West of Zanzibar

Title: West of Zanzibar

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Loves Fantasy” by Frommel (WHITE)
  2. Ashes To Ashes: “Cryptic Shadows” by Becce
  3. Girl Comes Out of Coffin: “Golden Sand” by Finck
  4. My Little Wife: “Souvenir Douloureux” by Bicchiere (LT. GREEN)
  5. I’ll Tell Him Dear: “Symphonic Incidentals No.14” by Marquardt
  6. Actor Thrown From Balcony: “Road To Sorrow” by Kempinski
  7. For All The: “Rache Vengeance” by Porret (RED)
  8. Lon Chaney In Invalid Chair: “T’Chaka Suite No.3” by Ring
  9. Fire Seen In Pot On Table: “L’Orage” by Gounod
  10. Midnight: “Mysterioso” by Armandola
  11. Voodoos, Evil Spirits: “Danse Diabolique” by Ketelbey
  12. I’ll Root Out This Crook: “Desolation” by Savino
  13. Dead Legs, We’ve Robbed That Trader: Repeat RED
  14. Zanzibar: “African Moon” by Earle
  15. Man and Woman Standing At Bar: Repeat LT. GREEN
  16. Fade-Out As Man At Bar Drinks: “Zambesi Dance” by Clerc
  17. Lon Chaney Seen: Repeat WHITE
  18. I Don’t Look Very Nice: Repeat No.16 “Zambesi Dance”
  19. Lon Chaney Makes Guitar Player Stop; “Dramatic Agitato” by Schoefeld
  20. Lon Chaney Sits In Chair: Repeat WHITE
  21. What’s Your Game: “The Conspirators” by Sodero (BLACK)
  22. It’s A Lovely Custom: Continue No.21
  23. Interior Scene: “A Mysterious Fable” by Juon
  24. Girl Drinks: Repeat RED
  25. SSay Mister: “Fi-Ya-Di” by Marquardt
  26. Fade-Out After Title “THERE IS NOTHING TOO LOW”: Repeat WHITE
  27. Scene Shows Negroes On: “Course Infernale” by Ourdine
  28. Three Days Passed: “Symphonic Incidentals No.14” by Marquardt
  29. Word Comes To Me: “Cryptic Shadows” by Becce
  30. Girl About To Take Drink From Bar: “Uproar” by Neinass (DK. GREEN)
  31. Girl Carried Out of Room: Repeat RED
  32. That’s Anna’s Child: “Road of Sorrow” by Kempinski
  33. And Now I’ve Got: Repeat RED
  34. When She Found Out: “Incid. Symphony No.10” by Kempinski
  35. Man Lights Candles In Shack: Repeat WHITE
  36. Please Drink This: Repeat DK. GREEN
  37. If He Dies: “Pathos from ‘Incid. Miniatures No.2’” by Schertzinger
  38. He’s Dead: Continue No.37
  39. Lon Chaney Sees Doctor In Door: “Fezzeni” by Schoenfeld
  40. On My Oath: Repeat No.37 “Pathos”
  41. Your Father Has Been Dead: Repeat No.39 “Fezzeni”
  42. We’ll Make Her Ready: Repeat DK. GREEN
  43. We Couldn’t Get Her: Repeat No.39 “Fezzeni”
  44. Go Tell Her What I’ve Got To Do: “Incid. Symphony No.33” by Kempinski
  45. Doc, I’d Like Her To: Repeat BLACK
  46. Natives In Room Sit Down: “The Prowling Schemers” by Carbonara
  47. Long Chaney Puts On Mask: Repeat No.39 “Fezzeni”
  48. Stop Short As Lon Chaney Opens Coffin Door: Repeat BLACK
  49. After Exterior Fire Scene: Repeat WHITE

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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