The Private Life of Helen of Troy

Title: The Private Life of Helen of Troy

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Cortege” by Lowitz
  2. Everybody Is Interested In: “On A Woodland Glade” by Ray
  3. It All Started: “Au Desert” by Grandjean
  4. In The White House: “Gigue” by Bradford
  5. There, There, Dear: “I’m Sorry I Made You Cry” by Clesi
  6. Across The Agean Sea: “Kismet” by Henlere
  7. Valet Enters: “Ye Bold Buccaneer” by Copping
  8. Officer Stops Chariot: “Big Boy” by Ager
  9. Even In Ancient Sparta: “Men of Sparta” by Zamecnik
  10. General Achilles: THEME “Razzing Theme” by Rapee
  11. The Queen’s Maid: “Diane” by Rapee
  12. The King Says You Must: “Just Like A Butterfly” by Woods
  13. Here’s The Dressmaker: “Polly” by Zamecnik
  14. All The Day: “Overture Champetre” by Snoek
  15. King Sits Down: “I’m Tired” by Jerome
  16. Helen Appears In New Gown: “Gorgeous” by Akst
  17. The Wife Wanted To Go: “Mortels Poisons” by Fosse
  18. Intermission: “Fanchonette” by Klemm
  19. A Spartan Drama In Twelve Acts: “Elopement” by Carrozzini
  20. Wasn’t It A Wonderful Evening: “Two In A Bar” by Copping
  21. Helen Places Her Arms Around King: “Cuddle Closer” by Schwartz
  22. King Climbs Into Bed: “Berceuse Comique” by Kilenyi
  23. Helen Walks Toward Door: “One O’Clock Baby” by Jolson
  24. King Out Of Bed—Close Door: “Chatter” by Kahn
  25. Husbands Don’t Get Home: “Could I?” by Ager
  26. King Enters: “Baby Face” by Akst
  27. And So The Queen Found: “Adorable” by Wynburn
  28. A Dark Man: “Don’t Wake Me Up” by Baer
  29. Generals Enter: Repeat Theme No.10
  30. Boss, This Country: “The Tin Soldier” by Cui
  31. Paris and Helen: “My Heart At Thy Sweet Voice” by St. Saens
  32. Helen Hurries Toward King: “Someday You’ll Say O.K.” by Donaldson
  33. Helen Returns To Paris: “Two Little Pretty Birds” by Tucker
  34. Flash-Back To Officers: Repeat Theme No.10
  35. Helen and Paris Love Making: “How Could Red Riding Hood” by Randolph
  36. The Most Important Date: “The Chatterbox” by Sanders
  37. Helen and Paris On Divan: “Bye-bye Pretty Baby” by Gardner
  38. Came The Dawn: “Cat and Mice” by Leonard
  39. The Generals Enter: Repeat Theme No.10
  40. Already The People of Sparta: “The Destruction of the Temple” by Darcieux
  41. Sparta Has Stood Enough: Repeat No.9 “Men of Sparta”
  42. It Takes A Long Time: “Le Portrait de Nicole” by Mouton
  43. War! Her Husband Is Coming: “La Folie” by Franceschi
  44. Cheers and Tears: Repeat No.7 “Ye Bold Buccaneer”
  45. And So Helen Found: “Notte Misteriosa” by Becce
  46. Helen Enters General’s Tent: “Fourteen Fathoms Deep” by lake
  47. Ajax Kneels At Helen’s Feet: “She’s Got ‘It’” by Davis
  48. So They Were Dragged On: “Entrance of the Heroes” by Herbert
  49. Helen Wanted The Horse: “Horses” by Gay
  50. Armistice Night: “Zip” by Frey
  51. The Strategy of Menelaos: “Prelude to ‘Mystery Drama’” by Baron
  52. Guards Run: “Threatening Danger” by Becce
  53. Paris Approaches Bed: “Imprecations” by Baron
  54. Soldiers Enter Gate: Repeat No.9 “Men of Sparta”
  55. Dressmaker Looks Up: “Narcissus” by Nevin
  56. He Likes Horses: Repeat No.49 “Horses”
  57. Dressmaker Starts To Weep: Repeat No.55 “Narcissus
  58. Dressmaker Looks Up: Repeat No.49 “Horses”
  59. The Last Trojan Is Captured: Repeat Theme No.10
  60. Helen Appears: “Broken Hearted” by Henderson
  61. King Opens Door: “Cheatin’ On Me” by Pollack
  62. Helen Opens Cape: “Oh Baby” by Donaldson
  63. Aw, Come On Helen: “Side by Side” by Woods
  64. Back To Normalcy: “Home Sweet Home” by Margis-Berger
  65. I Am The Prince of Ithaca: “Le Serment de Mathurin” by Snoek
  66. Helen Enters: “Oh Boy, What A Girl” by Green
  67. Prince Kisses Her Hand: “So That’s The Kind of A Girl you Are” by Burke

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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