinette: Repeat Antoinette Theme No.10
  20. Do You Wish: “Cynical Scherzando” by Axt
  21. Antoinette and Friends Rise from Table: “Wistful Longings” by Baron
  22. Who Is That: “Tragico con Moto” by Drigo’s Cinema Classics
  23. Insert—L. Flabelle: “Vous dites Marquise?” by Gillet
  24. A Captain Remy To See You: “Threatening Danger” by Becce
  25. Remy Enters Room: Repeat No.22 “Tragico con Moto”
  26. Meanwhile Jallot’s Fencing Club: “White Swan” by Stults
  27. Antoinette Lifts Veil: “Love Song” by Wright
  28. Entrance to Flabelle Home: “Romantique” by Gabriel Marie
  29. She’s Not Dead, There She Is: “Prelude Dramatique” by Porret
  30. Slaves and Antoinette March From Entrance: “Lamento from Pique Dame” by Tschaikowsky
  31. Men Seated Around Table: “Unfinished Symphony” by Schubert
  32. Slaves in Pen: “Sand Dance from ‘Happy Days In Dixie’” by Bidgood
  33. Insert—Money Lender: Repeat Antoinette Theme No.10
  34. Auction Block: “Intermezzo” by Arensky
  35. Antoinette!: “Temptation” by Sommer
  36. Captain Remy Jumps On Platform: “Omens” by Schad
  37. Antoinette Lifts Eyes To Victor: “Trees” by Rasbach
  38. Victor Lifts Antoinette In His Arms: Repeat Antoinette Theme No.10
  39. A Good Day’s Business: “Reverie d’Amour” by D’Aquin
  40. The Barber Gives You Back Your Liberty: Repeat Antoinette Theme No.10
  41. Flash To Inn: Repeat Remy Theme No.5
  42. Victor Alone At Table: “Souvenir” by Herbert
  43. You Bought Me, You Paid For Me: “Cantilena” by Goltermann
  44. Remy and Pals Appear: Repeat Remy Theme No.5
  45. How Is The: “The Captive” by Savino
  46. Remy Starts To Sing: Repeat Remy Theme No.5
  47. Victor Starts To Strop Razor: “La Foret Perfide” by Gabriel Marie
  48. Brawl Starts: “Vengeance” by Baron
  49. Flash-Back To Antoinette and Victor: Repeat Antoinette Theme No.10

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: Zbrxx0ftS2

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Love Hungry

Title: Love Hungry

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Spring’s Enchantment” by Ancliffe
  2. Close-Up Of Letter Addressed To Mr. Thomas Randall: “Gaily Thro’ Life” by Schad
  3. Mother Hands Telegram To Father: “Homeland” by Huerter
  4. Oh, Tom, I’ve Advertised: “Happy Jacqueline” by Mondrone
  5. Girls Enter Room: “la Comedienne” by Hosmer
  6. We Like The Room: “Merry Pranks” by Rapee-Axt
  7. Drop Those Bags!: “Allegro Scherzoso No.1” by Jacquet
  8. Every Dog Has His Day: “Reunion” by Gruenwald
  9. Envelope Is Open: “A Curious Story” by Frommel
  10. Change of Scene To Girls In Bedroom: “Try Me” by Schertzinger
  11. Gee Joan—Listen To This!: “I’ll Just Roll Along” by De Rose
  12. It Isn’t Beautiful: “Exultation” by Hosmer
  13. Change of Scene To Restaurant: “Lovely Little Silhouette” by Rose
  14. Young Man Is Called Away From Table: “Intermezzo Giocoso” by Egener
  15. Girls Leave Restaurant: “Iris” by Reynard
  16. Young Man Comes Up Stairs: “Funny Faces” by Ring-Hager
  17. Joan Knocks On Door: THEME “That Melody of Love” by Donaldson
  18. Tom Walks Into Kitchen: “Happy Hectic Hours” by Schad
  19. Bell Rings: “Make Believe You’re Happy” by Woods
  20. Two’s Company: “Play Ground In The Sky” by Hanley
  21. Goat and Dog Seen: “Comedy Allegro” by Berg
  22. Joan Comes Over To Tom: Repeat Theme No.17
  23. Joan Goes Into Automobile: Repeat No.20 “Playground In The Sky”
  24. The Easiest Way: “A Staggering Uncertainty” by lakay
  25. Lonnie Sits At Piano: “Sweet Adeline” by Late (Piano Solo)
  26. Awright! Maybe They Like Jazz: “Stepping on the Ivories” by McLuaghlin (Piano Solo)
  27. Tom Takes Lonnie Away From Piano: Repeat No.24 “Staggering Uncertainty”
  28. Tom Closes Door After Lonnie Leaves: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini
  29. I’m Sorry If I Butted In: Repeat Theme No.17
  30. Table Seen: “Happy Moods” by Marquardt
  31. Tom and Joan Alone In Kitchen: Repeat Theme No.17
  32. Father Starts To Take His Coat Off: “Pastime” by Clutsam
  33. Tom At Telephone: “Longing” by Floridia
  34. Tom and Joan Come Into Hallway: Repeat Theme No.17
  35. Goldie Interrupts Lovers Embracing: “Appassionato Intenso” by Bergunker
  36. Change of Scene To Father and Mother at Table: “Mood Pensive” by Applefield
  37. Tom Embraces Mother: “Ectasy” by Zamecnik
  38. I Have A Surprise For You: “Dramatic Suspense” by O’Hare
  39. Aren’t You Going To Congratulate: “Lover’s Quarrel” by Baron
  40. I’ve Been All Wrong, Dear: Repeat Theme No.17

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Love and the Devil

Title: Love and the Devil

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Cameo Music Co., 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


THEME: “Giovanna To Thee” by Pasternack

  1. At Screening: THEME
  2. Venice: “Neapolitan Nights” by Zamecnik
  3. Giovanna Appears On Stairs: “Bon Vivant” by Zamecnik
  4. Back Stage Flash: “Faust Ballet” by Gounod
  5. Come To My Dressing Room: “Air De Ballet” by Herbert
  6. You Must Be Very Fond of Music: THEME
  7. Barotti At Door: “Intermezo” by Granados
  8. And Every Night: “Chanson Boheme from ‘Carmen’” by Bizet
  9. Chorus on Stage Exit: “Habanera from ‘Carmen’” by Bizet
  10. But Moonlit Waters: THEME
  11. For Love and an Honorable Name: “Humoresque” by Haydn
  12. Are You Sure Giovanna: THEME
  13. Street Scene: “Le Retour” by Bizet
  14. London Finds: “Scherzo” by Palumbo
  15. Days of Fog: “Canzone Amoroso” by Nevin
  16. Vision Appears In Fireplace: “Tragic Andante” by Savino
  17. Please Forget: THEME
  18. Insert “Luigi Barotti”: “Tragic Andante” by Savino
  19. Just A Foolish Husband: “A Gondola Love Song” by Olson
  20. They Enter Dryon’s Home: “The Spectre” by Englemann
  21. Barotti In Gondola: “Neapolitan Nights” by Zamecnik
  22. Barotti At Servants’ Entrance: “Second Mysterioso Alla Valse” by Savino
  23. Giovanna Sees Barotti In Her Room: “Appassionatta No.2” by Axt
  24. Police At Door: “Vehement Desire” by Bradford
  25. Giovanna Collapses: “Andante Dramatic” by Axt
  26. Insert: “Silent Night” by Rebikov
  27. Each Day: “The Rabble” by Herbert
  28. Dryon and Counsel: “Romance” by Rubenstein
  29. To Prove Conclusively: “Angoissante Adventure” by Gabriel Marie
  30. Your Honor, The Detectives Have: “Dramatic Allegro” by Savino
  31. Insert “Fate of Lord Dryon”: “Rythmic Mysterioso” by Damesek
  32. Giovanna in Bed: “Amorous Adventure” by Bradford
  33. Corridor of Court House: “Lament from Pique Dame” by Tschaikowsky
  34. She Enters Cathedral: “Ave Marie” by Gounod
  35. Barotti In Room: “The Captive” by Savino
  36. I Said Someday You’d Understand: THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: uwZ8vn5JqL

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The Lone Eagle

Title: The Lone Eagle

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 192


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “The Spirit of St. Louis” by Woods
  2. France in 1917: “Where Do We Go From Here?” by Wenrich
  3. Eighteen Miles Back: ENGLISH THEME “Fighting Tommies” by Boulton
  4. Sven Svensen: “Norwegian Dance No.3” by Grieg
  5. Planes Appear In Sky: “Air Flight” by Zamecnik
  6. Planes Land—Motors Shut Off: Repeat English Theme No.3
  7. Come On, Chalk Up: “Dear Old Pal of Mine” by Rice
  8. Here’s To Jack: “Taps”
  9. Red Starts To Play The Piano: “The Lass of Richmond Hill from ‘The Rose’” by Myddleton
  10. Bill Greeted by Officers: “Yankee Doodle Boy” by Cohan
  11. You’re Pulling A Great Chair: Repeat No.7 “Dear Old Pal of Mine”
  12. I’ll Tell You A Secret: “Bagatelle from ‘Three Light Pieces’” by Somerville
  13. Colonel Von Buehl: GERMAN THEME “Nibelungen March” by Wagner (Trio)
  14. Flash-Back To English Flyers: “Mock Morris” by Grainger
  15. Omer: “Hinky Dinky Parlay Voo?” by McHugh
  16. Boys Speak To Frenchman At Door: “Oh Frenchy” by Conrad
  17. Cherie Dijon Appears: “La Cinquantaine” by Gabriel Marie
  18. [Damaged]
  19. [Damaged]
  20. Where The War Cross of the Enemy: Repeat German Theme No.13
  21. English Flying Field: Repeat English Theme No.3
  22. The Every Move To Discourage: “Orgies of the Spirits” by Ilynsky
  23. Here They Come, What’s Left of Them: “Lamento from Pique Dame” by Tschaikowsky
  24. Major Picks Up Wreath: “My Buddy” by Donaldson
  25. In A War Torn World: “Banquos Ghost” by Leuschner
  26. Major Places Hand on Bill’s Shoulder: “Elegie” by Arensky
  27. Insert—Letter: “Little Mother of Mine” by Burleigh
  28. Exterior—German Flyer Drops Wreath: Repeat German Theme No.13
  29. This Is My Job Major: “Remorse” by Franceschi
  30. The Night Is Made For Romance: Repeat Love Theme No.19
  31. I’m Not Jack Demming: “Etna” by Franceschi
  32. Cherie Sorry For Outburst of Temper: Repeat Love Theme No.19
  33. When The Sun’s First Rays: “Nocturne” by Chopin
  34. Billy Closes Door—Jumps Into Cart: “Poursuite Dramatique” by Drigo’s Film Classics
  35. Major Starts Motor: “Storm, Strife, or Tempest” by Ancliffe
  36. The Bombing Fleet: “Battle—Tumult—Blaze” by Becce
  37. Bill At Sven’s Side: Repeat No.24 “My Buddy”
  38. Officers At Table: “Pomp and Circumstance” by Elgar (Trio)
  39. Change To Family At Railroad Station: Repeat Love Theme No.19

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Little Wildcat

Title: The Little Wildcat

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening of Title: “Smiles” by Sommervile
  2. Crowds At Race Track: “Flick & Flock” by Patou
  3. After Race: “Cherry Ripe” by Cussans
  4. What Do You Know About: “Parade of Wooden Soldiers”
  5. There’s That Flying Lunatic: “Disturbance” by Hoffman
  6. Sue Holt: “Caprice” by Sommerville
  7. Don’t Forget Victor: “Playful Moments” by Hoffman
  8. Two Gentlemen from Chamber: “Emotional Conflict” by Becce
  9. Tell The Chamber of Commerce: “Vengeance” by Francheschi
  10. Conrad Burton: “Sweet Memories” by Singorski
  11. Conrad Unconscious On Groud: “Grand Appasionato” by Becce
  12. It’s Lucky I Yelled: “Demoiselle Chic” by Fletcher
  13. Don’t Bother: “Love Triumphant” by Joels
  14. What Seems To Be The Trouble: “May Frolics” by Cullotta
  15. I Thought I Heard: “Violent Tempers” by Hoffman
  16. If He Ever Finds Out: “Song of Romance” by Hoffman
  17. Grandfather, I Want You: “Critical Moment” by Becce
  18. Why, Conrad, You’re Not Leaving: “Le Secret” by Piackert
  19. Tell The Truth: “Maggiolotta” by Culotta
  20. That Was Almost the End: “Mona” by MacLean
  21. Letter Close-Up: “Tormentor” by Hoffman
  22. Old Men In Uniform: “Marches of Lincoln Days”
  23. Auto Disturs Drill Practice: “Merry Playmates” by Howgill
  24. I Quit: “Pastime” by Clutsam
  25. What’s That: “Turbulent Tensions” by Hoffman
  26. Letter—Dearest Sue: “Disperazione” by Becce
  27. I Hope It Isn’t True: “The Ravage” by Hoffman
  28. If I Were In Your Shoes: “Pangs of Passion” by Hoffman
  29. Old Men In Hallway: “Trembling Anxiety” by Hoffman
  30. Couple Hid Behind Curtains: “Tumult” by Verdi
  31. Hands Off, You Fools: “Freischutz” by Weber
  32. Aftrer the ‘Armistice’: “Marching Thru Georgia”
  33. Married Couples In Airplanes: “Little More Pepper” by Lincoln
  34. I Still Claim It Was You: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Little Snob

Title: The Little Snob

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Songs are listed as Tax-Free first and Taxable second

  1. At Screening of Title: “Little More Pepper” by Vandersloot Pub.; “Spirit of Youth” by Dahlquist
  2. Every Night After The Crowds: “Flowing River” by Winlaw; Cupid’s Surprise” by Gross
  3. At Station Ready To Leave: “Andante” by Hoffman; “Berceuse” by Jarnfeldt
  4. Jim and Marie: “Love Eyes” by Zamecnik; “One Sweet Day” by Zamecnik
  5. Mazie Boards Train: “Smiles” by Somerville; “Merriment” by Kempinski
  6. Girls Step Down From Bus: “Pastime” by Clutsam; “Strolling Dolly” by Lindgreen
  7. After Several Expensive Months: “Knick Knacks” by Shebek; “Flirtation” by Gross
  8. If You Think I’m Kock-Kneed: “Fox Trot” by Stanzy Publication; Feist Publication
  9. She Reads Letter: “Dovce Recontre” by G. Marie; “Heart’s Desire” by Renard
  10. Orchestra Starts (start together) (Fox Trot Chorus): “Fox Trot” by Jos. Morris Pub.; Remick Publication
  11. Applause (Stop and Start Again) (Chorus): “Another Fox Trot” Waterson Publication; Berlin Publication
  12. The Velvet Night: “Song of Romance” by Hoffman; “Song of Songs” by Moya
  13. It Looks As Though I’ll Own: “Cappriccio” by May; “Lontaine” by Berge
  14. In Store With The Check: “Chattering” by G. Marie; “Evening Hour” by Hulten
  15. Telegram To Father: “Playful Moments” by Hoffman; “Mirth and Merriment” by Dellile
  16. She Gets Into Taxi: “Grave Humor” by Becce; “By Gones” by Rapee
  17. What A Wet Sunday: “Grave Dramatic” by May; “Appasionato” by Rapee
  18. I Promised To Meet: “Sad Thoughts” by Patou; “Heart Throbs” by Arnold
  19. Fade Out of Father Alone: “Fox Tro” Jos. Morris Publication; Feist Publication
  20. Your Eyes Remind Me: “Pearl O’Mine” by Fletcher; “Love’s Romance” by Padney
  21. Where Are We Headed For: “Frolics and Youth” by Hoffman; “Pollyanna” by Freidland
  22. Marie (Mazie) Sees Father: “Patience Under Pain” by Becce; “Dramatic Reproach” by Berge
  23. They Play The Ponies: “Kiddy” by Latann; “Roller Coaster” by Schertzinger
  24. Pretty Slick—Your Control: “Violent Tempers” by Hoffman; “Rage” by Axt
  25. How Do You Know So Much: “Elegie” by Huppertz; “Schubert’s Serenade”
  26. I Came Back To Get My Ring: “Winds and Waves” by Hoffman; “Agitato Con Motto” by Luz
  27. What Does He Mean To You: “Infernal Furioso” by Hoffman; “Hurry” by Kempinski
  28. What A Bloomer: “Solemn Thoughts” by Hoffman; “Day of Doom” by Joels
  29. Father and Daughter Together: “Traumerei” by Schumann, Benjamin Pub.; Fischer Pub.
  30. Do You Still Love Jim: “Cherry Ripe” by Cussans; “Amour Decu” by Borch
  31. Jim Kisses Marie: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come

Title: The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Evil Motive” by Hoffman
  2. Hidden In The Depths: “Chant de la Mort” by Kempinski
  3. Chad Enters Shack: “Joyous Appassionato” by Carbonara
  4. Chad Sees Girl’s Face In Water: “Shepherds All and Maidens Fair from ‘In Arcady’” by Nevin
  5. Two Men and Dog Appear: “Mysterious Stranger” by Kay
  6. Dogs Fight: “Hidden Perils” by Varnier
  7. Man Kicks Chad: “Agitato Furioso” by Ketelbey
  8. End of Fight—Man Grabs Chad: “The Village Clown” by Axt
  9. The School Master: ‘The Philanderer” by Srawley
  10. Chad Sees Lissy: THEME “No One Knows” by Gordon
  11. Pop Turner Calls Chad: Repeat No.8 “The Village Clown”
  12. I See You Like Books: “Canzone d’Amour” by Lowitz
  13. Chad and Lissy Alone: Repeat Theme No.10
  14. When Spring Came: “By A Meadow Brook from ‘Woodland Sketches’” by MacDowell
  15. Aren’t You Fixing To Stay: Repeat Theme No.10
  16. At Last The Great Day: Repeat No.8 “The Village Clown”
  17. Chad Found The World: “Kingdom Coming” by Lake
  18. Chad Sees Negro Children: “The Coons’ Patrol” by Lotter
  19. Chad Leaves Children: “By the Swanee River” by Myddleton
  20. Chad On Horse: “Hustle-Bustle” by Delille
  21. Chad At Railroad Station: “Skipper of Tonnerville” by Slater
  22. Chad Seated On Ground: “The Simpleton” by Delille
  23. Carriage Stops At House: “The Joker” by Srawley
  24. Dean Never Forgot: “Serenade Passionnee” by Heymann
  25. The Boy Is Telling The Truth: Repeat No.22 “The Simpleton”
  26. Change To Interior of House: “Lamento” by Jacquet
  27. Did You Find Your Horse: “On The Bayou” by White
  28. So The Mayor Found: “From Uncle Remus from ‘Woodland Sketches’” by MacDowell
  29. Negress Speaks To Mrs. Dean: “Alabama” by Spaulding
  30. Change To Garden: “Deep River” by Burleigh
  31. Fade-Back To Mrs. Dean: Repeat No.29 “Alabama”
  32. Fade-Back To Garden: Repeat No.30 “Deep River”
  33. Negress Speaks To Girl: ‘Chant from ‘Bandanna Sketches’” by White
  34. Girl Enters House: “Lovers Meeting” by Kempinski
  35. Mayor Buford and Man: “Crepuscule d’Angoisse” by Fosse
  36. Time Only Strengthened: “Dramatic Andante” by Kempinski
  37. Negress Opens Door—Chad Enters: Repeat No.29 “Alabama”
  38. Haven’t You Heard: Repeat No.26 “Dramatic Andante”
  39. Chad and Buford Alone: “A Deserted Farm from ‘Woodland Sketches’” by MacDowell
  40. To The Victory: “Evolution of Dixie” by Lake
  41. Mayor Buford Leaves Room: “Fate” by Ketelbey
  42. Exterior Blue Scene: “Solider’s Farewell from ‘Around the Campfire’” by Seredy
  43. Margaret, I’m Going To Join: “Battle-Cry of Freedom from ‘Around the Campfire’” by Seredy (Play “PP”)
  44. The War Dragged On: “Spirit of War” by Jacquet
  45. A Few Days Later: “Military Scene” by O’Hare
  46. Chad Calls Lissy: Repeat Theme No.10
  47. Word Had Gone Through: “Storm Music” by Ketelbey
  48. Bandit Shoots Dog: “The Captive” by Savino
  49. Bandit Comes To Lissy: “Impending Danger” by Kempinski
  50. Lissy Runs Out of Shack: “Storm Music” by Langey
  51. Chand In Tent: “Resignation” by Casadesus
  52. Fade-Back To Lissy: “Agitato Drammatico” by Savino
  53. Bandit Seen Riding: “Battle-Tumult-Blaze” by Becce
  54. Chad Had Found Many: Repeat Theme No.10

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Life of Riley

Title: The Life of Riley

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Erin Go Braugh” by DeWitt
  2. Otto: “Hi-Le, Hi-Lo from ‘Deutscher Waltz’” by Kaine
  3. Michael Riley: “Paddy Carney from ‘Brian Barochme’” by Ascher
  4. Otto Appears In Uniform: “March of the Mannikens” by Onivas
  5. Maybe If Your Girl: “Film Theme No.7” by Roberts
  6. Michael Walks Toward Door Of Fire House: “Ouch” by Kaufman
  7. Otto Standing In Doorway With Firecrackers: “Humoreske” by Levine
  8. The Widow Jones—Widow Appears: “Tell Me Pretty Maiden” by Stuart
  9. Molly Writing Postal Card: “Epilogo” by Gabriel Marie
  10. Revolving Wheel: “Board-Walk Parade” by Johns
  11. Riley Handed Photograph: “Oh Mister” by Frey
  12. Otto and Riley Walk Away: “Danse du Ventre” by Clark
  13. Right This Way, Boys: “Society One-Step” by Lake
  14. From The Windows: “The Curse of an Aching Heart” by Piantadosi
  15. Riley Rings Police Alarm: “Shoot” by Kaufman
  16. Riley Enters Room: “He’s A Devil” by Berlin
  17. Otto Sounds Alarm—Rings Bell: “Zip” by Frey
  18. You’ll Go To Jail: “Symphonic Incidentals No.5” by Marquardt
  19. Widow Enters With Cake: “Ain’t We Got Fun” by Whiting
  20. Riley Takes Out Shaving Stick: “The Clown” by Peele
  21. Riley Bites Into Cake: “Lassus Trombone” by Fillmore
  22. Bubbles Appears: “I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles”
  23. Montague Enters: “A Game of Tag” by Trinkaus
  24. Riley and Otto Open Door and Leave In the Rain: “Oh! Didn’t It Rain” by Leonard
  25. They Creep Up To Entrance: “The Hour of Ghosts” by Becce
  26. Figure Drops on Creeping Otto: “Restless Bows” by Srawley
  27. Lights Up: “Tensive Misterioso” by Peele
  28. Molly Appears From Hiding Place: “Coeur Brise” by Gillet
  29. They See Burnign Cloak: “Carnival” by Savino
  30. Otto Leaves: “A Keltic Lament” by Foulds
  31. It’s Time For Little Girls: “Emmett’s Lullaby”
  32. The Next Morning: “Please Go ‘Way and Let Me Sleep” by Von Tilzer’s Old Time Favorite Hits
  33. Otto and Boy: “Nola” by Arndt
  34. Boy Appears At Door: THEME “Sweethearts” by Herbert
  35. Jones and Montague Enter: “The Joker” by Srawley
  36. They Leave Store: “Tender Memories” by Rapee-Axt
  37. Molly and Boy: Repeat Theme No.34
  38. I Don’t Want My Boy: “Moderato” by Savino
  39. Riley Alone: “The Swan” by St. Saens
  40. The Morning of the Demonstration: “Manhattan Isle” by Bowers
  41. Riley Squirts Extinguisher On Blaze: “Derby Days” by Axt
  42. Jones and Montague: “Aeroplane Galop” by Lamothe

SEGUE: “The Live Wire” by Frey

  1. Riley Turns and Sees Widow At His Right: “Gigue” by Gretry-Mottl
  2. I Don’t Understand: “Burlesque on Lange’s Flower Song” by Kempinski
  3. They See Shell On Floor: “Dramatic Hurry No.1” by Baron
  4. It Didn’t Work At Demonstration: “Rustic Caprice” by St. Clair
  5. Widow and Friends At Table: “I’m Sitting On Top of the World” by Henderson
  6. Otto Rings Fire Bell: “A Hot Time” by Beyer

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Leopard Lady

Title: The Leopard Lady

Author: Rudolph Berliner

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Rudolph Berliner

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Prelude to ‘Mystery Drama’” by Baron
  2. In A Little Austrian Town: “Koenigskinder” by Humperdinck
  3. Fade-In Bass Drum: “Wien Hleibt Wien” by Schrammel
  4. Girls Drop Dish: “Appassionato No.2” by Axt
  5. Even Murder: “Murder” by Tremisot
  6. Beyond The Crimson Circle: “Radetsky March” by Strauss
  7. Leopard Lady Sees White Mouse: “Allegro Perpetuo” by Savino
  8. Insert—Card—Chief of Detectives: “Mysterious Stranger” by Kay
  9. Detective Takes Mouse Out of Pocket: “Cat and Mice” by Leonard
  10. I Am Not Interested: “Hesitation” by Friml
  11. Sophy—My House: “The Tragic Discovery” by Patou
  12. Detective Presents Badge To Girl: “Ominous Moments” by Kempinski
  13. Bass drum: “Parade of the Animals” by Ring-Hager
  14. Leopard Lady Appears: “Star Eyes” by Evans
  15. Hats—Coats: “Flirtation” by Cross
  16. Ape’s Arm Appears: “Queer Antics” by Zamecnik
  17. Old Woman Looks Through Door: “Terror” by Baron
  18. Insert—Plate of Spaghetti: “Jolly Fellows” by Suppe
  19. I Will Not: “Fingal’s Cave” by Mendelssohn
  20. Cesare Returns With Accordion: “Oi di Liebe” by King
  21. Help! Help!: “Violence” by Casadesus
  22. Hector Is Dead: Repeat No.5 “Murder”
  23. Cesare Enters Wagon: “Mysterioso” by Haines
  24. Man Seen Outside: “Agitated Misterioso” by Rapee
  25. And So Hector: Repeat No.14 “Star Eyes”
  26. Paula Embraces Young Sailor: “A Lesson In Love” by Fresco
  27. Ape Appears With Ball: Repeat No.16 “Queer Antics”
  28. Paula Enters Wagon: “Reproache d’Amour” by Marquardt
  29. I’ve Been Hungry: “Watching and Waiting For You” by Ackman
  30. Nine O’Clock: “Canzonetta” by Godard
  31. Sailor Leaves Cesare: “Mystere Oppressant” by Gabriel Marie
  32. Cesare Appears In Doorway: Repeat No.19 “Fingal’s Cave”
  33. Folly Pier: “Weird Night” by Axt
  34. Circus Scene: “Sawdust and Spangles” by Bratton
  35. Two Leopards Fighting: “Dance of the Furies” by Gluck
  36. Insert—Red Cross Kit: “Evasion” by Godard
  37. White Mouse Appears: Repeat No.7 “Allegro Perpetuo”
  38. You Sent For Me: Repeat No.8 “Mysterious Stranger”
  39. Detective and Police Leave: “Appassionato No.3” by Axt
  40. Sailor Enters: “Vengeance” by Baron
  41. Ape Appears: Repeat No.17 “Terror”
  42. Ape Takes Gun: Repeat No.5 “Murder”
  43. Ape Shoots Self: “Dramatic Allegro” by Savino
  44. There’s Your Murderer!: “The Accuser” by Kay
  45. I Came Prepared: “No Wonder I’m Happy” by Davis

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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