Title: The Big Parade
Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1925
Format: Cue Sheet
Document type: Cue Sheet
All authors/contributors:
OCLC Number:
- At screening: “The Big Parade” by Axt
- The spring of 1917: “Yankiana Suite No. 1” by Thurban
- On life’s other side: “Flirting Lovers” by Kempinski
- Me work: Whistle and noise effects—war declared
- Man with towel over face: “Sweet Little Woman O’Mine” by Bartlett
- Jim gets into auto and goes away: “School Days” by Edwards
- What a thing is patriotism: Drum solo in march tempo
- Jim’s car stops: “Over There” by Cohan
- Jim opens door and enters to mother: Repeat No. 5 “Sweet Little Woman O’Mine”
- Father enters: “American Festival Overture”
- Girl runs into room: Repeat No. 6 “School Days”
- Jim has enlisted: Assembly call
Segue: “Tommy, Lad” by Margetson
- From avenue to alley: Assembly call
- After trumpet call: “Where Do We Go From Here?” by Wenrich
- You are in the army now: “We’re In the Army Now”
- When nightfall: “Madelon” by Robert
- Soldiers come through archway: “Pack Up Your Troubles In Your Old Kit-Bag” by Powell
- Change of scene after pigs run out of barn: “I Ain’t Got Weary Yet” by Wenrich
- Second close-up of Jim: “We’re In the Army Now”
- Say I joined the army: “K-K-Katy” by O’Hara
- O’Hara takes a shovel from Slim: “Mirth and Merriment” by Delille
- Dog tired: “Over There” by Cohan
- Jim takes box: “School Days” by Edwards
- Close-up of O’Hara before title—“It’s to eat, ain’t it”: “Shoot” by Kaufman
- Jim take knife: “My Buddy” by Donaldson
- Farmer, have you: “Hinky Dinky Parlay Voo?” by McHugh
- Close-up of Jim alone: “The Little Millionaire” by Cohan
- Close-up of Slim alone: “Comrades” from Old Timers by Lake
- After an hour: “When Yankee Doodle Learns to Parlez Vous Francais” by Nelson
- Jim rolling barrel: Repeat No. 19 “We’re In the Army Now”
- Girl and cow show: “Le Belote” by Yvain
- Jim turns and sees cow: Repeat No. 20 “K-K-Katy”
- Jim sees Melisande through barrel hole: Repeat No. 31 “Le Belote”
- Pail falls in water: Repeat No. 19 “We’re In the Army Now”
Segue: “Cynical Scherzando” by Axt
- Jim comes to arch after coming down tree: Repeat No. 31 “Le Belote”
- I don’t understand: Repeat No. 29 “When Yankee Doodle Learns to Parlez Vous Francais”
- Change of scene when Jim and girl walk away: “Happy Moods” by Marquardt
- Kitchen scene—trumpeter appears on screen: Mess—trumpet call
- Jim walks to girl: Repeat No. 31 “Le Belote”
- Melisande kisses Jim’s cheek: LOVE THEME, “Douce Fievre” by Y’Ener
- Jim whistling: “Over There” by Cohan
- Jim stops whistling second time: Repeat Love Theme No. 40
- Me you tris much love: Repeat No. 29 “When Yankee Doodle Learns to Parlez Vous Francais”
- I am veree happy: Repeat Love Theme No. 40
- Mouth harmonica: Imitate mouth harmonica on organ or by drummer
- One harmonica scene: “Alice” by Hauenschild
- Once a week: “La Marseillaise”
- Girl comes from house to Jim: Repeat Love Theme No. 40
- Girl introduces Jim: “Rocking-Horse Parade” by Ring-Hager
- Close-up of Melisande with candle: Repeat Love Theme No. 40
- Jim and girl see Slim and O’Hara: “Incid. Symphony No. 29” by Damaur
- O’Hara and Slim in trough: “We Won’t Go Home Until Morning” by Lake
- O’Hara arrives at fight: Repeat No. 51 “Incid. Symphony No. 29”
- We weren’t stealing: “Incid. Symphony No. 34” by Kempinski
- Melisande plucks rose: Repeatl Love Theme No. 40
- Eat your chow: “Beans” by Luz
Note: Watch for mail trumpet call—whistle or stage, then mail trumpet call
- After trumpeter: “Devil Dogs” by Marquardt
- Letter on screen: Repeat No. 29 “When Yankee Doodle Learns to Parlez Vous Francais”
- Professor wipes forehead: “If He Can Fight Like He Can Love” by Meyer
- O’Hara leaves Slim: Repeat No. 17 “Pack Up Your Troubles In Your Old Kit-Bag”
- Jim reading letter after title—“And they’re making”: Repeat No. 23 “School Days”
- Melisande enters: Repeat No. 31 “Le Belote”
- Close-up of Jim: LOVE THEME, “Douce Fievre” by Y’Ener
- Trumpeter appears: Consecutive trumpet calls
- Slim spits on candle: Repeat No. 51 “Incid. Symphony No. 29”
- Auto at archway: “The Big Parade” by Axt
- And when Jim’s outfit: Bugle call
- After four bars ¾ call: Repeat No. 17 “Pack Up Your Troubles In Your Old Kit-Bag”
- Their first welcome: “Battle Hurry” from Military Suite by Luz
- To the front: Repeat No. 66 “The Big Parade”
[remainder missing]
Source: Carl Braun Collection
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