A Ship Comes In

Title: A Ship Comes In

Author: Rudolph Berliner

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheets, 1928


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: Rudolph Berliner

OCLC Number:



  1. At screening: “Hail Columbia” by Lake
  2. New York harbor: “La Forza del Destino” by Verdi
  3. Close-up of little girl: “Poupee Valsante” by Poldini
  4. Stop her crying Mamma: PLEZNIK THEME, “Norwegian Dance” by Grieg
  5. Exterior—street scene: “The Sidewalks of New York” by Lake
  6. Interior—coffee shop: “Aus der Heimath” by Strauss
  7. You watch, I show you: Repeat No. 5 “Sidewalks of New York”
  8. Sokol drops bundle: SOKOL THEME, “Evil Intentions” by Kempinski
  9. Then right away a home: Repeat Pleznik Theme No. 4
  10. Dan playing trombone: orchestra tacet, “Yankee Doodle”
  11. Pleznik and Dan finish playing together: “Sangerlust Polka” by Strauss
  12. Just to think: “A la bien Aimee” by Schutt
  13. And at home: “Fairyland” by Huerter
  14. Pleznik enters room: Repeat Pleznik Theme No. 4
  15. Eric enters room: Repeat No. 5 “Sidewalks of New York”
  16. Pleznik exhibits photo of President Wilson: “Hail to the Chief” by Lake
  17. For the emperor: “Al Fresco” by Herbert
  18. Group of men in courtroom being sworn: “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” by Carev
  19. Judge appears with hat on: “Hesitation” by Friml
  20. Within five happy years: “Spirit of America” by Zamecnik
  21. And Mr. Judge Gresham: “Camorra” by Joels
  22. Justice is answered with: Repeat Sokol Theme No. 8
  23. Such a big day: “Land of Delight” by O’Hare
  24. Mamma stands behind Eric’s chair: “Adagio” from Sonata Pathetique by Beethoven
  25. Such rehearsing: questions and: Repeat Pleznik Theme No. 4
  26. Then the greatest moment: Repeat No. 18 “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”
  27. Sokol appears in hall: “The Prowling Schemers” by Carbonara
  28. Back to Pleznik and judge: “Social Chat” by Eugene
  29. Pleznik enters storeroom: Repeat Sokol Theme No. 8
  30. Pleznik appears carrying cake box: Repeat Pleznik Theme No. 4
  31. Eric in uniform enters room: Play “Keep the Home Fires Burning”
  32. Mamma sees Eric: “Why?” by Schumann
  33. I can’t stay, Mamma: “Pathetic Symphony No. 6” by Tschaikowsky
  34. Seven o’clock: “L’Assassinat” by Tremisot

NOTE: Catch explosion—stop short and segue

SEGUE: “Excitement” by Breil

  1. Pleznik seated at table: “Andante” from Fifth Symphony by Tschaikowsky
  2. Two men seen on stairs: “Ominous Moments” by Kempinski
  3. Pleznik enters room again: “Adieu” by Friml
  4. Wartime hysteria: “Lamento” by Gabriel Marie
  5. The jury has found you: “Andante Pathetique” by Borch

NOTE: Play con sordini

  1. Insert—calendar—July 4th: “Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean” by Lake
  2. Interior—prison: “Little Serenade” by Grunfeld
  3. Back to judge Gresham: “American Patrol” by Meacham
  4. Band starts playing: Repeat No. 187 “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”
  5. Photo of Eric: “Melodie” by Tschaikowsky
  6. Girl reads telegram: “Desolation” by Patou
  7. Seven o’clock: “Fate” by Ketelbey
  8. Mamma and little girls enter shop: “The Road of Sorrow” by Kempinski
  9. Insert—clock: Repeat No. 46 “Fate”

SEGUE: “Agitato” by Engleman

  1. Sokol in hospital bed: “In the Night” by Noack
  2. Judge Gresham appears: “Cavatina” by Bohm
  3. Home: “Home, Sweet Home” by Bishop (strings only)
  4. Pleznik enters room: Repeat Pleznik Theme No. 4
  5. For Eric: “The Sacrifice” by Zamecnik
  6. Insert—Eric’s photo and wreath: orchestra tacet, “Taps”
  7. Pleznik walks toward Mamma: Play “Keep the Home Fires Burning”
  8. Pleznik raises hand to salute: Repeat No. 18 “My Country “’Tis of Thee”

Notes: Cues transcribed by James Doering

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: W578oY1aE3

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