The Two Outlaws

Title: The Two Outlaws

Author: M. Winkler

Publisher: Belwin Inc., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: M. Winkler

OCLC Number:


THEME: “Demande D’Amour” by Drigo

In the event the above mentioned THEME is not in your Library or unknown to you, you may substitute: “A Place of Dreams” by Grass or “Autumn Voices” by Basset

  1. At Screening: THEME
  2. And Now Rex Heeds The Warning: “Storm Furioso” by Shepherd
  3. You The Lone Rider: THEME
  4. And While The Storm Is Raging: “Sinister Presto” by Bradford
  5. The Lone Rider Again: Half Reel Furioso” by Levy
  6. While Rex Serene In A Text: “Strom Music” by Haines
  7. Little Feet—Testing Their Strength: “Lady Lilly” by Fresco
  8. Hyena Following Young Horse: “Allegro Agitato” by Kiefert
  9. Rex Arrives: “Capricious Anette” by Borch
  10. Time, The Magician: “Contrapuntal Misteroso” by Schad
  11. Unknown To Whitcomb: “Rhythmic Agitato” by Boehnlein
  12. The Lone Rider. He Is Wonderful: THEME FF
  13. There’s The Lone Rider: “Tensive Misterioso” by Peele
  14. Cloesup of Girl Near Brook: THEME
  15. Have Discovered That The Lone Rider: “Sinister Theme” by Vely
  16. Tricked Us Again: “Dramatic Misteroso” by Borch
  17. It Means That Your Guardian Is The Outlaw: “dramatic Agitato”
  18. Untie Me—Understand: “Dramatic Tension” by Andino
  19. The Loot of Many Raids: “Galloping Furies” by Rapee
  20. The Lone Rider’s Walked: “Dramatic Agitato” by Simon
  21. Lone Rider Fighting: “Misteroso Furioso” by Affrunti
  22. Well, Mr. Lone Rider: THEME FF

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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