Vamping Venus

Title: Vamping Venus

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: VENUS THEME “Fascinatin’ Vamp” by Nussbaum
  2. A Man Never Realizes: CASSIDY THEME “A Bit O’Blarney” by Helf
  3. Messenger Boy Enters: “Animal Cartoonix No.1” by Aborn
  4. Boy Leaves: “Free Trade and a Misty Moon from ‘Eileen’” by Herbert
  5. Maggie’s Brother Married A Telephone Operator: “Music Box” by Friml
  6. Messenger Appears Again: Repeat No.3 “Animal Cartoonix No.1”
  7. The Silver Spoon Café: “Poor O’Hoolahan” by Tobani
  8. Curstains Open—Venus Posing: “Oh Boy, What A Girl” by Green
  9. Curtains Close In: “How Could Red Riding Hood?” by Randolph
  10. Flash-Back To Stage: “Big Boy” by Ager
  11. Dancing Girls Appear: “Dolly Dimples” by Alter
  12. I Want To Introduce: “The Irish Have A Great Day Tonight from ‘Eileen’” by Herbert
  13. Backstage: Repeat VENUS THEME
  14. Knock on Door: “Cheatin’ On Me” by Pollack
  15. Whirl: “The Destruction of the Temple” by Darcieux
  16. Hey! Warrior: Repeat CASSIDY THEME
  17. The King of Ireland: “The Irish King” by Pryor
  18. Flash To Women’s Quarters: “Wimmin Aaaah!” by Green
  19. Flash-Back To Marsie and Cassidy: Repeat CASSIDY THEME
  20. Say, I Know That Dame: Repeat VENUS THEME
  21. Cassidy Sees Circe: “So That’s The Kind of Girl You Are” by Burke
  22. Circe Beckons To Cassidy: “Giggling Gertie” by Tobias
  23. Helmit The King: “Tin Pan Parade” by Whiting
  24. The Golden horn; “Kismet” by Henlere
  25. Venus Carried In: Repeat VENUS THEME
  26. Circe Enters: “Polly” by Zamecnik
  27. Messenger Boy—Mercury Appears: Repeat No.3 “Animal Cartoonix No.1”
  28. Jupiter Giving A Feast: “A Hot Time” by Beyer
  29. Although Jupiter Was A Grouch: “The Big Butter and Egg Man” by Santly
  30. Jupiter, God of Light: “Charley, My Boy” by Fiorito
  31. The Court Jester: “It Ain’t Gonna Rain No Mo’” by Hall
  32. To The Lions: Repeat CASSIDY THEME
  33. Cassidy Sees Venus: Repeat VENUS THEME
  34. The Great God, Jupiter: “A Staggering Uncertainty” by Lakay
  35. Thou Art A Brave Warrior: “Funny Faces” by Ring-Hager
  36. Venus Stops Him: “Love Me and the World Is Mine” by Ball
  37. Cassidy Taken Away: “Comedy Capers” by Steele
  38. Lion Enters Cage: “Rural Flirts” by Bradford
  39. Marsie Appears On Balcony With Lion Skin: “The Live Wire” by Frey
  40. And Then A Political Tie-Up: “Dance of the Furies” by Gluck
  41. Athens Had Become: Repeat No.31 “A Hot Time”
  42. Hercules On Steps Addressing Throng: “Hail, Hail, The Gang’s All Here” by lake
  43. Hercules Has Aroused The Greeks: “Where Do We Go From Here?” by Wenrich
  44. Hercules And Followers At Door: “Allegro Aggressivo” by Stahlberg
  45. Marsie Meet The Boys: “Military Tactics” by Rosey
  46. Venus Appears: “Side By Side” by Woods
  47. Hercules Abducts Venus: “Chariot Race” by Becce
  48. Venus and Cassidy Alight From Car: “Could I?” by Ager
  49. Hercules Enters: Repeat No.15 “Destruction of the Temple”
  50. Well, Herkie, I’ve Got To Hand It To You: “Don’t Wake Me Up” by Baer
  51. Cassidy Enters Dressing Room; “It Had To Be You” by Jones
  52. After Wife “Socks” Cassidy; “Bye-Bye Pretty Baby” by Gardner

NOTE: You may end at your discretion, either with CASSIDY THEME or the above selection.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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