Silk Stockings

Title: Silk Stockings

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Scherzando Hurry” by Frey
  2. Mouse Appears On Floor: “Help! Help!” by Kovacs
  3. Molly Embraces Sam: “I Love My Baby” by Warren
  4. The Mouse Has Done More For You: “Characteristic Allegro” by Moszkowsky
  5. Sam Finally Starts Car: “Aeroplane Galop” by Lamothe
  6. Who Ever Told You: “Carmencita Shea” by Densmoce
  7. I’ll Make Up For It Sam: “Baby Face” by Davis
  8. A Wedding Anniversary Is Like: “Ain’t We Got Fun” by Whiting
  9. Sam With Friends At Dinner: “Stepping On the Ivories” by McLaughlin
  10. Did You Ever Come Home: “Ain’t She Sweet?” by Ager
  11. Molly Sees Stocking In Sam’s Pocket: “Animal Cartoonix No.2” by Aborn
  12. The Battle Ground: “Happy Hectic Hours” by Schad
  13. Now Mrs. Thornhill: “Trails of Dreams” by Swan
  14. Right After We Were Married: “So That’s The Kind of a Girl You Are” by Burke
  15. Then He Took Up Drinking: “Burlesque on ‘How Dry I Am’” by Kempinski
  16. Now Tell The Jury How He Beat You: “Symphonic Incidentals No.4” by Kempinski
  17. And Now Mrs. Thornhill: “You’ll Never Be Missed A Hundred Years From Now” by Rose
  18. Say Judge, Don’t I Get A Chance: “Burlesque on ‘Lange’s Flower Song’” by Kempinski
  19. After The Divorce: “I’m Walking Around in Circles” by Phillips
  20. That’s My Picture: “Perpetuum Mobile” by Rapee
  21. The Beach Home Of A Friend: “How-Wah-Ya” by Banta
  22. Why Sam Thornhill: “It Had To Be You” by Jones
  23. Will The Wild Waves: “It All Depends On You” by Henderson
  24. While Down The Beach: “By The Beautiful Sea” by Carroll
  25. It’s No Use Judge: THEME “Calling” by Golden
  26. That Night: “March Burlesque” by Gillet
  27. Molly Climbing To Balcony: “Intermezzo Perpetual” by Lowitz
  28. Bagnal Enters bathroom: “I’m Sitting On Top of the World” by Henderson
  29. Molly Screams: “Comedy Excitement” by Zamecnik
  30. Guard Starts Prowling About: “marceline” by Trinkaus
  31. Guard Sees Molly: “The Bee” by Schubert
  32. Sam, The Burglar’s In My Room: “Gigue” by Gretry-Mottl
  33. Sam Sees Molly: “Forgive Me” by Ager
  34. Sam Pushed In Closet: Repeat No.1 “Scherzando Hurry”
  35. You Deliberately Compromised Me: Repeat Theme No.25

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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