After the Storm

Title: After the Storm

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheets, 1928


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Ship Ahoy” by Frey
  2. It’s twenty five years: CAPTAIN THEME, “The Captive” by Savino
  3. I’m going ashore: “Singapore Sorrows” by Doll
  4. The Golden Crescent: “Oriental Dance” by Herbert
  5. Native draws dagger: “Disturbance” by Zamecnik
  6. It was a peach of a fight, Dad: “The Jovial Rogue” by Bradford
  7. Son, I bought you a little present: “The Gay Party” by Cafarella
  8. Deck of ship: “Chanson sans Paroles” by Heller
  9. We don’t carry passengers: Repeat Captain Theme No. 2
  10. A. Hop: “It Ain’t Gonna Rain No Mo’” by Hall
  11. Captain, Joe and girl enter: Repeat Captain Theme No. 2
  12. Captain grabs Joss and throws it overboard: “Peek In” Cobb
  13. Native girl starts to climb rope: “Comedy Excitement” by Zamecnik
  14. Below decks: “Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming” from Gems of Stephen Foster by Tobani
  15. Hop in galley: “Otaki” by Bereny
  16. Captain enters: Repeat Captain Theme No. 2
  17. Captain leaves—Hop produces another Joss: “Chow Mein” by Hersom
  18. Under the magic: LOVE THEME, “Magic Love” by Bradford
  19. Hop enters galley: “Ching Chang” by Brooks
  20. That’s just a lot of junk: “Poppyland” by Kiefert
  21. Joan puts bridal veil; on: Repeat Love Theme No. 18
  22. Dad enters cabin: “The Spectre” by Engleman
  23. Sit down, both of you: “Entr’acte Lovelorn” by Wood
  24. About an hour later: “Overture Italienne” by Zereo
  25. I don’t know what they mean: “Poursuite Dramatique” (Drigo’s Cinema Classics)
  26. Molly O’Doone nursed me: “The Swan” by St. Saens
  27. I was sentenced to prison: “Lamento” from Pique Dame by Tschaikovsky
  28. Argument with Dad starts: ”Appassionato No. 2” by Axt
  29. Let’s go to: “Dramatic Allegro” by Savino
  30. On shore Martin Dane: “Storm Music” by Ketelbey
  31. Well if it ain’t: “Silent Night” by Rebikov
  32. We’ve got to find Joe: “Storm” by Eggert
  33. Dad, Joe and sweetheart standing on deck: Repeat Love Theme No. 18

Notes: Cues transcribed by James Doering

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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