Masked Emotions

Title: Masked Emotions

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “S’posin’” by Denniker
  2. Summer and Vacation Time: “Before the Mast” by Laurendeau
  3. Sailor Seen Washing Clothes: “I’ll Tell the World” by Turk
  4. O’Brien Looks At Shore Thru Torn Garment: “Mean to Me” by Turk
  5. Young Brother Seen With Monocle: “Heave Ho” by Copping
  6. Girl Dives Off Cliff: Repeat No.4 “Mean To Me”
  7. Split Apple Island: “Go To Sleep My Baby (Direct Cue)” (Play Once Through)

SEGUE: “The Goofy Gob” by McDonald

  1. Fishing Hook Catches Man’s Pants: Repeat No.7 “Go To Sleep My Baby” (Play Once Through)

SEGUE: “The Goofy Gob” by McDonald

  1. O’Brien Leaves Younger Brother: “Ho-Ho-Ho-Hogan” by Tucker
  2. Who’s The High Diving Venus: “Banter” by Rapee
  3. Fisherman’s Caves: “Light Fingered” by Rapee
  4. Elderly Man Seen Walking Up Gangplank: “Admiral’s All” by Bath
  5. Woki, I Told You To Keep: “Vendetta” by Herzberg
  6. After Captain Leaves Woki: Repeat No.3 “I’ll Tell The World”
  7. Woki and Larson See Girl: “The Smugglers” by Axt
  8. Woki Stops Girl at Gate: “Misterioso-Patetico” by Brunelli
  9. Young Man Seen Coming Aboard Boat: “Ragging the Waves” by Rosey
  10. Larson Hits Boy: “Astir” by Berge
  11. Woki Seen Aboard Ship: Repeat No.13 “Vendetta”
  12. Night and No Thad: “The Erl King” by Schubert
  13. Brother Gets On “Bargee” Boat: “Tragic Andante” by Sibelius
  14. O’Brien Carries Brother To Doctor: Repeat No.20 “Erl King”
  15. O’Brien Collapses: “A Song of Death” by Preston
  16. O’Brien Lifts Brother and Continues: “Dramatic Tension” by Axt
  17. Interior of Doctor’s Home: “Erotic” by Grieg
  18. What the Devil Would Hurt A Kid: “The Crisis” by Pasternack
  19. Change of Scene to Painting: “Suspense” by Charrosin
  20. You’re Hiding Something: “Disperazione” by Gabriel Marie
  21. Woki, Did A Boy Come Aboard: “Incid. Symphony No.4” by Kempinski
  22. Change of Scene to Larson Sneaking Around House: “Agitato Mysterioso” by Langey
  23. Emily Seen Coming Downstairs: “Misterioso Erotico” by Heymann
  24. Sit Down: “Dramatic Conversation” by Becce
  25. That Fits. Doesn’t It?: “Finale Tragico” by Becce
  26. Larnson and Woki Seen Sneaking Away: “Lamento” by Berge
  27. O’Brien and Girl Hear Footsteps: Repeat No.11 “Light Fingered”
  28. O’Brien Comes Out of Room: “Agitato No.3” by Williams
  29. O’Brien and Larson Seen Fighting: “Spirit of Vengeance” by Beghon
  30. MacDonald Punches Larson: Repeat No.7 “Go To Sleep My Baby”

SEGUE: “Violence” by Lowitz

  1. Change of Scene To Doctor’s Home: “Homeland” by Huerter
  2. You Win—They’re Brown: Repeat No.1 “S’posin’”

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: f3dNO1czTb

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