Title: Hawkes Photo-Play Series Piano Albums, Vol. 10
Author: Edouard Patou
Publisher: London: Hawkes and Son: 1925
Series: Hawkes Photo-Play Series
Format: Sheet music
Document type: Musical score
All authors/contributors: Edouard Patou
OCLC Number:
Contents: 1. The Ambush (for fights and struggles)
2. A Vain Hope (for mysterious agitation)
3. Desolation (for scenes of extreme unhappiness, brooding, and despair)
4. Flick and Flock (for crowds, bustle, and excitement)
5. The Sacrifice (for tragic scenes)
6. The Catastrophe (for denouements and heavy dramatic scenes)
Notes: for piano
Source: Greg Breed
SFSMA ID: c1kpKx1Jui
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