Honor Bound

Title: Honor Bound

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Mood Pensive” by Applefield
  2. Lady Rings Door Bell: “Tears of Sorrow” by Savino
  3. Man Enters Apartment: “Incid. Symphony No.41” by Hintz
  4. Change Of Scene To Evelyn: “Disappointment” by Kempinski
  5. The Alamosa Coal Mine: “Desert Dawn” by Bernard
  6. Go Out and Stop: “Imprecations” by Baron
  7. Replacements For The: Repeat No.5 “Desert Dawn”
  8. The Mortimer Home: “Cocotte” by Tyson
  9. Husband Enters House: “Fruhlinsliebe” by Pasternack
  10. Ogletree, This Is My Wfie: “Adventure d’Amour” by Bradford
  11. Aren’t You Going: “Dramatic Love Scene” by Finck
  12. I’ll Do Everything: “Amoroso Appassionato” by Delille
  13. Husband Enters House: Repeat No.4 “Disappointment”
  14. The Night Shift: “The Toilers” by Axt
  15. A Few Days of Sunshine: “Sunshine” by Berlin
  16. Evelyn Seats John On Rock: “Heart’s Pleading” by Rapee-Axt
  17. You Fool! I Hate You!: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini
  18. Car Overturns: “Dramatic Tension” by Luscomb
  19. Husband Enters Hospital: “Incid. Symphony No.14” by Luz (Letter A)
  20. Change of Scene To Mine: Repeat No.14 “The Toilers”
  21. Change of Scene To Office: “Chastity” by Kay
  22. Well—I’m Digging: “Dramatic Andante No.1” by Rapee-Axt
  23. Husband and Wife Leave John: THEME “I’ll Dream Of You” by Shikret
  24. Change of Scene To Mortimer and Evelyn: “The Verdict” by Zamecnik
  25. Mortimer Goes In To Keller’s Room: Repeat No.19 “Incid. Symphony No.14”
  26. “Skip” Talks To Keller: “Incid. Symphony No.14” by Luz (Letter B)
  27. Evelyn Comes In To Hospital: “Symphonic Incidentals No.14 (Marquardt)
  28. Change of Scene To Mine: Repeat No.14 “The Toilers”
  29. I Came To Warn You, John: THEME “I’ll Dream Of You” by Shikret
  30. John Leaves Nurse: “The Accusation” by Patou
  31. Take Him To The Recreation Grounds: “Rache-Vengeance” by Porret
  32. Change of Scene To John On Cot: “Heartaches” by Pasternack
  33. Lights Out: “Ondes Mysterieuses” by Franceschi
  34. Smoke Seen: “Panicy Agitato” by Berge
  35. Bursting Of Flames: “Fury” by Zamecnik
  36. John Jumps Thru Flames: Repeat Theme N.29 (Play “FF”)
  37. The Man You Love Is Missing: “Agitated Appassionato” by Kilenyi
  38. Evelyn Seen Running: “Emotional Agitato” by Drigo’s Cinema Classics
  39. I’m Free Seima: Repeat Theme No.29
  40. Don’t Be A Fool!: “Grand Appassionato” by Becce
  41. John and Seima Embrace: Repeat Theme No.29
  42. Honor Bound: “Reproach” by Zamecnik
  43. Lashing Starts: “Uproar” by Neinass
  44. Automobile Arrives: “Karma” by Herbert
  45. Evelyn Grabs Whip: “Rebellion” by Pasternack
  46. Man Opens Gates: Repeat No.44 “Karma” (Play “PP”)
  47. Your Sacrifice: Repeat Theme No.29

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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