Thanks for the Buggy Ride

Title: Thanks for the Buggy Ride

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: THEME “Thanks for the Buggy Ride” by Buffano (Villa Motet Inc.)
  2. In Keeping With: “Footloose” by Rupp (Sam Fox)
  3. Whistle Blows: “Marionette” by Arndi (Sam Fox)
  4. Office Door Insert: “My Baby Knows How” by Davis (Irving Berlin)
  5. Officer Stops Song Plugging On Street: “Pony” by Zamecnik (Sam Fox)
  6. She Lives At: “Baby Mine” by Rupp (Leo Feist)
  7. Mary Starts to Play Piano: “Chop Sticks”
  8. They Stop Playing: “You Don’t Like It—Not Much” by Miller (Leo Feist)
  9. Wagon Stops at House: “I’ve Been Longing for a Girl Like You” by Johnson (Irving Berlin)
  10. Wagon Starts Off: Repeat Theme No. 1
  11. A Picnic: “Side by Side” by Woods (Shapiro Bernstein & Co)
  12. There’s A Keen Spot: “Ain’t We Got Fun” by Whiting (J.H. Remick & Co)
  13. Joe Embraces Her: “Will ‘Ya’ Huh?” by Pinkard (Irving Berlin)
  14. Clouds Appear: “Oh! Didn’t It Rain” by Leonard (E.B. Marks)
  15. Enter Cottage: “Broken Dreams” by Spitalny (Sam Fox)
  16. I Judge You Bride and Groom: “Ain’t That Too Bad” by Endor (Shapiro Bernstein & Co)
  17. Play the New One: Repeat Theme No. 1
  18. They Stop: “Alaegro Buffonesco” by Kempinski (Irving Berlin)
  19. Open Door—Walk Out in Rain: “I Walked Back from the Buggy Ride” by Adams (Bibo, Blotdon & Lang)
  20. Insert—The Only Girl in the World: “Valse Fanscinante” by Kempinski (Irving Berlin)
  21. Hello Joe: “Scherzando Hurry” by Frey (Robbins Music Corp)
  22. Joe and Mary on Steps: “Sweethart Memories” by Davis (De Sylva, Brown & Henderson)
  23. She’s Gone to Omars: “Lost A Wonderful Girl” by Hanley (Shapiro Bernstein & Co)
  24. Café—Dancing: “Miss Annabelle Lee” by Pollack (Irving Berlin)
  25. Throw that Cheap Bunch of Flowers: “Animal Cartoonix No. 2” by Aborn (Schoin Inc)
  26. Orchestra Starts to Play: “My Blue Heaven” by Donaldson (Leo Feist)
  27. Mary Leaves with Boy: “Gossip” by Borch (Belwin Inc.)
  28. So You Broke a Date: “Gigue” by Bradford (Robbins Music Corp)
  29. Let’s Don’t Fight, Honey: “After We Kiss” by Britt (Waterson, Berlin & Snyder)
  30. I’m Gonna Play Song: Repeat Theme No. 1
  31. In the Morning: “Novelette” by Gade (Emil Ascher)
  32. Start to Sing: Repeat Theme No. 1
  33. I Want You to Meet My Little: “It Had to Be You” by Jones (J.H. Remick & co)
  34. Mary Starts to Sing in Office: Repeat Theme No. 1
  35. Aren’t You Going to Sing: “Broken Hearted” by Henderson (De Sylva, Brown & Henderson)
  36. McBride’s Reception: “Paragraphs” by Fall (Emil Ascher)
  37. I’ve Got Everything Fixed: “Adventure d’Amour” by Bradford (Robbin Music Corp)
  38. Colored Act on Stage: “I’m Coming Virginia” by Heywood (Robbins Music Corp)
  39. They Finish Act—Piano Starts on Next Act: Repeat Theme No. 1
  40. Boys In Room Dressing: Repeat No. 3 “Marionette”
  41. But Joe!: “A Passionate Episode” by Engleman (Bosworth & Co)
  42. Joe Backs Out of Room: Repeat Theme No. 1

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: phgcZv9Ngg

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