Title: The Big Diamond Robbery
Author: James C. Bradford
Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929
Format: Cue Sheet
Document type: Cue Sheet
All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford
OCLC Number:
- At screening: “Petite Bijouterie” by Bohm
- Aunt takes seat at desk: “Prelude” by Jarnefelt
- Ellen and Rodney enter room: “Flapperette” by Greer
- Elevated seen: “Rural Flirts” by Bradford
- Tom starts off in taxi: “Western Allegro” by Rapee-Axt
- I’ll race you to the stable: “Zip” by Frey
- How dare you pull me from my horse: “Chatter” by Kahn
- I’m sorry I was so mean to you: “Pastime” by Clutsam
- Taxi stuck on road: “Get Out and Get Under” by Abrahams
- Ellen and Rodney in fast car: Repeat No. 6 “Zip”
- Ellen stops car—officers ride up: “Irish Agitato” by Palumbo
- Tom at entrance to house: “Al Fresco” by Herbert
- Judge telephones Mr. Brooks: Repeat No. 7 “Chatter”
- Tom, Mr. Brooks and aunt: “Entr’acte Lovelorn” by Wood
- Ellen, I‘ve decided to send you: Repeat No. 2 “Chatter
- Taxi at door: “Funny Faces” by Ring-Hager
- Crooks appear on adjoining roof: “In the Night” by Noack
- Tom sees crooks: “Appassionato Romantico” by Bradford
- Tom ropes Eddie: “Dramatic Scenes” by Eggert
- It would ruin me: “Conspiracy” by Zamecnik
- Observation car of train: “Bavardage” by Klemm
- Tom makes get away: “Dance of the Elves” by Troostwyk
- Locomotive blows whistle: “Hurry No. 26” by Minot
- Insert—“Red Butte”: “Here We Go” by Kaufman
- Gun handed to old man: “Indian Whoop” by Brewer
- Indians ride towards stage coach: “Indian Orgy” by Rapee-Axt
- Indians ride away: “Gossip” by Borch
- Tom at box changing clothes” Repeat No. 20 “Conspiracy”
- Tom starts shooting: “Flick and Flock” by Patou
- Crooks appear in car: Repeat No. 20 “Conspiracy”
- Car drives up to ranch: “Excitement and Hurry” by Hoffman
- Fade-out: “Agitated Misterioso” by Rapee
- Taxi driver splashing in pool: “Animal Cartoonix No. 2” by Aborn
- Flash to Ellen and Tom: THEME, “Magic Love” by Bradford
- Insert—telegram: “Adventure d’Amour” by Bradford
- That friend of Stevens: Repeat No. 29 “Flick and Flock”
- Barney’s on his way: “Mystery Hurry” by Berge
- You said you wanted: Repeat Theme No. 34
Source: Carl Braun Collection
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