Title: No. 50, P – Processional (Approach of royalty, coronations, triumphant return, etc.)
Author: Domenico Savino
Publisher: New York: G. Schirmer Inc., 1923
Series: Schirmer’s Photoplay Series
Format: Sheet music
Document type: Musical score
All authors/contributors: Domenico Savino
OCLC Number:
Notes: “50P” written in black marker at top left corner of cover page, “50” written in black marker at top right & bottom left corners; label placed on center left of cover page, including series number, title, and author; piano accompaniment (2-page spread, “50” written in black marker on top right corner of page 2), violin 1 (2-page spread), clarinet 1 in Bb (2-page spread), trumpet 1 & 2 in Bb (2-page spread), trombone, drums, violoncello, flute (2-page spread), bass, violin 2 (2-page spread), viola
Source: Don Metzger Collection
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