The Broadway Drifter

Title: The Broadway Drifter

Author: E.K. Blanck

Publisher: Musical Synopsis, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: E.K. Blanck

OCLC Number:


Love theme – “Love Me All the Time” by Rose

  1. At screening: “L’Amour Valsant” by Kirk
  2. An apartment hotel: “Le Retour” by Bizet
  3. It wasn’t only: “Carolina Stomp” by Bloom
  4. Bob Stafford: “Valse Divine” by Rosey
  5. Winston coughing: “Adagio Cantabile” by Smith
  6. Showdown of cards: “The Verdict” by Mause
  7. Many women had angled: “Adorable” by Wynburn
  8. You might as well: “Treachery” by Fletcher
  9. You’re a little too: “Dramatic Tension No. 6” by Zamecnik
  10. Father enters: “Amoureuse” by Gillet
  11. You probably heard: “Cavatina” by Raff
  12. Bob looks at B’way: “Tragic Parting” by Hausenchild
  13. In the morning: “Glad Days” by Berche
  14. Newspaper insert; “Lucky Day” by Henderson
  15. The door of: “Mountain Greenery” by Rodgers
  16. Ever since you’ve been: LOVE THEME
  17. Eileen’s uncle: “Fluerette D-Amour” by Fletcher
  18. Winston had found: “Gaiety” by Savino
  19. Home of Doug Harmon: “Ashes of Roses” by Arnold
  20. Bob at home: LOVE THEME
  21. Winston and Mignon: “Intermezzo” by Arinsky
  22. Girls in gymnasium: “Pastime” by Clutsam
  23. A home such as: LOVE THEME
  24. You have a college: “Apres L’Orage” by Mouton
  25. Laura enters: “Misterioso Allo Valse” by Savino
  26. You boys can run: “Little Flower Garden” by Breil
  27. Close of up cards: “Autumn Voices” by Bassett
  28. The bridge game had: LOVE THEME
  29. Weeks had passed: “Aeroplane Galop” by LaMothe
  30. I don’t know what: “Ellinge” by Byford
  31. Flashback of plane: “Moto Pericoloso” by Schad
  32. Winston and Mignon: “Plotting” by Lecoq
  33. An hour later; “Conspiracy” by Zamecnik
  34. Bob enters: “Affizione” by G. Marie
  35. And I trusted you: LOVE THEME
  36. To Eileen: “Simple Aveu” by Thome
  37. Newspaper insert: “The Meeting” by Jebe
  38. Bob was back: “Precious” by Whiting
  39. Bob leaves: “Desperation” by Schad
  40. Eileen at piano: “Panicky Agitato” by Berge
  41. Eileen sighs: LOVE THEME
  42. Winston alone: “Agony” by Kempinski
  43. Happiness – success: LOVE THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: 1Cp4pc33cf

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